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1) Pre-assessment
a. The pre-assessment that I will be using is in the form of a pre-test. It will consist of
multiple choice and math style short answer questions. In line with my teachers
grading system, I will evaluate the students using standards based grading although the
students will not be given a grade. The standards based grading rubric can be found at
the bottom of this document.
b. I will be using an identical test for the summative (post) assessment in order to best
assess each students growth. It will be graded using the standards based grading rubric
found at the bottom of this document.
c. Based on the data gathered from the pre-assessment I will add, subtract, or adjust the
amount of instructional time used for each topic. If it seems that students are already
familiar with a topic I will substitute a full teaching lesson with a review on the
concept to keep the students engaged and not bored. Additionally, I will have the
opportunity to add in extra content that moves students beyond the basic grade level
2) Formative Assessments
a. Types of Formative Assessment
i. Questions and Observations (observe and synthesize immediately)
ii. Quick Checks (observe and synthesize immediately)
iii. Classroom Activities (collect and synthesize later)-copies and rubrics will be
added in the near future
iv. Exit Tickets and Homework (collect and synthesize later) -copies and rubrics will
be added in the near future
b. Use of Formative Assessment
i. Questions and Observations will take place constantly throughout the lessons
on an individual and class-wide basis. On a whole-class level, I will monitor the
students willingness to answer questions (excitement in and number of
students raising hand) in order to monitor each students confidence in their
knowledge. Additionally this will allow me to immediately address any
misconceptions or confusion at the time it occurs. On an individual level and
while students are working independently, I can walk around the class and ask
students for an explanation of their work or thought process to ensure that they
are on the right track. This will be especially helpful when I have already
identified an issue when using a quick check (see below).
ii. Quick Checks will take place several times throughout the lesson. I will ask the
students for a thumps up, down, or sideways to quickly check comprehension of
a concept. This strategy also gives me the opportunity to quickly take stock of
students who may have an opinion/answer that differs from that of the rest of
the students.
iii. Classroom activities (independent and group) will take place throughout my 5-
day plan. Depending on the activity, I will collect all of the completed work and
evaluate how a student is progressing. These activities will give me a chance to
view each students work individually and make decisions based on the patterns
that arise. I will synthesize those patterns and use that information to
determine whether I need to fully re-teach a topic, review it, or move on to new
ideas so that the students dont become bored.

iv. Exit Tickets and Homework will be given daily during my 5-day plan.
Occasionally students will have both an exit ticket and homework on the same
day. Like classroom activities, I will be able to collect these papers and make
decisions based on the patterns that I see. However, since these will happen on
a daily basis, I will get the opportunity to reevaluate my lesson for the very next
day and make any changes that I feel are necessary.
3) Post-assessment/Summative Assessment
a. As stated above I will be using an identical copy to the pre-assessment for my
summative assessment. It will be grading using the rubric found at the end of this
b. Since I am using identical pre and post assessments as well as grading rubrics, it should
be fairly simple to track student growth. I am planning to fill out a rubric for each
student after the completion of his or her pre-assessment. After my lessons and the
post-assessment, I will use their original rubric to reexamine the students skills. This will
allow me to identify the exact skills that they gained and where they may still lack the
appropriate knowledge.

Transformations Pre-Assessment


Standards Based Grading Rubric
Students can
correctly translate,
reflect, and rotate a
Does not know the
names and
definitions of the
Cannot correctly
transform a shape
by counting the
number of points
Cannot apply
transformations to
a shapes
Knows the names
and definitions of
the different
Can correctly
transform a shape
by counting the
number of points
Cannot apply
transformations to
a shapes

Knows the names

and definitions of
the different
Can correctly
transform a shape
by counting the
number of points
Can apply
transformations to
a shapes
coordinates with a
visual model to
refer to
Knows the names
and definitions of
the different
Can correctly apply
transformations by
counting the

Students understand that

two figures are congruent
when they can use
translations, rotations, and
reflections to transform
from one to the other.
Does not know the
definition of the word
Cannot recognize when
two shapes are or are not
Does not understand that
congruent shapes always
maintain the same size
Cannot identify whether it
is possible to go from one
shape to another using a
series of transformations

Students can describe the

transformations used to
transform from one figure
to another.
Does not understand
that transformations
take place in a certain
Cannot recognize when a
translation, reflection, or
rotation has been
applied to shape using
trial and error or
Cannot describe a series
of transformations using

Given a translation, reflection,

or rotation, students can
describe how the coordinates
would change.
Does not understand that
transformations take place in
a certain order
Does not understand how
each transformation affects
the x and y coordinates
Cannot create tables that
show the new coordinates
after each transformation has
been applied.
Cannot describe in words how
each coordinate would change
given a specific
Knows the definition of the Understands that
Understands that
word congruent.
transformations take
transformations take place in
place in a certain order
a certain order
Cannot recognize when
two shapes are or are not
Cannot recognize when a Does not understand how
translation, reflection, or
each transformation affects
rotation has been
the x and y coordinates
Does not understand that
applied to shape using
congruent shapes always
Cannot create tables that
trial and error or
maintain the same size
show the new coordinates
after each transformation has
Cannot identify whether it
been applied.
Cannot describe a series
is possible to go from one
of transformations using Cannot describe in words how
shape to another using a
series of transformations
each coordinate would change
given a specific
Knows the definition of the Understands that
Understands that
word congruent.
transformations take
transformations take place in
place in a certain order
a certain order
Can recognize when two
shapes (placed side-by-
Can recognize when a
Understands how each
side) are or are not
translation, reflection, or
transformation affects the x
rotation has been
and y coordinates
Understands that
Cannot create tables that
trial and error or
congruent shapes always
show the new coordinates
maintain the same size
after each transformation has


been applied.
Cannot identify whether it
of transformations using Cannot describe in words how
is possible to go from one
shape to another using a
each coordinate would change
series of transformations
given a specific
Knows the definition of the Understands that
Understands that
word congruent.
transformations take
transformations take place in
place in a certain order
a certain order
Can recognize when two
shapes (placed side-by-
Can recognize when a
Understands how each
side) are or are not
translation, reflection, or
transformation affects the x
rotation has been
and y coordinates
applied to shape using
Understands that
Can create tables that show
trial and error or
congruent shapes always
the new coordinates after

Transformations Pre-Assessment


number of points
maintain the same size
Can apply a
Can identify whether it is
transformation to a
possible to go from one
shapes coordinates
shape to another using a
without visually
series of transformations
modeling the
when the transformations
are mapped


Knows the names

and definitions of
the different
Can correctly apply
without having to
count every single
Can apply a
transformation to a
shapes coordinates
without visually
modeling the

Can Understand that
transformations take
place in a certain order
Can recognize when a
translation, reflection, or
rotation has been
applied to shape using
trial and error or
Can describe a series of
transformations using
Understands that
transformations take
place in a certain order
Can recognize
transformations using
critical thinking abilities
(without trial and error
or modeling).
Can describe a series of
transformations using

Know the definition of the

word congruent.
Can recognize when two
shapes are or are not
congruent without seeing
them side-by-side
Understands that
congruent shapes always
maintain the same size
Can identify whether it is
possible to go from one
shape to another using a
series of transformations
without having to map the

each transformation has been

Cannot describe in words how
each coordinate would change
given a specific

Understand that
transformations take place in
a certain order
Understands how each
transformation affects the x
and y coordinates
Can create tables that show
the new coordinates after
each transformation has been
Can describe in words how
each coordinate would change
given a specific

Transformations Pre-Assessment
Directions: Circle the best answer.
1. A transformation
a. is when a figure or point is changed in size
c. flips a figure over a given line of reflection.
and position on a coordinate plane.

b. moves points right-left or up-down or a
d. rotates a figure around a given point.
combination of these.
2. A translation
a. is when a figure or point is changed in size
c. flips a figure over a given line of reflection.
and position on a coordinate plane.

b. moves points right-left or up-down or a
d. rotates a figure around a given point.
combination of these.
3. A rotation
a. is when a figure or point is changed in size
c. flips a figure over a given line of reflection.
and position on a coordinate plane.

b. moves points right-left or up-down or a
d. rotates a figure around a given point.
combination of these.
4. A reflection
a. is when a figure or point is changed in size
c. flips a figure over a given line of reflection.
and position on a coordinate plane.

b. moves points right-left or up-down or a
d. rotates a figure around a given point.
combination of these.
5. When two shapes are congruent
a. they are the same size
c. their corresponding angles are the same
b. their corresponding sides are the same
d. all of the above
6. Are these two shapes congruent? Circle YES or
NO. Explain your answer.

7. Look at the coordinate plane. Are the two
shapes congruent? Explain your answer.

8. Directions: Number the following steps in the

correct order (1 is the first step and 5 is the last

__________Horizontal Reflections
__________ Vertical Reflections
__________Vertical Translations
__________Horizontal Translations

9. Name the following transformations:

This is a:

This is a:

This is a:

_________________ __________________ _______________

10. Apply the following transformations to the triangle given
Translate 4 points right and 3

points down.
Reflect across the y- axis
Rotate 90 around the origin

11. Draw a line from the coordinates to the
13. Create a table that shows the new coordinates
transformation that has been applied:
for a triangle with the coordinates (2,6) (5,6)
a. (4,5) to (4,10)
(3,8) that has been reflected over the y-axis.

Original New
b. (6,3) to (6, -3)

c. (2,3) to (3, -2)

14. Describe how a translation of 3 units to the left
12. Is the following table correctly showing the
and 7 units up would change a shapes
coordinates for a rectangle that has been
translated 4 units left?

Original New


(0,-3) (-4,-3)


(4,-3) (0,-3)

15. The original shape is shown in red. The new shape is shown in black. Explain the transformations
used to get from the red shape to the black shape in the space provided below the line. BE SPECFIC.

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