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Monday through Friday

Effective Dec 17 2006 70/370

Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)









El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield
Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice



70 4:51A 5:06A 5:15A 5:32A 5:44A 5:54A 70 4:13A 4:22A 4:33A 4:50A 4:58A 5:13A
70 5:19 5:34 5:43 6:00 6:14 6:24 70 4:46 4:55 5:06 5:23 5:31 5:46
70 5:39 5:54 6:03 6:21 6:35 6:45 70 4:58 5:08 5:20 5:37 5:45 6:00
70 5:48 6:03 6:13 6:31 6:45 6:55 70 5:11 5:21 5:33 5:50 5:58 6:14
70 5:56 6:11 6:21 6:39 6:53 7:03 70 5:24 5:34 5:46 6:03 6:11 6:27
370 6:06 6:21 6:31 6:47 6:59 7:08 70 5:35 5:45 5:57 6:15 6:23 6:39
70 6:11 6:26 6:36 6:54 7:09 7:20 70 5:43 5:53 6:06 6:24 6:32 6:48
370 6:20 6:35 6:45 7:01 7:14 7:23 70 5:50 6:00 6:14 6:32 6:40 6:56
70 6:26 6:41 6:51 7:11 7:27 7:38 370 6:01 6:11 6:22 6:38 6:46 7:02
370 6:36 6:51 7:01 7:19 7:32 7:41 70 6:05 6:16 6:30 6:48 6:56 7:14
70 6:43 6:58 7:08 7:29 7:45 7:56 370 6:16 6:26 6:37 6:53 7:01 7:19
370 6:52 7:08 7:18 7:36 7:49 7:58 70 6:18 6:29 6:43 7:01 7:10 7:28
70 6:59 7:15 7:25 7:46 8:02 8:13 370 6:28 6:38 6:49 7:05 7:14 7:32
370 7:08 7:24 7:34 7:52 8:05 8:14 70 6:30 6:41 6:55 7:14 7:23 7:41
70 7:14 7:30 7:40 8:01 8:17 8:28 370 6:40 6:50 7:01 7:18 7:27 7:45
370 7:23 7:39 7:49 8:07 8:21 8:30 70 6:42 6:53 7:07 7:27 7:36 7:54
70 7:28 7:44 7:54 8:15 8:31 8:42 370 6:51 7:01 7:13 7:30 7:39 7:57
370 7:37 7:53 8:03 8:20 8:34 8:43 70 6:52 7:04 7:19 7:39 7:48 8:06
70 7:43 7:59 8:09 8:30 8:46 8:57 70 7:03 7:16 7:31 7:51 8:00 8:18
370 7:52 8:08 8:18 8:35 8:49 8:58 370 7:03 7:13 7:25 7:42 7:51 8:09
70 7:56 8:12 8:22 8:43 8:59 9:11 370 7:15 7:25 7:37 7:54 8:03 8:21
370 8:05 8:21 8:31 8:48 9:02 9:11 70 7:15 7:28 7:43 8:03 8:12 8:30
70 8:10 8:26 8:36 8:57 9:13 9:25 70 7:26 7:39 7:54 8:14 8:23 8:41
370 8:19 8:35 8:45 9:02 9:16 9:25 370 7:27 7:37 7:49 8:06 8:15 8:33
70 8:24 8:40 8:50 9:11 9:27 9:39 70 7:36 7:49 8:04 8:24 8:33 8:51
370 8:33 8:49 8:59 9:16 9:30 9:39 370 7:37 7:47 7:59 8:16 8:25 8:43
70 8:38 8:54 9:04 9:25 9:41 9:53 370 7:48 7:58 8:10 8:27 8:36 8:54
370 8:47 9:04 9:14 9:31 9:45 9:54 70 7:48 8:01 8:16 8:36 8:45 9:03
70 8:53 9:10 9:20 9:41 9:57 10:09 70 7:55 8:08 8:23 8:43 8:52 9:11
70 9:03 9:20 9:30 9:51 10:07 10:19 70 8:04 8:17 8:32 8:52 9:01 9:20
70 9:13 9:30 9:40 10:01 10:17 10:29 70 8:14 8:27 8:42 9:02 9:11 9:30
70 9:23A 9:40A 9:50A 10:11A 10:27A 10:39A 70 8:24 8:37 8:52 9:12 9:21 9:40
Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between Olive & 70 8:34 8:47 9:02 9:22 9:31 9:50
Venice and El Monte Station 70 8:43 8:56 9:12 9:32 9:41 10:00
70 2:03P 2:20P 2:30P 2:51P 3:07P 3:18P 70 8:53 9:06 9:22 9:42 9:51 10:10
70 2:13 2:30 2:40 3:01 3:18 3:29 70 9:04 9:16 9:32 9:52 10:01 10:20
70 2:23 2:40 2:50 3:11 3:28 3:39 70 9:14 9:26 9:42 10:02 10:11 10:30
70 2:33 2:50 3:00 3:21 3:38 3:49 70 9:25 9:37 9:53 10:13 10:22 10:41
70 2:43 3:00 3:10 3:31 3:48 3:59 70 9:36 9:48 10:04 10:24 10:33 10:52
70 2:51 3:10 3:20 3:41 3:58 4:09 70 9:48 10:00 10:16 10:36 10:45 11:04
70 3:01 3:20 3:30 3:51 4:08 4:19 70 10:00 10:12 10:28 10:48 10:57 11:16
70 3:09 3:28 3:38 3:59 4:16 4:27 70 10:12 10:24 10:40 11:00 11:09 11:28
370 3:20 3:39 3:49 4:08 4:23 4:33 70 10:24 10:36 10:52 11:12 11:21 11:40
70 3:27 3:46 3:56 4:17 4:34 4:45 70 10:36 10:48 11:04 11:24 11:33 11:52
370 3:36 3:55 4:05 4:24 4:39 4:49 70 10:48 11:00 11:16 11:36 11:45 12:04
70 3:43 4:02 4:12 4:33 4:50 5:01 70 11:00A 11:12A 11:28A 11:48A 11:57A 12:16A
370 3:52 4:11 4:21 4:40 — — Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between
70 3:58 4:17 4:27 4:48 5:05 5:16 El Monte Station and Grand & Venice
370 4:06 4:25 4:35 4:54 5:09 5:19 70 2:00P 2:12P 2:28P 2:48P 2:57P 3:16P
70 4:11 4:30 4:40 5:01 5:18 5:29 70 2:12 2:24 2:40 3:00 3:09 3:28
370 4:18 4:37 4:47 5:06 5:21 5:31 70 2:22 2:34 2:50 3:10 3:19 3:38
70 4:23 4:42 4:52 5:13 5:30 5:41 70 2:30 2:42 2:58 3:18 3:27 3:46
370 4:30 4:49 4:59 5:18 5:33 5:43 70 2:38 2:50 3:06 3:26 3:35 3:54
70 4:35 4:54 5:04 5:25 5:42 5:53 70 2:46 2:58 3:14 3:34 3:43 4:02
370 4:42 5:01 5:11 5:30 5:45 5:55 70 2:54 3:06 3:22 3:42 3:51 4:11
70 4:47 5:06 5:16 5:37 5:54 6:05 370 3:08 3:18 3:30 3:47 3:56 4:16
370 4:54 5:13 5:23 5:42 5:57 6:07 70 3:10 3:22 3:38 3:58 4:07 4:27
70 4:59 5:18 5:28 5:49 6:06 6:18 370 3:24 3:34 3:46 4:03 4:12 4:32
370 5:07 5:26 5:36 5:55 6:10 6:20 70 3:26 3:38 3:54 4:14 4:23 4:43
70 5:12 5:31 5:41 6:02 6:18 6:30 370 3:40 3:50 4:02 4:19 4:28 4:48
370 5:19 5:38 5:48 6:07 6:22 6:32 70 3:42 3:54 4:10 4:30 4:39 4:59
70 5:24 5:43 5:53 6:14 6:30 6:42 370 3:56 4:06 4:18 4:35 4:44 5:04
370 5:32 5:51 6:01 6:20 6:35 6:45 70 3:58 4:10 4:26 4:46 4:55 5:15
70 5:37 5:56 6:05 6:26 6:42 6:54 370 4:12 4:22 4:34 4:51 5:00 5:20
370 5:45 6:04 6:13 6:32 6:47 6:57 70 4:15 4:27 4:43 5:03 5:12 5:32
70 5:52 6:11 6:20 6:41 6:57 7:08 370 4:30 4:40 4:52 5:09 5:18 5:38
370 6:02 6:21 6:30 6:49 7:04 7:11 70 4:33 4:45 5:01 5:21 5:30 5:50
70 6:10 6:29 6:38 6:59 7:14 7:25 370 4:47 4:57 5:10 5:27 5:36 5:56
70 6:19 6:38 6:47 7:07 7:22 7:33 70 4:51 5:03 5:19 5:39 5:48 6:07
70 6:28 6:47 6:56 7:15 7:30 7:41 370 5:05 5:15 5:28 5:45 5:54 6:12
70 6:39 6:58 7:07 7:26 7:41 7:52 70 5:09 5:21 5:37 5:57 6:05 6:22
70 6:51 7:10 7:19 7:38 7:53 8:04 70 5:19 5:31 5:47 6:07 6:15 6:32
70 7:04 7:22 7:31 7:50 8:04 8:14 70 5:29 5:41 5:57 6:16 6:24 6:41
70 7:16 7:34 7:43 8:02 8:15 8:25 70 5:39 5:51 6:07 6:26 6:34 6:51
70 7:28 7:46 7:55 8:13 8:26 8:36 70 5:49 6:01 6:17 6:36 6:44 7:01
70 7:41 7:59 8:07 8:25 8:38 8:48 70 6:00 6:11 6:27 6:46 6:54 7:10
70 7:56 8:14 8:22 8:40 8:53 9:03 70 6:10 6:21 6:37 6:56 7:04 7:20
70 8:17 8:34 8:42 9:00 9:12 9:21 70 6:20 6:31 6:47 7:06 7:14 7:30
70 8:37 8:54 9:02 9:19 9:31 9:40 70 6:32 6:43 6:59 7:17 7:25 7:41
70A C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 70 6:44 6:55 7:11 7:29 7:37 7:53
70A 9:37 9:49 B9:57 10:15 10:26 10:34 70 6:58 7:09 7:25 7:43 7:51 8:07
70A C10:11 10:19 B10:27 10:45 10:56 11:04 70 7:12 7:23 7:39 7:57 8:05 8:21
70A C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 70 7:33 7:44 8:00 8:18 8:26 8:42
70A C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 70A 8:02 8:12 8:26 B8:44 8:52 D9:00
70A C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 70A 8:30 8:40 8:54 B9:10 9:17 9:29
70A C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04 70A 9:10 9:19 9:30 B9:46 9:54 D10:02
70A C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04 70A 10:10 10:19 10:30 B10:46 10:54 D11:02
70A C4:11 4:19 B4:27 4:45 4:56 5:04 70A 11:10 11:19 11:30 B11:46 11:54 D12:02A
70A 12:10A 12:19A 12:30A B12:46A 12:54A D1:02
70A 1:10 1:19 1:30 B1:46 1:54 D2:02
70A 2:10 2:19 2:30 B2:46 2:54 D3:02
70A 3:10 3:19 3:30 B3:46 3:54 D4:02

Holiday Schedule Horarios en los días feriados

Sunday & Holiday schedule will operate on Los horarios de Domingos y días festivos serán en
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Thanksgiving Day y Christmas Day.
Line 370 does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, or the Línea 370 no opera los Sábados, Domingos o Feriados
holidays shown above. que se muestran arriba.

Special Notes Avisos especiales

A Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. A Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
B Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. B Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
C Originates from Olive & 7th at time shown. C Se origina en Olive y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
D Terminates at Grand & 7th at time shown. D Termina en Grand1 y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
El Monte Station
Metro Bus Lines
Ramona Bl 484,

Foothill Transit Lines

480,481,482,486,488,492,494 Peck Rd
Lower El Monte Station

Metro Bus Lines 170,176, Downtown Street Stops

EL MONTE Patsaouras Transit
267,268,270; Foothill M

Santa Anita Av Metro Rail Station Entrances Plaza

Transit Lines 178,269 El Monte

Bus Station .
s St

Olvera Street rE
Merced Av Plaza sa Av
W/B only Ce vez
SOUTH 60 a

Rosemead Bl-170,266 Cesar E. Chavez Av
Metro Red Line

Al a


Arcadia St Union

e da

Aliso St
Walnut Grove Av 170

110 Temple St
San Gabriel Bl M20
to Downtown Los Angeles refer to the 38-71 Timetable

Civic Center/
Spring St

Main St

Del Mar Av Tom Bradley M

For additional service from the City Terrace Area

Station 1st St
Emerson Av

New Av M
Limited 370 Stop Area

Newmark Av

2nd St

Garfield Av MONTEREY
Figueroa St

M30 3rd St

Flower St
Hope St

Atlantic Bl
M M 4th St
Pershing Square
Mo Station
Fremont Av nte
v Casu rey P 5th St
yA da C ass M
Grand Av

rv e y Rd
Ga 7th St/Metro

6th St


E/B only

W/B only
Ramo na

Dixon Station


M M M 7th St

Eastern Av-256
Figueroa St Metro Blue Line

Pomeroy St
City e Dr

N Hazard Av-254 8th St

Terr ac

Mi ,79

ss ,37
ion 8

9th St
Georgia St

Center CITY

Cit rrace

25 25
as 7

4,2 2 60 Olympic Bl


55 Eve

en A



,2 11th St
N Sta 51,2 So


te 5
St 5,60 St

Map Not to Scale


62 5,7


0 51 Center/ 12th St

ng Staples

5 Pico Bl
Cha ar E.

Legend 10 Pico 14th St

Station Venice Bl 16th St

- Limited Stops
17th St
- Timepoints used on Timetable DowSee
nt 18th St
- Limited Stops and Timepoints Ins own
Grand Av

Los Angeles

used on timetable
Olive St

Hill St

Main St

- Line 70-370
- Alternate Route operates Map Not to Scale
between 9:00PM & 4:30AM
F - Foothill Transit Bus Lines Shown at Transfer Locations
M - Montebello Bus Lines Subject to Change Without Notice
Effective Dec 17 2006 70
Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)

El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice


4:56A 5:12A 5:20A 5:37A 5:49A 5:58A 4:20A 4:29A 4:40A 4:55A 5:02A 5:17A
5:39 5:55 6:03 6:20 6:32 6:41 5:11 5:20 5:31 5:46 5:53 6:09
6:01 6:17 6:25 6:42 6:54 7:03 5:36 5:45 5:56 6:12 6:19 6:35
6:19 6:35 6:43 7:00 7:15 7:24 5:53 6:03 6:15 6:31 6:38 6:54
6:39 6:55 7:03 7:21 7:36 7:45 6:08 6:18 6:30 6:46 6:53 7:09
6:52 7:08 7:16 7:34 7:49 7:58 6:20 6:30 6:42 6:58 7:06 7:22
7:04 7:20 7:28 7:46 8:01 8:10 6:31 6:41 6:53 7:09 7:17 7:33
7:15 7:31 7:39 7:57 8:12 8:21 6:41 6:51 7:04 7:20 7:28 7:44
7:26 7:42 7:50 8:08 8:23 8:32 6:51 7:01 7:15 7:31 7:39 7:55
7:36 7:52 8:00 8:18 8:33 8:42 7:02 7:12 7:26 7:42 7:50 8:06
7:45 8:02 8:11 8:29 8:44 8:53 7:13 7:23 7:37 7:53 8:01 8:17
7:56 8:13 8:22 8:40 8:55 9:05 7:24 7:34 7:48 8:04 8:12 8:28
8:07 8:24 8:33 8:51 9:06 9:17 7:34 7:44 7:58 8:15 8:23 8:39
8:18 8:35 8:44 9:02 9:18 9:29 7:44 7:54 8:09 8:26 8:34 8:50
8:29 8:46 8:55 9:14 9:30 9:41 7:55 8:05 8:20 8:37 8:45 9:01
8:40 8:57 9:06 9:25 9:41 9:52 8:05 8:15 8:30 8:47 8:55 9:12
8:51 9:08 9:17 9:36 9:52 10:03 8:15 8:25 8:40 8:57 9:05 9:22
9:02 9:19 9:28 9:47 10:03 10:14 8:25 8:35 8:50 9:07 9:15 9:32
9:13 9:30 9:39 9:58 10:14 10:25 8:35 8:45 9:00 9:17 9:25 9:42
9:24 9:41 9:50 10:09 10:25 10:36 8:44 8:54 9:10 9:27 9:35 9:52
9:35 9:52 10:01 10:20 10:36 10:47 8:53 9:04 9:20 9:37 9:45 10:02
9:46 10:03 10:12 10:31 10:47 10:58 9:03 9:14 9:30 9:47 9:55 10:09
9:57 10:14 10:23 10:42 10:58 11:10 9:13 9:24 9:40 9:57 10:05 10:22
10:08 10:25 10:34 10:53 11:09 11:21 9:23 9:34 9:50 10:07 10:15 10:32
10:19 10:36 10:45 11:04 11:20 11:32 9:33 9:44 10:00 10:17 10:25 10:42
10:30 10:47 10:56 11:15 11:31 11:43 9:43 9:54 10:10 10:27 10:35 10:52
10:41A 10:58A 11:07A 11:26A 11:42A 11:54A 9:54 10:05 10:21 10:38 10:46 11:03
10:05 10:16 10:32 10:49 10:57 11:14
Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between Olive & 10:16 10:27 10:43 11:00 11:08 11:25
Venice and El Monte Station 10:26 10:37 10:53 11:11 11:19 11:36
3:38P 3:57P 4:06P 4:25P 4:41P 4:53P 10:36A 10:47A 11:03A 11:22A 11:30A 11:47A
3:50 4:09 4:18 4:37 4:53 5:05 Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between
4:02 4:21 4:30 4:49 5:05 5:17
4:14 4:33 4:42 5:01 5:17 5:29 El Monte Station and Grand & Venice
4:26 4:45 4:54 5:13 5:29 5:41 2:34P 2:45P 3:01P 3:20P 3:28P 3:45P
4:38 4:57 5:06 5:25 5:41 5:53 2:46 2:57 3:13 3:32 3:40 3:57
4:50 5:09 5:18 5:37 5:53 6:04 2:58 3:09 3:25 3:44 3:52 4:09
5:02 5:21 5:30 5:49 6:05 6:15 3:10 3:21 3:37 3:56 4:04 4:21
5:14 5:33 5:42 6:01 6:16 6:26 3:22 3:33 3:49 4:08 4:16 4:33
5:26 5:45 5:54 6:12 6:27 6:37 3:34 3:45 4:01 4:20 4:28 4:45
5:39 5:58 6:06 6:24 6:39 6:49 3:46 3:57 4:13 4:32 4:40 4:57
5:53 6:11 6:19 6:37 6:52 7:02 3:58 4:09 4:25 4:44 4:52 5:09
6:07 6:24 6:32 6:50 7:05 7:14 4:10 4:21 4:37 4:56 5:04 5:21
6:20 6:37 6:45 7:03 7:17 7:26 4:22 4:33 4:49 5:08 5:16 5:33
6:33 6:50 6:58 7:16 7:30 7:39 4:36 4:47 5:03 5:22 5:30 5:47
6:47 7:04 7:12 7:30 7:44 7:53 4:50 5:01 5:17 5:36 5:44 6:01
7:04 7:21 7:29 7:47 8:01 8:10 5:06 5:17 5:33 5:52 6:00 6:16
7:23 7:40 7:48 8:06 8:19 8:28 5:23 5:34 5:50 6:09 6:16 6:32
7:50 8:07 8:15 8:33 8:46 8:55 5:40 5:51 6:07 6:26 6:33 6:49
8:15 8:31 8:39 8:57 9:10 9:19 6:05 6:16 6:32 6:51 6:58 7:14
8:42 8:58 9:06 9:23 9:36 9:45 6:34 6:45 7:01 7:19 7:26 7:42
C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 7:00 7:11 7:26 7:44 7:51 8:07
9:40 9:52 B10:01 10:17 10:28 10:36 7:28 7:39 7:54 8:12 8:19 8:34
C10:11 10:19 B10:57 10:45 10:56 11:04 7:56 8:07 8:21 B8:39 8:46 D8:54
C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 8:26 8:36 8:50 B9:06 9:13 9:25
C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 9:10 9:19 9:31 B9:48 9:55 D10:03
C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 10:10 10:19 10:30 B10:47 10:54 D11:02
C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04 11:10 11:19 11:30 B11:47 11:54 D12:02A
C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04 12:10 12:19 12:30 B12:47A 12:54 D1:03
C4:11 4:19 B4:27 4:45 4:56 5:04 1:10 1:19 1:30 B1:47 1:54 D2:03
2:10 2:19 2:30 B2:47 2:54 D3:03
3:10 3:19 3:30 B3:47 3:54 D4:03

Sunday & Holiday

Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)
El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice



5:07A 5:22A 5:29A 5:45A 5:56A 6:04A 4:02A 4:10A 4:22A 4:38A 4:45A 4:59A
5:46 6:02 6:10 6:27 6:40 6:48 5:02 5:10 5:22 5:38 5:45 5:59
6:21 6:37 6:45 7:02 7:15 7:23 5:46 5:54 6:06 6:22 6:29 6:44
6:54 7:10 7:18 7:35 7:48 7:56 6:14 6:22 6:35 6:51 6:58 7:15
7:09 7:25 7:33 7:50 8:03 8:11 6:42 6:50 7:03 7:20 7:27 7:44
7:24 7:40 7:48 8:05 8:19 8:27 7:06 7:15 7:29 7:46 7:53 8:10
7:42 7:58 8:06 8:23 8:37 8:45 7:19 7:28 7:42 7:59 8:06 8:23
7:56 8:13 8:21 8:38 8:52 9:00 7:31 7:40 7:54 8:11 8:18 8:35
8:09 8:26 8:34 8:51 9:05 9:14 7:43 7:52 8:06 8:23 8:30 8:47
8:22 8:39 8:47 9:04 9:19 9:28 7:55 8:04 8:18 8:35 8:42 8:59
8:34 8:51 8:59 9:17 9:32 9:41 8:07 8:16 8:30 8:47 8:54 9:11
8:46 9:03 9:11 9:29 9:44 9:53 8:19 8:28 8:42 8:59 9:06 9:23
8:58 9:15 9:23 9:41 9:56 10:06 8:31 8:40 8:54 9:11 9:18 9:35
9:10 9:27 9:35 9:53 10:08 10:19 8:43 8:52 9:06 9:23 9:30 9:47
9:22 9:39 9:47 10:05 10:20 10:31 8:53 9:03 9:18 9:35 9:42 9:59
9:34 9:51 9:59 10:18 10:33 10:44 9:05 9:15 9:30 9:47 9:54 10:11
9:46 10:03 10:11 10:30 10:45 10:56 9:17 9:27 9:42 9:59 10:06 10:23
9:58 10:15 10:23 10:42 10:57 11:08 9:29 9:39 9:54 10:11 10:18 10:35
10:10 10:27 10:35 10:54 11:09 11:20 9:41 9:51 10:06 10:23 10:30 10:47
10:22 10:39 10:47 11:06 11:21 11:32 9:53 10:03 10:18 10:35 10:42 10:59
10:34 10:51 10:59 11:18 11:33 11:44 10:05 10:15 10:30 10:47 10:54 11:11
10:46 11:03 11:11 11:30 11:45 11:56 10:17 10:27 10:42 10:59 11:06 11:23
10:58 11:15 11:23 11:42 11:57 12:08P 10:28 10:38 10:53 11:11 11:18 11:35
11:10 11:27 11:35 11:54 12:10P 12:21 10:40 10:50 11:05 11:23 11:30 11:47
11:22 11:39 11:47 12:06P 12:22 12:33 10:50 11:01 11:17 11:35 11:42 11:59
11:34 11:51 11:59 12:18 12:34 12:45 11:02 11:13 11:29 11:47 11:54 12:11P
11:45 12:03P 12:11P 12:30 12:46 12:57 11:14 11:25 11:41 11:59 12:06P 12:23
11:57 12:15 12:23 12:42 12:58 1:09 11:26 11:37 11:53 12:11P 12:18 12:35
12:09P 12:27 12:35 12:54 1:10 1:21 11:38 11:49 12:05P 12:23 12:30 12:47
12:21 12:39 12:47 1:06 1:22 1:33 11:50 12:01P 12:17 12:35 12:42 12:59
12:33 12:51 12:59 1:18 1:34 1:45 12:02P 12:13 12:29 12:47 12:54 1:11
12:45 1:03 1:11 1:30 1:46 1:57 12:14 12:25 12:41 12:59 1:06 1:23
12:57 1:15 1:23 1:42 1:58 2:09 12:26 12:37 12:53 1:11 1:18 1:35
1:09 1:27 1:35 1:54 2:10 2:21 12:38 12:49 1:05 1:23 1:30 1:47
1:21 1:39 1:47 2:06 2:22 2:33 12:50 1:01 1:17 1:35 1:42 1:59
1:33 1:51 1:59 2:18 2:34 2:45 1:02 1:13 1:29 1:47 1:54 2:11
1:45 2:03 2:11 2:30 2:46 2:57 1:14 1:25 1:41 1:59 2:06 2:23
1:57 2:15 2:23 2:42 2:58 3:09 1:26 1:37 1:53 2:11 2:18 2:35
2:09 2:27 2:35 2:54 3:10 3:21 1:38 1:49 2:05 2:23 2:30 2:47
2:21 2:39 2:47 3:06 3:22 3:33 1:50 2:01 2:17 2:35 2:42 2:59
2:33 2:51 2:59 3:18 3:34 3:45 2:02 2:13 2:29 2:47 2:54 3:11
2:45 3:03 3:11 3:30 3:46 3:57 2:14 2:25 2:41 2:59 3:06 3:23
2:57 3:15 3:23 3:42 3:58 4:09 2:26 2:37 2:53 3:11 3:18 3:35
3:09 3:27 3:35 3:54 4:10 4:21 2:38 2:49 3:05 3:23 3:30 3:47
3:21 3:39 3:47 4:06 4:22 4:33 2:50 3:01 3:17 3:35 3:42 3:59
3:33 3:51 3:59 4:18 4:34 4:45 3:02 3:13 3:29 3:47 3:54 4:11
3:45 4:03 4:11 4:30 4:46 4:57 3:14 3:25 3:41 3:59 4:06 4:23
3:57 4:15 4:23 4:42 4:58 5:09 3:26 3:37 3:53 4:11 4:18 4:35
4:09 4:27 4:35 4:54 5:10 5:21 3:38 3:49 4:05 4:23 4:30 4:47
4:21 4:39 4:47 5:06 5:22 5:33 3:50 4:01 4:17 4:35 4:42 4:59
4:33 4:51 4:59 5:18 5:34 5:45 4:02 4:13 4:29 4:47 4:54 5:11
4:46 5:04 5:12 5:31 5:47 5:58 4:14 4:25 4:41 4:59 5:06 5:23
4:59 5:17 5:25 5:44 6:00 6:10 4:26 4:37 4:53 5:11 5:18 5:35
5:12 5:30 5:38 5:57 6:12 6:22 4:38 4:49 5:05 5:23 5:30 5:47
5:25 5:43 5:51 6:09 6:24 6:34 4:50 5:01 5:17 5:35 5:42 5:59
5:38 5:56 6:04 6:22 6:37 6:47 5:08 5:19 5:35 5:53 6:00 6:16
5:51 6:09 6:17 6:35 6:50 7:00 5:26 5:37 5:53 6:11 6:18 6:34
6:05 6:22 6:30 6:48 7:03 7:13 5:48 5:59 6:13 6:31 6:38 6:54
6:18 6:35 6:43 7:01 7:14 7:24 6:09 6:19 6:33 6:51 6:58 7:14
6:31 6:48 6:56 7:14 7:27 7:37 6:34 6:44 6:58 7:16 7:23 7:39
6:44 7:01 7:09 7:27 7:40 7:50 7:02 7:12 7:26 7:44 7:51 8:07
7:04 7:20 7:28 7:46 7:59 8:09 7:30 7:40 7:54 8:12 8:19 8:31
7:33 7:49 7:57 8:15 8:28 8:38 7:55 8:05 8:18 B8:36 8:44 D8:52
7:53 8:09 8:17 8:35 8:48 8:58 8:31 8:41 8:54 B9:10 9:17 9:29
8:25 8:41 8:49 9:07 9:19 9:27 9:10 9:19 9:31 B9:48 9:56 D10:03
C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 10:10 10:19 10:31 B10:47 10:55 D11:03
9:37 9:49 B9:57 10:15 10:16 10:34 11:10 11:19 11:31 B11:47 11:55 D12:03A
C10:11 10:19 B10:57 10:45 10:56 11:04 12:10A 12:19A 12:31A B12:47A 12:55A D1:03
C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 1:10 1:19 1:31 B1:47 1:55 D2:03
C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 2:10 2:19 2:31 B2:47 2:55 D3:03
C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 3:10 3:19 3:31 B3:47 3:55 D4:03
C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04
C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04

Effective Dec 17 2006 70
Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)

El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice


4:56A 5:12A 5:20A 5:37A 5:49A 5:58A 4:20A 4:29A 4:40A 4:55A 5:02A 5:17A
5:39 5:55 6:03 6:20 6:32 6:41 5:11 5:20 5:31 5:46 5:53 6:09
6:01 6:17 6:25 6:42 6:54 7:03 5:36 5:45 5:56 6:12 6:19 6:35
6:19 6:35 6:43 7:00 7:15 7:24 5:53 6:03 6:15 6:31 6:38 6:54
6:39 6:55 7:03 7:21 7:36 7:45 6:08 6:18 6:30 6:46 6:53 7:09
6:52 7:08 7:16 7:34 7:49 7:58 6:20 6:30 6:42 6:58 7:06 7:22
7:04 7:20 7:28 7:46 8:01 8:10 6:31 6:41 6:53 7:09 7:17 7:33
7:15 7:31 7:39 7:57 8:12 8:21 6:41 6:51 7:04 7:20 7:28 7:44
7:26 7:42 7:50 8:08 8:23 8:32 6:51 7:01 7:15 7:31 7:39 7:55
7:36 7:52 8:00 8:18 8:33 8:42 7:02 7:12 7:26 7:42 7:50 8:06
7:45 8:02 8:11 8:29 8:44 8:53 7:13 7:23 7:37 7:53 8:01 8:17
7:56 8:13 8:22 8:40 8:55 9:05 7:24 7:34 7:48 8:04 8:12 8:28
8:07 8:24 8:33 8:51 9:06 9:17 7:34 7:44 7:58 8:15 8:23 8:39
8:18 8:35 8:44 9:02 9:18 9:29 7:44 7:54 8:09 8:26 8:34 8:50
8:29 8:46 8:55 9:14 9:30 9:41 7:55 8:05 8:20 8:37 8:45 9:01
8:40 8:57 9:06 9:25 9:41 9:52 8:05 8:15 8:30 8:47 8:55 9:12
8:51 9:08 9:17 9:36 9:52 10:03 8:15 8:25 8:40 8:57 9:05 9:22
9:02 9:19 9:28 9:47 10:03 10:14 8:25 8:35 8:50 9:07 9:15 9:32
9:13 9:30 9:39 9:58 10:14 10:25 8:35 8:45 9:00 9:17 9:25 9:42
9:24 9:41 9:50 10:09 10:25 10:36 8:44 8:54 9:10 9:27 9:35 9:52
9:35 9:52 10:01 10:20 10:36 10:47 8:53 9:04 9:20 9:37 9:45 10:02
9:46 10:03 10:12 10:31 10:47 10:58 9:03 9:14 9:30 9:47 9:55 10:09
9:57 10:14 10:23 10:42 10:58 11:10 9:13 9:24 9:40 9:57 10:05 10:22
10:08 10:25 10:34 10:53 11:09 11:21 9:23 9:34 9:50 10:07 10:15 10:32
10:19 10:36 10:45 11:04 11:20 11:32 9:33 9:44 10:00 10:17 10:25 10:42
10:30 10:47 10:56 11:15 11:31 11:43 9:43 9:54 10:10 10:27 10:35 10:52
10:41A 10:58A 11:07A 11:26A 11:42A 11:54A 9:54 10:05 10:21 10:38 10:46 11:03
10:05 10:16 10:32 10:49 10:57 11:14
Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between Olive & 10:16 10:27 10:43 11:00 11:08 11:25
Venice and El Monte Station 10:26 10:37 10:53 11:11 11:19 11:36
3:38P 3:57P 4:06P 4:25P 4:41P 4:53P 10:36A 10:47A 11:03A 11:22A 11:30A 11:47A
3:50 4:09 4:18 4:37 4:53 5:05 Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between
4:02 4:21 4:30 4:49 5:05 5:17
4:14 4:33 4:42 5:01 5:17 5:29 El Monte Station and Grand & Venice
4:26 4:45 4:54 5:13 5:29 5:41 2:34P 2:45P 3:01P 3:20P 3:28P 3:45P
4:38 4:57 5:06 5:25 5:41 5:53 2:46 2:57 3:13 3:32 3:40 3:57
4:50 5:09 5:18 5:37 5:53 6:04 2:58 3:09 3:25 3:44 3:52 4:09
5:02 5:21 5:30 5:49 6:05 6:15 3:10 3:21 3:37 3:56 4:04 4:21
5:14 5:33 5:42 6:01 6:16 6:26 3:22 3:33 3:49 4:08 4:16 4:33
5:26 5:45 5:54 6:12 6:27 6:37 3:34 3:45 4:01 4:20 4:28 4:45
5:39 5:58 6:06 6:24 6:39 6:49 3:46 3:57 4:13 4:32 4:40 4:57
5:53 6:11 6:19 6:37 6:52 7:02 3:58 4:09 4:25 4:44 4:52 5:09
6:07 6:24 6:32 6:50 7:05 7:14 4:10 4:21 4:37 4:56 5:04 5:21
6:20 6:37 6:45 7:03 7:17 7:26 4:22 4:33 4:49 5:08 5:16 5:33
6:33 6:50 6:58 7:16 7:30 7:39 4:36 4:47 5:03 5:22 5:30 5:47
6:47 7:04 7:12 7:30 7:44 7:53 4:50 5:01 5:17 5:36 5:44 6:01
7:04 7:21 7:29 7:47 8:01 8:10 5:06 5:17 5:33 5:52 6:00 6:16
7:23 7:40 7:48 8:06 8:19 8:28 5:23 5:34 5:50 6:09 6:16 6:32
7:50 8:07 8:15 8:33 8:46 8:55 5:40 5:51 6:07 6:26 6:33 6:49
8:15 8:31 8:39 8:57 9:10 9:19 6:05 6:16 6:32 6:51 6:58 7:14
8:42 8:58 9:06 9:23 9:36 9:45 6:34 6:45 7:01 7:19 7:26 7:42
C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 7:00 7:11 7:26 7:44 7:51 8:07
9:40 9:52 B10:01 10:17 10:28 10:36 7:28 7:39 7:54 8:12 8:19 8:34
C10:11 10:19 B10:57 10:45 10:56 11:04 7:56 8:07 8:21 B8:39 8:46 D8:54
C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 8:26 8:36 8:50 B9:06 9:13 9:25
C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 9:10 9:19 9:31 B9:48 9:55 D10:03
C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 10:10 10:19 10:30 B10:47 10:54 D11:02
C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04 11:10 11:19 11:30 B11:47 11:54 D12:02A
C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04 12:10 12:19 12:30 B12:47A 12:54 D1:03
C4:11 4:19 B4:27 4:45 4:56 5:04 1:10 1:19 1:30 B1:47 1:54 D2:03
2:10 2:19 2:30 B2:47 2:54 D3:03
3:10 3:19 3:30 B3:47 3:54 D4:03

Sunday & Holiday

Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)
El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice



5:07A 5:22A 5:29A 5:45A 5:56A 6:04A 4:02A 4:10A 4:22A 4:38A 4:45A 4:59A
5:46 6:02 6:10 6:27 6:40 6:48 5:02 5:10 5:22 5:38 5:45 5:59
6:21 6:37 6:45 7:02 7:15 7:23 5:46 5:54 6:06 6:22 6:29 6:44
6:54 7:10 7:18 7:35 7:48 7:56 6:14 6:22 6:35 6:51 6:58 7:15
7:09 7:25 7:33 7:50 8:03 8:11 6:42 6:50 7:03 7:20 7:27 7:44
7:24 7:40 7:48 8:05 8:19 8:27 7:06 7:15 7:29 7:46 7:53 8:10
7:42 7:58 8:06 8:23 8:37 8:45 7:19 7:28 7:42 7:59 8:06 8:23
7:56 8:13 8:21 8:38 8:52 9:00 7:31 7:40 7:54 8:11 8:18 8:35
8:09 8:26 8:34 8:51 9:05 9:14 7:43 7:52 8:06 8:23 8:30 8:47
8:22 8:39 8:47 9:04 9:19 9:28 7:55 8:04 8:18 8:35 8:42 8:59
8:34 8:51 8:59 9:17 9:32 9:41 8:07 8:16 8:30 8:47 8:54 9:11
8:46 9:03 9:11 9:29 9:44 9:53 8:19 8:28 8:42 8:59 9:06 9:23
8:58 9:15 9:23 9:41 9:56 10:06 8:31 8:40 8:54 9:11 9:18 9:35
9:10 9:27 9:35 9:53 10:08 10:19 8:43 8:52 9:06 9:23 9:30 9:47
9:22 9:39 9:47 10:05 10:20 10:31 8:53 9:03 9:18 9:35 9:42 9:59
9:34 9:51 9:59 10:18 10:33 10:44 9:05 9:15 9:30 9:47 9:54 10:11
9:46 10:03 10:11 10:30 10:45 10:56 9:17 9:27 9:42 9:59 10:06 10:23
9:58 10:15 10:23 10:42 10:57 11:08 9:29 9:39 9:54 10:11 10:18 10:35
10:10 10:27 10:35 10:54 11:09 11:20 9:41 9:51 10:06 10:23 10:30 10:47
10:22 10:39 10:47 11:06 11:21 11:32 9:53 10:03 10:18 10:35 10:42 10:59
10:34 10:51 10:59 11:18 11:33 11:44 10:05 10:15 10:30 10:47 10:54 11:11
10:46 11:03 11:11 11:30 11:45 11:56 10:17 10:27 10:42 10:59 11:06 11:23
10:58 11:15 11:23 11:42 11:57 12:08P 10:28 10:38 10:53 11:11 11:18 11:35
11:10 11:27 11:35 11:54 12:10P 12:21 10:40 10:50 11:05 11:23 11:30 11:47
11:22 11:39 11:47 12:06P 12:22 12:33 10:50 11:01 11:17 11:35 11:42 11:59
11:34 11:51 11:59 12:18 12:34 12:45 11:02 11:13 11:29 11:47 11:54 12:11P
11:45 12:03P 12:11P 12:30 12:46 12:57 11:14 11:25 11:41 11:59 12:06P 12:23
11:57 12:15 12:23 12:42 12:58 1:09 11:26 11:37 11:53 12:11P 12:18 12:35
12:09P 12:27 12:35 12:54 1:10 1:21 11:38 11:49 12:05P 12:23 12:30 12:47
12:21 12:39 12:47 1:06 1:22 1:33 11:50 12:01P 12:17 12:35 12:42 12:59
12:33 12:51 12:59 1:18 1:34 1:45 12:02P 12:13 12:29 12:47 12:54 1:11
12:45 1:03 1:11 1:30 1:46 1:57 12:14 12:25 12:41 12:59 1:06 1:23
12:57 1:15 1:23 1:42 1:58 2:09 12:26 12:37 12:53 1:11 1:18 1:35
1:09 1:27 1:35 1:54 2:10 2:21 12:38 12:49 1:05 1:23 1:30 1:47
1:21 1:39 1:47 2:06 2:22 2:33 12:50 1:01 1:17 1:35 1:42 1:59
1:33 1:51 1:59 2:18 2:34 2:45 1:02 1:13 1:29 1:47 1:54 2:11
1:45 2:03 2:11 2:30 2:46 2:57 1:14 1:25 1:41 1:59 2:06 2:23
1:57 2:15 2:23 2:42 2:58 3:09 1:26 1:37 1:53 2:11 2:18 2:35
2:09 2:27 2:35 2:54 3:10 3:21 1:38 1:49 2:05 2:23 2:30 2:47
2:21 2:39 2:47 3:06 3:22 3:33 1:50 2:01 2:17 2:35 2:42 2:59
2:33 2:51 2:59 3:18 3:34 3:45 2:02 2:13 2:29 2:47 2:54 3:11
2:45 3:03 3:11 3:30 3:46 3:57 2:14 2:25 2:41 2:59 3:06 3:23
2:57 3:15 3:23 3:42 3:58 4:09 2:26 2:37 2:53 3:11 3:18 3:35
3:09 3:27 3:35 3:54 4:10 4:21 2:38 2:49 3:05 3:23 3:30 3:47
3:21 3:39 3:47 4:06 4:22 4:33 2:50 3:01 3:17 3:35 3:42 3:59
3:33 3:51 3:59 4:18 4:34 4:45 3:02 3:13 3:29 3:47 3:54 4:11
3:45 4:03 4:11 4:30 4:46 4:57 3:14 3:25 3:41 3:59 4:06 4:23
3:57 4:15 4:23 4:42 4:58 5:09 3:26 3:37 3:53 4:11 4:18 4:35
4:09 4:27 4:35 4:54 5:10 5:21 3:38 3:49 4:05 4:23 4:30 4:47
4:21 4:39 4:47 5:06 5:22 5:33 3:50 4:01 4:17 4:35 4:42 4:59
4:33 4:51 4:59 5:18 5:34 5:45 4:02 4:13 4:29 4:47 4:54 5:11
4:46 5:04 5:12 5:31 5:47 5:58 4:14 4:25 4:41 4:59 5:06 5:23
4:59 5:17 5:25 5:44 6:00 6:10 4:26 4:37 4:53 5:11 5:18 5:35
5:12 5:30 5:38 5:57 6:12 6:22 4:38 4:49 5:05 5:23 5:30 5:47
5:25 5:43 5:51 6:09 6:24 6:34 4:50 5:01 5:17 5:35 5:42 5:59
5:38 5:56 6:04 6:22 6:37 6:47 5:08 5:19 5:35 5:53 6:00 6:16
5:51 6:09 6:17 6:35 6:50 7:00 5:26 5:37 5:53 6:11 6:18 6:34
6:05 6:22 6:30 6:48 7:03 7:13 5:48 5:59 6:13 6:31 6:38 6:54
6:18 6:35 6:43 7:01 7:14 7:24 6:09 6:19 6:33 6:51 6:58 7:14
6:31 6:48 6:56 7:14 7:27 7:37 6:34 6:44 6:58 7:16 7:23 7:39
6:44 7:01 7:09 7:27 7:40 7:50 7:02 7:12 7:26 7:44 7:51 8:07
7:04 7:20 7:28 7:46 7:59 8:09 7:30 7:40 7:54 8:12 8:19 8:31
7:33 7:49 7:57 8:15 8:28 8:38 7:55 8:05 8:18 B8:36 8:44 D8:52
7:53 8:09 8:17 8:35 8:48 8:58 8:31 8:41 8:54 B9:10 9:17 9:29
8:25 8:41 8:49 9:07 9:19 9:27 9:10 9:19 9:31 B9:48 9:56 D10:03
C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 10:10 10:19 10:31 B10:47 10:55 D11:03
9:37 9:49 B9:57 10:15 10:16 10:34 11:10 11:19 11:31 B11:47 11:55 D12:03A
C10:11 10:19 B10:57 10:45 10:56 11:04 12:10A 12:19A 12:31A B12:47A 12:55A D1:03
C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 1:10 1:19 1:31 B1:47 1:55 D2:03
C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 2:10 2:19 2:31 B2:47 2:55 D3:03
C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 3:10 3:19 3:31 B3:47 3:55 D4:03
C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04
C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04

Monday through Friday
Effective Dec 17 2006 70/370
Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)









El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield
Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice



70 4:51A 5:06A 5:15A 5:32A 5:44A 5:54A 70 4:13A 4:22A 4:33A 4:50A 4:58A 5:13A
70 5:19 5:34 5:43 6:00 6:14 6:24 70 4:46 4:55 5:06 5:23 5:31 5:46
70 5:39 5:54 6:03 6:21 6:35 6:45 70 4:58 5:08 5:20 5:37 5:45 6:00
70 5:48 6:03 6:13 6:31 6:45 6:55 70 5:11 5:21 5:33 5:50 5:58 6:14
70 5:56 6:11 6:21 6:39 6:53 7:03 70 5:24 5:34 5:46 6:03 6:11 6:27
370 6:06 6:21 6:31 6:47 6:59 7:08 70 5:35 5:45 5:57 6:15 6:23 6:39
70 6:11 6:26 6:36 6:54 7:09 7:20 70 5:43 5:53 6:06 6:24 6:32 6:48
370 6:20 6:35 6:45 7:01 7:14 7:23 70 5:50 6:00 6:14 6:32 6:40 6:56
70 6:26 6:41 6:51 7:11 7:27 7:38 370 6:01 6:11 6:22 6:38 6:46 7:02
370 6:36 6:51 7:01 7:19 7:32 7:41 70 6:05 6:16 6:30 6:48 6:56 7:14
70 6:43 6:58 7:08 7:29 7:45 7:56 370 6:16 6:26 6:37 6:53 7:01 7:19
370 6:52 7:08 7:18 7:36 7:49 7:58 70 6:18 6:29 6:43 7:01 7:10 7:28
70 6:59 7:15 7:25 7:46 8:02 8:13 370 6:28 6:38 6:49 7:05 7:14 7:32
370 7:08 7:24 7:34 7:52 8:05 8:14 70 6:30 6:41 6:55 7:14 7:23 7:41
70 7:14 7:30 7:40 8:01 8:17 8:28 370 6:40 6:50 7:01 7:18 7:27 7:45
370 7:23 7:39 7:49 8:07 8:21 8:30 70 6:42 6:53 7:07 7:27 7:36 7:54
70 7:28 7:44 7:54 8:15 8:31 8:42 370 6:51 7:01 7:13 7:30 7:39 7:57
370 7:37 7:53 8:03 8:20 8:34 8:43 70 6:52 7:04 7:19 7:39 7:48 8:06
70 7:43 7:59 8:09 8:30 8:46 8:57 70 7:03 7:16 7:31 7:51 8:00 8:18
370 7:52 8:08 8:18 8:35 8:49 8:58 370 7:03 7:13 7:25 7:42 7:51 8:09
70 7:56 8:12 8:22 8:43 8:59 9:11 370 7:15 7:25 7:37 7:54 8:03 8:21
370 8:05 8:21 8:31 8:48 9:02 9:11 70 7:15 7:28 7:43 8:03 8:12 8:30
70 8:10 8:26 8:36 8:57 9:13 9:25 70 7:26 7:39 7:54 8:14 8:23 8:41
370 8:19 8:35 8:45 9:02 9:16 9:25 370 7:27 7:37 7:49 8:06 8:15 8:33
70 8:24 8:40 8:50 9:11 9:27 9:39 70 7:36 7:49 8:04 8:24 8:33 8:51
370 8:33 8:49 8:59 9:16 9:30 9:39 370 7:37 7:47 7:59 8:16 8:25 8:43
70 8:38 8:54 9:04 9:25 9:41 9:53 370 7:48 7:58 8:10 8:27 8:36 8:54
370 8:47 9:04 9:14 9:31 9:45 9:54 70 7:48 8:01 8:16 8:36 8:45 9:03
70 8:53 9:10 9:20 9:41 9:57 10:09 70 7:55 8:08 8:23 8:43 8:52 9:11
70 9:03 9:20 9:30 9:51 10:07 10:19 70 8:04 8:17 8:32 8:52 9:01 9:20
70 9:13 9:30 9:40 10:01 10:17 10:29 70 8:14 8:27 8:42 9:02 9:11 9:30
70 9:23A 9:40A 9:50A 10:11A 10:27A 10:39A 70 8:24 8:37 8:52 9:12 9:21 9:40
Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between Olive & 70 8:34 8:47 9:02 9:22 9:31 9:50
Venice and El Monte Station 70 8:43 8:56 9:12 9:32 9:41 10:00
70 2:03P 2:20P 2:30P 2:51P 3:07P 3:18P 70 8:53 9:06 9:22 9:42 9:51 10:10
70 2:13 2:30 2:40 3:01 3:18 3:29 70 9:04 9:16 9:32 9:52 10:01 10:20
70 2:23 2:40 2:50 3:11 3:28 3:39 70 9:14 9:26 9:42 10:02 10:11 10:30
70 2:33 2:50 3:00 3:21 3:38 3:49 70 9:25 9:37 9:53 10:13 10:22 10:41
70 2:43 3:00 3:10 3:31 3:48 3:59 70 9:36 9:48 10:04 10:24 10:33 10:52
70 2:51 3:10 3:20 3:41 3:58 4:09 70 9:48 10:00 10:16 10:36 10:45 11:04
70 3:01 3:20 3:30 3:51 4:08 4:19 70 10:00 10:12 10:28 10:48 10:57 11:16
70 3:09 3:28 3:38 3:59 4:16 4:27 70 10:12 10:24 10:40 11:00 11:09 11:28
370 3:20 3:39 3:49 4:08 4:23 4:33 70 10:24 10:36 10:52 11:12 11:21 11:40
70 3:27 3:46 3:56 4:17 4:34 4:45 70 10:36 10:48 11:04 11:24 11:33 11:52
370 3:36 3:55 4:05 4:24 4:39 4:49 70 10:48 11:00 11:16 11:36 11:45 12:04
70 3:43 4:02 4:12 4:33 4:50 5:01 70 11:00A 11:12A 11:28A 11:48A 11:57A 12:16A
370 3:52 4:11 4:21 4:40 — — Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between
70 3:58 4:17 4:27 4:48 5:05 5:16 El Monte Station and Grand & Venice
370 4:06 4:25 4:35 4:54 5:09 5:19 70 2:00P 2:12P 2:28P 2:48P 2:57P 3:16P
70 4:11 4:30 4:40 5:01 5:18 5:29 70 2:12 2:24 2:40 3:00 3:09 3:28
370 4:18 4:37 4:47 5:06 5:21 5:31 70 2:22 2:34 2:50 3:10 3:19 3:38
70 4:23 4:42 4:52 5:13 5:30 5:41 70 2:30 2:42 2:58 3:18 3:27 3:46
370 4:30 4:49 4:59 5:18 5:33 5:43 70 2:38 2:50 3:06 3:26 3:35 3:54
70 4:35 4:54 5:04 5:25 5:42 5:53 70 2:46 2:58 3:14 3:34 3:43 4:02
370 4:42 5:01 5:11 5:30 5:45 5:55 70 2:54 3:06 3:22 3:42 3:51 4:11
70 4:47 5:06 5:16 5:37 5:54 6:05 370 3:08 3:18 3:30 3:47 3:56 4:16
370 4:54 5:13 5:23 5:42 5:57 6:07 70 3:10 3:22 3:38 3:58 4:07 4:27
70 4:59 5:18 5:28 5:49 6:06 6:18 370 3:24 3:34 3:46 4:03 4:12 4:32
370 5:07 5:26 5:36 5:55 6:10 6:20 70 3:26 3:38 3:54 4:14 4:23 4:43
70 5:12 5:31 5:41 6:02 6:18 6:30 370 3:40 3:50 4:02 4:19 4:28 4:48
370 5:19 5:38 5:48 6:07 6:22 6:32 70 3:42 3:54 4:10 4:30 4:39 4:59
70 5:24 5:43 5:53 6:14 6:30 6:42 370 3:56 4:06 4:18 4:35 4:44 5:04
370 5:32 5:51 6:01 6:20 6:35 6:45 70 3:58 4:10 4:26 4:46 4:55 5:15
70 5:37 5:56 6:05 6:26 6:42 6:54 370 4:12 4:22 4:34 4:51 5:00 5:20
370 5:45 6:04 6:13 6:32 6:47 6:57 70 4:15 4:27 4:43 5:03 5:12 5:32
70 5:52 6:11 6:20 6:41 6:57 7:08 370 4:30 4:40 4:52 5:09 5:18 5:38
370 6:02 6:21 6:30 6:49 7:04 7:11 70 4:33 4:45 5:01 5:21 5:30 5:50
70 6:10 6:29 6:38 6:59 7:14 7:25 370 4:47 4:57 5:10 5:27 5:36 5:56
70 6:19 6:38 6:47 7:07 7:22 7:33 70 4:51 5:03 5:19 5:39 5:48 6:07
70 6:28 6:47 6:56 7:15 7:30 7:41 370 5:05 5:15 5:28 5:45 5:54 6:12
70 6:39 6:58 7:07 7:26 7:41 7:52 70 5:09 5:21 5:37 5:57 6:05 6:22
70 6:51 7:10 7:19 7:38 7:53 8:04 70 5:19 5:31 5:47 6:07 6:15 6:32
70 7:04 7:22 7:31 7:50 8:04 8:14 70 5:29 5:41 5:57 6:16 6:24 6:41
70 7:16 7:34 7:43 8:02 8:15 8:25 70 5:39 5:51 6:07 6:26 6:34 6:51
70 7:28 7:46 7:55 8:13 8:26 8:36 70 5:49 6:01 6:17 6:36 6:44 7:01
70 7:41 7:59 8:07 8:25 8:38 8:48 70 6:00 6:11 6:27 6:46 6:54 7:10
70 7:56 8:14 8:22 8:40 8:53 9:03 70 6:10 6:21 6:37 6:56 7:04 7:20
70 8:17 8:34 8:42 9:00 9:12 9:21 70 6:20 6:31 6:47 7:06 7:14 7:30
70 8:37 8:54 9:02 9:19 9:31 9:40 70 6:32 6:43 6:59 7:17 7:25 7:41
70A C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 70 6:44 6:55 7:11 7:29 7:37 7:53
70A 9:37 9:49 B9:57 10:15 10:26 10:34 70 6:58 7:09 7:25 7:43 7:51 8:07
70A C10:11 10:19 B10:27 10:45 10:56 11:04 70 7:12 7:23 7:39 7:57 8:05 8:21
70A C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 70 7:33 7:44 8:00 8:18 8:26 8:42
70A C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 70A 8:02 8:12 8:26 B8:44 8:52 D9:00
70A C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 70A 8:30 8:40 8:54 B9:10 9:17 9:29
70A C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04 70A 9:10 9:19 9:30 B9:46 9:54 D10:02
70A C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04 70A 10:10 10:19 10:30 B10:46 10:54 D11:02
70A C4:11 4:19 B4:27 4:45 4:56 5:04 70A 11:10 11:19 11:30 B11:46 11:54 D12:02A
70A 12:10A 12:19A 12:30A B12:46A 12:54A D1:02
70A 1:10 1:19 1:30 B1:46 1:54 D2:02
70A 2:10 2:19 2:30 B2:46 2:54 D3:02
70A 3:10 3:19 3:30 B3:46 3:54 D4:02

Holiday Schedule Horarios en los días feriados

Sunday & Holiday schedule will operate on Los horarios de Domingos y días festivos serán en
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Thanksgiving Day y Christmas Day.
Line 370 does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, or the Línea 370 no opera los Sábados, Domingos o Feriados
holidays shown above. que se muestran arriba.

Special Notes Avisos especiales

A Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. A Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
B Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. B Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
C Originates from Olive & 7th at time shown. C Se origina en Olive y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
D Terminates at Grand & 7th at time shown. D Termina en Grand1 y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
El Monte Station
Metro Bus Lines
Ramona Bl 484,

Foothill Transit Lines

480,481,482,486,488,492,494 Peck Rd
Lower El Monte Station

Metro Bus Lines 170,176, Downtown Street Stops

EL MONTE Patsaouras Transit
267,268,270; Foothill M

Santa Anita Av Metro Rail Station Entrances Plaza

Transit Lines 178,269 El Monte

Bus Station .
s St

Olvera Street rE
Merced Av Plaza sa Av
W/B only Ce vez
SOUTH 60 a

Rosemead Bl-170,266 Cesar E. Chavez Av
Metro Red Line

Al a


Arcadia St Union

e da

Aliso St
Walnut Grove Av 170

110 Temple St
San Gabriel Bl M20
to Downtown Los Angeles refer to the 38-71 Timetable

Civic Center/
Spring St

Main St

Del Mar Av Tom Bradley M

For additional service from the City Terrace Area

Station 1st St
Emerson Av

New Av M
Limited 370 Stop Area

Newmark Av

2nd St

Garfield Av MONTEREY
Figueroa St

M30 3rd St

Flower St
Hope St

Atlantic Bl
M M 4th St
Pershing Square
Mo Station
Fremont Av nte
v Casu rey P 5th St
yA da C ass M
Grand Av

rv e y Rd
Ga 7th St/Metro

6th St


E/B only

W/B only
Ramo na

Dixon Station


M M M 7th St

Eastern Av-256
Figueroa St Metro Blue Line

Pomeroy St
City e Dr

N Hazard Av-254 8th St

Terr ac

Mi ,79

ss ,37
ion 8

9th St
Georgia St

Center CITY

Cit rrace

25 25
as 7

4,2 2 60 Olympic Bl


55 Eve

en A



,2 11th St
N Sta 51,2 So


te 5
St 5,60 St

Map Not to Scale


62 5,7


0 51 Center/ 12th St

ng Staples

5 Pico Bl
Cha ar E.

Legend 10 Pico 14th St

Station Venice Bl 16th St

- Limited Stops
17th St
- Timepoints used on Timetable DowSee
nt 18th St
- Limited Stops and Timepoints Ins own
Grand Av

Los Angeles

used on timetable
Olive St

Hill St

Main St

- Line 70-370
- Alternate Route operates Map Not to Scale
between 9:00PM & 4:30AM
F - Foothill Transit Bus Lines Shown at Transfer Locations
M - Montebello Bus Lines Subject to Change Without Notice
Monday through Friday
Effective Dec 17 2006 70/370
Eastbound (Approximate Times) Westbound (Approximate Times)









El Monte Bus Station

El Monte Bus Station

Garvey & Rosemead

Garvey & Rosemead

Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield
Cesar E. Chavez &

Garvey & Garfield

Marengo & Soto

Marengo & Soto

Grand & Venice

Olive & Venice



70 4:51A 5:06A 5:15A 5:32A 5:44A 5:54A 70 4:13A 4:22A 4:33A 4:50A 4:58A 5:13A
70 5:19 5:34 5:43 6:00 6:14 6:24 70 4:46 4:55 5:06 5:23 5:31 5:46
70 5:39 5:54 6:03 6:21 6:35 6:45 70 4:58 5:08 5:20 5:37 5:45 6:00
70 5:48 6:03 6:13 6:31 6:45 6:55 70 5:11 5:21 5:33 5:50 5:58 6:14
70 5:56 6:11 6:21 6:39 6:53 7:03 70 5:24 5:34 5:46 6:03 6:11 6:27
370 6:06 6:21 6:31 6:47 6:59 7:08 70 5:35 5:45 5:57 6:15 6:23 6:39
70 6:11 6:26 6:36 6:54 7:09 7:20 70 5:43 5:53 6:06 6:24 6:32 6:48
370 6:20 6:35 6:45 7:01 7:14 7:23 70 5:50 6:00 6:14 6:32 6:40 6:56
70 6:26 6:41 6:51 7:11 7:27 7:38 370 6:01 6:11 6:22 6:38 6:46 7:02
370 6:36 6:51 7:01 7:19 7:32 7:41 70 6:05 6:16 6:30 6:48 6:56 7:14
70 6:43 6:58 7:08 7:29 7:45 7:56 370 6:16 6:26 6:37 6:53 7:01 7:19
370 6:52 7:08 7:18 7:36 7:49 7:58 70 6:18 6:29 6:43 7:01 7:10 7:28
70 6:59 7:15 7:25 7:46 8:02 8:13 370 6:28 6:38 6:49 7:05 7:14 7:32
370 7:08 7:24 7:34 7:52 8:05 8:14 70 6:30 6:41 6:55 7:14 7:23 7:41
70 7:14 7:30 7:40 8:01 8:17 8:28 370 6:40 6:50 7:01 7:18 7:27 7:45
370 7:23 7:39 7:49 8:07 8:21 8:30 70 6:42 6:53 7:07 7:27 7:36 7:54
70 7:28 7:44 7:54 8:15 8:31 8:42 370 6:51 7:01 7:13 7:30 7:39 7:57
370 7:37 7:53 8:03 8:20 8:34 8:43 70 6:52 7:04 7:19 7:39 7:48 8:06
70 7:43 7:59 8:09 8:30 8:46 8:57 70 7:03 7:16 7:31 7:51 8:00 8:18
370 7:52 8:08 8:18 8:35 8:49 8:58 370 7:03 7:13 7:25 7:42 7:51 8:09
70 7:56 8:12 8:22 8:43 8:59 9:11 370 7:15 7:25 7:37 7:54 8:03 8:21
370 8:05 8:21 8:31 8:48 9:02 9:11 70 7:15 7:28 7:43 8:03 8:12 8:30
70 8:10 8:26 8:36 8:57 9:13 9:25 70 7:26 7:39 7:54 8:14 8:23 8:41
370 8:19 8:35 8:45 9:02 9:16 9:25 370 7:27 7:37 7:49 8:06 8:15 8:33
70 8:24 8:40 8:50 9:11 9:27 9:39 70 7:36 7:49 8:04 8:24 8:33 8:51
370 8:33 8:49 8:59 9:16 9:30 9:39 370 7:37 7:47 7:59 8:16 8:25 8:43
70 8:38 8:54 9:04 9:25 9:41 9:53 370 7:48 7:58 8:10 8:27 8:36 8:54
370 8:47 9:04 9:14 9:31 9:45 9:54 70 7:48 8:01 8:16 8:36 8:45 9:03
70 8:53 9:10 9:20 9:41 9:57 10:09 70 7:55 8:08 8:23 8:43 8:52 9:11
70 9:03 9:20 9:30 9:51 10:07 10:19 70 8:04 8:17 8:32 8:52 9:01 9:20
70 9:13 9:30 9:40 10:01 10:17 10:29 70 8:14 8:27 8:42 9:02 9:11 9:30
70 9:23A 9:40A 9:50A 10:11A 10:27A 10:39A 70 8:24 8:37 8:52 9:12 9:21 9:40
Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between Olive & 70 8:34 8:47 9:02 9:22 9:31 9:50
Venice and El Monte Station 70 8:43 8:56 9:12 9:32 9:41 10:00
70 2:03P 2:20P 2:30P 2:51P 3:07P 3:18P 70 8:53 9:06 9:22 9:42 9:51 10:10
70 2:13 2:30 2:40 3:01 3:18 3:29 70 9:04 9:16 9:32 9:52 10:01 10:20
70 2:23 2:40 2:50 3:11 3:28 3:39 70 9:14 9:26 9:42 10:02 10:11 10:30
70 2:33 2:50 3:00 3:21 3:38 3:49 70 9:25 9:37 9:53 10:13 10:22 10:41
70 2:43 3:00 3:10 3:31 3:48 3:59 70 9:36 9:48 10:04 10:24 10:33 10:52
70 2:51 3:10 3:20 3:41 3:58 4:09 70 9:48 10:00 10:16 10:36 10:45 11:04
70 3:01 3:20 3:30 3:51 4:08 4:19 70 10:00 10:12 10:28 10:48 10:57 11:16
70 3:09 3:28 3:38 3:59 4:16 4:27 70 10:12 10:24 10:40 11:00 11:09 11:28
370 3:20 3:39 3:49 4:08 4:23 4:33 70 10:24 10:36 10:52 11:12 11:21 11:40
70 3:27 3:46 3:56 4:17 4:34 4:45 70 10:36 10:48 11:04 11:24 11:33 11:52
370 3:36 3:55 4:05 4:24 4:39 4:49 70 10:48 11:00 11:16 11:36 11:45 12:04
70 3:43 4:02 4:12 4:33 4:50 5:01 70 11:00A 11:12A 11:28A 11:48A 11:57A 12:16A
370 3:52 4:11 4:21 4:40 — — Then service operates every 10-12 minutes between
70 3:58 4:17 4:27 4:48 5:05 5:16 El Monte Station and Grand & Venice
370 4:06 4:25 4:35 4:54 5:09 5:19 70 2:00P 2:12P 2:28P 2:48P 2:57P 3:16P
70 4:11 4:30 4:40 5:01 5:18 5:29 70 2:12 2:24 2:40 3:00 3:09 3:28
370 4:18 4:37 4:47 5:06 5:21 5:31 70 2:22 2:34 2:50 3:10 3:19 3:38
70 4:23 4:42 4:52 5:13 5:30 5:41 70 2:30 2:42 2:58 3:18 3:27 3:46
370 4:30 4:49 4:59 5:18 5:33 5:43 70 2:38 2:50 3:06 3:26 3:35 3:54
70 4:35 4:54 5:04 5:25 5:42 5:53 70 2:46 2:58 3:14 3:34 3:43 4:02
370 4:42 5:01 5:11 5:30 5:45 5:55 70 2:54 3:06 3:22 3:42 3:51 4:11
70 4:47 5:06 5:16 5:37 5:54 6:05 370 3:08 3:18 3:30 3:47 3:56 4:16
370 4:54 5:13 5:23 5:42 5:57 6:07 70 3:10 3:22 3:38 3:58 4:07 4:27
70 4:59 5:18 5:28 5:49 6:06 6:18 370 3:24 3:34 3:46 4:03 4:12 4:32
370 5:07 5:26 5:36 5:55 6:10 6:20 70 3:26 3:38 3:54 4:14 4:23 4:43
70 5:12 5:31 5:41 6:02 6:18 6:30 370 3:40 3:50 4:02 4:19 4:28 4:48
370 5:19 5:38 5:48 6:07 6:22 6:32 70 3:42 3:54 4:10 4:30 4:39 4:59
70 5:24 5:43 5:53 6:14 6:30 6:42 370 3:56 4:06 4:18 4:35 4:44 5:04
370 5:32 5:51 6:01 6:20 6:35 6:45 70 3:58 4:10 4:26 4:46 4:55 5:15
70 5:37 5:56 6:05 6:26 6:42 6:54 370 4:12 4:22 4:34 4:51 5:00 5:20
370 5:45 6:04 6:13 6:32 6:47 6:57 70 4:15 4:27 4:43 5:03 5:12 5:32
70 5:52 6:11 6:20 6:41 6:57 7:08 370 4:30 4:40 4:52 5:09 5:18 5:38
370 6:02 6:21 6:30 6:49 7:04 7:11 70 4:33 4:45 5:01 5:21 5:30 5:50
70 6:10 6:29 6:38 6:59 7:14 7:25 370 4:47 4:57 5:10 5:27 5:36 5:56
70 6:19 6:38 6:47 7:07 7:22 7:33 70 4:51 5:03 5:19 5:39 5:48 6:07
70 6:28 6:47 6:56 7:15 7:30 7:41 370 5:05 5:15 5:28 5:45 5:54 6:12
70 6:39 6:58 7:07 7:26 7:41 7:52 70 5:09 5:21 5:37 5:57 6:05 6:22
70 6:51 7:10 7:19 7:38 7:53 8:04 70 5:19 5:31 5:47 6:07 6:15 6:32
70 7:04 7:22 7:31 7:50 8:04 8:14 70 5:29 5:41 5:57 6:16 6:24 6:41
70 7:16 7:34 7:43 8:02 8:15 8:25 70 5:39 5:51 6:07 6:26 6:34 6:51
70 7:28 7:46 7:55 8:13 8:26 8:36 70 5:49 6:01 6:17 6:36 6:44 7:01
70 7:41 7:59 8:07 8:25 8:38 8:48 70 6:00 6:11 6:27 6:46 6:54 7:10
70 7:56 8:14 8:22 8:40 8:53 9:03 70 6:10 6:21 6:37 6:56 7:04 7:20
70 8:17 8:34 8:42 9:00 9:12 9:21 70 6:20 6:31 6:47 7:06 7:14 7:30
70 8:37 8:54 9:02 9:19 9:31 9:40 70 6:32 6:43 6:59 7:17 7:25 7:41
70A C9:11 9:19 B9:27 9:45 9:56 10:04 70 6:44 6:55 7:11 7:29 7:37 7:53
70A 9:37 9:49 B9:57 10:15 10:26 10:34 70 6:58 7:09 7:25 7:43 7:51 8:07
70A C10:11 10:19 B10:27 10:45 10:56 11:04 70 7:12 7:23 7:39 7:57 8:05 8:21
70A C11:11 11:19 B11:27 11:45 11:56 12:04A 70 7:33 7:44 8:00 8:18 8:26 8:42
70A C12:11A 12:19A B12:27A 12:45A 12:56A 1:04 70A 8:02 8:12 8:26 B8:44 8:52 D9:00
70A C1:11 1:19 B1:27 1:45 1:56 2:04 70A 8:30 8:40 8:54 B9:10 9:17 9:29
70A C2:11 2:19 B2:27 2:45 2:56 3:04 70A 9:10 9:19 9:30 B9:46 9:54 D10:02
70A C3:11 3:19 B3:27 3:45 3:56 4:04 70A 10:10 10:19 10:30 B10:46 10:54 D11:02
70A C4:11 4:19 B4:27 4:45 4:56 5:04 70A 11:10 11:19 11:30 B11:46 11:54 D12:02A
70A 12:10A 12:19A 12:30A B12:46A 12:54A D1:02
70A 1:10 1:19 1:30 B1:46 1:54 D2:02
70A 2:10 2:19 2:30 B2:46 2:54 D3:02
70A 3:10 3:19 3:30 B3:46 3:54 D4:02

Holiday Schedule Horarios en los días feriados

Sunday & Holiday schedule will operate on Los horarios de Domingos y días festivos serán en
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Thanksgiving Day y Christmas Day.
Line 370 does not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, or the Línea 370 no opera los Sábados, Domingos o Feriados
holidays shown above. que se muestran arriba.

Special Notes Avisos especiales

A Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. A Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
B Operates via Soto, Wabash and City Terrace. B Opera vía Soto, Wabash y City Terrace.
C Originates from Olive & 7th at time shown. C Se origina en Olive y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
D Terminates at Grand & 7th at time shown. D Termina en Grand1 y la 7th a la hora mostrada.
El Monte Station
Metro Bus Lines
Ramona Bl 484,

Foothill Transit Lines

480,481,482,486,488,492,494 Peck Rd
Lower El Monte Station

Metro Bus Lines 170,176, Downtown Street Stops

EL MONTE Patsaouras Transit
267,268,270; Foothill M

Santa Anita Av Metro Rail Station Entrances Plaza

Transit Lines 178,269 El Monte

Bus Station .
s St

Olvera Street rE
Merced Av Plaza sa Av
W/B only Ce vez
SOUTH 60 a

Rosemead Bl-170,266 Cesar E. Chavez Av
Metro Red Line

Al a


Arcadia St Union

e da

Aliso St
Walnut Grove Av 170

110 Temple St
San Gabriel Bl M20
to Downtown Los Angeles refer to the 38-71 Timetable

Civic Center/
Spring St

Main St

Del Mar Av Tom Bradley M

For additional service from the City Terrace Area

Station 1st St
Emerson Av

New Av M
Limited 370 Stop Area

Newmark Av

2nd St

Garfield Av MONTEREY
Figueroa St

M30 3rd St

Flower St
Hope St

Atlantic Bl
M M 4th St
Pershing Square
Mo Station
Fremont Av nte
v Casu rey P 5th St
yA da C ass M
Grand Av

rv e y Rd
Ga 7th St/Metro

6th St


E/B only

W/B only
Ramo na

Dixon Station


M M M 7th St

Eastern Av-256
Figueroa St Metro Blue Line

Pomeroy St
City e Dr

N Hazard Av-254 8th St

Terr ac

Mi ,79

ss ,37
ion 8

9th St
Georgia St

Center CITY

Cit rrace

25 25
as 7

4,2 2 60 Olympic Bl


55 Eve

en A



,2 11th St
N Sta 51,2 So


te 5
St 5,60 St

Map Not to Scale


62 5,7


0 51 Center/ 12th St

ng Staples

5 Pico Bl
Cha ar E.

Legend 10 Pico 14th St

Station Venice Bl 16th St

- Limited Stops
17th St
- Timepoints used on Timetable DowSee
nt 18th St
- Limited Stops and Timepoints Ins own
Grand Av

Los Angeles

used on timetable
Olive St

Hill St

Main St

- Line 70-370
- Alternate Route operates Map Not to Scale
between 9:00PM & 4:30AM
F - Foothill Transit Bus Lines Shown at Transfer Locations
M - Montebello Bus Lines Subject to Change Without Notice

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