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Unit 3 Sharing the Planet

Transdisplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite
resources with other people and with other living things; communities and
the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities;
peace and conflict resolution.

Central Idea: People interact with, use and value local environments in
different ways.

Key Concepts:

Causation- Students will understand why we have natural and manmade elements in our local environment ( neighborhood, park, food
markets, recreational facilities etc)

Perspective- Students will understand people have different ways in

which they use their local environment.

Responsibility- Students will find ways to show they are responsible

for their environment.





Related Concepts:
Conservation (Causation) Students will understand
why they need to conserve the natural and manmade resources in their environment.
Development (Perspective) Students will
understand how to develop their own perspectives
that maybe based on their beliefs.
Interdependence (Responsibility) Students will
express ways in which they depend on the

inquiry into:

Natural and human-made elements of local environments (linked to the

concept of Causation)
How local environments addresses peoples needs (linked to the
concept of Perspective)
How natural spaces are valued in local environments (linked to the
concept of Responsibility)

Teacher Questions:

How do natural and human made elements link to the local

environment? (Causation)
How do we use our local environment? (Perspective)
How can we care for and maintain our local environment?

Transdisciplinary Skills:
Social Skills: Through this unit the students will understand the importance of
adopting a variety of group roles. They will understand through group
work what behavior is appropriate in a given situation; being a leader in
some situations and followers in others.
Research Skills: Students will learn how to interpret data and present
their research findings by using effectively communicating what has been
Thinking Skills: The students will learn to apply their prior knowledge in new
ways and analyze the new knowledge gained.
Communication Skills: Through this unit the students will use their viewing
skills when they interpret visual media. They will use their presentation
skills while presenting their work to a range of audiences (eg: peers and
teachers) using different methods of presentation (role play, illustration, etc)
Self-Management Skills: Students will use their skills of spatial awareness
and organization during their summative assessment when they are
creating their own local environments.

Learner Profiles:
Thinker, Reflective and Balanced: Students will be thinkers as they examine
their local environments, make observations and come to conclusions about
the way they use and need elements in the local environment. Students will
also develop the profile of being reflective by reflecting on the ways they use

their local environment and progress into ways they can help conserve the
environment. Students will demonstrate the learner profile of being balanced
when they show an understanding of sharing resources in their environment.

Commitment, Empathy and Enthusiasm: Through this unit the students will
learn to be committed and show responsibility towards their environment.
They will be empathetic towards misuse of natural resources and realize how
the misuse can have an effect on the environment. The students will show
enthusiasm in their learning and willingly put the effort required into the

Summative Assessment:
Students will create, in manner of their choice, an illustration of their
neighborhood and elements in that environment.
Step 1: With help students will make a planner.
The planner will include:
1. List of natural and man-made elements in their local neighborhood
2. Stating how the elements they have included meet peoples needs
3. Their ideas on how they can take care of their neighborhood
Step 2: They will create an illustration of their neighborhood.
Step 3: Present their neighborhood to their peers.

GIS Standards

Recognize and name upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet

presented in class.
Isolate and pronounce the initial , medial vowel and final sound in
three phoneme words (CVC words)
Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book.
With prompting and support ask and answer questions about key
details in a text.
Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.

With prompting and support, print some upper and lower case
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose
informative/explanatory texts in which they name and are writing
about and supply some information about the topic.
With guidance and support, recall or gather information from
experiences or provided resources to answer a question.
Attempt to form letter shapes conventionally and legibly
Listening and Speaking:

Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.

Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or
clarify something that is not understood.
Speak audibly and express, thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly.
Add drawings or other visual displays to description as needed to
provide additional detail.


Count reliably to 20 and rote count to 30

Count on and back from a given number between 0 and 10
Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity
that is one larger
Use mathematical language relating to measurement (longer,
shorter, heavier, lighter, empty, full, hotter, colder)
Discuss and obtain data about themselves and their environment
Place objects on concrete graphs and contribute to/talk about class
Recognize that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics than can be
described, sorted, and compared
Investigate solids- cubes, square, cone
Model shapes in the world by drawing shapes and building shapes
from components

Strand- Matter and Material- the study of the origins of human made
materials and how they are manipulated to suit a purpose.

data obtained from testing different materials to determine which

materials have the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.
- Observe carefully in order to gather data (students will examine objects and
living things to find out more about them)

- Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences

(students will talk about what is observed)
- Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored (will ask
questions or show curiosity about the natural and physical environment)
- Consider scientific models and applications of these models (they will
represent findings using pictures and models
The students will be able to:

Observe and describe characteristics and elements of local environments

Use correct terminology when describing the local environment
Ask age appropriate questions about the local environment
Represent the local environment using pictures and models

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