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Employee Resource Groups

Recruitment and retention are two main focuses of the James Madison
University Office of Human Resources. The university would like to employee
the best and brightest professionals in the field. ERGs are typically only offered
within the private or corporate sector, but JMU is on cutting edge of this
initiative. ERGs are structured to be groups that all JMU employees have access
to and are welcomed to join. There will be an executive board for each
individualized ERG to provide organized meetings regularly. All employees have
the opportunity to join any group that they relate to. The ERGs will be started
with three pilot groups: veterans, multicultural, and working caregivers.
The goal of those groups is to provide support, enabling employees with
similar interests to gather together. It is hoped that if the university provides
this constructive forum, that employees will have a greater sense of work
community and be more fulfilled within all areas of their lives. As clich as it
may sound, it is in the universitys best interest to extend all possible efforts to
ensure that it maintains satisfied employees. The faculty and staff of JMU make
the academic environment top-notch. By utilizing these employee resource
groups, the university will enable the employees to invest and find others with
similar interests to spend time with.

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