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2015 Regency Ladies Golf Association Events Formats

Beat the Pro: Players total Net Score competes against Pros total Gross Score. Players beating Pro receive extra points.
Post Gross Score.
Blind 9 for 18 Holers: 9 holes will be randomly chosen by Regency Golf Pros to determine the holes to be used for
event. Low Gross and Low Net are Winners. Players only eligible for one prize; Low Net awarded first. Post Gross
Blind Partner: Each player will have a partner randomly chosen (from own flight) by Regency Golf Pros after all golfers
have begun play. Scoring = total Net Score of both partners. Post individual Gross Score.
Elimination Scramble: (see 3 Queens and A King for description)
Fewest Putts: Only strokes taken on the green count. Lowest number of putting strokes wins. No handicaps to be
used. Post Gross Score.
Hate em: Highlight the three holes you hate the most before play begins. You may not change your hole selections
once they are highlighted. The highlighted scores will not be counted in your score for the event; they will be counted
for posting. Total the holes that are not highlighted and deduct your handicap. Post Gross Score.
Just Play Golf: No special event - Just Play Golf. Participation points only. Post Gross Score.
Low Net / Low Gross: Winners for total score minus handicap (Low Net) and Low Gross. Players eligible for only one
prize-Low Net awarded first. Post Gross Score.
Modified Stableford: Player with highest score based on point system is winner. Post Gross Score. Points: 1 point for
bogey, 2 points for par, 3 points for birdie, 4 points for eagle, and 5 points for double eagle.
Most Greens Hit: Number of greens hit on Par-3s from tee shot. Post Gross Score.
Most Par 4 Greens Hit in 2 Shots: Number of greens hit on Par-4s with 2 shots. Post Gross Score.
Odds/Evens: All holes are played. The Regency Golf Pros will choose to count either the even numbered holes or the
odd numbered holes. The player with the lowest Net Score on chosen holes, using half of their handicap, is the winner.
Post Gross Score.
Par-3s Low Net/Low Gross: Only the Par-3s will be counted for this event. Low Net (Gross minus handicap) and Low
Gross will be winners. Players are eligible for only one prize-Low Net awarded first. Post Gross Score.
Par-4s - Low Net/Low Gross: Only the Par-4s will be counted for this event. Low Net (Gross minus handicap) and Low
Gross will be winners. Players are eligible for only one prize - Low Net awarded first. Post Gross Score.
T & F Holes: Count Gross Score on only holes that begin with letters T & F (2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15) and subtract half
your handicap. Post total Gross Score.
T & S Holes: Count Gross Score on only the holes that begin with letters T & S (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17) and subtract
half your handicap. Post total Gross Score.
Three Blind Mice: Just Play Golf--once the scorecards are turned in, the Regency Golf Pros will randomly draw three
holes and everyones score on those holes will be thrown out. Low Net & Low Gross on remaining 15 holes are the
winners for 18 Holers. Low Net & Low Gross on remaining 6 holes are the winners for 9 Holers. (Players eligible for only
one prize; Low Net awarded first). Post total Gross Score.

Three Little Pigs: Just Play Golf--at the end of the round, each player throws out three worst holes in the round. Low
Net and Low Gross on remaining 15 holes are the winners for 18 Holers. Low Net & Low Gross on remaining 6 holes are
the winners for 9 Holers. (Players eligible for only one prize; Low Net awarded first). Post total Gross Score.
Special Events:
*Member Member: May 20th. Details at a later date.
Red/White/Blue: May 27th. 9 and 18 Holer player combined event. Scramble format teeing off from Red, White, and
Blue tees with specifics announced day of event. Event will be 18 holes. Special drop areas will be announced for this
event. No score postings; no birdies or chip-ins. The Regency Golf Pros will determine team handicap.
*Member Guest: June 24th. Sue Kales and Ellen Mullen will give details at a later date.
Home and Home- Beebe Belmore will give details at a later date.
*4th Annual Memorial RLGA & RMGA Mixed Scramble: late June or early July. Details at a later date.
*Three Queens & A King: August 19th. 9 and 18 Holer players. Teams consist of 3 Queens (any RLGA member) and a
King (any male player who is a Regency resident but not a spouse or significant other of one of the Queens on that
team). Other teams can select a spouse or significant other of Queens on other teams. This event will be an Elimination
Scramble format, and the Regency Golf Pros will determine the team handicaps.
Elimination Scramble: All teams must play from the Red Tees. All players tee off. Players proceed to the best drive and
the player whose ball is selected does not hit the next shot (steps aside). Continue playing hole with the player who hit
the best shot stepping aside. Except for the tee shot, only three players will be hitting. Continue this format until the
ball is holed. Only one score counts for each hole.
Winners will be: 1st and 2nd place Low Gross and 1st and 2nd place Low Net.
Regency/Toll Brothers Womens Open Golf Championship (NOT RLGA sponsored event) September 18-19: Two
consecutive days event with details to be determined. This event is open for all Regency Women Golf Members. There
will be each an 18 Holer and a 9 Holer Championship.
*Note: For Member-Member, Member-Guest, Memorial Event, Three Queens & A King, and Regency/Toll Womens
Championship Events, all players will receive one participation point. No other points for these events.
Pairings Definitions
18 Holer Mixed = Regency Golf Pros will create pairings combining Flights A & B and Flights C & D when possible.
Because of extenuating circumstances, Regency Golf Pros could possibly create pairings combining several or all flights in
a group.
9 Holer Mixed = Regency Golf Pros will create pairings combining Flights A, B, and C. Because of extenuating
circumstances, Regency Golf Pros could possibly create pairings combining several or all flights in a group.
18 Holer and 9 Holer W/In Flight = Regency Golf Pros will create pairings within flights (as is feasible) for each group.

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