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Midterm review SERVICES MARKETING March 2015

1. Explain the 5 different characteristics of services vs products.
2. What is the key determinant of whether an offering is a service?
3. What are the 8 tools of the Marketing Mix for service products?
4. What is the Customer Gap?
5. Name the 4 Provider Gaps.
6. What are the factors that make up the stimuli in Customer Behavior Theory?
7. Name 4 possible responses that occur in Customer Behavior Theory.
8. Name 3 aspects of the Black Box that we studied in Customer Behavior Theory.
9. What is the Zone of Tolerance in possible levels of customer expectations?
10. Name 3 factors in Customer Satisfaction.
11. Name 4 reasons why customer satisfaction is important to a company.
12. Name and explain the 5 Dimensions of Service Quality.
13. What are 3 types of customer services research?
14. Name the 4 steps and goals of CRM.
15. Name 3 Service Recovery Strategies.
16. What are 3 reasons for customer switching behavior?
17. What is the Recovery Paradox?
18. What criteria are useful for creating a service product guarantee?
19. Model of Service Quality
20. What are 4 kinds of Post Experience Evaluation?

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