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Badminton - Benefits and disadvantages

June 2014
Coordination, flexibility, endurance, visual acuteness
In the long run
A non-contraindication certificate
Badminton and children

Often practiced as an outdoor game, badminton is above

all an intensive sport which requires technical skills and

Coordination, flexibility, endurance, visual
Badminto omproves coordination, flexibility and balance. It exercises the glutei (accelerations),
abdominal and dorsal muscles (receptions and returns), reinforces the joints. Badminton
develops spatial perception and visual acuteness. It also mproves endurance, fights against
obesity, stress or anxiety.

In the long run

In the long run, the practice of badminton improves :
Perception and coordination of movements,
Centre of gravity.

Badminton, although it involves the majority of the muscles and joints of the body, is not a sport to

be avoided neither should it be seen as a dangerous sport. Some precautions are to be taken at
the following levels:
The lower extremities,
The ankles (risks of sprains),
The knees,
Be careful of tendinitis, contusions,
Risk of pain to the shoulders and the deltoids.

A non-contraindication certificate
An annual medical consultation is advised, to check the heart, respiratory, ophthalmologic and
articular functions. From the age of 35, more advanced cardiac tests are required for competition.

Badminton and children

Badminton is first of all a ludic sport, easy and accessible at any age. It allows the child or the
To practice an intensive sport while preserving his joints thanks to the lightness and the
handiness of the equipment,
To improve his psychomotor capacities by the originality of the trajectory of the shuttlecock,
To sharpen his visual concentration and functions.
In short, badminton remains a sport that can be practised by everybody, outdoor or indoor, with
more or less intensity, improving greatly the player's wellbeing and physical condition.
Badminton - Bienfaits et contre-indications Bdminton : beneficios y contraindicaciones
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