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Letter from

Paparwarin Sangpradab

Dear Shareholders

Year 40, our first year of corporation,

Snoop the Beagle (SB) encountered many
challenges from economic instability,
global technology changing and
uncontrollable trends. Expanding business
across border, SB has invested in Turkey
and Mexico by launching retail stores in
prime area, city centre. Highly educated
and high income
customers are our
crucial target groups.
In this fiscal year, Snoopy the Beagles net
income was USD 15,000,206. SB had
excellence performance in the first and
the second quarter with sale amount of
USD 5,829,244 and 10,723,002
consecutively, but, SB had lower income
in the last two quarters caused of internal
management and external threats such as
competition and organic trend.

As think about our future, we get really

excited. For the next year, we aim to
accomplish new business model related
to good governance and accountability.
Striving toward to social responsibility
path, SB will conduct its businesses
along with triple bottom line (PPP:
Planet, People, Profit) being responsible.
To g e t h e r w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t a l
sustainability, we will move forward to
innovative and sustainable approach. SB
also has a strategic long term plan to be
a member of listed company in the Dow
Jones Sustainability Indices.
Thank you for your interest in our
company and for your support in joining
with Snoopy the Beagle Corp. to make
our local communities, our nation and
our world a better place to live with and

Paparwarin Sangpradab

Snoopy the Beagle :)

Chief Executive Officer, Snoopy the Beagle Corp.

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