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Basic Unix Commands: This section elaborates the basic UNIX commands, which will be commonly used by the

students, while running Minix under Solaris.

mkdir: Creating a directory

cd: Changing your current working directory


Usage { chown [ -fhR ] owner [ : group ] file ... }

e.g. chown -R -h owner[:group] file to change ownership of all files
in the hierarchy, including symbolic links but not the targets of the

uemacs 1: To use the uemacs editor in minix.


Usage { chmod [privilege mode] file/dir ..}

e.g. chmod 777 san.tex giving the full access permission to the
particular file. The access privilege may entirely depend on the user and
how the file / directory access is to be given.

chown: Change the ownership of the file


Usage { rmdir [ -ps ] dirname ...}

e.g. rmdir minix removes the directory minix.

chmod: Controlling access to your files


Usage { rm [ -fiRr ] file }

e.g. rm san1.tex removes san1.tex from the default-working directory.

rmdir : removing a directory


Usage { mv [ -fi ] source . target }

e.g. mv san1.tex sanminix.tex changing the name of san1.tex to
sanminix.tex, again the student can use the options to specify the move.

rm: Getting rid of unwanted files


Usage { cp -r | -R [ -fip ] source ... target }

e.g. cp san1.tex san2.tex making the copy of san1.tex to san2.tex.
The student can specify any of the options depending on his choice.

mv: Changing the name of a file


Usage { ls [ -aAbcCdfFgilLmnopqrRstux1 ] [file ...] }

e.g. ls minix list the contents of the directory. The user can specify any
of the options depending on his choice.

cp: Making a copy of a file


Usage { cd [ dirname] }
e.g. cd minix changes the working directory to the minix directory.

ls: Finding out what files you have in a directory


Usage { mkdir [ -m mode ] [ -p ] dir ... }

e.g. mkdir minix this creates a directory called minix in the working

Usage { uemacs filename}

e.g. uemacs san.tex uemacs editor works only in minix. This
command will open the file in the uemacs editor.

mined 2: Using mined editor in minix.


Usage { uemacs filename}

uemacs :- This is one of the editors that you will be using in minix. I have another link on the page that
describes the commands and keys used in uemacs editor.

emacs: Using the emacs text editor


Usage { man topic / command}

e.g. man ls manual pages of list command will be displayed. Students
just need to type man and topic / command on which they need help. A
full flourished manual with all the details on the topic / command will be

ps: Finding your processes status


Usage { uemacs filename}

e.g. pico san.tex one of the most used editors today, just type pico
and file name, and that will open the file in pico. Easy to use.

man: Manual pages.


Usage { vi filename}
e.g. vi san.tex vi is one of the old editors. To edit the file just type vi
and file name. The editor opens the file in vi editor. (Note:- Problems
while using vi ?? what happens when vi shutdowns abnormally ? is it
safe to use vi ?? )

pico: Another popular text editor.


Usage { emacs filename}

e.g. emacs minix.tex emacs is a very popular editor. To edit any file
just type emacs and file name. This command will open the file in the
emacs editor.

vi 3 : Another popular text editor.


e.g. mined san.tex mined editor works only in minix. This command
will open the file in the mined editor.

Usage { ps [ -aAcdefjlLPy ] [ -g grplist ] [ -n namelist ] [ -o format ] ...

[ -p proclist ] [ -s sidlist ] [ -t term ] [ -u uidlist ] [ -U uidlist ] [ -G gidlist ] }
e.g. ps u sasankar this will display the processes that are running for
the user sasankar. The user can wish to terminate any process from the
process list, by choosing their process id.

kill: Killing a process

o Usage { kill pid} e.g. kill 1900 kills the process with respect to the
corresponding process id.

mined :- Yet another editor that will be used in minix. The link on editors will describe the commands
and keys used in mined editor.
vi vi is a very popular and old editor, I have a link on the editors that will help you to know the
commonly used commands, while working with vi.

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