Famous Economist Project

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Economics Project Famous Economists

You are going to do a project to investigate famous economists. You may work with a partner or
by yourself.

Step 1 Choose one of the following people:

Adam Smith
Karl Marx
Thomas Malthus
John Maynard Kaynes
Frederich Hayek
Milton Friedman

Step 2 Answer the following questions: (you can use the internet and your book as

When were they born?

When did they die?
What was their major theory about economics? (Make sure to explain it!)
What events in their life influenced their views on the world?
What were some of their major accomplishments in life?
Did they have any famous quotations?
Why do we care about them today?

Step 3 Present you information in one of the following formats:

Video Interview
Something else clever that I havent thought of

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