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The Notre Dame Du Haut

Ronchamp France

Shubham goenka


"Surrealism is a key to other late works of Le

Corbusier, most notably the church at Ronchamp,

France, of 1950-55. Notre-Dame-du-Haut was a
more extreme statement of Le Corbusier's late
style. Programmatically, the church is simple, an
oblong nave, two side entrances, an axial main
altar, and three chapels beneath towersas is its
structure and a roof of contrasting beton brut
(architectural concrete left unfinished). Formally
and symbolically, however, this small building,
which is sited atop a hillside with access from the
south, is immensely powerful and complex.

The Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut is located

in Ronchamp, on the hilltop of Bourlemont. In

the middle age, this place was a catholic
pilgrimage center dedicated to the Virgin
Mary. The Chapel suffered a voracious fire in
1913, consequently was rebuilt in Neo-Gothic
style. In 1944, was bombarded by the Nazis.


Large Embrasures on south wall
represent the Crow (Corvus),
Libra Constellation

The upper two tiers of the interior

windows of the South wall as the
Virgo constellation.

Le Corbusier superimposed
Ronchamp II over Ronchamp I.

Outer Design
To the west is located a bell
tower , a very Simple
composition , comprising a
Metal Frame holding 3 bells.

At the northern end a stepped

pyramid is located, build with
the remnants
Of the original church, which
serves as a monuments to

Towards the southern

end, and in lower area
of the topography,
stand a rectangular
volume made of concrete
that contracts in both
form and color with
chapel. The resident was
design by Le Corbusier
in 1959 .The building
Austere and sober,has
refectory , kitchen and
cells for monks.

Interior Design
Light enter the chapel through
small, carefully placed windows
and through the roof-wall junction
And illuminates the interior with
the dramatic effect captured
the imagination of the world at large
.It was not usual Building but
had a dramatic and
imaginative spatial form.

The interior space is 25 M long

and 13 M wide and can 200 people.
Three towers one 22M and two
15M perform dual function
Of crowning the architecture
Externally vand bright light
into the interior.The light which comes directly
From three towers falls on to
the ALTARS of the three chapels inside the church.
Dominant feature is the roof
which is made of the two roofs shells.
The roofs over the east wall and make a covered space which
open altar.


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