Call For Papers

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Dear participant in the 2nd Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language,

We are pleased to announce that selected conference proceedings will be published in E-JournALL,
EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. The manuscripts will appear in a 2016 special
issue dedicated to Spanish as a Heritage Language and guest-edited by Dr. Diego Pascual y Cabo.
We hope to receive manuscripts representing all viewpoints and subfields of study regarding this broad topic.
Regardless of the topic, we do ask, given the scope of the journal, that all papers include (at the very least) a
section that focuses on pedagogical implications.
The deadline to submit completed papers is May 15th, 2015.
Other tentative deadlines to consider:

September 1st (2015), reviews sent to author(s).

October 1st (2015), revised manuscript sent to guest-editor; Sent out for 2nd review if needed.
November 15th (2015), final version due to editor.
January (2016), expected publication date.

To submit a paper, please









The corresponding author should submit two files: 1) a manuscript file including the article, the abstract,
and 3 to 5 keywords, and 2) a submission form that can be downloaded here: The two files should be sent as attachments in a single email to with the subject SSHL Article Submission: [title of the article]. Please note that in case of
papers with multiple authors, only one submission form should be submitted, by the corresponding author.

The manuscript file should be named after the article title (for example
Humor_in_the_EFL_classroom.doc). Abstracts should not exceed 150 words. Each abstract should be followed
by 3 to 5 keywords in the language of the abstract. Authors are asked to keep their manuscript between 7,000 to
9,000 words. Longer or shorter articles may be accepted, but this is entirely at the discretion of the Editors. The
submission form file should be named after the corresponding author with the surname first (for example,
Gironzetti.Elisa.doc or Di_Ferrante_Laura.doc).

The corresponding author assumes complete responsibility for the manuscript warranting that the article
is original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. S/he is
also responsible for managing communications between E-JournALL and all co-authors, before and after
publication, and ensuring that enquiries are answered on behalf of all the co-authors in a timely fashion.

Before submission, the corresponding author has to make sure that all the authors of the article are
included in the submission form, that the order in which they appear has been agreed upon by all authors, and
that all authors are aware that the paper was submitted.

After acceptance, the proof will be sent to the corresponding author at the e-mail address indicated in the
submission form. S/he will deal with E-JournALL on behalf of all co-authors. After publication, E-JournALL
will not necessarily correct errors if they were present on the proof that was shown to the co-authors before
publication and were not indicated by the authors as errors to be corrected. The corresponding author is
responsible for making sure that all names of co-authors are included in the final article, correctly spelled, and
that affiliations are rightly attributed and current.

Manuscript file guidelines

The manuscript file will include abstract, text, footnotes, tables, images, bibliographical references, and a short
bibliographical note (max. 100 words) for each author. Additionally, all tables and images should also be sent as
separate files, numbered as they appear in the manuscript. Images should be TIFF or JPEG files in grayscale,
black and white, or colors, with a minimum resolution of 500 dpi. Please use only footnotes instead of endnotes.
Manuscript quick style guide


Document title

First word capitalized. Cambria,14, bold

Title 1st level (1.; 2.; 3.; etc.)

First word capitalized. Cambria,12, bold

Title 2nd level (1.1; 1.2; etc.)

First word capitalized. Cambria,11, italics, bold

Title 3rd level (1.1.1; 1.1.2; etc.) First word capitalized. Cambria,10, italics, bold

First line indented by 1,27 cm/0.5 inches, single space. Cambria

10. Do not use tabulations.


Title after the word Figure. Only the word Figure and its
number are italicized. The name and the title are placed below
the figure to which they refer. Figures include graphs, charts,
maps, drawings, and photographs.
Arial Narrow 10.


No vertical lines in the tables. Arial Narrow 10. Headers row all
caps, bold.


Cambria 8.

Bibliographical references guidelines

Authors should follow the APA style manual, 6th edition with one exception: all author/editor first names
should be spelled out. Information about the APA style can be found
Consistent with E-JournALLs mission as an international, web based, and free-access scholarly publication,
references in the article, where possible, should be linked to the actual articles or abstracts available online.
For any question about manuscripts submission, or if you wish to publish multimedia appendices to your work,
please contact

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