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Remembered NBDE part1

Computerized format April 2006 & Written format 2005

Contents : 322 questions total


Anatomy (66)
Anatomy (46)
Biochemistry & Physiology (62)
Biochemistry and Physiology (16)
Pathology and Microbiology (35)
Pathology and Microbiology (27)
Dental anatomy (58)
Dental anatomy (12)

2006 : Anatomy
1- Which foramen is not in the middle cranial fossa?
Option: foramen Lacerum, Rotundum, Ovale, Jugular...
2- Which is in the Retroperperitoneal? (Kidney)
3- Which structure innervate Orbicularis Oculi( or Oris) or supply nerve to
them is
Option: superior orbital fissure, mental,......
4- Which nerve abduct the eye....?
Option: Abducens N, Adduct N...( some have a diagram of eye and asked
to locate lacrimal glands)
5-(2-3) more Q's regarding triangles of the Neck?
6- Right lymphatic duct drains lymph from??
Option: right thorax, full right side, Head and Neck.....
7-More Q's about Lymph nodes??
8-What causes cleft lip?
Option: Maxi process, Medial nasal process, Max and Medial nasal process...
9-Which cell cycle is more variable is most variable in mammal?
Option: G1, G2, M, G0...
10- What forms Philtrum?( Maxi process & Medial nasal process)
11-Which is seen continuously throughout the circulatroy system?
Option: Adventitia,Endothelium, Vasa Vasorum( answer.Endotherlium)
12-Function of hyaline cartilage in bone growth???

13-Something about notochord?????

14-Which one is propriception nucleus in face? ( Mesencephalic nucleus!!)
15- Jaw-Jerk-reflex goes through what ganglion??( Mesencephalic nucleus!!)
16-Bell stage definition?????
17-What is the lateral boundary of retromandibular space??/
18-Ipsilateral-contra lateral Q's about facial and something about pain
19-Q's about Hypothalamus and its Hormones(Acromegaly)
20-Numbness to thumb and forefinger caused by damage of???
Option: radial nerve, ulnar nerve.......
21-Abduction of vocal cord caused by???
22-Engterogastric reflex???
23- Where respiratory bronchiole subdivides into?...terminal bronchioles,
alveolar ducts, alveoli, primary bronchi
24-Know type I collagen fibrils well???
25-Where is trapeful M???????
Option: Medial, Lateral, Superior, Inferior...
26- Paralysis of lateral rectus causes interference with what eye movement??
27-Trapezius inserts into??
28- Jugular foramen found in which part of cranium??
29- Hard palate supplied by??
30-Aggregated mass of lymphoid tissue found between palatoglossus and
palatophanryngeus ...?
31- What is usually mistaken for subgingival calculus??
Option: Concrescent teeth, dens in dente.......
32- Carcinoma of larynx would affect- ????
Option: deep cervical nodes, submandibular, thorax....
33-Postganglionic sympathetic to head region???/

34-Postganglionic parasympathetic to spincter pupillae???

35- What is the function of nuclear pore???
32-Cranial sutures. coronal suture was the answer for what it seperates
(the cranial parts).???
33-question where the answer was "emmisary veins".i mean it connects the
venous sinuses and the face/extracranial strs.
plz look it up as to what it connects.
34-which muscle aids the arm in medial rotation????
35-Muscle not involved in mastication???
Option: mylohyoid ,, ant digastric,, temporalis..masseter..
36-(3 parts ) of esophagus and how they r differentiated depending on changes
in the muscular tissue(smooth/skeletal muscles) and innervation (esophagus
proximal end striated muscle,mid portion striated and smooth,
distal end smooth end.)..
37- Soft palate supplied by??
38-Aggregated mass of lymphoid tissue found between palatoglossus
and palatophanryngeus ...?
39-Artery supply of forearm???
40- Some Q about the organs found in the middle mediastinum??
41- Carcinoma of larynx would affect- ????
Option: deep cervical nodes, submandibular, thorax....
42-Nerve to pterygoid canal contains what nerves???
43-Extrinsic muscle helping in deressing tongue??
Option: Hyoglossus, longitudinal, genioflossus, ....
44-Broadest classification of epithelium???
45. whats the first branch off max artery?
46. nose bleeds come from hemorrhage of what artery?
47. how many muscles are involved in blinking?
48. what nerve is responsible for facial palsy
49. what muscles does CNIII control?
50. the soft palate is elevated by what muscle?

51. know eruption sequence

52. what virus causes rabies?
53. why is the anatomy of the right lung important in the dental chair?
54. how does the histology of the trachea differ from bronchiole
55. what histology changes as you move down the esophagus?
56. whats the histology of the buccal mucosa
57. how is nutrition absorbed in small intestines
58. how does metaplasia of cells occur in cancer
59. Know about CNII
60. what are the 3 ossicles in the ear
61. what is anterior to the ethmoid sinuses
62. how many unpaired sinuses are there
63. the liver has how many blood supplies?
64. what tissues is the epiglottis made of?
65. how many types of epithelium make up the lining kidney tubules
66. what are the 5 layers of the epidermis?what are the retroperitoneal
2005 : Anatomy
1-Which of the following is the terminal portion of brachial plexus???
Option: roots, trunk, cords, rami, branches
2-Injury to spinal cord at which level will damage the functioning diaphragm??
3-phrenic nerve passes anterior to which muscle?
4-Cross section of the brain /spinal cord was given and asked to idnetify
the level which it was taken???
Option: Mid brain, pons, medulla...
5-What is the branches of ascending aorta-left and right cornary artery??/
6-What is the branches of Infratemporal Fossa???
7-What is the features of upper and lower motor neuron lesion in bells palsy?
8-Q about subacromial bursa???

9-What is the terminal branches of anterior thoracic artery???

10-Arterial supply of ventral surface and tip of the tongue??
11-Part of the oral cavity which is directly attached to the periosteum???
12-Multinucleate giant cell??? ( Osteoclast )
13-Q on pterygopalatine ganglion??
14-Unpaired branches of abdominal aorta??
15-Damage of what nerve which leads to the movement of the tongue on the
side of the damage or the lesion???
16-Nerve supply of the second branchial arch??
17-Epithelial lining of the urinary system??
18-functional unit of the Kidneys???
19- A drawing showing the profie of the head and arrow pointing to Mylohyoid.
20- expect diagram to be in the exam ..??
21-What is the structure distal To Terminal Bronchioles
Correct Answer-lung Parenchyma,acini And Primary Lobule
22-What is the structure In The Posterior Mediastinum??? ( esophagus,
descending Aorta,azygous Ven,vagus Nerve,and Thoracic Duct.)
23-Nerve Supply Of Circumvillate Papilla??/ (glossopharyngeal)
24-Where do you find Podocytes ???? (glomerular Epithelium)
25-What type of muscle present in the Third Part Of Esophagus ??
26-Which is a retroperitoneal Organs??
27- A Q about cerebral Aqueduct????
28- Which nerve is effected most in Humerus Fracture ???
29-Which is the superior most branch of Ext.carotid Artery?? study all their
branch very well
30- Q about blood Supply Of Tongue???
31-Lot on muscles and their innervations,2-3 questions on embryology

please be thorough in innervation
32-What is the superior border of the submandibular triangle?
33-Which of the following forms the floor of the carotid triangle?
-anterior border of digastric
-posterior border of digastric
34-What relays proprioception from periodontal ligament?
-mesencephalic nucleus
-other answers were the other nucleuss
35-What would happen if right abducens nerve is damaged?
-right eye would not abduct
-right eye would not adduct
-right eye would not look up
-right eye would not look down
36-Which muscle abducts vocal cords ?
-post cricoarytnoid
37-Which of the following is not in the middle cranial fossa?
-choices were foramens (ans. Jugular foramen)
38-Where does the buccinator attach posteriorly?
-pterygomandibular raphe
-stylomandibular ligament
-sphenomandibular ligament
39-The renal pyramids are primarily located in?
-renal pelvis
40-The large intestine differenciates from the small intestine by?
-lacks myenteric plexus
-has glands
-lack.. cant remember the answers on this one
41-One question about the thumb and its innervation
42-Which of the following branches from the first part of the subclavian artery?
-vertebral artery
-costocervical artery
43-What nerve innervates the posterior hard palate?

-greater palatine
-lesser palatine
44-Which papilla is the only keratinized papilla?
45-Which papilla are taste buds?
-same anwers as above.
46-Which muscle in not innervated by pharyngeal plexus?
-tensor veli palatini

2006 : Biochemistry & Physiology

1-Enzyme helping in transamination reactions???(B6)
2- Immediate source of methy groups in amino acid synthesis???
3- Something about DNA transcription??
4-Which glucose, that is not degraded in muscle??
5- How to check protein level in meat-hydroxyproline level???
6-Activation of complement by alternate pathway take place at???
7- TCA cycle??? know it well couple of Q's about it...
8-Enzyme not found in muscle??
Option: glucose-6-phosphatase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,.....
9-Which one is used to pick out amount of mRNA sequence??
Option: western, southern, northern...
10-Q about GFR and inulin?
11-Greatest osmotic pressure is found in what part of nephron???
Option: PCT, DCT, Collecting duct, Henle loop..

12-HCL secreted by which cells of stomach??

13-Something about Kw calculations????
14-Movement of solute against an ectrochemical gradient requires???
Option: simple diffusion, facilitated, active transport..
15-Difficult in breathing in neonates is due to ????
Option: puctured lung, collapsed alveoli, increased surface tension of tissue...
16- A DNA sequence was given and the corresponding RNA seq had to be
chosen???? Study their
sequenc and know it by heart......
17-What maintain the tertiary structure of proteins??
18- (2-3) Q's about hyperventilation & hypoventilation??
19-Reverse Transcriptase???
20-Decrease in oxygen affinity --By increasing 2,3 dpg???
21-whether the form of Iga in saliva was monomeric or polymeric???
( Polymeric )
22-DNA splicing??
23-Enzymes for transamination???
24-Hormone dependent neoplasms???
25-Changes due to lack of surfactant in lungs???
26-Enzymes initiating fatty acid synthesis???
27- how do you measure total lung capacity
28- what bacteria are found in subgingival calculus
29- what is the normal flora of the mouth
30- whats the fxn of amylase
31- how does elastase play a role in emphysema
32- what is the diff b/w dysplasia and metaplasia
33- how does small cleaved cell lymphoma look like histologically?

34- what are reed sternburg cells and where are they found?
35- how many nadph are made in TCA cycle?
36- where are jg cells found?
37- what are the branch of thyrocervical trunk
38- know about respiratory quotient
39- what is the rate limiting enzyme in gluconeogenesis
40- what disease is caused by deficiency in B1
41- know about steroid hormone receptors
42- whats the diff b/w marasmus and kwashiorkor
43- how does insulin increase glycogen production
44- what is the linkage in the glycogen we make?
45- what are the essential fatty acids?
46- how do you culture clamydia? What medium do you use
47- whats the epidemiology of rocky mountain fever
48- what do lab values look like in leukemia
50- know the diff bw orthomyxoviruses and paramyxoviruses
51- what type of bacteria causes floppy baby?
Biochemisty / Physiology
52.What are the values for Km and Vmax in competitive inhibition?
-increased Km and no change in Vmax
53.When does DNA replication take place?
54.Which causes edema?
-constriction of arterioles
-increased blood pressure in arteries
-no answers had hydrostatic pressure in them

55.What is feature of respiratory alkalosis?

56. Decreased pCO2 causes?
57.Which causes hypotension?
58.Which characterizes gomphosis?
Tooth and alveolar bone
59. Birth control meds cause?
-no ovulation
-cant remember the answers
60.Sucrose becomes?
-glucose and fructose
61.In solution of 0.2mol NaCl and 0.2mol glucose, separated by a membrane (or
something like that), water moves?
-from glucose to the saline solution (this is an old test question)
62.question linking zinc to carbonic anhydrase
2005 : Biochemistry and Physiology
1-lots of Q's in Lipid and fats
2-kreb's cycle?
2-The respiratory quotient for a person taking pure glucose as food source
is how much?? ( ? 1 ?)
[ RQ is ration of Co2 produced to ratio of Co2 consumed for glucse is =1]
3-calculation of H+ concentration from a given PH???
4-Oncofetal antagine???
5-In which form flouride is absorbed in the intestine??
6-Action of flouride on enamel??
7-Lots of metabolism Q's
8-Calculate the net filtration across the capillaries( value of hydrostatic pressure
and Osmotic pressure of plasma & interstetial pressure were given...)
9-Concentration of fluoride in mouth wash was given and asked me to calculate

the value in ppm???

10-What is the site of RNA synthesis??
11-Calculation of net filtration pressure??
12-What is the last enzyme in the gluconeogenesis???
13-RLE of cholesterol synthesis??
14-Q's on hyperparathyrodism??
15-cells Producing Epinephrine-chromaffian Cells??
16-Hormone Dependent Neoplasm????
2006 : Pathology and Microbiology
1- Bacteria surviving in CO2???
Option: anaerobic,fac anaerobes, capnophiles....
2-Legionella pneumophila causes?? ( pneumonia)
3- Miliary tuberculosis spread by??( hematogenous)
4-Retrovirus causes what.... in infant?
5-Staining in tubercle bacilli is possible due to ???
6-What is the cause of cervical cancer??
7-Mechanism of action of chloramphenicol???
8-A Q about multiple sclerosis!!!! Seen as plaques of demyelination in CNS??
9- Four choices of combination of O2,Co2, and N were given...Which would
affect the central chemoreceptor the most??
10- patient have HepB would show??
Option: HBsAg, HBsAg antibodies, ...etc
12- What is the symptom of malabsorption?? ( Steatorrhea!!!)
14- What cause bronchogenic carcinoma??? (Asbesto....etc)
15-A few Q's about sterilization, OSHA established for ??
Option: patient Health provider, public...etc

16-Cell wall of mycoplasma made up of???

17-acute pancreatitis can be caused by elevated level of???
18-What is the main cause of Down Syndrome???
Option: translocation,...etc....
19- Hepatitis B what indicates active replicaiton?? HBeAg!!!!!
20- Listeria monocytoigens causes what?
21- What does Rickettsia & virus have in common? obligate intracellular
22- Vitamin D deficiency Ricketts
23- Listeria causes: dysentery, cholera, fetal death, gastroenteritis
24- Which is a definition for 2 organaisms living together who benefit:
commensalisms, opportunisim, symbiosis
25- What is OSHA
26- Ehlers-Danlos disorder
27- High intensity disinfectant? Kill hepB, TB, all spores?
28- Heart has a decrease end systolic amt: ionotropic, chronotropic
29- Chronic bleeding: iron deficiency
30- Which is avascular? Cartilage, bone, neuron, irregular dense CT
31- What predisposes to endometrial carcinoma? Endometriosis; Other options
32- What does not predispose to cervical cancer? Multiple sex partners,
uncircumscribed, early menarche, papillomavirus
33- MI with pulmonary congestions: caused by mural thrombi in right ventricle
34- Inflammation does not cause which systemic effect? Fever, anorexia.
35- Esophageal varices: hemoptysis, hemetemesis
2005 : Pathology and Microbiology
1-Bacteria that cause green pus??? Psudomona Auroginosa !!!
2-Q about similarity between type 1 and type 4 hypersensitivity???

3-Q on transcription and translation???

4-There was some option and you had to tell which is not Granulomatous
5-Q on Chrohn's Disease???
6- Sterilization Q's?????
7-What syndrom characterized by increase succeptibility to infection???
Option: Gardner syndrom, Hypothyrodism, Hypopitutaryism, Hyerthyrodism...
8-What characterize Albers-Jeheurs syndrom??
9-Test For Staphylococus Aureus??? ( coagulase Test )....
10-Toxin of Mushrooms???( my friends said that there was some 2-3 Q's
about mushrooms toxins, so read and study this are well)
11-What is the cause of oral mucosa cyanosis??
12-Travellers diaarehae???
13-Acute gastritis in Alcholics??
14- Gram positive-Teichoic acid
15-Slow virus affects what??
16-Nutmeg liver- in chronic passive congestion???
17-When symptoms dont show??
Option: Bactermia, septicemia, pyremia, Uremia
18-What is thalessemia-beta-globin gene defect??
Option: Turners disease, udp glucose, chylomicrons....
19-Lot on strepyococci and viruses [know which r dna and rna well]
20-What was the allergic component in latex gloves?????
21-HSV-8 causes..
-Cervical Cancer
-Genital Cancer
-Kaposi Sarcoma( maybe right answer)
-Oral Leukoplakia
-???? (forgotton the fifth one...)

22-If a susceptible person were given tetanus antitoxin what kind of immunity
1. Innate
2. Natural active
3.Natural passive
4. artificial active
5. artificial passive
(If tetanus antitoxin is given, then, artificial passive immunity results, because
tetanus antitoxin is nothing but antibodies aganist the toxin. since artificial
antibodies are given from outside source, it is called passive imunity.)
23- A Q about the use of U.V light is sterlization???
24-Fastest way of sterilization???
25-Cells types present in type 4 hypersensitivity???
26-Type of sterptococci present in oral cavity??/
27- You have to know the virus structure??

2006 : Dental anatomy

1-Lots of Q's about Max/Mand 1st & 2nd premolars know them well and put
more effort in learning their difference in shape , roots #, eruption, angulation,
which one is more prone to have anamoli
2- Some Q's about TMJ & articular disc???/
3-High frequency Q's about Occlusion movement[ lateral movement,
metrio,,, on the posterior teeth, Cuspid protective occlusion, Condylar guidance,
Anterior guidance,...]
4- How many primary and permanent teeth are present in the 6.5 year
old child??
5-Earliest sign of mixed dentition phase???
6-If upper first premolar had 3 roots, where would that be???
7-Cervical contours + contacts in Icp + anatomical features of premolars,
anterior teeth and first molar??
8-A woman in her second trimester, took tetracycline, what teeth of her baby
would be affected???
9-Amount of swallowing in one day?? [geez, I have search a lot of books to find
answer , the only answer I found was in book by Okeson "597 times perday"]
10-tooth formation stages and it histology and embryology??
11-what is the difference between Max 1st and 2nd Premolar??
12- lot's of Q's on Premolars
13- What muscles moves the condyle Superior- Anteriorly- superioanterio( 3 Q's )
14- What are used to record mandibular movement in horizental plane???
( gothich arch tracer )
16-know what the different type of occlusions look like. there was a diagram
showing the teeth occluded in a particular way. and the answer was canine
protected occlusion.other choices were ,grp protected occ and so on!!!!just
know them well.
17-Largest to smallest root of max. first molar????
18-Which of the following muscle position the condyles in the most superior
anterior position?
a-masseter and digastric

b.-masseter and medial pterygoid

c.-temporal and sternocleido mastoids
d.-temporal and superior lateral pterygoid.
19-Which ones represent the most obvious difference between primary
maxillary second molar and permanent maxilla first molar?
a.- The primary has a much narrower measurement at the CEJ compared
to its contact area
b.- the permanent tooth has a rhomboid occlusal outline
20-Where is the first evidence of calcification at oldest age?
-Maxillary Anterior
-Mandibular Anterior
-Molars( correct answer)
21-Centric relation represent..??
22-Canine eruption at which age?
23-They would show a diagram of the entire dentition and pick a tooth
for which the answer would be the specific tooth number(American system!)
just an example: Which premolar has two roots?
the answer would have to be the number.(5,12)
24- Orign and insertion of spenomandibular ligament.
25- Most common type of heart disease in US
26- Edema is caused by?
27- Example of primary active transport is?
28- Atrial depolarization is represented as what on EKG?
29- Ventrical repolarization is represented by what on EKG?
30- Bacteria that causes green pus?
31- Oncofetal antigens?
32- Calculation of H+ concentration from given pH
33- The mandiublar condyle is covered with ....
a. Elastic tissue
b. Hyanline
c. Periostium
d. Collagenous tissue

34- What syndrome is characterized by, increased succeptibility to infection,

retinal something?
A. Gardner sydrome
B. Hypothyrodism
C. Hypopitutaryism
D. Hyperthyrodism....
36- What characterizes Albers-Jeheurs syndrome?
37- Primate space in lower is between?
38- Derivatives of phrayngeal arch concerned to tongue
39- Mesiobuccal cusp of max molar occludes where?
40- If post crossbite which cusps would contact in mediotusive movement.?
41- What structure causes the buccal vestibule to decrease in size when the jaw
is opened wide: Condyle, coronoid/hamular/ styloid process??
42- Infection from saggital sinus drains into...?
44- Falciform ligament arises from ligamentum teres...which in turn arises from?
45- In dental anatomy, what would would you have said to the parents of the
kid with his central incisors drifting apart.
46- Spread of infection from facial vein to cavernous sinus through...?
47- Patient with leukmia has sudden bleeding from gums reason would be???
48- Most poweful muscle of mastication??
49- Patient get a full denture and come back after few days with burning over
the anterior region What is the resaon for the burning?
50- If mandibular canine on right side is lost,how does it affect protrusive
contacts on the left canine?
51- The mesial cervical line on #21 resembles the cervical line on which tooth(I
chose the only other mandibular premolar mentioned compared to the other
max teeth)?
52- Hairy leukoplakia is caused by??
53- Pain in tmj is manifested through branches of which nerve?

54- On closing the mouth,which muscle is the most important?

55- When a tooth has a screwdriver form
56- #5 would replace what decidous tooth?
57- In Protrusive movement right max central incior would come in contact
58- In protrusive movt of mandible...direction of movt of head on condyle...thst
is does it come to lie against the slope of eminence,medial/lateral walls of fossa
2005 : Dental anatomy
1- what is medio not mesio, but mediodistally movements ?///?
2- what is mutually protected occlusion???
3-Lot's of Q's of occlusion, TMJ, Max 1st molar + interference /
deflection to the right????..
4- Q's on class II and Class III occlusion???
5-The mandibular condyle is covered with???
Option: Elastic tissue, Hyaline, Periosteum, collagenous tissue....
6-Q's on envelop of motion and Posselts diagrams in feeding posture??
and The shield form?? Gothic arch Tracer??
7-In ideal intercuspal position, when Mandibular makes a right lateral
excursion, Mesiolingual cusp of permanent Max right first molar
passes thru??(sulci between lingual cusps of mandi first molar).
8-lot and lot on premolars, general topics like occlusion. diagrams were
very few but lot on cusp-cusp and cusp-fossa relations??
9-Lot of questions about the Movement of maxillary teeth over the mandibular
especially the ML cusp.
10-Order the root from the larger to the smaller of the maxillary molar??
11-Which tooth represent the evidence of 1st calcification at oldest age!!????
12- the ling of lower premolar similar to growth to which cusp????
Option: cusp of carabelli... lobe of canine...lobe of anterior

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