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No treatments can alter the

course of Huntington's
disease. But medications can
lessen some symptoms of
movement and psychiatric
disorders. And multiple
interventions can help a
person adapt to changes in
his or her abilities for a certain
amount of time.
Medication management is
likely to evolve over the
course of the disease,
depending on the overall
treatment goals. Also, drugs
to treat some symptoms may
result in side effects that
worsen other symptoms.

What is it?
Huntington's disease (HD) is a
neurodegenerative genetic disorder that
affects muscle coordination and leads to
cognitive decline and dementia. It
typically becomes noticeable in middle
age. HD is the most common genetic
cause of abnormal involuntary writhing
movements called chorea, and indeed the
condition used to be called Huntington's
chorea. It is caused by an autosomal
(there is an equal number of copies of
the chromosome in males and females)
dominant mutation on either of an
individual's two copies of a gene called
Huntingtin, which means any child of an
affected parent has a 50% risk of
inheriting the disease. Physical
symptoms of Huntington's disease can
begin at any age from infancy to old age,
but usually begin between 35 and 44
years of age. About 6% of cases start
before the age of 21 years; they progress
faster and vary slightly.

Janette Alcazar
Mrs. Johnson

Living a life With

Huntingtons Disease

Safety Precautions

Cords-Lamp, extension, and telephone cords should be away from the flow of traffic. Cords should not be beneath furniture, rugs or carpeting where they could cause a fire. They
should be in good condition, not frayed or cracked.

Rugs, Mats, and Runners-Throw rugs are easy to trip over and should be avoided. All other rugs, mats, and runners should be slip-resistant. They can be purchased slipresistant, or you can apply adhesive carpet tape or rubber matting to the backs of them. Check slip-resistant rugs periodically since they can lose their adhesiveness over time.
Short pile carpets are easier than deep pile carpets for people who have walking problems.

Smoke Detectors and Fire Extinguishers-Each month, make sure all smoke detectors work and are near all bedrooms. Smoke detectors should be on the ceiling or 612 inches below the ceiling on the wall. Fire extinguishers should be placed in several locations, the most important being the kitchen. Make sure all outlets and switches have
cover plates and that no wiring is exposed.

Improving quality of life

The emphasis today is on living positively with

When to see a doctor

Huntington's Disease. An integrated, multidisciplinary approach focuses on the triad of:

diet and supplements

spiritual and psychosocial support

This well-rounded program enhances quality of life

for people living with Huntington's Disease, as well
as for those at risk of developing HD, and may very
likely delay the onset of symptoms. Foods known
to nourish the brain, support memory and build
overall immunity are especially recommended.
Once Huntington's Disease is confirmed, patients
are encouraged to continue this healthy lifestyle
approach, adding other health support therapies as
they become necessary, including physical,
occupational, and/or speech therapy. Medications
are available to treat the symptoms of Huntington's
Disease, and your physician can help determine
whether these might be appropriate for you.


See your doctor if you

notice changes in your
movements, emotional
state or mental ability. The
signs and symptoms of
Huntington's disease can
be caused by a number of
different conditions.
Therefore, it's important to
get a prompt, thorough

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