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What is your major?


Human Biology

human biology

What is your academic


Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?


This course was either

more or just as well
organized as my other This is my first
two online courses.
Anthropology course.
I believe that in this
online class that there
was a lot more
communication than
others I have taken in
the past. Normally there
were just lectures and a
test, but this one was
more reflections on what
you saw in the lectures
and was better than just
doing tests.


I really enjoy the

flexibility in time do class
assignments. I work
during the day, so to be
able to do this class in I have not taken any
my free time works
other anthropology


This course sounded

very interesting, and it
helped me to fill a
general education

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

How did the course

compare to your

I was expecting to learn

a lot of history related to It was completely
how certain medical
different from my
practices came to be.

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

I didn't know anything

about Medical

I didnt really know what

to expect. My only
knowledge of
Anthropology was that it
was the study of humans
but after taking it, I am
I took it as a requirement much more informed on It definitely exceeded my I didnt know very much,
to my major.
the topic.
just the known definition.

Genomics and Molecular Senior

I knew that there were

factors additional to
I enjoyed the course
biology that impacted
setup much more the
health but I didn't know
way Professor Karim has how much of an impact
arranged it. I even felt
these other factors were
that the writing wasn't
on the medical decisions
too much work.
being made.

Interdisciplinary studies i Senior

My experience was
about the same as any
other experience with
online courses in other
departments at MSU.

I learned everything i
thought I was going to

Human Biology

Pretty standard, enjoyed

the website building and
blog format through your
website much more, way
easier to use.



I can't compare my
experience because I
have never taken an
online Anthropology
course besides this one.

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

This course just

reinforced my passion
for curing animals of

I learned that even

though I may think I
know what is culturally
acceptable in certain
areas, I may be
completely wrong and
should check with an
expert first.

One thing I learned was

that it is not just curing
the disease that matters,
but trying to find the
My opinion is very
reason why it happened
changed because I now based on cultural,
know what an
biological, environment,
anthropologist truly does. etc...

Would you recommend Would you take another

this course to another
course from this
student? Why or why
instructor? Why or why
I wouldn't recommend
this course to everyone
because it was a lot of
writing and not everyone
I know is interested in
the topic of medical
Yes because my
anthropology, but I would instructor was incredibly
definitely recommend it well organized and very
to those who I thought nice. I always
were up for the job and appreciate a methodical
would find it interesting. instructor.

I would recommend this

course to another
because I learned a lot
and if you are in the field
of science as a major,
this class is definitely a
good one to take.

I would take another

course from this
instructor based on how
she interacted with the
Yes, he was very kind in
all his emails. The
Yes, i would recommend professor seem
It will help me in my
this course. I think the
concerned with making
career to adequately
professor and TA were sure we understood the
In the future when i am treat patients and make both very nice and quick material and that we did
working with a patient i them feel comfortable. I to answer questions. I
not have any problems
To meet an elective
I did not know anything think i will be much
will also take compliance think the time flexibility with understanding how
option for my major. It
about it. I took the class better at determining at into account and know for people who work is the class was run. If i
was one of the choices
I did not have
only off a short
how to help the patient what things they may
one of the best i have
have an option to have
that i though sounded
i did not really know what expectations but i did
description from my
given their cultural
have trouble
seen from a class at
him as a professor again
to expect.
really enjoy this course. advisor.
michigan state.
i would do it.
this course has taught
me to look at every
individual as and
individual. you really
have to understand them yes i would. especially to
in order to find out what someone going for
I thought it would be very
is really wrong with
premed. i would
interesting since my
them. knowing someone recommend this course yes i would. she seemed
major is human biology I thought the course was
I have never taken an
it has opened my eyes to on a personal level will because it shows you a very caring towards her
and i want to pursue my going to be more
it pretty much met my
ANP class before so i
other professions out
get you the answers you different side to the
students and wanted
passion and later go
focused on the clinical expectations but the
didn't really know what to there and their influence will need in the medical clinical and medical
everyone to succeed in
onto medical school.
side of anthropology.
course was more broad. expect.
in the medical world.
her course.

I liked the engagement

of this course and i
would recommend it to I have not taken any
other students.
other ANP courses
I found ANP 204 to be
the most effective online
course I have taken
(AND I have taken 9).
The difference between ANP 204 had less
this class and the other material to draw from.
online courses is the
Previous ANP courses
writing involved.
provided substantial
Previously online
amount of resources to
courses involved
enhance learning. Don't
lectures recorded, notes get me wrong, there was I took this course
written and exams taken. a lot of supplemented
because it fulfilled a
Basically, you didn't have material (articles, videos, requirement for my
to learn the material.
blogs), but I didn't feel
psychology degree.
Surprisingly, I learned
there was enough
More importantly, I want
more information than I information provided
to enter the medical
expected by completing from recordings. I would profession and I am
I was expecting to listen
the Activities and
have to utilize the
highly aware that treating to a couple lectures,
Reflections. This is
internet to fully
disease is more than
read chapters from a
because you had to
understand some
biology. Therefore, I
textbook and then take
apply the material to
concepts because I
thought it beneficial to
an exam. I wasn't
situations that are
didn't feel they were
include this class in my expecting as much
explained thoroughly.
writing as there was.

Human Biology

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

I took this course

because the course
description looked

To learn about
anthropology in the
medical field.

Met graduation
requirement, was online,
and only one summer
semester long. Spent
first half of summer
To get a 4.0 to keep
studying and taking the building a strong GPA for It was more enjoyable
med school.
than I expected!

I actually never thought

about Medical
Anthropology before
taken this course.

Literally nothing

I didn't realize how much

variation there is among
the contributing factors
that affect the way health
and illness are perceived
across cultures. My
I learned that practices I would highly
belief that non-medical and beliefs aren't
recommend this course
factors affect our
universal and that there to another student
behavior and
are always more ways interested in
I would most definitely
subsequent health
for something to be
anthropology or the
take another course from
outcomes has been
perceived then we think, medical field. Individual this instructor. She
reinforced as a result of and that it may be
behavior is deeply
provides a very fun
taking ANP 204. I wasn't necessary to look for a embedded in culture and atmosphere and
aware of how much the different perspective in illness is experienced by respects her students
work done by medical
certain situations if a
everyone. Therefore, this opinions. She wants her
anthropologists has
problem isn't resolved. In class would be a great students to not only
positively impacted
addition, your beliefs
addition for anyone. The succeed but thoroughly
societies throughout the aren't always correct or class itself is fun and you understand the material
the only ones correct.
learn a lot.
being taught.
Yes, I would recommend
this course to another
student. I actually
already recommended
this course to a friend a
couple of weeks ago.
The reason why I would
recommend this course
is because I think this
course is beneficial to
I never formed an
The one thing that I
anyone going into a
opinion on Medical
learned from this course health field; medicine,
Anthropology, therefor is the importance of
public health, global
my opinion hasn't
anthropologists in the
health, epidemiology,
Yes,I would because i
medical field.
like her teaching method.
Yes I would, I enjoyed
her voice, not in a creepy
way but she was
pleasant and passionate
about the material. I also
The narrative of a
enjoyed the assignments
Yes my opinion has
patients illness and how Yes, very eye opening and the effort and
changed, I have much crucial it is to understand and beneficial for anyone professionalism were
greater appreciation and illness through their
wanting to work within evident, she was a
respect for the field.
the health care field.
quality instructor.

What is your major?

What is your academic




Human Biology


Human Biology


Interdisciplinary Studies Senior

Human Biology


Human Biology


Human Biology




Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course Would you recommend
that will help you
this course to another
personally or
student? Why or why
I think the one thing that
I took this course
will help me is
I would if they were
because I was interested
understanding how
interested in medicine or
This course was great it in Medical Anthro after I didn't know what to
cultures and societies
anthropology. I think it's
was just very intense. I working on a research expect. I was worried
It is pretty much what I I knew quite a bit before It has not changed. I still treat illnesses and
a refreshing outlook on
felt behind the whole
grant with Dr. Hunt in
that the terminology
expected but I didn't
the class but the class is feel the same I did
disease differently and to medicine today and that
time but I completed all 2009. It really opened
would be too much for think there would be so obviously way more in before, just with knowing appreciate it and
more goes into health
the assignments so I
my eyes and made me me and it was a little
much to do with such
depth than what I
and understanding a lot empathize with those
care than just medicine
guess that is good.
interested to learn more. much but I think I did ok. little time.
and doctors.

This class was great!

Other classes were way
too condensed into 7
weeks. The amount of
material that we were
expected to master was
insane compared to the
time frame we had to do
it. I liked that this class
focused on actually
understanding the
material rather than just
memorizing random
facts for a multiple
choice test! I think you
figured out how to
correctly set up an online I haven't taken any other
class! Thanks so much online anthropology
for this great experience! classes.

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

I took this class because

it sparked my interest
because I want to be a
doctor. All other "doctor
classes" are hardscience classes such as
physics and chemistry.
This class gave me a
chance to reflect on
other areas of medicine I honestly had no clue
that will help me to
what to expect! I barely
become the best doctor I knew what Anthropology
can be!

How did the course

compare to your

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

I saw that there is so

much more than just
Culture! It was amazing
MCAT material needed to see how culture
to become a doctor. I
affected every part of the
feel like this class taught illness experience for a YES! It was very
me info that I won't learn patient. I will no longer informative and opened YES! She was very
in med school. This class treat every patient the
my eyes! I learned to
helpful and very good as
showed me to think
same because there is critic all aspects of
setting up this class. If
It exceeded my
about many different
so much "culturallymedicine, especially
there was a problem she
expectations and was a
aspects when going
specific" information
biomedicine, in order to was always willing to
great addition to my
I didn't know anything to about diagnosing a
necessary to become a really understand the
help or to direct you to
medical knowledge!
be honest.
good doctor.
illness experience.
someone who can!
I already knew about
accepting culture into the
health care field but I
learned more about it in
this class and feel like
It was offered for credits To learn about medical
what ever I do in the
Yes because it was
This course was based
towards my major in the anthropology and be
I enjoyed the class a lot
health care field this
pretty self paced but you
on blog post and my
summer online and it
able to apply my
more than I expected
I now have a stronger
class knowledge will help were able to express
Yes. I feel like she was
other online class is only
seemed like an
knowledge to my career and I learned some good
foundation on health
me be a better physician, your opinions every
fast on responses and
interesting course.
in the future.
nothing really
care and culture
PA, whatever.
very friendly and inviting.
I am interested in the
medical field so when I
That culture is an
It was a lot easier to
saw that there was a
That I would learn a lot It exceeded my
important aspect in
Yes. Taz was great! She
follow. The organization I have not taken an other medical anthropology
about other health care expectations. It was a
I didn't think anything
I definitely know what it assessing health along Yes. It's really interesting was really friendly and
of the course was really online anthropology
class I thought it would systems and ways of
really fun course and
really because I didn't
is now and think it's
with other non-biological and interactive and you always willing to help
be interesting.
very interesting.
really know what it was. awesome.
learn a lot.
I enjoyed how this
My weebly on
Yes, especially if they
course was set up more
Periodontal Disease
were in the medical or
than any other. The use
taught me all aspects of dental field. The class
of video, written articles,
the disease through
does a great job of
and active writing made
The Human Biology
each anthropological
showing the more
Absolutely, she did a
the course so much
department offers a list
Compared well, but there
I never realized how
approach which will be unknown sides to the
great job and I am now
better than some others I
from which I was
was much more to
Not a lot. just that it
much less some cultures very helpful when going field in which an
doing research with her
have taken where you
required 12 credits and
anthropology based on looked at how things like relied on
through dental school
everyday dentist or
outside of the class. She
simply read and watch
ANP 204 seemed like
To learn different ways in certain societies morals, medical practices and
and so on to hopefully doctor may not get the truly shows care for each
everything and take
one of the most
which society treats
values, ect. that I had no rituals changed over a compared to society in running my own dental chance to study as an
student she interacts
medical issues
idea about.
variety of societies.
the United States.
undergrad student.
with including myself.
I have learned that many
outside factors like
I felt that this class was
culture, economic
much more organized
I was expecting to put
I did not know much of
statues, and politics can yes, I found it very
and engaging than most I have never taken
It was an option to
forth a lot of effort and I did do well, and I even anything about it I just
influence how people
interesting and
yes, she was always
other online classes I
another anthropology
complete a requirement hopefully do well in this enjoyed it as time went knew it was a way of
I have com to really
treat, and deal with an stimulating and set up in very helpful, friendly and
have had.
course at msu.
for my major.
studying illnesses.
respect anthropology.
a unique way.
quick at responding.
This course was
organized and
descriptive about what
Just to look at all things
Yes I would because I
needed to be done, and I have not taken any
I was advised to take this
culturally and how they
liked how it was
when it needed to be
other online
call to help complete my
The class was easy and That it might have been It turned out to be some could affect people and Yes I would, very easy organized and the light
Anthropology courses. major.
For it to run smoothly.
okay to manage.
a boring topic.
what interesting.
all the ways it could.
and you learn a lot.
course load.
This course taught me
the importance of
Yes! This course is a
viewing all useful
fabulous introduction to
perspectives of an illness the field of medical
because each provides a anthropology and
I really didn't know
piece of the puzzle
provides valuable
anything about medical
needed for successful
insight. Pre-med
anthropology before I
healthcare measures or students especially
took this course. I didn't
in any situation even.
would benefit by this
I felt that this course was
Last semester, my
think there were so many
This course has taught course because they
very interactive and
microbiology major was I was very excited about It surprised me, but I am different perspectives
My opinion of this course me that you can never could learn how to
engaging because the
not really working for me, the course, but I had no thoroughly satisfied with one can take on a
after taking it is that it
assume that you know engage diseased
materials from week to
so I was looking for a
idea what to expect. The my experience. The idea healthcare situation. I
deserved all good credit the whole story without populations and
Absolutely. Taz was
week were varied. My
major change and
only this I understood
of a class blog was very thought it was simply the given to its name. It was first examining all the
understand their cultures fabulous. She was
other online course was
discovered anthropology. about the class was that intimidating because
combination of medical a very interesting,
given evidence. And
in order to provide better always on top of things
only video lectures and
I wanted to take this intro there were no exams
anyone can read your
expertise and studying engaging, useful, and
therefore, how could you medical treatment. This and always willing to
q&a homework. This
I have not taken any
course to see if it was
and I never had to come work, but it turned out to culture, but I know now thoughtful course. I
ever hope to help when class makes you think help. She made this
class definitely kept my other anthropology
the right major for me, to campus, which was be really different and
that there is so much
enjoyed every moment there are pieces
and teaches you not to class very enjoyable for
interest every week.
and I do believe it is.
surprising to me.
more to it than that.
of it.
rush in blind.

What is your major?

Human Biology

human biology


Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?
This online class was a
different form then the
other class that I took,
the other was exam
I took this class because
based where this one
it was recommended to
was assignment based,
me by my adviser as a
so this one was easier to
class that could be done
follow for me because
online in the summer
there was always
and would help me
something to do.
towards getting a minor.


My experience in this
course was different than
other online classes I
have taken. It was a bit
easier because it is a
200 level class, and my
other online courses
I have not taken other
were 300 or 400 level
anthropology classes at

What is your academic


Human Biology




The other classes were

physics so this was a lot
more writing
It was great! I loved that
there were not exams.
Which I feel to be hard to
administer when taking
an online course. Plus, it
was great not having to I have only taken ANP
take exams during the 204 as an online
second summer session. anthropology course.

Human Biology


Human Bio


This was very different, I

liked the blog work but
the website work didn't
seem very applicable.
This course was really
good. The only big
difference was the
website that was used
instead of angel or
loncapa. It was not my
favorite site but it worked
well. I also like getting
email reminders.
Have not taken others.
I cannot really make a
direct comparison
because I have only
taken one other online
class and it was in
physics. I can say
however that this class
seemed to have a lighter
lecture load and was set
up to allow students to I have not taken any
move at a reasonable
other online
Anthropology class
The other course was
only exams, so I like the
way that this class was
structured. It fostered
better discussion.

Human Biology


About the same

Human Biology




I can't

How did the course

compare to your

I was expecting to have

to work a bit but not to
hard while learning
different things about

I didnt really think or

know anything about it, I
It lived up to its
came in interested and
expectations, but
ready to understand
learning the blog stuff did what an anthropologist
have a learning curve to could add to the medical

The course turned out to

be really interesting, but
not what I expected. I
I did not have many
thought anthropology
expectations as I have focused more on human
I took this course
never taken an
evolution, behavior, and
because it was part of
anthropology class
culture, while this class
the electives group in my before, so I was not
seemed to focus mainly
major, and I thought
entirely sure what
on the different types of
anthropology would be anthropology is or how it approaches that
is studied.
anthropologists take.

I thought medical
anthropology focused on
how human evolution
and behavior effects the
medical field and
people's medical

I had the background of

It was more involved
ANP 370 Culture and
than I expected from an Illness, so some of the
online course
material overlapped

Fulfill my major
requirements and fit in
my schedule

No real expectations
Not much, just to learn
about medical
anthropology. It sounded
interesting and I thought
it may relate to
It looked interesting, and psychology/mental
Taz gave a great guest health which I am
lecture in my 202 course. interested in.
Better than expected.

I need this class to

transfer to a Pharmacy
program next year.

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

Not too much.

Learning more about the

history of medical
anthropology and maybe
some technologies in
medical anthropology
and a few popular
anthropologists that have Not very well, I was
an influence in things we disappointed with my
Not much, my mom told
all know and deal with expectations but overall me it was like looking at
happy with the class.
the history of disease.

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

They highly exceeded

my expectations. I
thoroughly enjoyed the
lectures, videos and
I had only briefly looked
articles. I loved the real into it thought it was
life examples.
mostly just studying.

I was extremly
impressed in learning
about the different ways
that medical
anthropologists have
been applied.

I took this course

because it was part of a
list of required classes I
had to select from and I
was told it was a good
choice. It was interesting
and very informative

I did not really have

expectations going in
except that I hoped it
was not going to take an I knew nothing about
obscene amount of
medical anthropology
workload to get through before I took this course.

Since I had no idea what

this was about, i had no
change or reinforcement
of opinion but I consider
what I have learnt about
medical anthropology a
suitable study under the

major requirement
It seemed interesting

It went smoothly.
That it would be straight
IT did

Would you recommend

this course to another
student? Why or why

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

I feel that anthropologists

would be useful to have
in the medical field
Ive learned to look past
Yes, this instructor was
because they could help just the individual and
Yes, it is a good use of easy to understand,
doctors to find out how think about cultural
time, while requiring not willing to work with the
diseases originated or to aspects that may help in too much work to do well students and quick to
help predict other ones. understanding diseases. in this class.
solve problems.
One thing I've learned in
this course is the
importance of being
aware of people's
comforts and needs
when it comes to
working in the medical
field. Many of the articles
from this course show
how necessary it is to be
sensitive of people's
cultures and
backgrounds when
Yes, I would recommend
providing them with
it because I learned a lot
health care, and this will of useful information
My opinion has slightly help me professionally about anthropology that I Yes, because I feel she
changed, as I've stated when I become a
wouldn't be able to learn is good at explaining and
in the comments above. physician.
anywhere else.
a fair grader.
It has helped me
Yes! She and the TA
understand that not all
Helped me see that
cultures view medicine
everything about the
anthropology is
the same way we do,
class very well,
important at least in
and we have to
Yes, it was informative beginning with the very
helping people
understand this in order and was easy to keep up first posts on Wordpress,
understand modern
to provide them medical with since it was during I knew exactly what to
medical practices
the summer
expect from the class
Sure! I liked it, and if
someone is going into
The same as above. I
the medical profession or
think that is something even working within
I look at how I am
one should keep in the different cultural settings
influenced by my
back of the mind when (which is a lot of jobs) I
culture/medical system seeking treatment or
think it is a good class to Yes, she's great and laid
on my ideas of heath.
assessing illness.
back, to put it simply.
No, I did not like trying to
learn how to make a
website while also
learning anthropology. I
did not like having to be
proper in emails, yes i
know your a professor
and you "earned it" but I
am a student, with a life,
a job, a family, I would
I will be able to
like to send a quick email
understand more about Yes because everyone from my phone and
Its still relevant and
how others perceive the needs to understand not receive a quick reply. We
becoming even more
disease to make the
to just stereotype but to are in the era of
prominent today than
diagnosis and treatment understand cultural
technology, we need to
ever before.
more appropriate.

I am interested in going
to medical school and
I did not know what to
my major is
expect. I thought there
might be tests.

I had no idea what

medical anthropology
entailed but I was
pleasantly surprised

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

Learning about the

placebo affect was really
interesting and I have
been thinking about it a

Yes. It is great, no
surprises. Everything is
the same each week so
you know what exactly
you need to do.

Yes, Her lectures were

well done and
understanding. She was
open to new ideas and
enjoyed discussion and
always emailed me back.

yes. It was very

informative and

yes. She was interested

in students progress as
the semester went along
and offered solutions
when we presented

Yes, informative

Yes, good

I didn't know anything

about it.

Yes, very much.

The importance of socio

economic status and
culture in the health and
well-being of an
I learned about many
different cultures, I had
no idea that biomedicine
was not emphasized in
many parts of the world.

I liked it

I love it

That patients are people Yes, it is not bad

Yes, she is awesome

What is your major?

Human Biology

human bio

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Biology


Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?
In my other two online
courses, I had exams.
One of the classes I had
to attend in person
exams and the other had
online exams. This is
also the only course that
I had blog posts. I
thoroughly enjoyed this
class and being able to
express my opinions and I have not taken other
My advisor
explore topics that I
online Anthropology
recommended this
found interesting.
course to me.


This course was set up

very nicely. It was easy
to navigate through and
the professor had a
schedule she stuck to. n/a

What is your academic






human biology


Human Biology


This is my first online

This is my first online
I liked this class a lot
better than previous
online courses, the
website was easy to use
and the
lectures/readings were
easy to follow and not
too long (it's really hard
for me personally to sit
and watch an hour +
long lecture for an online
class so these lectures
and readings were
I haven't taken any
I liked how the instructor
was enthusiastic about
the topic they were
Other online courses
teaching, it made it much read from a script in a
easier to get excited
monotone manner. Very
about the course
difficult to pay attention.
material and pay
This was the complete
This class was much
more hands on and easy
to communicate. Other
courses I have taken
online in the past were
boring and it was hard to
contact the
professor/students with
cerns. This class had the
expectations laid out
clear and simple which
was beneficial to helping
me be successful in this
This class was very easy
to navigate and
contacting Taz when a
problem came up was no
problem at all.
Educational wise, I loved
learning about medical
anthropology and the
assignments were time
appropriate. My
experience in this course
compared to other online
courses was about the
same. Easy to navigate
and the work load was
not too bad.
This online class was
structured way better
than previous online
classes I have taken. It
was very easy to folow not applicable, this was
the class schedule.
my first ANP course

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

How did the course

compare to your

This course was much

more enjoyable and
interactive than I
I was expecting to just expected. The topics
watch lectures then take were extremely
multiple choice exams interesting and useful for
on the concepts.
my future.

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

I honestly didn't know

much about Medical
Anthropology, if
I now know how useful
anything. I took this class Medical Anthropology is
in hopes to learn exactly and how I will use it in
what Medical
my future in the medical
Anthropology was.

I learned that there are

many, many factors that
need to be considered
when dealing with
people or certain

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

I just thought
Great. I didn't expect any anthropology was the
blogging or website
study of people. I didn't
making which turned out understand the holistic
to be a very fun
My thought process has
anthropologists use.
become wider.
I knew very little about
The course was a lot
medical anthropology
better than what I was specifically. I had taken a
expecting. It was a lot
course on sociocultural
more hands on research anthropology before and
I was expecting a lot of on my part rather than knew that anthropology
reading and complex
just being fed
in general was taking
My opinion has not
informative material. I
information. I really
micro and macro views necessarily changed, I
was expecting the class enjoyed it and felt like I of global issues and
just have more
to be a bit more
gained a lot of
viewing them in the right information to base my
knowledge from it.
cultural context.
opinion off of.

Would you recommend

this course to another
student? Why or why

Yes I would recommend

this course. It teaches
Yes. I believe Taz is a
you many things you
great instructor. She was
need to know in the
very easy to talk to and I
medical field and it will felt very comfortable
make us all better health asking questions if
care professionals.
Yes, the course provided Yes, I enjoyed her
an interesting look at
enthusiasm in the
health and illness. The course. Also she is doing
ways to examin health some interesting
problems were also
research and seems to
different than I had
have many oppertunities
previously seen.
for students.

To fill major
requirements and also it
seemed like it would
cover a wide range of
I didn't know what to
health topics that are
expect in my first
interesting to me.
anthropology course.

I can see the basic

website design being
used again later in my
academic career.

It was an option for a

requirement class I
needed and I chose it
because I have always
had an interest in
anthropology and
alternate ways of
studying medicine.

I think the most

important thing I learned
from this course was an I definitely would. It's not
overall understanding of only a fun and
contextualizing an
reasonably scheduled
situation or issue in the course, but you obtain a
culture that it comes
lot of useful knowledge
from in order to maintain that could make anyone
a better understanding of a more well rounded

To learn anything about

anthropology because
It was a possible option I've never taken an
to work for Human
anthropology course
Biology electives.
It definitely met them

Required to graduated

My advisor suggested
the course to me and it
seemed interesting to
learn more about.

I really wasn't sure what

it was I assumed it was
the cultural science
behind disease/medical It has definitely become

I was expecting
Very different. Not good
electronic tests instead or bad, just different from I had no idea that it
of weekly assignments. what i expected.

I was very happy with

A class relating medicine the outcome of this
and anthropology

I really didn't know

anything about it, just
that it was the
connection between
medicine and


Yes, simply because she

was enthusiastic and
fired-up about the
material and makes the
info easily accessible.

That everyone has

different beliefs, and as a Yes! Simple to be
future healthcare
successful if you keep up
professional, it is
with the course materials
essential to take that into and stay engaged in the

One thing that I learned

that will help me
professionally is how to
relate to different
I am more aware of
individuals when I am
I really liked this course
medical anthropology
consulting with them at
I thought there was
and the set up of it. The I honestly had no idea and how it is so greatly the hospital. Not
going to be a ton of work weeks work load wasnt about it and everything it impacted by not only the everyone has the same
and having no need for a too bad and the end of entailed. I was surprised medical aspect but
perspectives or beliefs
I took this because it is book made me a little
the class weebly was
to learn everything that I culturally, biologically,
and I will keep that in
mandatory for my major. nervous.
enjoyable to do.
economically, etc..

Adviser recommended it Learn what Anthropology

for a elective for my
was and how it was
yes, completed all my
expectations and more

Yes I would. The

instructors were very
good about making the
course comfortable and
making themselves
approachable and easy
to talk to.

To remember to look at
all the angles of a
situation, for example
Yes, I liked the teaching
with an illness what are
style and having
all the possible factors Yes, it was an interesting posts/comments for
that explain what caused class and you learn a lot homework instead of
it or how it spread.
of new material

absolutely, every
That everyone's case is medical professional
I realize that it is crucial different and should be should be required to
for patient management. treated as such.
take this course

Yes, I have learned a lot

about how different
cultures and
backgrounds interact
with medical
professionals and how
their beliefs may impact

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

Of course I would take

I would recommend this another course with this
course to another
instructor. Taz is an
student because it is
awesome individual and
enjoyable, you learn
a super interesting
valuable information, and person! I loved taking
it is somewhat easy.
her class.
yes, she was very
yes, I know now how
amazing at remaining in
important anthropology
contact and showing
is to everyday life,
Different cultures
exactly what she
including how it can help sometimes require
yes, super easy, fun, and expected during the
the medial field.
different treatment plans very interesting.

What is your major?

What is your academic


Human Biology








Clinical Laboratory Scien Senior

Human Biology


Human bio




Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course Would you recommend Would you take another
that will help you
this course to another
course from this
personally or
student? Why or why
instructor? Why or why
I've learned that a lot of
factors contribute to the
development of illness
and how people
I would recommend this
I know have a much
experience illness. I think course to any students
greater respect for the this will enable me to
going into the healthcare
value of medical
provide more
profession. I think it is a
This class did a good job
anthropology. I
personalized and better great way to build a
I thought this course was of applying the course
I only had a vague
understand that it can
treatment to my future medical knowledge base Yes! I loved the way the
a great online course
material to real life
opinion about medical
contribute to the medical patients. I think that it
from a perspective other course was formatted
because it was based on situations. Previously, I It seemed really
anthropology - definitely profession in a way that will make me a better
than biomedicine. This and Taz did a great job
blog posts instead of
have taken anthropology interesting and useful for
not enough to apply to pure biomedicine can't. I professional because I'm course would definitely of presenting the
exams. I thought it gave classes that only taught my future as a
This course was better anything. I knew that it think medical
now more open to
be beneficial for anyone material in a way that
me a good
the theories and not how professional. It also
I didn't expect it to apply than I expected and I
dealt a lot with culture
anthropology is a good understanding medicine who wants to provide
was engaging and
understanding of the
they apply to me
fulfilled a requirement for as much to my future as learned a lot that I know I but that's about all I
addition to the medical and illness from multiple care and treatment to
educational at the same
my specialization.
it did.
will use in my future.
This class was well
I learned much about
organized and taken
It was an ANP credit and A relatively challenging
medical anthropology
I learned different
more seriously on behalf I have not taken another Ethan Watrall's classes course with cool
and how it can be
approaches to studying a Yes, but only if they are Yes, it was well
of the graders.
online anthro
are excellent,
Met expectations.
I knew nothing of it.
willing to do work.
How health and illness
can be looked at in
several ways and
I really didn't have any
understanding the
clue what the class
different elements can
This course consisted of
would be like because I know better understand help myself better
a lot more writing than
It was a suggested
this was my first
anthropology and what it understand patients
Yes. It is a good elective Yes the instructor was
my other course.
elective for PA school. No real expectations.
Anthropology course.
pertains to.
but lots of writing.
How health and illness
can be looked at in
several ways and
I really didn't have any
understanding the
clue what the class
different elements can
This course consisted of
would be like because I know better understand help myself better
a lot more writing than
It was a suggested
this was my first
anthropology and what it understand patients
Yes. It is a good elective Yes the instructor was
my other course.
elective for PA school. No real expectations.
Anthropology course.
pertains to.
but lots of writing.
Yes, I would definitely
take another course from
This class was much
Taz. She had the class
more general than I was
well-organized and
hoping for. As stated
responded to students'
above I really wanted to
I learned more about
I probably would not
questions promptly. Also,
learn about specific
subjective illnesses and recommend this course the most important
The online format of this
cultural practices in
the importance of the
to another student.
aspect of an online
class was pretty different
healthcare. Although
way people think about Although it is completely course, for me
as compared to other
there were examples of
their illness. I understand possible to get a good personally, is the
classes. Other classes
that, the overall course I knew that Medical
I better understand the now that this is a
grade in the class if you presentation of the class
utilized Angel, but this
I took this course to learn
was a much more
Anthropology had to do various ways that
necessary perspective do the work, I don't feel material in the videos. I
one obviously used
about how other people I expected to learn about general introduction to with the study of
anthropologists can
for doctors to understand like I got a lot out of the was very happy to see
WordPress to create a This was my first online cultures thought about specific cultural practices medical anthropology
healthcare systems, but study human health
to properly improve the class that I didn't
that the quality of Taz's
Anthropology course.
in healthcare.
than I had anticipated. that's about it.
health of their patients. instinctually know before. videos was very high.
I found this course to be
more interesting, and
easy to follow than other
online courses I have
taken. I think the
amount of material
covered was also more
I took this course
appropriate than other
because I was an option
online classes I have
in my degree program. I
It will help me to view the
taken. The instructors
chose this class over
It was a lot different.
I have learned a lot
desires and needs of
Yes-nice, great teacher,
were also easier to
I have not taken any
other classes because it An average class with
There were not exams,
about medical
patients differently. I will Yes, informational,
organized, and prompt
communicate with, and other online
sounded interesting, and exams, homework,
and a lot of interaction
anthropology and how also consider all aspects interesting and the
responses to questions.
provided faster
anthropology classes at different from a typical quizzes, little interaction between students and
important it is in
of a patient while treating instructors have
An overall great
science class.
with students etc.
Almost nothing.
everyday life.
reasonable expectations. instructor.
In the future I hope to
become a PA and now I
I really liked how
know how important it is
although this class was
to consider a patient's
online, we still got to
cultural background
interact with other
when caring for them. I
students by reading their
need to do more than
Yes. I learned a lot and I
blogs and posting
just identify the problem think it would be a
comments. It allowed me
and send the patient
beneficial class for
to see things from other
home with a prescription. anyone going into health
students perspectives
Instead I need to find a care. It gave me a new
and it made assignments
plan of treatment that will perspective when
much more interesting.
I really enjoyed it! I
be best suited for that
dealing with patients and
My other online classes
learned a lot about
To be honest, I wasn't
individual patient, and
I think any one who
Yes, she was great! The
have been science
I have not taken other
I wasn't sure what to
anthropology and I'm
even sure what
make sure that it is a
wants to work with
assignments were
based so this class was online Anthropology
It sounded like an
expect being as it was very glad that I chose
anthropology was before I know what
plan of action that they patients could learn a lot creative and really got
very different for me.
interesting elective.
my first ANP course.
this as an elective.
this course.
anthropology is now!
will be able to follow.
from this class.
me thinking!
Being an anthropology
major I knew a few
I would recommend this
things about Medical
course to other students
It surpassed my
Anthropology, but I really
The different approaches because it provides
This was a great online I have not taken any
expectations! I really
gained a further
It has really opened my and their uses were
helpful insight into
course! It was easy to
other online
enjoyed the online video understanding of the
eyes to medical
incredibly helpful. I think medical anthropology
I would, the instructor
understand and operate Anthropology courses at I am very interested in I expected it to be a lot of lectures and discussion approaches medical
anthropology and how they will really help me in and how useful it can be was very helpful and
and very educational!
Medical Anthropology. readings and writings.
posts and prompts!
anthropologists use.
useful it is!
my future profession.
in medical fields.
What were your
expectations for this
course before starting?

How did the course

compare to your

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

What is your major?

What is your academic


Psychology/ Pre-medical Senior

Human Biology


Interdisciplinary Studies Junior

Human Biology


Interdisciplinary studies Sophomore

Human biology


human bio


Human Biology


Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
What were your
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
expectations for this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?
course before starting?
This class required much
more writing and
research than other
anthropology classes I
have taken at MSU,
even those that I took
over a full semester.
Other anthropology
classes I have taken
This course was much were focused more on
more vigorous and time archaeology so this was
consuming than other
an interesting new
I needed another ISS
I thought there would be
online courses I have
perspective on
requirement for the
a lot of reading and
taken. It required a
anthropology and how it honors college and I also some writing and some
significant amount of
can be applied to
thought it would be
multiple choice exams, I
time and effort for a 7
medicine, which I am
interested and relevant did not expect so much
week class.
interested in.
to what I am studying.

How did the course

compare to your

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

Would you recommend

this course to another
student? Why or why

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

Yes, she was very nice

and understanding, I
think she expected
maybe a bit too much
Yes but I would
out of the students with
I realize that medical
recommend taking it
the amount of writing
I hadn't ever thought
anthropology is a very That factoring in a
during fall or spring
assigned every week
about the
important part of
patient's cultural values semester rather than in considering its an online
medicine and successful and traditions is equally the summer because the summer course, but I
Much more writing and applications to medicine treatment of patients as important as delivering workload is a lot to
wouldn't mind taking one
work than I expected for so I didn't know that the well as developing health the biomedical treatment handle in a 7 week
of her courses in the fall
a 7 week course.
specialty existed.
they need.
or spring.
This course has far
Yes! definitely would
exceeded my
recommend this course
I loved the style of this
expectations. Taz has
I absolutely love medical
to another student simply
course. Multiple choice
done such a great job to
anthropology! it has
for the insight it gives
This class was by far the
answer based classes
make the class creative
inspired me to continue I learned a lot about
into yourself. Blogging
best online class I have
get tedious and over
and interesting. The
my academic goals
myself in this class
about topics as
ever taken. I have also
done. I personally am
information was relevant
which I was presently
surprisingly. I now know presented really shows
taken an ISS course,
more worried about
to students and
rethinking. I am excited exactly how I feel
you what is important to yes, i love the way the
Psychology, and
getting the points than
compared to other
to try and implement
towards over medicating you. And also because class was set up and
Physiology online. This
learning anything. I will I was a little nervous
classes where we watch
some of the things I
patients for example or the information is so
how the information was
class has made me think
cram and cram to do well since I have never taken videos from 20 years
learned in this class in just doctoring in general interesting and in my
presented. She is also
the most and has
Unfortunately I have not on the work but don't
any anthropology
ago, we had youtube
my future. Possibly some and how I feel it should eyes, good knowledge very enthusiastic about
inspired me to continue taken any other online come out of the class
classes. Also just the
videos of relevant
I knew nothing about
future anthropology
be approached in a
for everyone to be
her work and medical
my academic goals.
anthro classes at MSU. with anything.
normal pre class jitters. information.
medical anthropology
classes also!
holistic manner.
familiar with.
This course was entirely
To fulfill concentration
study of medicine in
not online. too much
not if it is set up the
too much writing.
Easy but a lot of writing. exactly what i expected. different cultures.
it has not changed.
the different approaches. writing.
This class was very
organized and
manageable. It was also
much more interactive
with other students with
I thought it analyzed
the blog and comment
I needed more electives
health care and
assignments. My other
for graduation as well as
medicine, but not in such
classes have just been
a summer class. This
a hands on and
lectures and personal
sounded very interesting
beneficial way. I thought
YES! Absolutely to
assignments, but mainly
and I thought it would be
it was more of a
The importance of
anyone in my major or
just tests. I liked the
beneficial for me in the I expected this class to
philosophical field, but is
culture and the illness
planning to enter into a
variety in the way the
future in a health
be similar to what it was,
actually much more
It has definitely changed experience when treating health profession, but
YES! Taz was incredibly
material was presented
profession. I have been however, I was not
involved in establishing and I have realized what a patient. I think what I also to others outside of enthusiastic, helpful, and
and the many videos,
looking for a couple
expecting the blog or
and changing health
and important field this learned will help me to the sciences. I think it is organized throughout the
clips, and articles
semesters for an
final project, but a more There was much more care and the way we
is, especially for
be more open minded
and interesting and
whole semester. My only
provided to give a better
anthropology class to
traditional setting with
writing, but the blog style view and approach
someone interested in and able to better treat practical class for any
regret is that I did not get
understanding of the
This is my first
take and this was a
assignments and
was new to me and I
health and healing than medicine and health
and connect with my
intelligent and curious
to interact with her in
topic each week.
Anthropology course.
perfect fit for me.
really enjoyed it.
what I thought.
Yes! This is by far my
favorite class I've taken
I took this course
Since I am going into
at MSU. It made me
Yes I would love to!
because it's one of my
global public health, I
more sure of my decision She's a great and
degree requirements and
feel that I will be able to to go in public health. It engaging teacher, and
it seemed really
The schoolwork was
I didn't know anything
I actually have an
implement health
also wasn't an
she was really helpful.
interesting. I plan on
very manageable, mostly about medical
opinion on medical
programs much better. I overwhelming summer When we were having
going into global public I had never taken an
because the material
anthropology before I
anthropology, and I feel will be wiser in being
class. Although, I
the problem with the
health and I thought this online class before so I was very engaging. I
took this course since I that I have a much better sensitive to cultures
should've listened when weebly pages, she was
would be the perfect
was nervous that it
never felt bored with the had never taken an
understanding on how rather than forcing
you said not to keep my genuinely interested and
I haven't taken any other I haven't taken any other class to take in order to would be hard to keep lectures or the videos we anthropology course
other cultures view
western beliefs on other weebly pages for last
emailed me back very
online classes.
online classes.
begin that path.
up on schoolwork.
This class was more
interactive and I learned
Yes, it's very interesting.
Yes, it was easy to
how to use a weebly
I have not took any other
It exceeded them I'm
I have even became a
manage with other
page. I plan to use it for online anthropology
It was suggested by a
I thought it was going to very happy I took this
I really did not know
research assistant! How To broaden my horizons classes. Yet, it was very
something else!
classes at msu
Beverly overwhelming. class!
anything about it.
cool is that!
and think out the box.
Yes I love Taz !!!!!
It was good and
that it would not be
how to interpret how
yes, good class to take
straightforward. No
Heard it was a good
extremely stressful and
I didnt know anything
I learned a lot about
someone else my see a while very busy with
this is true
about it
what med anthro was
disease or illness
other things
yes, they were helpful
This was so much better
set up! I had expected
this class to be difficult
and my other class to be
easy peasy but it was
completely the other way
around. I really enjoyed
the way this class was
administered and the
material itself was very
interesting to me. My
other class had very
difficult lectures to follow
and everyone had an
extremely hard time on
all of the assignments for
the course. You made
this class a breeze while
still making it interesting
and teaching me a lot
and even making me
I thought it would be
Medical anthropology is Medical anthropology is
consider minoring in the
interesting and it can
That it would be hard but
so important to my future so important to my future Yes, it was interesting
Yes, I loved the teaching
count toward my major. I would find it interesting. Exceeded them for sure! Nothing.
and not very difficult.

What is your major?

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Biology

What is your academic







Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?
I liked this course setup
through a blog. I found it
more engaging
especially with an online
This course gave me a
few problems with
posting issues and the
site in general used for
this course did not seem
very efficient. Also, when
I reached out to the tech
support to help they took
one look after
misunderstanding my
initial problem and then
even though I emailed
them again attempting to
correct the
misunderstanding (in
which i forwarded it to a
TA) i got no response
from them or the TA
again. These are issues I
have never had in
another online course at
MSU and I think should I have not taken other
be looked at for the sake online anthropology
of future students.
courses at msu

Human Biology (Lyman Senior

Human Biology

This class was a lot

more writing. Usually
other online courses
have an equal amount of
blog posts and quizzes.

Human Biology




I think anthropology is
easy and it fullfilled some
requirements for human A lot of writing and

How did the course

compare to your

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

Met those expectations

but was not too much
work by any means.
Nothing really.

I had a good
understanding of the
concepts of medical
I expected this course to
anthropology before
be like the other general It was almost exactly
entering this class and
medical anthro classes what I expected, besides expected it to be a
This course was required that I had taken in the
the fact that we
similar learning structure
for one of my
past with similar
referenced more social to my previous medical
media than I anticipated. anthropology course.

I was pleasantly
The ease at which I was
surprised about how
able to follow the
interesting the
material and stay on
My academic adviser
I expected the course to information and how
track surpassed any
I have not taken other
recommended this as a be interesting but a little much I wanted to listen
other online classes that online anthropology
final, interesting elective dry as far as the material to the lectures each
I have taken.
before I finish undergrad. taught.
This course was
convenient because I did
not have to report to
class on campus.
Sometimes it made me
I took this course
procrastinate a little but
because my academic
for the most part it was I have not taken any on adviser suggested it to I was expecting a lot
I appreciated not have
easy to keep up on
any other online
fulfill my elective
more course work and too many assignments
Anthropology courses. requirements.
each week to focus on.
My biochemistry is also I feel that this course is
an online course for the like a mini course that
summer. What is
instead of just
different is that this is a memorizing for the test,
complete online course the assignment are more
,so the lecture and
of a way to learn how to This is part of my
Totally unexpected that
turning of assignment is express what I have
requirement for my
this is more of an activity
Lecture and test course. based course.

This experience provided

a platform for more
creative work as seen
with the final project.
I thought this experience
was much better than my
other online classes. I
liked the use of
wordpress instead of
angel/d2l and I thought
that the instructors use
of online resources were N/A - This is my first
ANP class.

Human Biology

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

Would you recommend Would you take another

this course to another
course from this
student? Why or why
instructor? Why or why
Yeah. Professor was
awesome, easy going,
I know a lot more about Medical anthropology
fair, and cared about the
different kinds of
can be applied to
students. It did not
medicine and how things pharmacy, my future
require hours of studying Yeah. She was
change with different
aspiration, so the entire but required a lot of
awesome and very
course was helpful.

My opinion of what is
seen as important by
medical anthropologists
has been reaffirmed in
this course as it strongly
emphasized many of the
traits that were already
noted as important in my
other anthropology

I have learned exactly

how important medical
I had no prior knowledge anthropology is in a
about medical
clinical setting and
throughout the world.
I know a lot about
biological anthropology
specifically because I
took an Epidemiology
course in the fall. I find
this topic extremely

Not really that much but I learn to think more

to be culturally sensitive critically in a
when treating patients. "anthropological" way.

This course exceeded

my expectations. I
learned a lot.

I did not know anything

about medical
I am more interested in
anthropology before this studying other cultures
around the world.

I thought it was going to

be a lot of biomedical
aspects, but it ended up
I took this course in
being about the
order to fill a requirement social/cultural aspect of
(elective) for human
anthropology which was
biology major.

I believe it exceeded
expectations and that
more classes should
follow this format.

I honestly thought it had

to do with how
biomedicine impacts
people, but I now know
that I am wrong.

I did not really know

anything about Medical
Anthropology, this is the
first anthropology class I
have taken.

I took this course to meet

a requirement, but I truly
enjoyed it and would
I was expecting to learn
love to take another ANP a lot about culture and

The course passed my

expectations in the level
of interest I found in it. I
also learned a whole
new way of looking at
health systems.

I thought Medical
Anthropology was just
research of the health
field and culture I did not
realize how involved
anthropologist were in
the health field.

I learned that it is
Yes, I would recommend Yes, but I would prefer to
important to look at issue it because it gave an
take it in a classroom
from all angles and look average basic
setting. It was difficult to
into areas where you
knowledge of medical
get in touch with the
would normally not look anthropology without an instructor or TAs on the
to find solutions.
excess of work.
blog page.
I learned how I should
look into my patient's
history and vulture
before basing my
I absolutely would
diagnosis simply off of
because she helped
the symptoms being
I would because of how make anthropology easy
presented. This will help well the course is taught to understand and made
me more accurately help and how helpful the
me want to learn more
my patient in the future. information is.
about it.

This course has

reinforced my interest in The five sectors of
the topic.
Medical Anthropology.

This course fulfilled my

graduation requirements
and I thought it would be I wasn't sure what to
interesting to learn about expect because I didn't
medicine from a
know what medical
worldwide point of view. anthropology was

I did not really have any

expectations because I
It was an elective for my never heard anything
major requirements.
about it.

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

I have learned so much

from this course, and
now I have a firm
understanding of what
medical anthropologists

Yes. It was a convenient, Yes. Taz was helpful and

interesting class to take. organzied.

Yes, most student

Learning from book is
should try other course
not enough but to
that just require to take a
experience from life.
test. This course is a
Sure if it were to be that
There are things that can great way to express
the course that I would
be unexpected.
opinions about the topic. like to take.
I learned the difference
between a disease and
an illness and this is very I would recommend this
important for my future course to another
plans because it is
science major or person
important to consider the interested in studying
I would because she was
experience of the
medicine. This is a great very helpful and
introduction course.

I learned about the

implications that culture
have on health and our
perception of disease.
The thing that stuck out
the most was when
someone wrote a blog
post about fitness in
public health. Now that I
no longer want to be a
dentist I have heard a lot
about public health and
fitness is something that
I enjoy so maybe that is
something I will pursue
I learned how many
different components
I respect what Medical can effect ones health
Anthropologist do much and all the different
more now, and think they aspects that one should
should be hired in many take into consideration
more parts of the health before treating someone
for an illness.

Yes, because it taught

me about a subject that
not many pure science Yes, I thought that this
majors know about and instructor was
is very beneficial for their supportive, and excited
future endeavors.
to teach this course.

Yes, I think you are

introduced and learn a
wide variety of

Yes, she was very

helpful and wanted her
students to enjoy the
I would take another
Yes, I think this is a great course with Taz any day.
course for any one
She was very organized
studying health or
and taught us current
culture. It shows how
and interesting things.
much these two things She also valued
need each other to
everyone's opinion and
wanted feed back.

What is your major?

What is your academic


Interdisciplinary studies Junior

Interdisciplinary Studies Junior

interdisciplinary studies Senior







Human Biology


Human Bio


Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
What were your
How did the course
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
expectations for this
compare to your
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?
course before starting? expectations?
I felt like this course was
extremely organized. It
compares similarly to my
online Sociology Sex
and Gender class I also I liked ANP 201 slightly
took this summer. Both more, but that was just
classes were well
because I took that class
organized and thorough, in person. I felt like I had I signed up after Taz did I was expecting this
though the other class an easier time making a guest lecture during
class to be somewhat
It was easier than I
was taught through D2L. discussions and
my ANP 201 class,
difficult, just because I expected. Once I got in
They both had about the communicating with my because it seemed like had never taken an
the hang of the
same amount of work, classmates, as well as an interesting topic that I online class and was
schedule, as far as what
and both required us to directly hearing their
wanted to hear more
worried about keeping was due on each day it
do a final project and
responses, and not just about. I also can use this up with the time
was easy to manage the
weekly discussion posts. reading them.
class for my major.
This course was very
organized.The last online
class i took, the deadline
and due date times did
not match up very well
I took this course
with my work schedule
because i am interested
during the summer. This
in the field of
It differed in the material
class had good flow and
anthropology, and it
I was expecting to learn we learned, focusing on
the material was easily
seemed to relate well
about how different
the approaches rather
understood. The
I have not taken another with the epidemiology
cultures practice
than various cultural
workload was bearable. online anthro class.
course i took last year. medicine.
I thought this class was
great because it was on
a different layout. Other
online classes were on
Because I thought it'd be
It met my expectations.
Angel. Wordpress was a
interesting and it was for
A bit easier than I
bit easier on the eyes. N/A.
my major.
That it'd be a good class. expected.
Taz did a guest lecture
This has been my
and I really liked it. Also I I did not have any, I was
favorite summer online This was more about
like the book In Search just excited to try
of Respect
something new.
It made me happy.
I think it was a really
good class to be able to
take online, the work
load was reasonable,
and I found the content
to be very interesting
and academically
Well I automatically
found this class to be
more interesting than the
other class because of
the topic so I enjoyed it
more. I like the way the
class was set up, it was
pretty interesting to not
used the standard school
websites. I loved how I
got to express my
viewpoints on things and I have not taken other
not just do basic work. ANP classes online
MOre writing and time
consuming than I initially
thought, but it wasn't bad
at all! Material easy to
learn and understand!

How has your opinion

changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or

Would you recommend

this course to another
student? Why or why

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

I learned to take cultural

factors more seriously
when it comes to health. Yes! I felt like it
Whether it was the case examined a lot of
of medical
aspects of not only
It has definitely been
anthropologists helping health, but also the
I had no idea what
reinforced. I not only got on the ebola case, or the healthcare system that
medical anthropology
to review the different
effect that shamans had weren't originally super
even was before I took approaches, but I also on healing, it is clear that obvious to me. I loved
this course. I only saw a learned more about jobs cultural factors mean
the professor and also
short powerpoint on the that you can get by being more than we might
the workload was
different approaches.
a medical anthropologist. originally assume.

Yes. She was awesome

at responding in a timely
manner, and organized
the class really well.


I am now well educated

on medical anthropology
and the different
approached to studying

Time management.
Understanding our
culture more se than

Yes, this course was

very interesting and i
learned a lot.

I knew about it.

My opinion hasnt

Holistic lens to view


Yep. I thought it was a Yep. She's a great

great class that offered a instructor. She presents
lot of insight into health her materials in an
and culture.
engaging way.

To stay as open minded

I have a lot of respect for
as possible, and my
it now.
Yes it has, for the better. opinions are vaild.
I think I've learned that
there are plenty of
I thought medical
I realized that not all the people that have
anthropology was a lot same illnesses even
suffered, and do suffer
about how different
occur in all cultures,
from illnesses and they
I thought there would be I was happy to find that sicknesses and illnesses which was something
tend to feel alone. Going
Because I needed two exams and more work there weren't any exams can be treated in
that I should have
with the theme of life for
more credits in the
involved in terms of a
in the class, and that is different parts of the
thought of before, but I me at this time, I'm
college of social science "normal" class goes at was based on response world and through
never really took the time happy to say that I don't
to graduate.
and participation.
different cultures.
feel alone anymore.
I took this course
because I needed
another anthropology
course and I decided to
go with this one because
my main focus is health.
I love anthropology
because it focuses on
many different things
within one topic and I jus That I would learn
knew that I would enjoy different factors about
this course.
medicine and health

Required; sounded
easy 4.0
I took it because I feel
that it is a great
opportunity for me being
that I want to pursue
I expectations were to
something in the medical gain some knowledge
It was very smooth and I really liked this one
field and could learn
about medical
flexible with turning work because it had to do with many new things about anthropology , which I
in at end of each week. medicine also.

Human Biology


Human Biology


This course was a lot

more writing intensive
than any other course
I've taken online.
This course was more
organized and straight
forward in regards to


A lot more interesting

concerning the readings.
I felt more endeared to
the professor as well.
However it's important to
note that there was
about a three year gap
Easier that Genetics, yet between this and my last
still fulfilling.
ANP course.
Elective requirement.

LB-Human Biology

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

It would be a lot of

Elective for my major
I enjoyed this course
more than my ISS which
focused on anthropology It was a requirement for Hard, boring and long
through evolution
my degree
lecture videos

It beat out my
expectations, I knew that
I would learn a lot but I
also enjoyed every
My opinion is more open
Honestly, not that much and I learned a lot

easy 4.0 was as easy as

I thought
didn't know much

The course went well


It met them

Didn't know about it

Definitely exceeded my
Very little

I had none, honestly;

though I figured i would
do well.
Matched them.

Almost nothing aside

from general concepts.
Although none of the
material was mineblowingly novel.

I enjoyed the course

material and think it is
very interesting now

Yes, she is the reason I

took this course.

Yes, absolutely. I think

it's a great way to view
the medical profession in Yes, because she's
a new light.

Everything, I am going
into community health so
I can utilize everything
Yes, good instructor and
that I have learned in this
very helpful when
Yes, because it is great! needed

medical anthro is
love it@ very interesting important to medicine

My thoughts were that

knew medical
anthropology had
different ways of viewing
diseases around the
It really hasn't.

Yes, it was fun and


Yes, this instructor was

efficient and organized.

I learned that wen

researching something
You should have
different view on it to get
best results.
anthropology is very
important for anyone
who wants to travel with
a medical background

The implications of
I am more knowledgable different cultures on
about this topic
western medicine
This course has
enforced my sentiments
as to the inequality of the
world in which we live,
and how this affects the
health of its populations.
This course has also re
enforced the idea that
truly helping anyone as a I learned how to keep an
medial professional is an open mind, and why this
incredibly difficult task. exercise is so important.



Yes, it could be really

beneficial being that it
gives knowledge about Yes, this instructor was
how you should apply
really in order and
certain approaches when actually communicated
doing research.
back with her students.

Yes. It was very


No. She had no leeway

in regards to students
having things to do
outside her class.

Yes, it is an easy course, Yes because she is very

but you also learn a lot organized and a fair
from it

Absolutely: fulfilling,
relatively easy, not too
much busy work.

I would but I probably

wont. There are in fact,
many courses I would
like to take before I
graduated but since that
point will arrive within the
next academic year, I
doubt I'll be able to fulfill
this ambition.

What is your major?


human biology

What is your academic






Human Biologu

Not too bad the class

was pretty fun

It was pretty similar. All

the online anthro classes
that I have taken have
had the exact same
layout and format. So
that made learning how
the classes work super
easy as they were all
Because the topic was
very similar in layout.
interesting to me.


human biology

Human Biology

Compare your
Compare your
experience in this course experience in this course
compared to online
compared to other online
courses in other
Anthropology courses
Why did you take this
departments at MSU:
you have taken at MSU: course?

I found that this class

was much more
organized than my other
online classes have
been in the past. A lot of
the other online classes
that I have taken are
very faced paced and
they are just trying to
cram all of this
information in, and are
not as concerned with
the student actually
understanding the
material. In this class,
although we had lectures
and articles to watch and
read and had weekly
assignments, I really felt
that the instructors
wanted us to learn and This is the first
understand what we
anthropology class I
being presented.
have taken


It was great, very fair

and the pace and set up
of the course was


this course was very well

organized for an online
course and was easier to This is the only online
manage than other
anthropology class i
have taken

What were your

expectations for this
course before starting?

How did the course

compare to your

What did you think/know

about Medical
Anthropology before you
took this course?

What is one thing you

learned from this course
that will help you
personally or
I will use the way that I
was taught to look at a
conflict from the other
person perspective and
to understand that
Yes, this course has
different people have
taught be a lot about the different backgrounds
processes and types of that make them think in
things Medical
ways that are different
Anthropologists do on a but not lesser than my
day to day basis.
How has your opinion
changed or become
reinforced as a result of
taking this course?

I was expecting this

This course was alot
class to teach me about more focused on the
the ways that health is general public health
dealt with around the
program and what they
world and the ways that do. It was different in that
the WHO and other
it taught me more about
organizations are helping all the types of medical I knew almost nothing
out people who need it. anthropology.
about the specifics.
It definitely met them and
went above and beyond
My academic advisor
as far as different ways
suggested it to me and
of thinking especially in
being online was the
regards to different
only type of class i could
cultures and their healing
of taken in the second
practices. I did think
half of the summer
there was going to be
because of a hectic
more information about
summer schedule that I really wasn't sure what Western culture and
My opinion has changed
included 4 weddings in 7 to expect but after the
more relevant issues
about how Western
weeks, 3 of which I had first lecture in the first
associated with our
culture treats illness and
to stand in. 1 in
week and how we
current generation of
disease. I used to think
Minnesota, 2 in the UP discussed the distinction kids and how social
the U.S. had the best
and 1 in Waterford as
between illness and
media is effecting it. But I
approach to treating
well as an annual golf
disease I was expecting do understand the
I didn't really know much sickness but after taking
tournament in the UP.
to learn some different importance of looking at about it but some of the the course I realized
There was no way I
concepts and a different other cultures and their readings and videos in there is a lot more
could of done any live
way of thinking about
forms of healing and
the weekly lessons I was aspects to the healing
classes this semester. medicine.
familiar with.

Would you recommend

this course to another
student? Why or why

Would you take another

course from this
instructor? Why or why

Yeah, its a good way of

thinking it allows people
to take a step back and
understand other

Sure, She knew what

she was doing and
presented the material in
a way that stimulated

I would say the one thing

Yes I don't know about
i learned is that not all
Yes definitely, it provides another online one but
diseases have genetic or a different way to
live one for sure. Taz
biological factors or are analyze diseases and
seemed very personable
caused by personal
illness that is generally and in touch with reality
defects. A lot of disease unfamiliar to people who and wasn't on her high
and illnesses are a result have only experienced horse like numerous
cultural and ecological the Western way of
other professors I've had
dealing with sickness.
in my MSU career.
One thing I learned from
this course that will help
me personally and
professionally was
learning about the
experiential approach.
Now that I have taken
This was the most
this course, I realize that important approach for
I took this course
I was clearly wrong in my me specifically because
because I needed 3
assumptions of what
my goal in becoming a I would definitely
more credits from my
I honestly didn't know
medical anthropology
physician has always
recommend this course
human biology electives what to expect from this
was. I did not know how been to connect with my to another student,
in order to graduate. I
class just because it was This course completely
much went into a
patients and show them especially those who
Absolutely!! My instructor
was originally signed up kind of last minute and exceeded my
"simple" topic like
that some doctors do
want to enter the medical was so helpful and was
for another class but that since it was the only
expectations. I don't
medical anthropology. care about them
field. I think this course always focusing on
class ended up being
class that fit into my
anyone would realize
I really did not know
You wouldn't expect it to specifically and what
provides valuable
making sure we all were
canceled due to not
schedule, I just signed what medical
much about medical
be so much more
they are going through. I information on the
understanding the
enough students signing up right away without
anthropology really
anthropology before I
involved than it sounds. thought that through the relationships between
material and applying
up. So this class was
knowing what the course means and how many took the course. As I
Once you learn about all illness narratives, this
our knowledge to real-life
pretty much my only
would focus on. I thought different areas their are said before, I thought of of the different
allowed the patient to tell environment/culture and situations. I also loved
option unless I wanted anthropology was
in that field and how
anthropology as the
approaches and what
their story and make
the development of
being able to comment
take a class in the fall. studying the way of life much work
study of the way or life each approach entails them feel like they are disease. It also gives us on other students posts
But I am very glad that I of humans and evolution anthropologists do in the and how humans have and what anthropologists being heard, while at the knowledge on how to
to share our opinions
was able to take this
etc., so I thought that
medical field. They are evolved and so I figured do in those areas, then same time, reminding
think like an
and discuss certain
class. I learned so much medical anthropology
seriously critical in the medical anthropology
you start to become
the physician that each anthropologist in order to issues as well as receive
in 7 weeks and I think it may be the way in which medical field and are so had something to do with aware of how crucial of a patient is different, with solve a medical problem. comments on our posts.
will truly help make me a medicine has evolved
involved in improving the how medicine has
role anthropologists play different experiences
It would definitely be a Taz did a great job and I
better physician one day. over time.
lives of patients.
evolved over time.
in the medical field.
and emotions.
good course to take!
was very impressed!!
I expected to learn more
I didn't know much about
I've learned that
Yes, because it was a
I needed an elective
in depth information
medical anthropology but My opinion became
diseases affect people worthwhile class and not
anthropology course to about medical
The course met my
I thought it would be
reinforced as a result of differently across
too difficult but also not Yes, because the course
meet my requirements anthropology
taking this course
too easy
was very well done
How to analyze a patient
it was a choice I had for I didn't really have any
I thought it dealt with
I really want to continue and figure out how
Definitely! it was a great yes, because she
a summer course and
expectations for the
more of the biological, studying this material
culturally assimilating
interesting course that seemed very passionate
since I want to go into
course since it was the
such as the human
and seeing how to apply they are so that I can
brings together many
and cared for the
public health it seemed first anthropology class I It far exceeded my "non" genetic variation
it to my future
one day provide the best political and health
material she was trying
have taken.
between people.
healthcare I can.
to teach us.
I learned that health is I would definitely
looked at through
recommend this class to
I needed a science
different cultures and it is other students because I
elective for my major and
necessary to respect and believe the
Yes! The instructor was
since I am going into
The readings provided
I now know how
understand other
understanding health
awesome. she
public health. this course I expected this course to were very interesting to
important medical
cultures when treating from an anthropological responded very quickly
seemed more
require way more
read and I really enjoyed I did not know much
anthropology is when
patients around the
view makes for a better to questions and made
appropriate for me.
about it.
studying health.
healthcare system.
the course fun.

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