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Grading Policies
8/27/14 Meeting
9/3/14 Meeting
9/10/14 Meeting
9/17/14 Meeting
9/24/14 Meeting
Power Standards for Precalculus

In order to make our TEAM meetings positive and productive experiences for ALL
members, we make the following commitments to each other as a staff member of
Edina High School:
Begin and end our meetings on time and stay fully engaged during each meeting.
Maintain a positive attitude at TEAM complaining unless we offer a
better alternative.
Listen respectfully to each other.
Contribute equally to the workload.
Make decisions on the basis of consensus.
Encourage one another to honor our commitments and candidly discuss our concerns
when we feel a member is not living up to those commitments.
Fully support each others efforts to improve student learning.

Goal: Students, identified by unit, performing below 75% proficient on summative
assessments will achieve proficiency on the next units assessment.
Action Plan:

1. Identify students who are not at 75% proficient after the first summative assessment.



Teachers will create way to track data for these students. (September)
Monitor progress of students under 75% proficient and provide appropriate interventions
to help students reach 75%. Students are required to attend Collaborative Wednesday
sessions with teachers until they meet 75% proficiency on the assessments.
Teachers will communicate with parents and counselors of students under 75%
proficient throughout the school year via conferences, emails and phone calls.
In collaborative teams analyze data of underperforming students and identify any
patterns of gender, race, special education, ELL or gifted/talented. Create strategies to
better support and teach these students.
Participate in PLC and staff development at EHS.

Grading Policies
Precalc: Total points-majority tests and quizzes, no extra credit
Calc: Total points-try to make it about 80% tests

8/27/14 Meeting
Decide on a date for workload relief day
Reviewed Chapter P Power Standards and Look at Chapter P Test
Fill in Common Grading Policies on this document
Finalized SLG with Andi

9/3/14 Meeting
Keep an eye on solving a quadratic by factoring power standard and make sure we are testing it
(taught in section P5)...get added to future exams.
Nancy shared her template for tracking students and we will all work on one that works for us.
Future planning try to do something different the first day of class.

9/10/14 Meeting
-Check in on tracking tool to make sure everyone has something set up that works for them
-Check in to see how first test went...percentage of students that scored below 70%
Discuss exam to see if we need to make adjustments going forward
-Start a conversation about how we grade individual problems...should we start to look at it by
taking a percentage off for different types of mistake since we give different numbers of points
per problem. For example, if I have a problem worth 5 points, if a student makes a small
algebra error but demonstrate that they understand how to do the main concept of the problem,
what percent do you think they deserve? 90%, 95%, etc.
-Discuss a plan for our workload relief day.

9/17/14 Meeting
-Met with Brad
-Next step: our focus should be on what are we doing to help those kids that we are
inviting in during collab time
-Focus on HOW to do do we get to kids
-Otherwise, just keep doing what we are doing
-Can use our PLC time to relieve workload
-Idea: have a PC day and have

9/24/14 Meeting
-Talk about sending someone from our group to Phoenix to become the leader to
help take us to the next level.
-Nancy and Dori are not interested, Dori would consider if she didnt have to
be the leader.
-Anything else we need to think about heading into the chapter test next
Tuesday..look at grading.

-Great conversation around how we can use tests to help adjust instruction
-Started a shared document of concepts that we would like to focus on or teach differently in the
future...we will add to it chapter by chapter to reflect on for next year as well.

-New direction: create objectives google forms for kids to fill out throughout the chapter. Align
homework questions with objectives. Have them self report where they are at.

-McKeevers idea of Post Summative Meeting in the grade book to show missing if they dont
show up for collab wed

-Think of a goal for where we will be by the end of the year
-Future scientific calculators instead of graphing calculators

Power Standards for Precalculus

Chapter P/Appendix

Solve a quadratic by factoring / quadratic formula

Chapter 1
Part 1:
Find the domain and range of given functions (domain restrictions - improper integrals)
Graph piecewise functions and state any discontinuities without a calculator
Part 2:
Find the equation and domain for the inverse of a given function
Chapter 2
operations on rational expressions Appendix A3
graphs of rational functions and their asymptotes without a calculator
Chapter 3
Solving exponential and logarithmic equations without a calculator
Simplifying Ex: ln ()=ln1-ln3=-ln3
Chapter 8
no power standards
Induction Proofs - not in textbook - unit created by teachers
no power standards
Chapter 4
dominate the unit circle (all trig functions)
inverse sin, cos, tan functions and their restricted domains
Writing Sinusoid Equations
Complex Triangle Problems
Navigation with Right Triangles

Chapter 5
apply the following trigonometric identities: pythagorean, double angles, sum/difference
odd/even functions
Solve for t Ex: 6sin3t=0 in radians

Chapter 6
no power standards
Understanding Polar Form (and how to graph)
Conversions of Polar, Rectangular, and Trigonometric Form
Real World Application Problems
Chapter 10 in BC deals with int diff of polar, vector, and parametric functions
Calc Topics
limits (very important-beginning of calc and again in Chapter 8)

Logic Appendix C
no power standards
Section 9.5

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