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Nature vs Nurture

Simone L. Peterson
Student ID #0026560

PSY 210
July 22, 2014

The nature versus nurture debate has been an ongoing psychological development. Some
scientists think ones personality is based on genetics (nature). Others think the way a person acts
is a direct result of lives experiences (nurture). How do you define who you are? Who are you as
an individual? Does your environment determine who you are? Does your genetic code influence
your behavior? These are just a few questions that one may ask in the search to define how
nature versus nurture shapes them as individuals.
Nature by all costs involves those traits and characteristics we inherited such as our intellect,
personality, physical growth and the way we socially interact. Nurture is different in that its
strongly influenced by our surroundings, or the environment in which we live. Looking at life
from a holistic approach, its my belief that nature has a great bearing, but nurture can sway,
stagnate, develop or not develop what is innately in a person if it doesnt come naturally.
However, Im certain that you cant endure one without some repercussions from the other.
Lets say that a child is born with a profound gift for music but is never exposed to anything
musically inclined. By nature the child loves music, however that love wasnt nurtured to the
point where the child could develop that innate ability. So what happens with that gift? Does is
remain dormant for life or will that child once becoming an adult pursue what has been in him all
along. Or if nurtured properly, with private lessons, will that child become a renowned musician?
Then there are situations when it comes to committing crimes, becoming homosexuals or those
not believing in a higher being. Which has a greater bearing then, nature or nurture? Can we as a
society assume that a persons upbringing caused them to resort to such negativity or was it part
of their genetic make-up? No one can say exactly why a person ticks or what makes them tick. In
these situations I believe is where nurture could have had a significant impact. Perhaps parents of

such should have been more loving or taken a genuine interest in the welfare and wellbeing of
their children.
Figuratively speaking, nature has a way of dealing us hands in which we have to deal with
whereas nurture may afford us the opportunity to change to a more conducive environment. The
question then is, do we always welcome that change?
Being reared as an only child by a single mother was sometimes hard, because I was solely
dependent upon my mother for everything. It was natural then that I would pick up some of her
personality traits, her demeanor and in some manner interact socially just as she did. However, in
some aspects Im the total opposite of my mother. Even though were born under the same sign
with our birthdays eight days apart, shes outspoken where Im introverted, shes the life of the
crowd and Im a wall flower. Does this mean that nature failed because Im not exactly like her?
Looking at life from the nurturing perspective, I dont think I turned out bad at all. Growing up
in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Chesapeake, Virginia, where youd hear sirens on any
given day or night, didnt dictate who I am today. It proves that you dont have to be a product
of your environment. My mother made sure that I would not be stereotyped because of where I
lived or the socio economic status in which we belonged. I was a latch key child because my
mother had to work and I didnt like staying with other people. I remember having to do
household chores, taking a trip to the store and library. Even though I was always home alone,
I knew what needed to be done. My mothers nurturing and leading by example molded me to
take interest in reading and studying without having to be prompted to do so. Some things that
were engrained and instilled in me became automatic. I can remember during the summer
months whereas I had to read and write book reports, work on my math skills and do mini

experiments. Doing these types of things became an interest and not a task, which made it a
natural part of my daily routine.
Because of my mothers drive, determination and tenacity to get us out of the hood it made me
appreciate what we did have and not take for granted her will to fight for a better life. I see a lot
of her in me today as a result. Her nurturing instilled in me values and morals that I continue to
live by today. I, in turn instilled those same values and morals in my son. Im proud to say that
he too isnt a product of societys standards of a young black male from a single parent home.
He graduated high school with honors at only seventeen years old and attended college where
hell be graduating soon.
To say that your parents, culture, media or even your community doesnt drive you to be a
better you is a cop out. Nature is your genes, the physical and personality traits. Nurture is your
childhood, your rearing, or how you were brought up. Someone could be born with the genetic
makeup to be a musician, a scientist, a dancer, but not be nourished in childhood, resulting in
their innate abilities being stunted. You as an individual have to want better for yourself and one
day your offspring, regardless of your genes or your environment.
My mother returned to school as a non-traditional student in here thirties to fulfill her life time
dream of becoming an educator. Im proud to say that she has not only done that, but she has
gone over and beyond. She will be graduating this December with her second masters degree.
You see education to her was and still is important, reason why by nature and her nurturing that I
decided to return to school after a 20 year hiatus.
As I ponder and reminisce over my lifes journey and the obstacles, disappointments and
setbacks, I still can recall one thing that my mother wrote in my high school year book. She said,
The elevator to success isnt running so take the stairway. That one quote has been etched in

my memory for decades now, it has been a constant reminder of how it may take a while but
never give up on anything you set your mind to. Im eternally grateful for Gods continuous
guidance and natures innate qualities. However, Im thankful for my mother pushing me,
setting standards, sacrificing herself and things she wanted to make sure I had things I needed. I
dont believe I would be where I am today if it wasnt for her continuous nurturing, prayers,
drive and determination. Now you tell me if that is nature, nurture or a combination of the two.

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