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~~ yoy a ft PY Crncess br } = owing oi 5, ~ \ttnich of the following represents the MOST; HRUERS iien ofthe fl sonatas otal SOLREWIPLOM ” — ouinaas toes. inal ne oose opeate alls ; ene ORTENS — caused by suzans of alas ene dl eee ee 10 anonves © sere a, ne rere, @ wr cine 5 Symenccros : ds @O? C._Pulseless i E. Tlymphocytes Swy/Smok ©. Giant cell arteritis 8 Santa re sone sess 7. Waieh ofthe folowing represents the{voST common cause of death in physical chid abuse? — © ov DONE eT 2 Exsanguination E. Prastagiandins : . ‘Abdominal trauma repre example of 8 presenis an example of jocyiesrecoonize aptizen in Buperfeiahinfegianlo! the sin caused by rss B5505:0n with which of the following? JrrecrTeus Funei Smslophytc vest miioooanisE? oescer— a Fiese Orcs ee ee Mucormycoss termine & C3b complement receptor - fats SBlsstomycone D3 MHC molecuies BPLASMOSIS = Cocadoiaomyeosis Wreath € once Le copenin TRE Nhe [ceed cos= ee mileests Lae ae cca oe Goan ani cag sting for spveral ave 1 an riginale from Negra lar Glamis THAT hh of Re twig? orgie om te bem aac ‘A nuclear division of granulocytes. Fe eteinae aera apa! resection o!epheium > Foner a ton fusion Fn din, of monorucear . Formation of granviation tissue : E Endotheial cell damage and disruption BL gutipication of ace In suteunding “17 forosytes, hovezesis accounting for|Mi ase: Se" fawn synarome]s whicr of 0. Which ofthe fotowindhestgfcan be usetu for [rontorralprosiale catereme? ’ Delton a” Mosaicism = Amylase Translocation Alpha fetoprotein A 7 : Nonagjnction G Mat Popes pasts send gE ‘Autosomal recessive inheritance Prostate specic anigen, eae 45, pene aiegd fons aes any i ram geo aict er onich athe fetowing? 6 Respiratory syncytial virus “ Hemophius influenza, type 8 Vo ©. Mycoplasma pneumoniae ny Inituenza virus 5 2 Kvn at: wantiocace S *ancle esa, fia col, and suepicss. GEIeD Shere a3 a property the fact that they = A sudden release of alae amouss o» / histamine jn the presence of an anti fesult in an immediate and severe reaction ‘known as which ofthe following? 2 c. D. & ‘Anaphylactic shock Acute inflammation ‘Artnus reaction Leukocytosis Toxemia Maachonddion , Galgi apparatus wCellwall-, ¢ Nuciear membrane A. are gampostve MURA GD Sra crromosome 8. strict anaerobes, “ha ( foplasmic reticulum C. fail to ferment glucose. plo ©. cornot grow on nutrent agar. are commen in hotplalacquied oe Seana ee — a © echaniam of spre ot ina susceptibie population alu react yon ees OF Conver va ber, n— A Paremteraly Son pnreneyr B. Insect vectors lage. C. Oral-anal “Which of the following disorders ifxcinxed) ¢ Respiratory : fecassive? $B Direct skineto-skin contact Lc . A Neurofbromatosis NEL & Tumer syndrome pspetlede apracmelf CG. Cysie frosis fr cos” Chena generated by which ot ler res". Marfan eyncrome an the flowy rue} & Hemophilia A keer abelog Misr, eoulee Breils ”T suppressor cells TH ri rau tooled ie T helper celis w f r fn Fes eat By teeite, C. Neutrophils: vi fal, Macrophages : “alg Prem el 14. By way of which of, isa lesion oftubes develop in the oral cavity? lowing mechanisms MOST likely to 1 Direct extension v Lymphatic spread Hematagenous spread Sputum entering the mouth Primary inoculation by contaminated dental instrument Beoer C oa \ cost be phesl< SEE ee ee eae & ory Each ofthe fond typically seen in patients who have an HIV infection EXCEPT ‘ane. Which ane i this EXCEPTION? Condyloma acuminatum Hairy leukoplakia ‘Chronic herpetic infection Salivary gland carcinoma 8 ¢ @ ontancous{ gingival bleedina]seen in were Preysscia is MOST Urey @ resull of which os ‘he following? nec Tru 21, /ovswoaon oa aaaaalon Baas Tener Soest ol pe procan! i ribes the palhanenena ci « Bronchopneumonia aad epee” Bronchial asthma Chronic bronchitis Pulmonary emphysema Interstitial pneumonitis, toe pepsin A. Infection . ae’ 4g... mulation of gonorthea organisms GF eerecpopena ie ‘Oxy C. Vascular fragility “mucus 1D. Hypoprathrombinemia membrane inge in the permeability of the E FactorVitdeficiency neserpone, cell wall 202F Trae, 0. Effux mechanism to export dru ie el from the cell a. PrseinatTlS — Mutational alteration of the drug OPniALine_ target hen onal —Bl 4 \hic of the ting represents the inl G ey, . ~ siage ofmiciballnieciout deease? = a | AN are) foiowing explains penictis, lelsseria gonorrhoeae? ‘AA spontaneous chromosomal — DecESOES THe DRUG oR jar MOD rr COceT™ rms sininprr collwellsvmnes = ‘Wich ie a reocesents the compicaign of SeDVc ces Wisease that SER ne mapnty of dears? D. Malignancy = = Tor ATI A Cel lysis = See Taermolienarcy 1B, Inhbiton of host cell metaboliem = EUbIIy Srtgens’ se composed HR Adherence, invasion, and growth in of ie of ans on host ceils Foe caer i 1D. Destruction of te nuclear components {ES A steroid . of te host cel ERE 8 poproten E. Producion o oxic metabote proeuets in pros, ® syeopeien aren the host eel by the parasite Cente Feeponsey sch lhe lloning is charctise of = games ae 7 tone ~ sreropic 6 Exist as circular RNA molecules “Pie Exist as extrachromosomal elements in bacteria hydrate. winnctajlays © carbohydrate. ; cot nirogarens way ult eu ape vues tonate 1. They metabolize primarily by which ae A Respiration ©. Mediate anubiotic resistance tP ATR AT Fermentation D. Confer conjugal fertitty caper Aulotrophism E. Carry genetic information essere ©. Nitrogen fixation ranseOr =PYnuvaer Ion ois a i Wee | a Respretn. — WURTO Re rece (Oricegenes| likely activated by each of the atin Toor“ lollawing EXCEPT one. Which one is this fe eases s Tound in which \ypRuse EXCEPTION? Teactions? A-—Befayed type hypersensitivity Foy corner Chromosomal translocation B~Anaghplactic type hypersensitivity nee C. Gene ampiifcation Pepe = immune-complex meciated D. Point mutation hypersensitivity See ee Se sermleowy Paar mete Bitele nuckeotne- ~ TRarstormnenn 4 or ~ Cenc littine BEL Be empleo wor on acting i HIGHEST ik er be .sB YAM. encountered Tal mVGSTE infec in women? corcermn @ candisasis A Untreated gonorthea : Phycomycosis: & Having many children ©. Acinomyenst C.Use'of oral contraceptives -- 0. Histoplasmosis D,_Folicularcyss ofthe ovaries _~E. Gryplococcosis £75 A tamiy history of ovarian cancer sug ona Is transfered tom & 34. Mossvefgszaizth lesions of he nals in.” jonar cell ta a recipient cell by a (an) i patients with poorty | melitus are frequently related to which of the GB vacteriophage pret? following? 5 episome. cfekiophae ¢. vansposon. B Mucormycosis D. plasmie B. Blastomyeosts naked nucleic wed C._ Histoplasmosis 0. Cryptococcasis E Coctiiotdomycosis 31. Which ofthe folowing represents the function of secretory immunoglobulin A in the orl caviy? (35. Which of the following is| likely to be a A. Lyse oral bacteria waming sign of an iggpending atberasclemaie 8. Acivate complement in the salva ea aon? ©. Promote phagocytosis by oral . leukocytes B® Angina pectoris © Prevent pathogens from adhering to the 8. Pulmonary embolus mucosa €. Activate NK (natural kil) calls in the ingival crevice F rotowing suggests thal immune "A S6-year-old man had atrial fibrilation for two Fe om be important i protection years folowing 2 myocardial infarct pe Subsequently he experienced right flank pain {and hematuria, paralysis of the right side of tne body, and sharply demarcated ischemia in nos the lef Toot. These signs and symptoms were High-ia diets increase the risk of breast MOST likely due to which of the folowing? cancer in women Persons with AIDS have an increased A Septiceria tisk of developing cancer 8, Lymphangitis Persons with autoimmune diseases ie “E Venous embol more often from cardiovascular disease Venous thrombi than cancer, zl %& Vinich of the fgowing terns molecular weight chemical g.oup incapable 3 Tha MOST eflective graventive mensure {1 ggtcinoma of the ylerine carix is represented induction of an immune response? By whien of te folowing? £0) Te Use of birth control pills Epitope Hormone replacement therapy 0. Toleragen Maintenance of personal hygiene A 8. C.Antigen g Periadic cytologic examination E. Immunogen E, Antiviral treatment for recurrent genital herpes AEDS ch of the following stages of viral FeEDLcaraT WOES a vive be susggatbe ToT as(OY 42. Wich of the fl resents the porion SEcieIow IgA? of thelbacieral endotoxin frolecuie that Ss MOST responsible for its Joxic activity? ele uk ee OL 0 pd eon Etisal teeta oo9® BAM Stor era wes rapid injury to 43. MOST ng cancers originale in which of he which oLthe following? following? A. Aleois wats B. Fibrous sepiae ©. Pleura fring 0, Cartiaginaus sings GP Broetial epithe REE? a preunitis D. Cigarette smoking \y/ ik ahaciag aia ke te evcion occa genoa i which eho tomy? Arson A ‘The dorsum of the adult tongue isthe normal ‘ecologic habitat for which of the following microorganisms? A Spirochetes 8 Lactobacilli without involvement of the let side of the head Segrs MOST often with witch of the ie ‘conditions? rat 1 falvuiat detects mY &_Ditese myecaaie e year arn Crrsa pete cargeston of the Wer i thogenic microorganisms produce each of 3 following EXCEPT one, Which one is this Capsules Penicillinase Strepladomase 0. e nal won ledkoorte- 7 48/ Each of the following is characteristic of 7 herpes simpiex Type 1 EXCEPT one. Which ‘one is this EXCEPTION? A Most infections are subclinical, 8. The latent virus resides in the neural ganglia c. Most lesions aceur in or around the oral ewviy, Recurcenllesions.are.more severe than Primary lesions, Lipid solvents would be expected to inactivate the vieus 58 fine enlargement of a tissue because of an inezease in the number of-cels is represented by which of the fllowing? ‘A Atrophy Dysplasia Meteplasio Hyperplasia Hypertrophy— 5, @2 Which of the following viruses is known for ts antigenic dritt? A Rhinovirus ) Infiuenza Rubeola D. Rubella Mumps. od nun sine oie raped time interval between exposure to & carcinogen and the emergence of a negptasm? @Lsency Bo Prodrome .Aetvaion 2. Incubation EPresmaligrancy p nective tissue associated with (her 24 hours, A pathologist examines the connective fnyecardium of this patient. This examination iffarnmation is known as which of the il revead ‘allowing? ‘A. considerable organization of granulation A Sear tissue 3. Angioma 8 hyperplasia of musde fbers and an ©. Granuloma ee initration of polymorphs. 3 Parle erudate mon C. an ingrowth of granulation tissue into @ Granulation tissue the necrotic aplaensoxad i 7 — Le ae of the flowing erganmagis cat To Pencilhe. sel pg priiie chemeal ~ IBiowing ofganisms is EXCEPT vransmited tnrough an insect vector? STevOlsin, —6/ Rickeltsiae Q reve menum A Brucella Ge — Coe "0. Mycoplasma \ Negative-stranded viruses? ickettsia < Wei! . & renteas Weil Fale name ssa sepnere vache pouer, mah 8. Virion RNA is messenger for protein nthesis. fe ie pisease / pen ie BEF creme wor D. alps sre synthesized in equimolar amounts (ch of the following ceoresents extracellular % AY /csatescl syothesized by Streplococcus mulans Blotins smeoth sucaces? Finich molecule on B-lymphacytes recognizes TOMO — 4 ipoprotein bupsesiaais ale A C3 dbiertnces 8. Phosphoii C. Glycoprotein BL HLA 59 MOST cases of encephalitis are caused by of. Which of the following drugs ig, gets | which of the following? strepiomycin in the treatment of tuberculosis? A Fungi Beso A Tuvercutin © | Viruses 8. Sulfonamide C. Protozoa i @ Isoniazid (INH) D. Bacteria J Pan-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) & Rickettsia E_Bacile blie de Calmette-Guerin (8CG) Stain siens “Cla wnidia ay Geren tory Be: Wy 27 enrers endocrT Tasis (< TWA gy ond inclusions 2 Creems4 [Elen “Gechbony Pee eee ee recive method for disinfecting the skin prior fo ablaining blood specimen for culture? 70% ethanol - Giutaraldehyde 2% tincture of iodine ‘Anionic detergent such as soap Quartemary ammonium compouné such as Zephiran® Hemophitus inftuens a. Closinaium dificil p> Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae. Prevotella melaninogenica. To determine the bacteriologic purity of metropolitan water supplies, sanitary engineers routinely check the waler for the presence of which of the following? “(ol GP _Exeneventa oot C. Giardia famolia Ba Entamoeba histolyion i Ses ‘which of the following processes is MOST tikely to AOL sation ~ = ® Congestion fansiidation_ = +..~..'s wen OR ProLimeecction— at Aoch althe folowing deserves Seteatn 27 "Tone. Which one is this EXCEPTION? sires cellto-cell contact, aft energy-dependent proce Gna depends on the presence af WE epaictriatioNy swnit invoWes transfer of sitgle-sivanded DNA. 68,/ Sterile cytaneous manifestations (rashes, etc.) are seen in each of the following conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? A. Scat fever Feumatc ave eo lis Meningococcal meringia i E) Staphylococcal-scalded skin syndrome Following injury, which of the ftowing Ussues .-r\70. PESrcpemad !@ST eften are spread by way of ce ‘restores functional capacity by hypertrophy? Po ‘witch of the following? A Skin 0 Fascial planes Ma Liver Lymphatic vessels lle Cardiac muscle i. C. Venous vascular system Adrenal cortex fi (e D. Anterial vascular system E. Penpherat neve E. Seeding of serosal surfaces ‘The MOST effective means of preventing cisease transmission in the dental office is based on which of the following concepts? Asepsis Disinfection ‘Sterilization Barrer techniques Universal precautions A 8. c. fused primarily by ic pressure. : increased tissue Muid hydrostatic ! pressure. ‘ Botulism Salmonella Hepatitis A ’ Staphylococcal Paralytic shellish poisoning ‘Which of the following represents the classic lesion of Freumaterd_ ara eS omens ie-l6op regio nad raen node sry = ee re Which ofthe folowing represents an acute < 0 (flammatory reaction that snteads and (ial is aituse? By woh A Uler B Abscess C. Necrosis <0. Granuloma Se: & ies 7&,/A cigarette-smoking patient experiences 2 gradual onsel of progressive, labored breathing that is characterized by prolonged, expiratory effort. Which of the following fepresenis the M@ST likely diagnosis of this condition? A. Bronchiectasis 8. Chronic bronchitis Pulmonary emphysema Carcinoma of the lung Interstitial fibrosis A GY oi secgaiza end paca 1 cies {Shing are accomplished by which of the following? onEe as ©. Serotonin release ©. Cytokine synthesis E. Delayed hypersensitivity Be ( TT. Which of the following is an intracettutar patasite? A Aspergilus flavus * B. Nocardia asteroides aj cone Ee rs Sickling of red biood cells in sickle cell disease can be accentuated by CAR. °7 WIDE Ox, yen tension, e Liged ex yen wensisn, ©: INGA CO, partial pressure D. wecreased CG, partial pressure, GB sri. wins two coat n 10 elderly person with zoster is potent cof contracting which of the following? el Shingles ® ADs E. Herpetic gingivostomatitis ly at risk ad, ge exits» song Fees atinty fr ‘A Belymphocytes, 8. polymorphonuciear leukocytes. c cae... at ich of the following represents an aciduric scasies Jat i found in deep de Fusobacterium nucleatum Streptococcus sanguis Lactobacillus casei Prevotella intermedia A 8. Re e Actinomyces naeslundit Metastasis (0 bone is trequent with matignare 7 tumors of each of the Tells teeuee crtestaions offpeenicious anemia] include EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? ec ‘i ‘A Diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis oe i 8. Marked hemonhage,dyepnes, and Kidney < ©. Gingival hemorrhage, bone pain, and Bra leukocytosis Prostate ° 6, Lop fe hody's: EE 7 ovat af he fobaewna is : diese acer ee ee Pheroahy jiseases? sit Antibody and T cis - on cota and inteteron Anlibody and macrophages statin NN eels and ners ©. Tetaoycne Macrophages and itrferon D. Amaniagie E Griseofulvin of heochromocytoma, @ feopteam of me ‘adrenal medulla, is direbtly associated with Which of the following genera causes 3 which of the following clinical findings? 7” common form of basal ngrinals? A Moonface A Candida B Osteoporosis _| ‘Bacillus Qi Severe nyperionaiey Neissona Do Pigmentation of skin Closirigium E Mascuiniing eters E. Actinomyces ~e/ | ae i the following is the portal of enty for a Which of the following is LEAST likely to ‘Which of = ft)” metastasize? Neigsena meningitis? A Neuroblastoma | . ae eL iedesntons Idina ret ‘AG easat at rane’ 1D. Mucous membrane of the trachea Basal cal rs wus memorane of the nasopha CE Epidermoid carcino @ bacreecie oe Each of the following diseases may cause malabsorption of vitamins, fats of proteins EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? ‘4 positive skin test in an|individual who has had tuberculosis is an example of Slave UE) es ©. autoimmunity, | Ulcerative cal Brine torowing condiions is id by 2 disproportionate Pe wi! the shull and 5 of Hae nd eet thal occur{ after epinhyseal Dwerfism Myxedema Cretinism Gigantism ‘Acromegaly S Sick op Te Can ‘anocexja—l. © Loss of appetite “BHabival vomting | G._ Severe toss of weight ©. Diicuty in swatowing E__Inabiity to form and arfeutate words metaplasia. 8 capacity for metas Jirnited -year old male presents ‘& neulrophife leuko« felling MOST likely repr Tas following? wae some, A) Cetus Zara, B._ Granulation tissue tne, Coe rrcinoma in silu implies that the lesion Mafignant celis to seni Cae Tre facial nis which of the gy 12 A 2A Preamothorax D. E, Zation of dental burs is effectively complished without corrosion by using “which of the following? A Unsaturated chemical vapor Quaternary ammonium compounds Unrasonic: cleansing Autociaving lodophors, spiration of food can result in each of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is this EXCEPTION? Pneumonia ozx0 of the following diseases can be classified as an endogenous infection? A Syphil a \owartslp, characterized by 2 relatively jormal-sized head and thorax pul shot xtremities, is MOST charactenstic of which of tne folowing? 4 A Ricketts Cretinism & Mrondropiaia Fibrous dysplasia E. Hypopituitary dwarfism 4 PF ne tolowing Docurs duting contraction fen ventricle of 8 normal heart EXCEPT ‘which one is this EXCEPTION? "a The aortic se valve opens. Blood enters the Eoronary arteries. The pulmonary semilunar valve opens. The left atrioventricular valve close: ‘The right atrioventricular valve tioses, ‘The intercostal nerves i in the intercostal space between which of the follo:9? zed uue'a pew 7 S : texeinal and intemal inercesials ® teal and inrenhost ercotals Innermost intercoslals and. svbcostals E Exlemal intercostals and Wransversus woracs I 13, 7 Lymphatic drainage oft 7 -wpper lip, and skin and the cheek is intially into lymph nodes? ies of ine nose and ich of the folowing A Submental | E Interior deep cervieat Which of the following BEST describes the adicular surfaces of the fomandibular , joint? 3 i 7A Highly vaseular B. “Increase in thickness with age ©. Covered by a synovial membrane 1D. Remnants of Meckel$ carllage Composed of fibrous ronnective tissue me The parotid duct pierce’ which of the following ea Ta ait soos Yu - piper CO othe | 1 @.Buccinator “BD.” Medial pterygoid E.- Lateral pterygoid / ¥ fh a @ Rewosiscal pas B. ©. D. E y eee ‘Which of the folowing represents a wellvascuarized structure inthe =~ 1 Femporomandibutar joint? Fibrous covering of the condyle Cental portion ofthe aricutar disk Fibrous covering of the articular eminence Fibrous cavering ofthe condylar surtace, events tie me? Transversus the. 20% Rectus Polymerization of molecules into collagen fibris ‘occurs in the A -tibosomes. B, lysosomes. ‘extracellular space. ugh endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum. ‘Thb deep layer of the dermis of the skin consists of wich cf the following types of connéctive ues? Elastic Areolar fo Reta Oye Reguiar, dense Ivegular, dense \ \ re sphenoettinadel recess te ie amror exert ofthe inlron fasal mest Aine poor exert a he intro nasal meals Ep, inthe superior natal meats. in E. comen wit the ethmeld odes @* the midele nasal meatus al the infer pa ofthe emunar Wits + the folowing jnkmenitheiichcatisie = ‘uted with the immune: system? A Dust Bo Merkel Kuptier's Langernans — E. Melanocyte 7 i tne totoving bones comprises @ Porton fe wale the ort?) A ie ea b feu Pod © fome e Ay ‘ ‘Which of the following represents the Jatecal 10] 108 secon reggae wh aso a erynges Ip essbcial A © c. D. \ of setter te a suid sdierent mypsiatid veesets? * A ¢ ‘Which of the following is a sensory nerve? A 8 c 2 ® ‘Which of ther following represents the anterior boundary af the mandibular fossa of the q- cranial nerve V and the muscles of mastication. crarial nerve Vi and the muscles of facial expression, cranial nerve X and the intrinsic laryngeal muscles. cranial nerve Xil and the extrinsic tongue muscles, Sple ‘Thymus Lymph node Palatine tonsil Thoracodorsal Long thoracic Medial pectoral Lower subscapular Medial antebrachial culaneous boundary ofthe relropharyngeal space atthe lemporal bone? level ofthe oropharyra? a2 Styled process “B Carotid sheath Aleut eminence 6. Stemoceidomastoid Pevolympanic fissure CC. Plerygomandibular raphe D. Extemal acoustic meatus 1D. Stylopharyngeus muscle and its fasci E. Vaginal process of lemporat bane y Medial plerygoid muscle and is fascia ‘fhich ofthe following ls characterized by the wich of te folowing exhibits phagocytic the dorsal sutace of the activity in the central nervous system? ingue? . Wisogia ext A Lymphatic nodules Gas Microglia 3. Fliform papitiae vy C. Oligodendrocyte 2 Folate papilae if D. Fibrous astrooyte Fungiform papliae p ean E. Protoplasmic astrocyte yy ry 4 The internal thorac’c. nerve inneates the Nipple ese Fre aslary nerve enters the plrygopalating 5//, fre buecinator mise originates om wich asa wrough which of the following? ofthe following? V4 mand Sek Foramen ovale A The oblique fine of mandible and Plerygoid canal manta ey? Foramen lacenum BL The incisor fossa of Foremen rotundum V2 A ¥ rene eee cee Superior orbital fissure ‘The pterygomandibular raphe and the hyoid bone ' 9) i z (aphe)-and alveolar processes of the Wich of the folowing represents 6 muscle maxilla and the mandible thal assists in depressing the mancibie? E. The frontal processes of the maxila and * the mandible Which of the following isthe functional unit of ie the kidney? ‘Wich ofthe following is the muscle whose Lobule | tendon loops around the pterygoid hamuius? .)--Nephiron : i 2 Glomeruius A. Tensor tympani : BD. Minorcabyx 8. Musculus wvuiae E Bowman's ‘capsule ‘Tensor veli palatint Levator veli palaint Superior pharyngeal constrictor ' Each of the following structures is wrapped in the investing tayer of the deep cervical fascia Cysts in the midtine of the heck can arise from EXCEPT one, Which one is this EXCEPTION? epithelial remnants of which of the following? F Cervical sinus aD buns BB Srpetore xt . _Ullme branchial body D—Stermacieidomesisid 1D. Pharyngeal (branchial) pouches Inferior bely of omohyoid E. Pharyngeal (branchial) grooves J. her an automobile accident, a patient's chin ‘The branches of the maxilaiy artery supply deviates to the left on opening his mouth : ‘ faite: ch of the following EXCEPT one, Which one widely, His mandible is probably tractured at i" Paeetenar eee eon A Nasal septum A . Genial tubercle #8 8, ‘Mandibular incisors | + @> Lett condytar neck Hard and soft palate | ‘C..._ Right condylar neck ‘Skin ofthe forehead | D. Left mental foramen ‘Muscles of mastication E. Right mental forernen of the following strictures lies deep to 7 The eyelids are closed by cantractos Ee noainsun muscle in the suprahyoid vot id ee noone temas = | heroes Qe cmmatenes eee ons aay Superior and inferior rec D Rypogssa nem D. 2ypematcus mejor and nr Deena E.Levalor palpebrae superioris E) Submandibular duct! elpebrae superior I Posiganglionic parasympathetic bers to the ‘prion of which ofthe folewing muscles Z parchd gland reach the sland by way of has fibers inserting inte the’ articular cisk of Which of the follwing nerves? the temporomandibules joint? oe : A Facial KE ee : B Gteal eureutar e feat pg tame. i Middle meningeal 1 & Crerrens arte rec 6) Kitesotempon ). Lower head of the tatdral plerygoid E Hy Malay division ofthe tigeminat E. Superficial head of th medial pterygoid ‘The right posterolatéral thoracic wall is nerve supply to the. drained by which of the following veins? L/ wasen rom veh 1 We @® renee AM Vie @ orm Le! 4 wey = opt. | ~G._ Right Brachiocephae Gs 2 w wf ‘The thyroceryical snunk is comprised of the inftior thyroid he anevgrae cervical ertey, ae and the Pe. ? ‘Seromucous glands are by the : presence of which of the folewing? © Penians Oiesee Stereocitia D: superior thyroid. ©, Massive numbers of ascending pharyngeal 01, Large intracelular candlicul Smooth muscle throughout the stroma x 34,/Wirich of the folowing isthe mejor nerve of the posterior aspect of the forearm? Uinar , : @ Radial i Median | D. | ‘D. Inierstitial cells of testis E. Musculocutaneous ~E. Epiphyseal plate of growing bone FLAT P\& ‘Wich othe folowing represents 1 he cause ot ‘the intense basophilia exhibited. nu ae osteoblasts? prea ns Inferior aveotar | Zz a A. Rbirerouenecitachand Glossopharyn¢ tio eagre oi Hypepoetad o segregate spon C. StargeGolg apparatus Lina 0. Akaline phosphatase acy @ Aetncart rough endoplasme rican “ne siale ducts othe prod gland are \/ oni et he fot ’ 7 wing uctres lies ces ine whch te ing yest ANTERICE 13 the sealenus tert muse? : oe i ‘Subclavian'vein Cas cared inte st: 4 bSorptiv CQ Surcevarvan 8 Sunpie_squimous] “41 veo(y of (age & Subclavian artery cuboidal Costocervical tak Sines cae} cuboidal Superior unk of the brachial plexus | ml arse > cor vn 6 sk } 2. Which of the folowing is. Which of the following initiates the mesial drift cntacelulay? ate positon tain? i be --tyssTames DB Prosimat sbrasion ' 3 Mestaues B Cose a ect! tooth ‘ Toneteet &._Aaymmaties! nypercemenisis Choon | i / Keratonyain grabs peeeaeecesa ' : fie 18/vmicn of totoweg i tony pat ol ne w Bap cher) YF gastcitestinal systern that has vit, goblet Wessel ae Rte Ta a gaslean a ee into the oral cavity? * submucosa7- Al the sublingual funcle (papitia) A Neum ‘Opposite the maxillary second molar €. At the mandibular skeond molar ©. Om the plica fimbria E.On the buccal fren Stomach Jejunum Duodenum Appendix 44,/' Fiorocarttage normally ockurs in the (ach ofthe following nerves passes through 1 : tye jugular leramen EXCEPT one, Which one A epigotis. ig tis EXCEPTION? : 8. extemal ea. os C._ epiphyseal plate. A vagus ® itierverebral discs.” B_ typoatessal ay .-E._Gshaped rings in the wall ofthe C. Glossopharyngeal wachea. ©. Spinal sccessory 2~ t Law av. VF 33 84. AO en Ets emis > ‘nich of the lollowing arteries Iq Berived stpely Momuhe cetisc unk? | ? Leh gastre syrome ce Shon gasire C. Right gastric Colon, bepah © ae D. Gasitoduodenat E. Proper hepatic © i Proteins for exracellular use cab be synthesized in which of the f organelles? Nucteolemma | 8. Mlocnonda ©. Heterochromatin Rough endoplasmic Smooth endoplasmic Fundic glands possess nena the fotowing cel types? A Paneth a SCout toe © Pareanfoxyat ¢) ° B ieepe OY E Caveolated fi are located in the mucosa §f which of the fotiowing? Rectum Esophagus ; a Large intestine / Jeu me eh “The medial plerygeid muscle is attached to which of the following? A Plerygoid hamuius BL Lateral suriace of the lateral pterygoid piste (@ Vesa sutace oe aera! poresit nite ©. Mel sortace of te mesa procs pate Cees surace ot te greater wing ofthe shencis Each, of he folowing is.a function of an adit spleen EXCEFT one Whitt cnevis test EXCEPTION? Production of lymphocyles $ merce, Production of erythrocytes Storage of red blood cells Destruction of red blood cells Filtration of blood to detect foreign bodies A uniform growth of the epithelial giaphragm results in the formation of which of the following? {B Single-rootes tooth . Double-rooted tooth C.Triple-ooted tooth D. Tooth without a root ‘The trapezius muscle inserts on which part of the scapula? Spine |. Medial border C. Glencid cavity D. Lateral border E Coracoid ‘process Certain nerve fibers form a plexus in the pulp cavity. The cell bodies of these fibers are found in which ganglion? Nodosal 8. Ciliary ©. Petrosal DL Geniculate = B® Trigeminal s - 62 6 ne goat or te ec os arcaion between th! T attached gingiva ad the alveoar mucosa, Med Ee . attached gingiva arid the free gingiva, iree gingiva and hp aheolar mucosa free Singiva and If Gingival margin. Adipose issue is found lathe submucosa of thepalaieinthe | rage, incisive papilla. ‘midline al the level gf the molars. lateral area al the x of the premolars, “eo lateral area at the tefl of the molars, i ‘Which of the following BEST describes the motor neurgns that are found in the anterior (ventral) horn of te spinal cord? ee & seen ol acto 4 5. Unipolar — s2nsopig( PAS). &. Purkinje «be 4 ee eee = Pseudounipolar Which of the following for the formation of the ‘palatine tonsil? S is responsible anlgyi to the Styloglossus Palatoglossus Stylopharyngeus Palalopharyngeus Salpingopharynge mo ol Which ofthe folowing produce suractant? ‘Type | pneumocytes ‘Type ll pneumocytes| A Monocytes B. Clara cells Yo! ©. Goblet ces «Fgh D 6 Se 53. Which of the following ligaments is MOST often damaged in an Inferior alveolar neve block? A Lateral 8. Capsutar CC. Styiohyoia ” ‘Stylomandibular ‘Sphenomandibular we eich te folowing noma Kraze? «Ginga > Sarpatte &. Syebir mucosa 2. oro he moat ‘Mucous membrane of the lip ‘The bone composing the cortical plate of the alveolar process consists of which of the following? ‘A Cancetious bone with wide marrow spaces Cancellous bone with reduced marrow spaces Haversian systems and circumferential lameliae Haversian sysieme but no reumferenti Circumferential lamellae but no hhaversian systems ‘The epithelial root sheath (Herwig) is the ‘apical continuation of which of the folowing? ‘A. Inner enamel epithelium only B. Outer enamet epithelium only ‘All four layers of the enamel organ nner and outer enamel epithelium only ‘The stellate reticulum and the stratum intermedium only Which of the following nerves innervate the lungs? aryng B. Phrenic and intercostal ‘Vagus and sympathetic Greater and lesser splanchnic / ‘CEPT one. etecaal Ne 73. ry 7 paw 3 me first synapse for tactile discrimination pharyngeal pouth EX Which one is i re NON? : fom the face occur in which of he flowing Thymus~S ay = il A Motor nucleus of V Parathyroid tube ~/I B. Spinal nucleus of V ~ 41 1 Parotid gland A 8 ©. Nucoid connective (QB Neviar connective ‘The oblique group of fibers of the periodon ligament serves primariy fo prevent movement of the looth in whigh of the following cirections? | @ ts Distal C. Mesial Di Ccetusat fistoiogicaly, /istinguished readily from, cra dentin by the presence of which of the folaing ‘A Mantle dentin 8 Interglobutar dentin |! & Contour lines of Owen @. Granular layer of Tome} SE. Reduced numbers of obibntoblastic Which of the following repres Igaflike structures that extend) surface loward the dentin and consist mainly of org A E. Auditorytube oY Palaine tonsit —. ringer 2 processes Pi namel tutis > 'amel lamellae Incremental lines of Retdlus at fin which of the following organelles are ‘Trigeminal ganglion ? Chief sensory nucleus of V thal has been postulated to serve as a part of the “gate canirof" system for pain? OG, Nustes. mbiguus G) Substania’gersinoss [injection of a local anesthetic containing a vasoconstrictor inte the attached gingiva, ‘would affect the blood vessels of which of the following? A Submucoss Dens! pip @ Cone mon Baral ayer ct the epteum E Epil covering ole gia Which of the following circulating white blood cells are FEWEST in number? A Lymphocytes: B. Monocytes C. Neutrophils D. Eosinophils GF Basophils glycoproteins assembled for extracellular use? go / A Nucleolemma wr { B. Polyribosomes Golgi apparatus 7.” Rough endoplasmic reticuum 4 E. Smooth endoplasmic reGiculum i Spinal Bopermpglnadene— ee = & Mesencephalic nucteus of vp eplowp tim | pt ? 1¢ crista terminalis is the line of junction between the primitive atria and ventrices lett and right ata ventricle and the conus arteriosus. sinus venosus and the right atrium. ‘runcus arteriosus and the lef atrium, D Srosey GIG 4 +f CWS,7,F,, \ QD peasnl ret sensla \f @Snler, norman following? Pus ye Sip tee pongo Ge Cat of rena EAE OM Sa/r$E-S A Nucleus prc 'B. Cells of adrenal conex 8. Fatceuue C.Preganglanic sympathetic cel vodies Anite ©. Pasiganglionl sympathetic cell bodes @ Later spin E. Preganglionic parasympatnetic cet a ocies —.— Gf, The neurons of Fn! nervous system -87-]/ win the thoracic cavity, rami that innervate muscids derived from branchial ‘communicantes connect the sympathetic. ches are foo the folowing trunk with ne : fuclel? i Aj thoracic spinal nerves, s @ Nucleus a @ > splanchnic nerves, 4 6. Dorsal motor dix ©. thoracic viscer | C. Hypogiossal_qucieus D. cardiac nerves. ~ ' ENodeut of hd pial tract of V i ‘7 88,/ A major sensory innervation of the ‘af! nich of he folowldy i & nucleus that Contains Copamine gas frequently affected Drieligtegprerrt npr ecktoaiies certains covarton He which ofthe following nerves A. Great auricular © perattemoert inferior alveolar 1D. Posterior superior aveolar E. Temporal branches of the lacial 84, is an anomaly in which 83, sr certain conditions, phagocytosis " 3 in the fining of the venules sinusoids. 90. Each of the folowing cr ‘associated with the fone, Which one is this & Faciat { Abducens \ €. Trochiear \ 0. Trigeminat \ EB Oculomotor Pas uenge istanbul Por dite Pars (bra Pars inermedia ruceus ambigass. | nucleus solar hypepioesal nutes, ‘ A : 8 83. Cell bodies of sympathetic of the plerygoid canal come following? A Facial nerve BR. Superior cervical ge g Greater petrosal ner )._ Glossopharyngeal & Otic ganglion 84, Which of the following charat ‘cytoplasmic extension of an Microtubules and mitochondria. and 8. Microtubules and ni Large numbers of D. Myacin filaments superior ganglion of efi! nerve IX. spinal nucleus of the “— 7 the hypophysis. vosa— Pain fibers in the glossoy jeal nerve synapse in the inthe nerve whieh of the es the fontoblast? lysosomes \ i} / 2 The superior portion of the[geniogiossus | musa connects De ZR. tongue to he hyoid.— rayslooey &,° mandile etre hye Goh OL @ Longue tothe mandi . _sivtold process of te skull lo the 96, /ach of he flowing structures is locates ' wihin the covolid sheath EXCEPT one. Wes tne is this EXCEPTION? Vagus narve Piven nerve ternal put vein ie D. Common carotid artery mich ofthe fotowing is the cel organte that contains many types of hysrlyic [ enaymes? | @ Ysosome \ SE Controsome \\C. Mitochondrion \D._ Golgi apparatus 7 Endoplasmic reticulum Which of the following represents the basis for the topical application of fluorides in dental calies prevention? ae oY A. Fluoride penetrates the enamel trough the lametae, 8. The keratin content of the enamel is made more insoluble. C. Fhuride coats the tooth forming a uniform protective ba \._D. The primary cuticle, being less calcified, absorbs the fluoride, ‘The acid solubility of the surtace enamel fs reduced by the fluoride, {In the oral cavity, keratinized epithelium covers the ‘A. lip and cheek @ gingival tissue and hard palate. . floor ofthe mouth and sof pala. Db. ‘alveolar mucosa and vestibular fornix. neither larger larger, due to larger, due to. smaller, due secondary ff ain increasing age, i pulp cavity becomes be sate con of odorociast. % 104. Which of the fotiowing 3 Sg J)” “transamination re 103, Each of the following “ © D,. interstiit $a qe Venous capaci "102. Which ofthe folowing paired with an activated polymer EXCEPT one.. EXCEPTION? c. D. UDP-glucose - & Sucrose - Levan that is involved in gl pyruvate and also is am folic reaction that primes the tricar BD ryraate +o Pyruvale + acet Phosphoenolpyr Oxalocetate — pl Pyrwvaie — lactate! + pyrwvate hoenolpyruvate mono Tey 4 Brothomphys ‘ + mouth rinse contains-0.05 percent F*. Which of the following represents the concentration expressed 2s pom F? 2406. Which of he flowing saans te cel membrane : and anchors ee fo he eacellr male? Keratn : © icon, mhochondrial: membrane. B. lysosomal membrane. .-. huciear membrane. ‘cel membrane. E . chromasame, © 108 tn suction to being a fat product of metabolism, carbon dioxide is required as a “ss ‘gubstraté for an enzyme that is associated with {hich of the following? Biosynthesis of glycagen from glycerat 46.) Biodyninests of tatty acids from acety! CoA ‘C. Biosynthesis of ribese-S-phosphate from glucose 1D. Oxidation of acetyl CoA by the citric arid : cyde E. Generation of ATP during mitochondrial oridation of NADH 6 \ % 104. Which of the fotiowing 3 Sg J)” “transamination re 103, Each of the following “ © D,. interstiit $a qe Venous capaci "102. Which ofthe folowing paired with an activated polymer EXCEPT one.. EXCEPTION? c. D. UDP-glucose - & Sucrose - Levan that is involved in gl pyruvate and also is am folic reaction that primes the tricar BD ryraate +o Pyruvale + acet Phosphoenolpyr Oxalocetate — pl Pyrwvaie — lactate! + pyrwvate hoenolpyruvate mono Tey 4 Brothomphys ‘ + mouth rinse contains-0.05 percent F*. Which of the following represents the concentration expressed 2s pom F? 2406. Which of he flowing saans te cel membrane : and anchors ee fo he eacellr male? Keratn : © icon, mhochondrial: membrane. B. lysosomal membrane. .-. huciear membrane. ‘cel membrane. E . chromasame, © 108 tn suction to being a fat product of metabolism, carbon dioxide is required as a “ss ‘gubstraté for an enzyme that is associated with {hich of the following? Biosynthesis of glycagen from glycerat 46.) Biodyninests of tatty acids from acety! CoA ‘C. Biosynthesis of ribese-S-phosphate from glucose 1D. Oxidation of acetyl CoA by the citric arid : cyde E. Generation of ATP during mitochondrial oridation of NADH 6 \ Lewreneie enee PEIN #80 Aoss3r1 ae a a weed Goi dys sine ~ / 405. The enzymatic breakdowy ol lactose + 6 produces which of the & Gluccse only Glucose and Glucose and Glucose and Sule sSC lhisrinny Glucose and A @sov> Deobnamey eo aptpee edenae tdi Which of the forowing BEST Hescribes © 145. The exvacetutar matt includes each of the fiyorine? in following macromolecules EXCEPT one, | 1 * Which one is this EXCEPTION? DA. teivanina lena 8. Mreadily loses one dite valency ‘A. Collage’ Type IV electrons. | + BL “Proteoglycans . Ithas an atomic whly the © Fibionectin : game as that of . DL Laminin IES the mast elec tive of ail Gj Mp emscie 116. “Which of the following characterizes the EAT viel fa rose? An atiornone response A259 Propagated in a non-decrementat Universally present in all nerve tissues — Graded according othe stength of the =“ stimutus ce Aeduclwr Gain of electors’ TARE Which ofthe Yaiwing ia'an example Ot - a ie nae od Et function of allopurinét? ae ROM aeeduction? OELLYD hn edopdrta* “Dk Promotes cowersior ite cit NET Ek cHectt + Ho, -CH, HOH. B.. Allosterically iter glutathione BR-COOH-+R-COO-+ Hr reductase C. -GH.CH, > -CHECH + Promotes excretor at | cu Cut +e odatin 62 Competivey inhiots oxidase EE ret +e Fe “Zodhiclion Leos Oxidadian~ ‘boas of blecten” 1m stints © fon ceperner ttn § veriour steroid hormones? made_using which of the (allowing? A Terpene | | © OK Aolasmia 7 .Chotestero! { 8. ONA ligase C. Sphingomyelin ||| C. Aretrovirus D. Triacylalyzerot | RNA pelymerase E. Phosphatidy! choline || | Reverse ranscriplase | | Rak. cependent DNA Poly merose * | f “424. Aa premature infants with respiratory distress. V/ syndrome, the alveoll collapse because of which of the following? 2 S$ High surface tension é C Air entering the intrapleural space Puncture ofthe mace wat ieaenhsride, ° Excess of surfactant 1 blwy monomen & ; er oF nudlaie aeids : i 4425. Destucton ofthe cerebetum causes iamet of when re ttowsne? 74120. Aithch of the fotowng 4 DV ane, 7 A Taste ) Senso: ry A Decreased EB Memoy 2 Cerebaimn: +B, Decreased Mision > ge tmes sce €, Decreased ae ie Uneom pennive — be For which isthe fest group ofthe fllowing 134. Which of the folowing .Palrs'more likely tbe located on the surfacé n “ota globular profes than the second group of near the pai Ga prbrruliy) a pduegalart conn Be a oD Cepeda rca, aaa “crow “NA? “CH, “Hsu “cob 3 REE: _Whade nou fg wt fll” B Which of the folowing desérites the _sfegulation of smooth muscie 8 soass8 3 Naemninat 46 Dds nt require yes bd te we cee : fe ae ate “ey Cole ‘ae gi grneted Sexaybsig components consists of-qiycerol, chosphale: @ ae ‘and choline? ie Cepnatin line Os. : (chy j gold, [pi 8” Laci Fe eee ene. ee Q, Gerebrosse AbLAdBe pieces Sorgen has prawe fr" Preeane, © Sterner phate eo — pea te Meare ap approximately 2x10. a °¢ 2e10%m, 4 10"M, + apne:

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