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‘This is geting to now you setivity fr the whole aie Method ‘Copy the handost on page 83 ~ one copy foreach sudent “Tol them to Glin the answers tothe questions, {xpreaing ther own hanat opinions 8 When they have finished, they get up and ask caher atudents im the clase the same questions When they find someone who fels te same way ‘Shut ony of the questions they write dawn that favon's ame under Sypathizrs. Variations 1 When 300 ind someone who feels differently rom Gro way yeu doy Rnd ut why, and gee them to plain thet opinion. 2 ry wo find someone who h ss that are the same ae yours Follow-up inl out which options got the most votos and why dot of ease survey and discussion NOTE: For children, eut out and use only the Geet 42 Lost Property Bementanyower intermediate Peter Viney ‘Darget group: Young edult/Aduit ‘Type of activity: Roleplay with whole clase ‘This fe a method for involving everyone in a ‘uleplay while emphasising the importance of nom ‘erie conmunicaion, Th clase adil sheet ea bared for any ather role-play where there it 2 ceonfontation situation. The grammar has been "stricted to te past simple. Method 1 Copy and cut up the handouts on pages Ba — 5. You wil need one copy af Ube role ards for ‘Sovdents Aland i, together with enough copies of the Clase Activity sheet for each ctadent to have tne. (o save paper two identical copes of the ‘Chass Aciity Shee ae given) 2 Sect a pair odo the roleplay: They should not fe ch others cards: Send them oto the rom ‘tile you explain the ativityto the reet of the lage. Tell Them that tbe person who has lst froerty fe Student A while the Lost Property ori Student 8 Fave Students A and B role-play standing wp, ‘ile the caus observes, Encourage them to tnove ‘rund, The rst ofthe clase wateh closely, eying ‘in about the pnts on User Cass Activity Teacher's notes shoot. (They ean make rough nies, if they wish) 4 When Students A and B have Snished the role- ‘the resto the clase now il in thit Clase 8 into pales, They compare their ‘bervations and report back tthe ines, Were ‘the students generally im-agreement, or ware there alt of diferent opinions! Discuss the importance of the nen-verbal comm nicetion in the roleplay. Ask the studeate for {ome examples of non-verbal commutation folded arms, gestures, eye ontat smiles etc) 7 Repeat with a further pair whe wil now be aware the observation ask Discuss and compare the rleplys. Did students ‘Nand B perform beter this ne? Acknoulodgement: This activity ie based on a gen- ‘ral approsth o role-play used in Peter Viney nd Karen Viney's "Handshabe A Course in Communication (Oxford University rest 43 Find the hidden sentences Lower itemeslate and above Peter WateynJones ‘Target group: Young adult/Aduit ‘Type of activity: Grommar (worl order}(Reading "This isa simple jigsaw reading type of activity for pat raraupe of thee, where the students have to find eight sentences hidden in age Method 1 Capy the handout on page 86 ~ ane copy foreach pairieoup, 2 Bxplain that they have to find eight hidden sen fences and then write them down atthe bottom of thelrhandout Tohelp them thefiest word ofeach fentener given plus one other word, They ean ‘nly a word fom an aejecen square, bot es ‘move vertically, horzontaly or diagonally In any Airection They ave not allewed to use the samme ‘word more than ance Finals pnt ou that not {the words in the pid will buted 8 Seta time init and check orally Key 1 Anne and her sister ar ins 2 French people drink lo of wine {8 We usually play tennis on Friday 4 The capital of Indonesia ie Joka 5 Tove animals, espeialy dogs 1 ames gave up smoking two year age 7 Do you want to know a scrt? 8 He met hs wife ata party. 43 FIND THE HIDDEN SENTENCES Peter Watcyn-Jones ‘There are eight sentonces hidden inthe following gid. See if you can find them. Write your answers at the Bottom of the page. You can only move one square at atime. 3 4 T ] 8 We | The | play | tennis up He | love and | capital | usualy | on | gave | smoking | met | three 7 - 6 of | her | Friday. James | he | two | his . = o Indonesia] is | sister | of po | you | years | wite : = E French | are | Jakarta. | to ot | want | at | ago. dogs | people a | animals, | a © | know is | thes | drink | tove | party. especialy) for a 2 5 to aw 1 go | for | dogs. secret? | train 1 Anne 2 French = B We al Acs Jakarta sa a ee eee 6 James ica _ 7 Do — - lad et ’ 8 He 7

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