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Song Service......................................


Opening Song....

1. Please pray for the members who

have made a commitment to a church
plant in West London. They worship
each Sabbath at the Mount Zion
United Church, located at 471
Ridgewood Cres, off Berkshire, near
Springbank and Wonderland.

Scripture Reading.
Opening Prayer.
WelcomeKirmane Allen
Thought Focus... Kirmane Allen
Mission Story.
Lesson Study.........Words of Truth......Classes
Closing Remarks/Point Summary..Kirmane Allen

Praise & Worship..Team 1
Hymn of Praise....He Leadeth Me.#537
Intercessory Prayer ......................Elder Clara Baptiste
Thanksgiving, Pastoral Family, Minorities, GC 2015, New Jersey
Next Week
Mission to Southwestern Ontario, Women & girls in our church,
Ohio Conference

Childrens Story.............................................Moses Onyango

Offering.Conference Advance.........Sylvia Reeve
Special Music......Choir
Scripture...........James 4:13-17...........Aloma Martin

Elder Jonathan Beckles

Today or Tomorrow
Hymn of Consecration.Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah..#538
Benediction.....Elder Teresa Ferreira

Sunset Today: 6:12 p.m. Next Friday: 6:19 p.m.


2. Pathfinders Club meets tomorrow

Sunday, March 1st at 12 noon at the
YMCA (Bob Hayward branch @ 1050
Hamilton Rd.) for swimming class. The
use of pool is from 12 to 1:30 pm. Please be on time.
3. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7
pm. "Experiencing the Fruit of the
Spirit". Come and be blessed!
4. Youth Bible Study Group meets
Thursdays from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
@ 785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreiras
5. In celebration of Black
History month, everyone is
invited to a vesper service at
our church TODAY at 4:30 p.m.
6. On-line giving option is
available via church website.
Please provide your email and
then respond to a validation
email sent to you. Once the
account details are set up you
could make direct donations,
pay tithe, and make
contributions to the church Budget without writing
cheques, by direct deposits from your card. This is the
QR code for your mobile devices to access the site.

7. Ladies just a reminder that we meet at 9 o'clock on

Sunday March 1st for breakfast, fellowship and pray.
~~Women's Ministry Team
8. Needing comfort and prayers: Veing Chanthalansy
on Steve Lawrences death February 26th.
9. Social Life team meeting is called by
pastor Alex and first elder Clara
Baptiste on Sunday, March 1st at 6
pm. All the members of the Social life
team are invited to share ideas and plans.
10. Financial Report January Highlights
Yearly Budget........................$54,000
Expected for 5 Sabbaths..............$ 5,192
Budget collected ....................$ 3,470
Shortfall............................$ 1,722
As we are aware, the local Church Budget Fund
is designated for the operating of programs and
the provision of services within our church,
and also for the maintenance of the building
and grounds.
In order to do these effectively, we are all
encouraged to make regular contributions in
support of the Local Church Budget. Please let
us put the Local Church Budget support
somewhere between our tithe and our
personal/family budget.

11. MENTAL HEALTH Emphasis Sabbath:

If you were greeted by four persons, research
shows that one person suffers from a form of
mental illness or is being treated with medication.
Amy Simpson author of Troubled Minds states
that many Christians falsely believe that their faith
should prevent them from experiencing mental illness.
Mental illness does not discriminate. People in all
stages of life are affected, and as with any illness, the
correct treatment is key. Too often individuals are
reluctant to access help, or have difficulty accessing
treatment. They or their loved ones may also struggle
with the concept of lifelong medication, or continued
involvement with support services. Family members
especially have a hard time accepting what may be the
new normal.

In addition to prayer, seek professional help, and follow

through with treatment.
Care for your body; get sufficient rest and sleep, and
maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate an attitude of
gratitude. Surround yourself with positive people.
Become involved in a small group to help in your
growth, and to make a contribution.
Trust in God, He will not abandon His child, but also
trust in people to support you on your journey, especially
during times of darkness.
As family and friends, may God help us to be more
understanding when it comes to mental health. Let us
learn to listen, be more compassionate, and support each
other in the care for body, soul and spirit.
12. The Kingsway College Aerials, a highpowered gymnastic team will be
performing in London TODAY at 7: 30
PM at the Carling Heights Optimist
Community Centre 656 Elizabeth Street.
Admission is free. Bring the family, and
invite friends for an evening of fellowship and fun.
13. Are you in grade 8-11 and still deciding
on what high school to go to in
September? Join us on April 17-19, 2015
for a campus tour, a showcase of our
touring groups, and the opportunity to
mingle with our students, faculty and
staff! Food and lodging is free and travel expense
reimbursement is available, where conditions apply. You
must have a parent/adult guardian with you for the
weekend. To register, contact 905-433-1144 ext. 211 or

Birthday Wishes for February-Mar 6th

Feb 2 Sarah-Marie
Feb 2 Lo Richards
Feb 3 Moses Onyango
Feb 7 Alex Golovenko
Feb 8 Paula FerreiraGaspar
Feb 8 Dawn Williams

Feb 10 Fiona ThompsonScale

Feb 11 Randy Stevens
Feb 13 Blu Hay
Feb 14 Gary Carter
Feb 15 Nicholas Keim
Feb 16 Nadia Golovenko
Feb 17 Kaku Paw Gae

Feb 22 Sri A. Halim

Feb 25 Esther Stephen
Feb 24 Michael Olawoore
Feb 26 Alison McKay
Mar 1 Charlotte Danquah
Mar 4 Clara Baptiste
Mar 6 Steve Beckles

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY

9:00 p.m. to

Building Community of Faithfulness

As we continue Wednesday nights praying for the Fruit of the

Spirit, last Wednesday we were led to consider faithfulness. It is a
complex word as it is translated by many English words of different
roots: believing and believable, hoping, trusting, trustful and
trustworthy, steadfast, reliable, faithful, loyal. Consider these timbres
and accents of Biblical concept! When Apostle Paul lists the evidence
of the Holy Spirit present in persons life, when the Love of God is truly
poured into our hearts (Romans 5:5) we become reliable, trustworthy,
faithful, loyal!
Being a believer is often used as a label to someone who
belongs to a church, or considers him/herself a part of a religious
group. We refer to ourselves often as believers and those outside as
unbelievers. Today I invite you to consider how much a believer
you are are you reliable, could you be trusted, are you faithful in
small things, are you loyal to God, are you steadfast in your
As you analyze and examine yourself, consider Gods examples of
faithfulness: He is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us when we
confess our sins (1 John 1:9). Even when we are faithless, God
remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself, it is Who God is
Faithful! (2 Timothy 2:13). Psalms abound with praises to Gods
faithfulness. Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:22-23 had been put into
song Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God our Father!
The desire of Gods heart is that we would be like Him. Thats why
He is willing to deposit Holy Spirit in us, to work a transformation of
our character, with which comes also blessing to us. Proverbs 28:20
teaches that a faithful man will abound with blessings. Luke 16:10
records the words of Jesus He who is faithful in what is least is
faithful also in much.
Pray as disciples of Jesus did: Increase our faith! (Luke 17:5)
Pray that every church leader around the world holds deeply to a
faithful spiritual and evangelistic perspective. Pray that leaders, elders,
deacons of our church would be faithful to their calling. Pray for me,
your pastor, to remain steadfast in serving you Gods word. As the
church is moving closer to the 60th General Conference session pray
that all who call themselves a remnant would be faithful to the Great
Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and mandate of Christ to be
witnesses (Acts 1:8).
Elder Bob Reeves favorite verse Hebrews 11:6 is Without faith it
is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe
that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Be faithful, to receive the crown of life (Rev.2:10b)
your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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