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Hard To Wake Up In The Morning

Hard to wake up in the morning is a common problem

faced by students. Especially students that the distance between
the home with her school very much to be up early so as not to be
late. It happens because:
The first is the students to sleep late. They sleep late at
night is usually because there is a football game that aired early in
the morning, could not sleep, tasks etc.
The second is a habit of getting up late. Some students
have bad habits that have long they have, it is because of lack of
parental attention will interest the child to wake up the rice and go
to school on time.
The third was only able to get up early if woken parents.
It is usually controlled by a spoiled child. They are too excessive
parental affection got to get up early so they should be awakened
Can be concluded from the fact that hard to wake up in
the morning is a problem often encountered students. Cause is
sleep late, wake student habits can wake up late and only if woken
parents. It can be overcome by installing an alarm, sleep on time

Anwas Jabar (6)
Aprelia Putri I.Y (7)
Denis Syukron (9)
Lutfi Wini N. (19)

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