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SW Region Meeting

January 14, 2015

GWAEA Goals:
Increase proficiency of all student-Closing the achievement -Increase 21st Century Skills
Norms for region Continue with the existing norms
B. Conversation with Joe Crozier
30 min.
Notes: Top workplace- Iowa, National Recognition for work in Technology,
Progress on GWAEA goals: Achievement of students, closing the gap
Four year rotation of district visits- continue to focus on relationships
Forty years of AEAs in Iowa: Focus on Continuous Improvement
Budget: Branstad 1.25% proposed increase = $437,500
Average salary and benefit increase = $1,400,000
Legislative session topics to watch: AEA Funding (cut from two years ago remains 1.6
million) MTSS/ Literacy Consultants, Teacher Leadership Compensation Prof Dev,
School Based Mental Health- priority, Personalized Learning- requesting additional
funds for staff in this area
Question- Smarter Balanced: link to DE article
Facilities1. Movement to Regional Center, new furniture and equip, Expected to have access August 1st
2. 33rd Ave- Construction under way
3. Main Office- Sixth St.- Media Center new design, Increase of technology consultants- moving
into help desk area, 2nd floor continue redesign work
Wellness work- Blue Zone growing strong
C. Follow-up Re-evaluation Review
20 min. Lisa
Complete self-assessment using GWAEA Checklist, turn in Re-eval checklist to your RA,
Next month summarize findings +/BREAK
D. Regional Center/ GWAEA Move
20 min.
Lisa and Brian
Shared map of regional center
Workspace considerations, notes were gathered and will be shared
Storage considerations
E. CLT- group work
EA/EC work group
FBA/BIP work group
Instruction- L2/L3 work group

60 min.

Available through email update at a later date

Media Update- 15 min
Deanna Weber, Media Consultant

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