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Level 2 Essay Writing: Being sexay is a good starting point to

achieve Level 2. Be warned: its simplicity it can limit a piece of

writing and might prevent higher attainment.

NCEA L2 Question (2013): Analyse how a significant event
illustrated a key theme.


Explanation After leaving Pencey Prep, Holden arrives to his home city but
has virtually no one to contact which illustrates how lonely he


Holden wants to call his younger sister but its too late. Instead,
he calls an old friend Sally Hayes, who agrees to meet him the
next day. Holden also calls Faith Cavendish because he was
feeling pretty horny. Holden has never met Faith, he has her
number from another Pencey Prep student whod met her at a
party and suggested shed be open to a casual sexual


This event in chapter 9, Salinger uses these phone calls and

Holdens stream-of-consciousness monologue about the girls to
show us Holdens immature attitude to women.


I think his adolescent attitude to the girls in this chapter

contributes to his loneliness. ***BONUS merit/excellence
STUFF: I think Holdens approach to women can easily be
summed up by the Mary Dichotomy. The Mary dichotomy is a
biblical allusion to Mary the Virgin Mother and Mary Magdalene
(the prostitute). Phoebe, the innocent sister who Holden
idealizes, is obviously the former in her brothers mind; Faith
Cavendish is the later. I think this superficial labelling of girls
reinforces and perpetuates Holdens struggle with loneliness as
an adolescent boy.

A significant event that illustrated a theme was when Holden

arrives in NYC, considers calling his sister Phoebe but calls
Sally Hayes and Faith Cavendish instead. This illustrated the
theme that adolescence can be a lonely and isolating time.

Confident writers will have all the elements of SEXAY and TEEPEE in
their paragraphs but can mix up the order.

Level 2 Essay Writing: Being sexay can only get you so far (about
L2 achieved). Once youve nailed the SEXAY structure, try TEEPEE.
NCEA L2 Question (2013): Analyse how a significant event
illustrated a key theme.


Significantly, when Holden arrives in NYC in Chapter 9, he

considers calling his sister Phoebe but, instead, calls Sally
Hayes and Faith Cavendish, illustrating the theme that
adolescence can be a lonely and isolating time.


After leaving Pencey Prep, Holden arrives to his home city, not
want to contact his parents, and has virtually no friends to call.


Holden wants to call his younger sister but its too late. Instead,
he calls an old friend Sally Hayes, who agrees to meet him the
next day. Holden also calls Faith Cavendish because he was
feeling pretty horny. Holden has never met Faith; her number
was passed on by Pencey Prep student whod met her at a party
and suggested shed be open to a casual sexual encounter.


Salinger uses these phone calls and Holdens stream-ofconsciousness monologue about the girls to show us Holdens
immature attitude to women.


Subtly, Salinger shows the reader that Holdens adolescent

attitude to the girls in this chapter contributes to and perpetuates
his loneliness. Particularly when Faith turns him down; proof his
expectations of her are unrealistic.


Like viewing most adults as phoneys, Holdens simplification of

girls leaves him feeling alone in the world. The Mary Dichotomy,
a biblical allusion to Mary the Virgin Mother and Mary Magdalene
(the prostitute), is exemplified by Holdens treatment of Phoebe
and Faith. Phoebe, the innocent sister who Holden idealizes, is
obviously symbolizes the former in her brothers mind; Faith
Cavendish is the later. Superficial labelling of girls reinforces and
perpetuates Holdens struggle with loneliness, as it can for many
adolescent boys.

Confident writers will have all the elements of SEXAY and

TEEPEE in their paragraphs but can mix up the order.

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