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Philippians 1:21

For to me to live [is] Christ, and to die [is] gain.

Note 12 at Phil. 1:21:
What is life all about? What is the purpose of one's existence? What is to be
gained in life? What do people live for? Paul answers these questions by
saying that the process of life and continuous living is only to be found in
Christ. Paul indicates that true life is only to be found in Christ. It is not to be
found in prestige, fortune, fame, or things, but only in the one who is lifeJesus Christ (Jn. 14:6; 1 Jn. 1:1-2; 5:12, 20) This life is a quality of life not a
quantity of time.
When we say "so and so" is my life, we mean that all of our attention is given
to, our focus is directed towards, and our purpose in living revolves around
that person. In a similar way, Paul's sole purpose was to be totally consumed
with Christ and His life. To Paul, life was Christ. We should have the same
Note 13 at Phil. 1:21: The word "gain" means "to advance or progress"
(New Am. Her. Dict.). Many people do not have this perspective that death is
better than life. Those who are not born again go directly into eternal
torment (see note 4 at Mk. 3:29, p. 186; see note 13 at Mt. 5:22, p. 128). But
if someone is born again (see note 2 at Jn. 3:3, p. 92), death is the doorway
that brings him into the very presence of God. Death is promotion for the
Fear of death causes people to compromise their convictions and brings
them into bondage (Heb. 2:15). Understanding that death ushers the
believer into an existence which is infinitely better than life here on earth,
breaks all fear and allows us to act as instructed by the Lord regardless of
the consequences. Death is not the end, it is just the beginning for those who
put their faith in Christ.

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