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Paul United Methodist

March 2015
Llama Drama
Recently the attention of the internet
was focus on an unlikely chase. Two
llamas in Arizona had slipped loose
from their handlers and were on the
run literally on the streets of Sun
In light of all the important issues going on in our world today, this was no
big story. It was a light fluff piece,
shared on the internet and on television to add a laugh to our day.
But something caught my attention as
I watched. I was struck by how carefully the animals were chased and
eventually captured.
As these animals frolicked through the
streets they were often at physical
risk, running in front of vehicles with
drivers stopping barely in time. If the
primary focus of the chase were removing stray animals from the street
the matter could have been concluded
very simply mow them down with a
car, or with weapons. But this was not
the primary focus the primary focus
was the care of these creatures.
I was reminded of how carefully and
lovingly God cares for us humans his
most troublesome creations.
We dont always use our best common sense. Often we run head-on
into trouble and danger. Frequently
we try to run away from the God
who loves and cares for us.

But Gods response to our foolishness is always loving-kindness.

As David wrote so many years
ago Where can I go from your
spirit? Or where can I flee
from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are
there; if I make my bed in
Sheol, you are there.
If I take the wings of the
morning and settle at the
farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall
lead me, and your right
hand shall hold me fast.
(Psalm 139:7-10,
Wherever we find ourselves in
life God is already there leading
us, and holding us safe. Our own
fear, pain and rage can cause us
to strike out against God, but
Gods first response is always to
protect, to love, and to forgive.
This Lenten season some of us
have chosen to engage in a
Lenten fast. As we struggle with
whatever it is we have given up,
lets keep our focus on the God
who never gives up on us.
Pastor Amy

St. Paul United

Methodist Church
Office Hours
Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00

Thank You cards

St. Paul United Methodist Sunday School
and Bible Study,
Thank you for the
lovely floral arrangement you sent for
our fathers funeral. It
was very thoughtful
of you. We will keep
you all in our prayers.
The family of
Donald Dodd

Pioneer Club would

like to thank everyone who helped in
any way to make
our Trivia
night/silent auction
a success. A total of
$1,628 was raised.
Thank You!!

St. Paul United Methodist Church

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Plugged Youth Group

Our next youth rally will be Saturday, March 7th
6-9 pm at the Methodist church in Jerseyville.
We will meet at the church and carpool at 5:20pm.

Lenten Services
Maundy Thursday-April 2
at St. Johns UCC 7:00 pm
Good FridayApril 3
at Assembly of God 7:00 pm

Jenna Garner

Easter SunriseApril 5
at First Presbyterian 7:00 am

Ashton Scholarship

Weekly Bible Readings

St. Paul will again have the Ashton-Gent

Scholarship available to a graduating
senior of Southwestern High School. It is
a $1,000 a year scholarship available for
4 years for a student attending a 4 year
college. The school will have the paperwork available Feb 6 and they will be
due on March 13th. Please see Karen
Metz at the school for the paperwork
and more details or call the church office
at 372-3255 for more information.

March 1Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm

22:23-31; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38

St. Paul would like to know the names of members who
will be graduating this Spring from high school, college,
graduate or post graduate school. Please call or email the
office with the following information (372-3255) or put
the info on Karens desk.
Name of Student____________________________
Name of School_____________________________

March 8Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1

Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22;
March 15Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm
107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John
March 22Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm
51:1-12; Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33
March 29
Liturgy of the PalmsMark 11:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians
2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15 or Mark 15:1-39

Watotos Oh, What Love tour is
coming to St. Paul Tuesday, April 21
at 7:00.


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2015 Five Star Missions

For 2015, the congregation has selected our Five star Missions.
The One Star Mission is a Church Apportionment that helps fund various costs by the Methodist
church in administering the outreach programs.
Our choice for the Two Star Mission is our missionary from the last few years, Lawrence Kies. He
serves as a technical advisor to the Africa University Farm which is located in Zimbabwe. Among
his duties he teaches students about farm management and crop production on a commercial farm
which fulfills the commandment from Jesus to feed the hungry.
Feeding of The Homebound Elderly and Training Caregivers in Liberia, Africa was selected for our
Three Star Mission. The programs goals include providing food on a monthly basis and medicine
for 250-300 elderly which the program hopes to increase to 500 people. It also provides training
for caregivers who can take care of the elderly.
Moving from Global Ministries, we selected Disaster Response, United States for our Four Star
Mission. Through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), trained response teams
working with local churches provide immediate relief in the event of natural disasters. Short term
relief can include supplies such as food, blankets, and clothing as well as support to children and
youth affected by the disaster.
For our Five Star Mission, we chose Family Treehouse [TWIGS] located in Granite City. Our beginning project will involve collecting specific foods that can be used by children who need food on
the weekends. The food will be collected in specially marked bins. After it is sorted it will be delivered to the Southwestern Schools and placed in student backpacks during a time that the students
are not in the room to protect student privacy. Look for the bins to appear soon and take the list
provided. We will be following the command of Jesus to feed my sheep and making a difference
in the lives of children in our area.
Thank for your support of all these missions in the coming year.
Nurture, Outreach, and Witness Committee
Lois Rubemeyer, Karen Porter, Judy Garner and Pastor Amy Rayson

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