6 Modern Physics

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VI Modern Physics | y



25. Charged particles

Millikans Oil Drop Experiment:
Its fundamental property is the Quantisation of charges.
1. parallel so that the electric field is uniform / constant
2. horizontal so that either oil drop will not drift sideways
or field is vertical
or electric force is equal to weight
The plates must be parallel so that the electric field is uniform. They also need to be
horizontal, so that the field is vertical and the electric force can equal the weight.
26. Quantum physics
Photoelectric Effect:
where an electron interacts with a photon on the surface of a metal, the electron
will have maximum kinetic energy. The electron has less than this maximum energy
when the interaction takes place below the surface.
max. k.e. corresponds to electron emitted from surface
energy is required to bring electron to surface
When the frequency of the radiation is increased at constant intensity, then each
photon will have more energy but the number of photons incident per unit time on
unit area will be smaller.
A photon of electromagnetic radiation is a quantum of energy where E = hf for this
quantum of
Work function:
energy of photon
to cause emission of electron from surface
either with zero k.e or photon energy is minimum
Evidence of particulate nature of EM radiation photoelectric effect:

threshold frequency below which no emission

max. k.e. independent of intensity
max. k.e. dependent on frequency (n.b. NOT proportional)
photoelectric current [rate of emission of electrons] depends on intensity
instantaneous emission (of electrons)

Explain how lines in the emission spectrum of gases at low pressure

provide evidence for discrete energy levels in atoms.
1. discrete wavelengths mean photons have particular energies M1
2. energy of photon determined by energy change of (orbital) electron M1

3. so discrete energy levels A0

1. each line corresponds to a (specific) photon
energy ................................................. B1
2. photon emitted when electron changes its energy
level ............................................ B1
3. discrete energy changes so discrete
levels ............................................................... B1
Explain why, for photoelectric effect, the existence of a threshold
frequency and a very short emission time provide evidence for the
particulate nature of electromagnetic radiation, as opposed to a wave
1. wave theory predicts any frequency would give rise to emission of electron
2. if exposure time is sufficiently long A1
3. photon has (specific value of) energy dependent on frequency M1
4. emission if energy greater than threshold / work function / energy to remove
electron from surface A1
State and explain two relations in which the Planck constant h is the
constant of proportionality.
1. photon is packet/quantum of energy M1
2. of electromagnetic radiation A1
3. (photon) energy = h frequency B1 [3]
1. every particle has an (associated) wavelength B1
2. wavelength = h / p M1
3. where p is the momentum (of the particle) A1

27. Nuclear physics

See Q:6 c of Nov 2003

Alpha scattering experiment..nucleus is small compared to the atom which is the
reason why very few alpha particles experience large deviations.
Binding energy is the energy required to separate all the nucleons in the nucleus
to infinity.
Greater binding energy gives rise to release of energy so yttrium would have
greater binding energy because the strontium gives off energy when it decays.
Neutrons are single particles, neutrons have no binding energy per nucleon so not
included in e= mc^2
Radioactive decay constant is the probability of decay of nucleus per unit time.
Spontaneous..not affected by environmental factors like pressure and
Random.. constant probability per unit time of the decay of a nucleus.
If the half life is small, there would be appreciable decay of source during the
taking of measurements, and hence mass and activity measurements are not
accurate means of determining the half life.
If T < 106 K, should comment that too low for fusion to occur
Nuclear Fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two smaller nuclei of
approximately equal mass.
Nuclear Fusion is the joining together of the light nuclei to form a larger heavier

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