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eae re” OFFICE OF BAR COUNSEL December 9, 2014 (CONFIDENTLA (Mr. W. Spencer Connerat, II 336 Carl Avenue Belleair, FL 33756 Re: Jolly/Connerat ‘Undocketed No. 2014-0437 Dear Me. Connerat “This office has completed its review of the diseiplinary complain that you filed against David Wilson Jolly, Esquire. You state that you met with Mr. Jolly and gave him documentary evidence of treason. To date, you state that you have not received a reply or an update ftom Mr. Jolly Upon review. we do not find that you have alleged facts or provided information that involves an ethical Rule violation. It appears that you are fling @ Aisciplinary complaint against Me, Jolly for failing to reply to your email of provide you with an update about your allegation of treason. However, such conduct does not implicate the ethical Rules, We cannot force Mr. Jolly to give the documents to Judge Howell, Ifyou ‘want the documents returned to you then you should request the documents from Mr. Jolly Accordingly. we decline to proceed with our preliminary inquiry, and have closed our ile ‘We thank you for bringing your concemsto our attention, Sincerely, tpi “Elizabeth A. Herman Deputy Bar Counsel EARTH Sern be Dini of Columb Cour of Appel and its Board on Prferonal Responsibility 515 Sub Sires NW, Belding A, Ro LIT, Warbingeon, DC 20001 w 202-658-1501, FAX 202-638-0862

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