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Essential Parts of a


The Heading
These includes the address, line by line with the
last line being the date
Skip the line after the heading
The heading is indented in the middle of the
middle of the page. If using preaddressed
stationary , just add the date.

The Greeting
The greeting always ends with comma. The
greeting may be formal, beginning with the word
DEAR and using the persons given name or
relationship, or It may be informal if appropriate.

Formal: Dear Uncle Jim, Dear Mrs. Wilkins,

Informal: Hi Joe, Greetings,
(Occasionally very personal greetings may end to
exclamation point for emphasis)

The Body
Also known as the main text. These includes
the message you want to write. Normally in a
friendly letter, the beginning of paragraphs is
indented. If not indented, be sure to skip a
space between paragraphs. Skip the line after
the greeting and before the close.

The complimentary close

This short expression is always a few words on
a single line. It begins with a capital letter and
ends with comma.

It should be indented to the same column as the

Skip one to three spaces ( two is usual) for the
signature line.

The signature line

Type or print your name. The handwritten
signature goes above this line and below the close.
The signature line and the handwritten signature
are indented as the same column as the close.
The signature should be written in blue or black
If the letter is formal, you can omit the signature
line as long as you sign the letter.

Correct Business

The chosen paper for the stationery must be
suitable in several respects. Not only must it
look attractive as paper, but it must also
feels good between the fingers; it must take
printing well for the best appearance on
the letterhead, and it must take typing
and erasing well. The reaction of the
recipient must be considered when
making the selection. In a machine shop
or heavy tracking business, a delicate
letterhead and a stationery might cause
an unconsciously antagonistic response.

The use of colored paper should be
considered also, but avoided when in doubt.
Some of the most attractive letter papers
color judiciously. Multicolored letterheads
should be considered very carefully before
used. It is possible for a very bright
letterhead to detract from the appearance
and effectiveness of the typewritten letter.
The weight of the paper used is purely a
matter of taste. For airmail stationery, the
weight of the paper is very much worth
considering because of the cost of foreign

Mead, Cosby and Curtis

October 1, 2001

In the view of facts presented above wont you be

kind enough to confer with your Board of Directors
as to the further action in this case. We shall expect
to hear from you before August 15, the legal
expiration date. Please keep in mind that there is a
matter worth possible $80,000 which is implied in the
convertible feature of the bonds.
we trust you will make the decision in our favor and
inform us to that effect as soon as possible.
Your Sincerely
(Ms.) Charlene E. Hudghes
Vice President

Paper Size
Stationery comes in standard sizes. The standard
size for business stationery in United States is 8
X 11 . Half size stationer (5 x 8 ) is
also common for the short letters (under 50
words) and generally used with a slightly smaller
letterhead. It may be used lengthwise,
broadside, as desired.

the letterhead on your stationery is a combination
business suit and calling card. It governs the
appearance of the letter and may give information
vital on the business, such as its name,. Address,
telephone number, cable address, name of the
officers, and the addresses of the branches.

Certified Mail
Mr. Edward J. Small
Burgess Tool Company
Kenosha, WI 53140
Dear Mr. Small:
We are willing to purchase the cutting tools you
mentioned in your telegram received this morning. The
unit price of $ 1.87.00 is satisfactory to us and we are
sending this note as confirmation.
Please remind those concerned that this order is based
on a competition date of March 1, 2001, or the entire
order becomes null and void.
Yours Truly,
Kevin J. Perr

Folding the Letter

The method of folding a letter depends
upon the size of the stationery and the
style of the envelope use. However, the
letter should be folded in such a manner
that it will be attractive in appearance, can
be readily prepared for mailing, and maybe
conveniently unfolded by the recipient.
When a letter is to be sent window
envelope, the lower third of the sheet
should be folded up and over the message,
and the top third folded back, so that the
inside address will be exposed.

Addressing the Envelope

The envelope should always carry the senders return

address. This information is ordinarily placed in the
upper left corner, when the social stationery is used as
to case of sales letter to women, it may placed on the
envelope flap. The addressees name should be written
a little below the center of the envelope and the
address should be blocked and indented accordance
with the inside address although it is general practice
to single space the address the post office recommends
double spacing because of the resultant clearness.
Instructions to postal employees such as AIRMAIL.
SPECIAL DEIVERY, or REGISTERED should be written in
capital letter above the address in the upper right hand
portion of the envelope. Phrases like Attention of Mr.
M. C. Santos Personal Please Forward Hold of
Arrival etc., are typed in words General Delivery are
used they serve the purpose of the usual street address
or post office box number and should therefore occupy
the position of the item for which they are substituted .

ADDRESS: This is the name and address of the person

(recipient) you are sending the letter to.
Recipients full name
Street Address
City, State and Zipcode
Return Address: This is the information about the sender
of the letter.
Your full name
Your Street Address
Your City, State and Zip Code
STAMP: In the top right corner of the envelope you
place a postage stamp. This pays for the delivery
of the letter.
Before the letter is delivered, the stamp will be cancelled
by the post office. This is an example of cancellation
mark, however there are may other types. Stamps are
cancelled so that they cannot be used again.

Request Letter

As you write your letter, remember the importance

of your request. They may be great deal riding on
the outcome of this correspondence. For this reason,
consider the following points in considering a letter.
when you begin your writing, remember to
focus on your recipient of the letter, and dont
be self centered. Include if possible, the
potential benefits the reader will receive by
complying with your request. Also mention the
special contributions the reader can make. In
particular, can be or help, why you choose him
or her, and so forth. Moreover, express your
willingness to reciprocate the kindness or favor,
if appropriate, as act of goodwill.



This is especially important if you have not

spoken with the person in some time. Remind
the reader of the time and length of your
association, and some of the things you
accomplish or your memorable attributes. If
writing to a former employee or co-worker,
include contributions you made to company you
worked for. If you are addressing your letter to a
former professor or administrator at a college or
university, remind him or her of the projects you
worked together or outstanding work that you
did in a paper or other assignment. Depending
on the situation, you may wish to remind the
person of you fields of study , year in school,
career goals and so fort to help refresh his or her

After introducing yourself and reminding the
reader of your past connection, state the
purpose of your letter. Focus on your message ,
and don't include irrelevant information.
However, do include as much detail as
necessary to convey your request.
Clearly make your request to the person
involved. State plainly and directly your reason
for making the request.
Let your reader know exactly what is it that you
are requesting. Understand that you leave out
important information, your responses might be
delayed or the person might not be able to
meet your request on time.

When making your request, be sure to include all
pertinent information. Try to read the persons
mind and anticipate any facts and
documentation that he or she might need.
Under most circumstances, your request letter
should be kept fairly short. Simply remind the
reader of your connection, state the purpose of
your letter and include the details of your
request. It is generally more difficult to write a
short letter than a long one.
keep in mind that, generally, you are in fringing
n anothers time talent of other resources when
you make your request. Put the reader at ease,

and help her or him feel that responding will not be

make it easy to the person to respond tell him or
her exact what can be done to accommodate your
request, and do everything with in your power so
that the request can be granted.
Be confident and persuasive in conveying your
message. Be assertive but not overhearing.
When writing a letter avoid the temptation to
apologize for your request. Strive to make the
person feel complimented that you would as a
favor of her/him.


Realize that the reader does not have to grant
your request, and understand that you cannot
force him/her to comply.
Before closing you letter , include your address,
phone number, and email address, invite the
person to contact you if she or he any questions
and comments.
Before closing your letter, thank the person for
taking the time to consider your request.
Then after sending your request letter, follow up
with thoughtful, sincere thank you letter, sending
a thank you letter is a simple way of expressing
your appreciation and may encourage the person
to assist you in the future with other request.


In many cases, it is good idea to keep a
copy of your request letter in the event that
the recipient loses it, or in case, as was
mentioned above, the person is perhaps
unable , or unwilling to comply with your
request. With an electronic copy of your
letter, you can easily send it to multiple
people, you will have a record of the
correspondence for the future if necessary,
and you can easily modify and reprint the
letter to send it to someone else if desired.

Reservation Letters

Reservation Letters are one of the most common
letters that everyone needs to draft at least once at
some point of time of their life. Confidence marks the
basis of their letters. It should be written in
professional manner to put across your knowledge to
intended recipient. Mostly, reservation letter is
written for making a reservation or making a
complaint about the reservation to name a few. No
matter what the purpose of writing a reservation
letter make sure you mention necessary details about
the reservation such as if you are booking for a hotel,
mention the day, date, time of arrival and departure,
number of days you wish you stay and the like. Even
if you are making a reservation for a hotel through a
private organizer or an accommodation agent you
should write a letter of reservation

To confirm your booking and keep it as a record. While

making any kind of reservation, be it hotel, travel or
other, make sure you provide them with correct and
complete details.
Besides making reservations, a reservation letter can be
written for the following situations as well:
Confirm a reservation related to organizers or
accommodations agent letter: This letter usually written
to confirm the readers reservation. You should repeat
the details of the agreement in the reservation letter so
that your reader can respond to any misunderstanding
that may arise. Draft the letter briefly in a positive and
business-like manner. Generally, hotel reservations are
made through telephones, it is a good idea to request for
a written confirmation to avoid any further

Letters of Application

Are written to induce someone to invest a certain amount of

money salary in the time and services of one who seeks a
profitable market for them. The applicant is the seller, the
prospective employer the investor or buyer, and the letter of
application the promoter, whose important task is to bring
those two persons together for mutual benefit.
The application letter is an efficiency device. It enables him to
choose from among a large number of possible applicants the
one or more that he wants.
The application letters is a means of presenting his
qualifications effectively to employers who would not
otherwise learn from them.
Solicited Letters- those are written in response to
advertisements. The solicited letter of application is
competitive. Consequently, the letter that is most carefully
and thoughtfully makes the most favorable impression.
Those written at the suggestion of someone who knows of the
existence vacancy; those written on the chance that there is or
will be an opening which the applicant is qualified to fill.

WANTED BOOKKEEPER: Thoroughly competent man to take entire charge of books of
wholesale establishment and to assist in the handling of credits. Make application in
writing, stating your qualifications and experience to Box 34, Manila Times.
Box 34
Your advertisement in the Feb.33 issue of the manila times indicates that you require
the services of a man, who is not only fast, accurate and absolutely reliable in his
bookkeeping work, but of one who has had also broad experience, and who enjoys
responsibility. Please consider this letter an application for the position.
I am a graduate of institute of accounts. Far eastern University, and specialized in
I have had three years experience as assistant bookkeeper in the general office of the
MERALCO, manila.
At present, I am employed as traveling auditor by the national products
company to examine the books of its various branch houses in the northern provinces.
I am a Filipino, twenty-seven years old, married and in good health. I feel confident of
my ability to meet your requirements, especially since I have had the experience that
should enable me to render you satisfactory services. If you will please telephone my
home, 2-33-65, and leave message there for me, I shall be glad to come for a personal
interview at you convenience.
Yours very

Long letters of Inquiry

Letters asking favors

Its a longer and more complicated letters asking for
Open with a brief statement of the reason for the inquiry,
followed by the request for information, and close with an
expression of appreciation.
Favors should be asked of a businessman only if the writer
is reasonably sure that the recipient of his letter is in the
position to grant them without much time effort.
The first task is to convince the reader that the
information is to be used for a worthwhile.
No information except that which is absolutely necessary
for granting the favor needs to be given in letters asking
The writer should do everything he and to make his letter
easy to understand and easy to answer.
Two or three letters may be incorporated into the letter.

Example of letters asking favor:

Dear Mr. Revilla:
The merchant of this town has decided formed a
Cooperative Marketing Association similar to those
encouraged by your department.
Wont you please give us information on the ff. points?
How does your department regulate the distribution of your
farm products to the different provincial marketing
By what means does your department encourage greater
production of farm products?
What particular methods has your departmental found
most effective for the improvements of standards of grades?

We shall be very much obliged to you for as much as

information as you can give us.
Cordially yours,

Paragraph Contents
General subject of the letter-reason
for the inquiry or for asking favor.
The request itself and its possible
benefit to the reader if granted.
A brief statement of appreciation.


A sales letter is a document designed to generate

sales. It persuades the reader to place an order; to
request additional information; or to lend support to the
product or service or cause being offered. It influences
the reader to take a specific action by making an offernot an announcement to him. To sell, the sales letter
must be specific, go to the right audience, appeal to
the readers needs, and it must be informative.

The job of sales letter is to sell, not to tell. The letter

alone does not always do the entire selling
(persuading) job. Other pieces of support literature that
amplify the selling points, illustrate the products or
service, or provide technical information, may be
needed. Supplement the letter with a brochure or
product sheet if necessary, and if you do, mention it in
the body of the letter.


What does the product or service do for the one who needs
it? What can the reader gain from buying it? What is unique
selling point of the product or service? To answer these
questions begin by distinguishing the benefits from the
features: Persuade your reader to buy based on the grounds
of what the product or service does for him or her (benefit),
not what the product or service is (feature)!

A benefit is what the product or service does, and what

the buyer gains from the feature. A benefit is the specific
outcome of the feature. A feature is something the product
or service already has. Benefits are what motivate people to
buy. A car, for example, has four tires (feature). If those are
HP 90s, and are proven to reduce accidents by hugging wet
roads, then we have the benefit of those tires. Stress that
the reader is less likely to have an accident, if he buys the
tires. Or, for example, consider the Michelin Tire ad on TV: it
promises to protect children, if you have them on your car.


Keep these basic components in mind: The
image, if used, is near the headline. It helps to
catch the readers eye. The headline is usually 330 words long. It grabs the readers attention, and
tells him what the ad (sales letter) is about. It
makes a promise regarding what the item you are
selling will do for him. The sub-headline or lead
paragraph is optional. Sometimes its used to
expand the headline. (More on the sub-heading
later.) The body: it expands the theme, fills in
details, offers proof, and shows how you plan to
fulfill the promise you made in the headline. The
closing, or call to action, urges the reader to take
the next step you want him to take.

If you have a logo or design for your
business do not use it in sales letter
unless it is truly relevant to what you are
offering. You are not selling your business
name, or logo, you are selling benefits
that the buyer will realize if he buys your
product or service. Use a specific image
that is germane to your headline, lead,
and theme, or do not use one at all. Stay
with words.



Use your business or a personal heading or nameplate, minus

the logo. The next component is the headline. Type the headline
in a few short lines where the inside name and address would go.
Or, you could consider centering the headline or putting it in a
text box to grab attention. You may want to add color or shading
to the box for more attractiveness.
You can follow the headline with an inside name and address
block of the reader, and a greeting. Another way to do this is to
use a form letter without an inside name and address block using
a general greeting that represents the readers interests. Dear
Tire Purchaser, would be valid if you were selling HP 90s. (One
inch margins all the way around are fine.)
The important things are the sequence, not nameplates and
inside address block. Again it goes like this:

Your business or personal nameplate,

Image and headline,
Inside address block, if you use one,
Lead paragraph


Ideally, the job of the headline is to:

Get the readers attention,

Target the audience,
List a benefit,
Make a promise.

This draws the reader into the rest of the copy. Headlines of 10
words or more tend to generate more orders or leads. Headlines
that promise a benefit also tend to sell more. (The example of a
recent AOL ad, given below, passed these criteria.) Lead with one of
the unique selling points.
Always shoot your big gun first: use your main selling point in the
headline. Remember you only get 7-10 seconds to hook the reader.
If the biggest benefit of what you are selling is cost, then list that
first. This morning, when I signed on to AOL, they hit me with an
add It read: Long distance, for AOL member, only $.09 per minute.
No monthly fees. The next screen, a collateral piece, expanded the
headline and gave information on how to the offer works.
Remember: The headline has a benefit and makes a promise. The
promise should be unique to what you are selling, and one that
your competitors are currently not talking about. Use power
words in the headline. Try: You. Free. Proven. Imagine.
How To. Fast. Cheap. Enjoy. Now. Learn. Introducing,
and so forth. In the body of the sales letter you will begin to offer

Tell a story that the reader can identify with, in
conversational tone
Make an announcement of a new product or service,
a one of a kind event, or important news,
showcasing your unique selling point
Address the reader as your equal: Dear fellow tire
You could go with something provocative, perhaps a
You could open by identifying the readers problem,
one that you product will solve
Ask a question
Let the reader in on some secret or little known

This part of the sales letter is optional. It
can be used to expand the promise made
in the headline or used to deliver a 2 nd
major benefit of the product or service. A
sub-headline can also be used as the
second part, to answer a question posed
in the headline. For example, Part 1 could
say: Want to double your part-time
income during the next 90-day period?
Part 2 could say: Well, heres how to


Here, using the same tone and staying with
the spirit of the headline, you begin to give
details of your unique selling point. You
continue talking about the benefits and offer
proof of the claim you made early on. You
share the details of the benefits. You prove
your case or claim. Remember, by the end of
the body, the goal is to create an emotional
response that will cause the reader to do
what you are now going to tell him to do.

If you ask the reader to order, support, or to
contact you for the specified reason you must
make it easy for him to reply. Support the
sales letter with post card or prepaid
envelope, and an order form. If not appreciate,
supply a toll free telephone number, an Email
link, and on your URL. Always close with a
thank you and use a signature at the end of
the letter. Save on of the best points for last:
Always use a Post Script. For example: If you
order before March 1, we will include a free
Or Money back guaranteed Or Discount is
good until

Remember: Getting the reader to show
you his money is the challengeperiod.
The best way to tell if you are close to
accomplishing this challenge is to use
test readers. When composing a
successful sales letter there is no
substitute for test readers. When you
give your letter to a test readers ask him
what is missing, how you could improve
the offer, and if they would buy.

(Company name, address, date and your reference)
Dear Mr. Smith
New Sales Activator Sales Training System
The Sales Activator is the best new sales training and selling development system
for decades (source: It is now used by leading companies such as
Shell, Barclays, Zurich Life, and DHL, because it offers significant advantages over
conventional sales training.
For a cost equating to just a few hundred pounds per sales team per year, your sales
people and managers can each participate in at least 70 hours leading-edge sales
training and development per year- and whats more they will enjoy doing it.
The remarkable Sales Activator system uses a participative team-game quiz format
to develop:
Leading-edge sales skills
Effective selling processes
Peer-to-peer sales coaching
Motivational sales management skills, and
Shared best practice and team building
If youd like to assess the effectiveness of Sales Activator for your sales organization,
you can arrange a no-obligation, free one hour Sales Activator experience with an
approved facilitator for one of your sales teams at your next team meeting.
Ill call you soon, or please feel free to contact me to arrange it.
Yours sincerely, etc.
(Signature and name)


Letters of Condolence and

Letters of condolence and sympathy
should be written immediately after the
occasion for it has developed. A long
involved letter is a violation of good
taste. Decision as to the length of any
note of sympathy should be based upon:
The degree of friendship between the writer
and the reader.
The situation that inspires the letter.
The writers knowledge of the taste and
temperament of his reader.

Dear Mary:
Though there is a little consolation in a note from a
friend in ones hour of sorrow, I want to tell you how
deeply I sympathize with you in the great lose you
have suffered.
I have thought of you many times since I heard the
sad news of your mothers death, I wish so much
there were some way in which I could help you. But I
do want you to know that you are much in my
thoughts and that you have my deepest sympathy.
Sincerely yours,

Dear Mr. Morales:
I have just heard of the heavy loss you suffered in the
earthquake that brought so much destruction to your city.
At a time like this, words of encouragement bring very
little cheer: but I do want you to know how sincerely sorry
I am learning of your plight.
While there isnt much we can do to help, we shall
certainly be glad to ship you anything you may need in
the rebuilding of your business. Of course, well gladly
extend any kind of credit terms you desire.
May we have the privilege of doing that much little as it
Sincerely yours,

Frequently a person finds it necessary to
resign from his present position in order to
accept a better position, or because ill
health prevents him from continuing in his
present capacity. Whatever the reason,
many business firms request that such
resignation be written rather than verbal.

Paragraph content:
The reason for resigning.
An expression of appreciation, of regret, or both.
Date of affectivity.

Dear Mr. Donato:
Very regretfully do I tender my resignation as a
member of the progressive laborers union.
In the spirit of interest in the association and what it
is trying to accomplish, I applied for membership
two years ago but, owning to so many demands on
my time day and evening, I have found it is possible
to attend only one meeting during these two years.
It seems to me I am contributing nothing the work
of the organization and ought, therefore to resign.
Will you please my resignation, effective February
29, 2004?
Cordially yours,
Mr. Bello

Dear Mr. Bello:
You have acted as I should have done in your place.
I accept your resignation with deep regret, which I know
will be shared by all the members of the progressive
Laborers Union.
The loyal support you have given thru two strenuous
years to the Union will always be remembered by those
who have known you.
Mr. Donato

Letters of invitation are cordial and gracious in tone. The degree
of formality or of informality depends upon the relationship
between the writer and the reader, and by the nature of the
occasion with which the message is concerned.
Opening Paragraph Should state the name of the club or
association and the time and location of the meeting or
Second Paragraph Should mention those attainments or
qualifications of the speaker that make his presence so desirable.
Suggest the object upon which the speaker is to speak, the hour
at which he is to speak, and the amount of time he is to have on
the program.
Closing Paragraph Should request the speaker to let the writer
know whether the speaker will be able to accept, so that the
arrangements for the meeting may be completed. In accepting or
declining the invitation, the speaker should reply promptly. He
should indicate his willingness or regret to accept.

My dear Mr. Manglapus:
The Progress Committee of the Junior Chamber Commerce of the
Far Eastern University is very desirous of having you speak
before the members and the student body at their annual
convocation in the auditorium of the Administration on February
2, at 5:00 P.M.
In consideration of your wealth of business experience, together
with your years of devoted service to people, may extend, on
behalf of the Committee, an invitation for you to be our guest
speaker. Town Fiestas: Their Economic Relationship with the
Progress of the Philippines is an interesting topic to every
student of business, and I know that you will make a real hit
with it. If you prefer to phrase the topic yourself, please do not
hesitate to do so.
If your plans will permit your acceptance, the Committee will
begin spreading the good news, and we shall have a peak
attendance on deck to hear you.
Very sincerely yours,



Business/Organization Name
City, State ZIP

Dear (name):
(Name of company) has scheduled a (gathering/open house) in honor of (event or occasion) on
(date) at (time).
(Name of company) long has been a leader in the field of (name of industry), and we recognize
the contributions those outside our corporate structure have made to our success. You are
one such individual, and the board of directors of (name of company) would be pleased if
you would join them on this important occasion.
Please respond by (date), letting us know if you can attend. We look forward to your
participation, and welcome any guest may bring.

No letters affords so much pleasure to the writer or the
receiver as a letter of gratitude and appreciation. There
are many types, but all of them are based upon such
pleasant circumstances that writing the letter should be
an enjoyable and relatively simple task. Sometimes the
situation definitely calls for an expression of thanks in
conformity with business etiquette. In other instances the
note of appreciation is not actually necessary- it may not
even be expected by the recipient. But the unexpected
letter is the one most happily received and longest
remembered. Letters of appreciation, therefore, should be
written from the heart. They should be sincere- genuine.
Brevity adds strength and conviction to the message. Like
the letters of Congratulations and Sympathy, the letter of
appreciation is easiest to write and is most
enthusiastically received when it is written promptly.

Dear Professor Fernando:
Thank you, very much all for all you
have taught me of Business English.
I feel that I have gained much that will
be invaluable in the years to come. Above all, I
deeply appreciate your patient endeavor to help
me put into practice what you have so clearly
explained. Without such practice, the course
would not have been so profitable.
Among the treasures which I shall
take back to Thailand will be the remembrance
of your interesting yet informative lectures.
Gratefully yours,

Sample Letter of Appreciation


Business/Organization Name
City, State ZIP

Dear (name)
In too many situations, it is only the squeaky wheels that get the grease. But I am
pleased to see that recognition also comes to the well-oiled, most smoothly
operating machines.
Congratulations on your recent Directors Award! The news about your honor was barely
out before people began commenting that it was about time your high performance
was noticed. We couldnt be happier for you.
The honor speaks well of your commitment to our industry. In addition to echoing the
accolade, we would be tender our thanks for the personal contributions you have
made, as well as those for which you are being publicly recognized. Automotive
parts and service is a competitive game. Your contributions have made everyones
job easier.


Letters of congratulations and good wishes

are appropriately written to friends, business
associates, and employees who have enjoyed
progress and good fortune. Brevity is a
cardinal virtue of these letters. Direct concise
language adds vigor to the message.
Naturalness of expression is essential to give
ones words the ring sincerity. Enthusiasm
adds zest and animation to the message. The
letter of congratulation should be written with
relish or not written at all. Like the letter of
condolence, it should be written immediately
after the occasion fir it has developed.

Dear Mr. Sayson:
I have just read in todays paper of
your election as Mayor of Sta. Maria,
and I congratulate both of you and
the town you represent. I am sure
that you will bring to your job the
same ability and understanding that
has made you an exemplary teacher.
Sincerely yours,


Business/Organization Name
City, State ZIP

Dear (name):

Good news doesnt stay a secret long. We would like to extend our heartiest
congratulations for (name of honor or event). It is reassuring to know that
those who work so hard achieve the recognition they deserve. We are very
pleased for you.
Congratulations again on your (brief identification of honor). We cannot
think of a more deserving person.


The letter of introduction is a personal communication ordinarily written by one
person to another person for the purpose of bringing about the acquaintanceship of
two persons not known to each other. It is the gesture of courtesy properly
extended to a personal friend or to a business or professional associate. It may be
prepared for direct mailing to the addressee, or written for delivery in person by the
one introduced. In the later case, the envelope should be left unsealed as a
courtesy to the bearer.
The tone of the letter should be determined by the degree of acquaintance between
its writer and the other person concerned, and also by the purpose for which the
introduction is made. When the writer is introducing one of his personal friends to
another upon a basis both social and business, the tone of the message should be
quite informal.
When he is introducing one of his business associates to
another for purely business reasons, the tone should be conservative. Brevity
combined with definiteness, simplicity prompted by sincerity-these are the essential
qualities of efficient letters of introduction.
Give information enabling the reader to identify the person seeking introduction.

State the circumstances of, and the reason for, the introduction.

Show appreciation of any interest that may be manifested by the reader in the
person introduced.

Mariano F. Abaya
Mr. Pedro Cruz
Mr. Antonio
Dear Mr. Bautista:
Mr. Cruz is interested in buying coconuts for his
copra factory. Wont you sell him your products
or those of other planters?

Yours sincerely,
M. F. Abaya
February 7, 19-



Business/Organization Name
City, State ZIP

Dear (name):
These days, many professionals have the training, but few have the drive to apply that
training in a way that will make a difference in helping an organization move forward. It is
my pleasure to introduce just such a person, (name).
(Describe the individuals background and training as it applies to the professional task at
hand. Then explain how the background is enhanced by the individuals unique
characteristics and ability to help the recipient organization improve its
It has been our pleasure to have known and worked with (name) for (length of time).
(His/her) efforts on our behalf have always been exceptional, and the results of those
efforts successful. We except you will have the same experience.
If we can provide further information, please do not hesitate to call.
Best regard,

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