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Thursday, January 15, 2015

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Burnett called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

Mayor Burnett and Council Members Beach, Dallas, Talmage and


Staff Present:

Douglas J. Schmitz, City Administrator

Don Freeman, City Attorney
Lori Frontella, Interim City Clerk
Janet, Bombard, Library and Community Activities Director
Robert Mullane, Community Planning and Building
Sharon Friedrichsen, Public Services Director
Mike Calhoun, Public Safety Director
Andrew Vanderford, Special Projects Manager

Manager, led the pledge.

Andy Vanderford, Public Works Special Projects

PUBLIC APPEARANCES: Mayor Burnett asked for public comments on items not on
the agenda and/or regarding closed session matters. Hearing none, Mayor Burnett
closed the Public Comments.
CLOSED SESSION: The Council adjourned to Closed Session to discuss the
Item 1:


Subdivision (d) (1) of Government Code Section 54956.9
Name of case: Steven McInchak, Plaintiff v. City of Carmel-by-the-Sea,
and does 1 through 50, inclusive, respondents Monterey County Superior
Court Case No. M128062

Item 2:


Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government
Code Section 54956.9: 3 cases

Council Agenda Packet for 3/3/15

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Council Meeting Date: 3/3/15

Agenda Item: 7.A

Item 3:

Government Code Section 54957.8
Agency Designated Representatives: Zutler
Employee Organization: LIUNA; CPOA

Mayor Burnett reported that direction was provided to Staff on all matters.
Council adjourned Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Burnett called for a recess until
6:30 p.m.
WORK STUDY SESSION: At 6:30 p.m. the City Council reconvened in Open Session.
Andy Vanderford, Public Works Department Special Projects Manager, led the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Item 1:


Architect Chris Wasney, Cody Anderson Wasney Architects, provided an in-depth

overview of the Forest Theater Triage Phase I Program (Alternative D approved by the
Council on October 29, 2014). He walked the Council through the key design issues
and mentioned potential impacts to Phase I based on the rough schematic of Phase II.
Council questions followed.
Public Works Special Projects Manager Andy Vanderford summarized the Hazardous
Materials Survey and reported that the estimated cost for remediation is approximately
$25,000. He also explained the process for bids, outlined the timeline and responded
to Council questions.
Public Comments:
Stephen Moorer, Executive Director of the Pacific Repertory Theater, submitted a
packet of alternative design options for Council consideration.
Yvonne Hildebrand-Bowen, Forest Theater Guild, expressed appreciation to Mr.
Wasney for his refinements to the plans.
Carolyn Hardy complimented the architectural team for being responsive to input from
the stakeholders and urged the Council to proceed without delay.
Karyl Hall, Pacific Repertory Theater Board President, spoke in favor of ideas
recommended by Mr. Moorer and submitted five letters of support from citizens that
could not attend the meeting.
Actor Ken Cussen expressed concerns about handicap access and about the number of
parking spaces allocated for the disabled.

Council Agenda Packet for 3/3/15

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Council Meeting Date: 3/3/15

Agenda Item: 7.A

Don Hillburn, Chair of the Advisory Council for the Pacific Repertory Theater, remarked
that he would like to see the theater back open sooner, especially for the indoor
dramatic arts for children.
Paul Hart, Pacific Repertory Theater Board Member, provided suggestions related to
handrails and spoke in favor of a 20:1 pathway on the west side.
Jim Bennett, Collie McBride, Mickie Mosley, Jeff Mullands, Douglas Ambert and John
Shoemaker spoke in support of ideas proposed by Mr. Moorer for an alternative
pathway and handicap access to the restrooms on the west side.
Kathy Sparlini asked questions regarding the number of doors and width of the gates on
both the Guadalupe and Santa Rita sides of the theater. She added that she was
concerned about patrons smoking in these areas.
---End of Public Comments--Council discussion followed.
Action: Upon motion by Mayor Burnett , seconded by Council Member Talmage, and
amended at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Beach, the Council adopted the Phase ITriage Phase, with guidance to the architect and staff per the comments noted as
follows (1-8), approved the temporary restrooms to the east side of the property,
received the hazardous materials report, received the Phase II concepts and authorized
the Phase I Triage Project to go to bid; and tabled the issue of appointment of
community members for Phase II for the time being.
1. That Council ask the architects to do a review overall of minimizing railings,
particularly railings around the steps coming up from the lower parking lot.
2. Ask Architect and Staff to look at the option of the 6 foot landings in the aisles.
3. General review to avoid right angles and straight lines, and general conformity
with City design guidelines.
4. State a preference for quick completion, leave the details to the City Administrator
5. Appoint City Administrator as the final decision maker for issues that come up
through construction
6. Reiterate desire for a Master Plan, out of which the City can identify investments
that can be made in the coming Fiscal Year

Council Agenda Packet for 3/3/15

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Council Meeting Date: 3/3/15

Agenda Item: 7.A

7. As part of the Master Plan, an assessment of the feasibility of a 1-in-20 pathway

on the west side going into the mid-aisle bowl and a 1-in-20 pathway from the
parking lot in the ADA connected area.
8. Look into the feasibility to move the future restroom side ramp to the fence,
subject to complying with the zoning regulations.

There being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:46 p.m.



Jason Burnett, Mayor

Lee Price, MMC
Interim City Clerk

Council Agenda Packet for 3/3/15

Page 11

Council Meeting Date: 3/3/15

Agenda Item: 7.A

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