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Selection: Choosing areas of interest

Before you can come up with the right research question, you need to choose an area which interests you, and before you can do this you need to spend
some time exploring some potential topics and building some background knowledge

Issue 1
I might be
interested in


Issue 2

Queen Victoria/ Victorian Era

Great Depression

- I am interested in the history of the Monarchy

- Queen Victoria reigned during some of the biggest

- Such an interesting time, were economic depression didnt

revolutions of modern history, so I am very interested to

see her response, but also how she kept her country loyal.
I am also interested in The Great Exhibition, and how
people lived during the Victorian Era.
I am also interested in the industrial expansion she
She is a very interesting Queen, she was the longest female
monarch in history and was also the longest reigning
monarch in English, Scottish and British history

just effect one country, but the whole world.

I think I would focus on Australia but also consider the
effect it had worldwide.
It delayed many of the infrastructure projects in progress to
be delayed eg. Sydney Harbour Bridge, and Sydneys
underground railway system.
It would be interesting to explore the social and political
consequences it had.

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