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Interview with Alok Goel, CEO, FreeCharge.

Q1. Firstly, a very warm welcome from team. FreeCharge is one of the most promising companies in
its segment. It would be great if you can describe a day in your life as CEO of the company.

Q2. You hold an MBA from the prestigious Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. How has being an MBA helped you in
your journey?

Q3. You have extensive knowledge of building and managing products in your previous roles. Can you share some of your
key learnings in those roles?

Q4. In your previous role as CPO & COO for Redbus, you were instrumental in taking the company to its INR 800 crore
valuation. How would you describe that experience?

Q5. You are also associated with as Business and Strategy expert. How do you see the Indian
entrepreneurial scene emerging in the coming decade? Will the proposed start-up fund of 10,000 crores make a difference
on the ground?

Q6. If you are to list down three things that a CEO should keep in mind, what would that be?

Q7. Freecharge has been innovating by offering all kinds of deals for its end user. As a regular user of your portal, what can I
expect next from your company?

Q8. Work-life balance is an important aspect of any professionals life. Being the CEO, must be putting additional pressure
on you to maintain this balance. How do you manage it?

Q9. What would be your advice to young MBAs in the making?

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