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GEOMORPHOLOGY: focuses on the physical landscape.

It is the study of:
The formation of physical features such as rocks and soils.
The development of landforms, rocks and soil over time; and,
How these features and landforms affect the physical landscape
Landforms are the different topographical features of the land. Examples include:
mountains, valleys, hills, plains and plateaux.
The larger Caribbean islands (e.g. Jamaica and Guyana) have fairly high mountains and
these mountains affect the rainfall patterns of these countries. (explain). Where there are
high levels of rainfall, areas near the mountains are very fertile for agriculture. For that
reason most of the banana farms in Jamaica are located close to the Blue Mountain Range
There are likely to be valleys or plains adjoining mountains. Plains provide fertile land
for farming; they enhance the building of roads and support dense settlements. However,
plains are prone to flooding, resulting in the destruction of crops, livestock and property.
Historically large estates owned by companies own most of the fertile plains; poorer
farmers have been relegated to steep, hilly, infertile lands. (Peasant farming).

How landforms has influenced way of life

1) Fishing is often a social and cultural response to land that is inhospitable to
human settlement.
2) In islands with mountainous interior, coastal people often forge strong links with
other islands across the water.(for e.g. Dominica and Martinique)
3) Settlement patterns in the Lesser Antilles show a clear distinction between
east and west. Most of the capital cities are located on the west coast. Part of the
reason for this is that there are large pockets of lowlands in the west suitable for
cultivation. This also has to do with the interaction of relief and weather
phenomena. The west coasts enjoy a sheltered location (because of the
mountainous backbone) from the weather systems that are brought with the north
east trades, e.g. easterly waves, tropical storms and hurricanes. These systems
bring much rainfall and heavy winds to eastern locations.
4) Plains and coastal lowlands historically have been densely populated because
these areas offer the opportunity to establish societies and cultures.

5) Mountains, high plateaux, as well as the wind-ward slopes of the Lesser Antilles,
are sparsely settled because of the difficulties for building, transport, accessing
fresh water and cultivating.
6) The soil is also a factor in settlement on lowlands. Soils tend to be thick and
fertile on plains and lowlands but thin and prone to erosion on steeper slopes.

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