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Electrical Technology




Multiple choice/True or False/Fill in the blanks

1 Mark Each
Answer All Questions

In a 3-phase, 400V, balanced star connected system, the voltage between the neutral and ground
is _________.
(a) 400V

(b) 0 V

(c) 230 V

(d) 250V


Three loads, each of resistance 100 are connected in Star to a 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC
supply. The Total Power is given by
a.) 923.7596 W
b.) 1.7222 kW
c.) 2.9830 kW
d.) 1.660 kW


The flux in transformer core

a) increases with load
c) remains constants irrespective of load

b) decreases with load

d) No relation with load


Open- circuit test in a transformer is performed with

a) rated transformer voltage
b) rated transformer current
c) direct current
d) high frequency supply


If phase voltage of a 3-phase delta connected system is 415 V, then line voltage is ___________.


The minimum number of wattmeter required to measure balanced power for a three phase
system is ________


Transformer is a device which works on the principle of ____________________________.


In 3-phase star connection we can get two different voltages levels.


A transformer is electrically coupled but magnetically separated.



10. Step-down transformer is one which receives A.C. electrical supply at one voltage, and delivers it
at a higher voltage.

NCT, Engineering Department

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Electrical Technology


Answer All Questions

An ideal 50KVA transformer has 800 turns on the primary winding and 80 turns on the
secondary winding. The primary is connected to 1100V, 50Hz supply. Calculate
(i) primary and secondary currents on full-load
(ii) secondary emf and
(iii) the maximum core flux
(3 marks)


A transformer takes a current of 0.6A and absorbs 64W when primary is connected to its
normal supply of 200V, 50Hz; the secondary being on open circuit. Calculate
(i) the magnetizing current and
(ii) iron loss current
(2 marks)

NCT, Engineering Department

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Electrical Technology



A balanced 3-phase, delta-connected load has per phase impedance of (25+j40) . If 400V, 3phase supply is connected to this load, Calculate
(i) phase current
(ii) line current and
(iii) power supply to the load
(3 marks)


A 3-phae star connected load consumes a power of 120KW, taking a lagging current of 200A
at a line voltage of 400V, 50 Hz , Calculate
(i) power factor
(ii) phase current
(iii) resistance per phase and
(iv) reactance per phase
(2 Marks)

NCT, Engineering Department

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