University Rape in Canada

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University Rape in Canada

Isabelle Poulin

4 out of 5 female undergraduate students surveyed at Canadian

universities say that they have been in abusive relationships.
Thats 80%!!! Of this 80%, 29% reported that they were
sexually assaulted while in the relationship.

A recent date rape survey showed that 60% of university-aged

males would rape a female if they knew for certain they
wouldnt get caught. What makes males ever think that
sexually assaulting a female is acceptable?

Statistics Canada says that only 6% of sexual assaults are

reported. Yet statistics show that 1 in 4 Canadian women will
be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. At least half of these
assaults will be on women under the age of 16.

31% of sexual assaults occur in dating or acquaintance


Only 2-4% of reported sexual assaults are false accusations.

57% of all sexual assaults happen on dates. Teenagers and young

adults are most vulnerable. The risk of a 16-24 year old female is
four times greater than any other age.

Sexual assault happens too often, especially at university. The

idea of going to university should be exciting. Young women
shouldnt have to consider what they are going to do to try to
avoid getting raped. The thought that 80% of undergraduate
females are raped during their 4 year degree is horrifying and very
worrying for those planning to go to university. Rape is a very
scary thing, it happens way too often. Women dont always report
rape because they are worried what they will get told if they do,
and statistics show that very few men accused actually get a fine
or spend anytime in jail.

After doing all this research it heightens my awareness of how

often this happens. You hear about sexual assault fairly often
yet dont actually know how much it happens because only 6%
actually report the assault. This has made me more aware and
precautious for when I go off to university as to the people I
surround myself with and the situations I put myself in. With
that said I also dont want to take away from any potential
experiences as this is giving in to the fear and giving the
assaulters more power.


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