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AT cannibalism counter-plan

Do the affirmative without using the word cannibal or cannibalism to

rupture epistemological and ontological foundations and reveal our
humanism as exceptionalism. Using cannibalism to create the affect
of disgust reaffirms homosexual desire as undesirable.

Cannibalism is associated with male homosexual desire.


Chris, Bowling Green State University; Eating to Live, Living to Eat: Cannibalism and Sexual Appetite in Ravenous

Cannibalism is a particularly apt metaphor for male homosexual

desire, in particular, because of how it frames denial, desire, and the act of
consumption. In Susan Bordos Unbearable Weight, she identifies the blatantly sexual coding
of male hunger in advertising: In commercials that feature male
eaters, the men are shown in a state of wild, sensual transport
Their total lack of control is portrayed as appropriate, even
adorable. As male hunger is framed in commercials as a means of deriving
sexual pleasure and an act of sexual pleasure in and of itself, so too is male hunger
presented within the context of the fulfillment of cannibalistic
hunger in Ravenous; there are no female cannibals in the film. Rather than simply partaking of the small and measured sips of
the vampire, lapping at puncture wounds on the neck or wrist, cannibals take large, meaty bites out of their victims. They cook them in
hearty stews or gnaw meat right off the bone. There is no demurring consent here; any act of cannibalism is an act of murder and
devouring. Never does the cannibal negotiate a little nibble with his victims. This, too, is a way in which the hunger of cannibalism is
made to be more brutish and masculine than the thirst of the vampire. Rather than acquiring sustenance through seduction or
bargaining, the cannibal must hunt and kill his prey each and every time. Yet the film is surprisingly supportive of this necessity,
echoing Bordo yet again. She says: The use of a male figure is one strategy, in contemporary ads, for representing compulsive eating
as natural and even lovable. Men are supposed to have hearty, even voracious, appetites. It is a mark of a man to eat spontaneously
and expansively

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