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Multi-Genre Project Topic Choices covering 1865present

Abraham Lincoln his life, presidency, and assassination

Reconstruction - include sharecroppers
Westward Expansion include railroads and the Homestead Act
immigration and its impact on the US
Industrial Revolution include transportation, mass production, and inventions of the
light bulb, telegraph, and telephone
the Roaring Twenties
discrimination include Jim Crow Laws and Plessy vs. Ferguson
the Panama Canal how and why it was developed
the attack on Pearl Harbor
the Great Migration
the Harlem Renaissance
prohibition/18th Amendment include speakeasies and bootlegging
the Dust Bowl
causes of the Great Depression
WWI include weaponry and trench warfare
the New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
the Battle of Normandy
the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
key figures of WWII include Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and
Adolph Hitler
the role of women during WWII
baseball during WWII
advances in weaponry, aviation, technology, and communication during WWII
internment of Japanese Americans
The Cold War
the Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
the Spanish-American War include Yellow Journalism advertisement
the Korean War
causes of the Vietnam War include Guerilla Warfare
the Civil Rights Movement include Brown vs. Board of Ed., Rosa Parks, Martin Luther
King Jr., Malcolm X
womens suffrage voting rights and the 19th amendment
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
events of September 11th, 2001
child labor laws
advances in the space race

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