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Definition: We use the reciprocal pronouns to indicate that two

people can carry out an action and get the consequences of that
action at the same time. There are two reciprocal pronouns:
each other
one another
They enable you to simplify sentences where the same general
idea is expressed two or more times.
For example:
On their wedding day John gave Mary a gold ring and Mary
gave John a gold ring.
* Using the reciprocal pronoun, "each other", this could be
=> On their wedding day Mary and John gave each other
gold rings.

Peter and Mary kissed each other.

* In this example "each other" indicates that both people
involved in the action of "kissing" got the result, kisses, at the
same time.

If you need to refer to more than two people, say the students in a
classroom, then we could use the reciprocal pronoun, "one
For example:
The students in this classroom cooperate with one another.
The teachers gathered to congratulate one another on the
year's conclusion.

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