What Do You Know About Jonas Salk

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1. On what day was Jonas Salk born?

A) October 28, 2014
B) October 28, 1924
C) October 28, 1914
D) October 28, 1954
2. On what day in history did Jonas Salk make his vaccine public?
A) May 3, 1954
B) April 12, 1955
C) May 14, 1955
D) June 7, 1955
3. What was the name of the other scientist that was working on a Polio
vaccine besides Jonas Salk?
A) Robert Boyle
B) Alfred Einstein
C) Carl Sagen
D) Albert Saben
4. On what day in history did President Reagan declare Jonas Salk
A) April 22, 1986
B) June 7, 1986
C) May 6, 1986
D) February 14, 1986
5. In the 1980s Jonas Salk worked on treatment for what disease?
B) Cancer
C) Heart Disease
D) Upper Respiratory Diseases

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