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RUNNING HEAD: Toddler observation

Toddler Observation
Brad Holsten
Ivy Tech Community College

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Toddler Observation

Meeting Addi
My great friend Alyssa who I have known since the 7th grade granted me the opportunity
to observe and research her wonderful 35 month old daughter Addison, who we call Addi. As I
walked in the door Addis curiosity was instant. At first, I just sat down and talked with Mom and
observed Addi just to see how she would be with a stranger in the house. She observed me from
a distance and quickly lost interest as I wasnt anything fun for her to play with at that moment.
Addi sat on the floor with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the television and some big blocks in
front of her. She seemed to be building a clubhouse of her own. Alyssa asked Addi to come meet
me and get to know me a little so she could be comfortable with me around. She sat next to me
and studied my face. Addi quickly warmed up to me and began jumping on me and tickling me.
After a brief introduction we started the true observation.
It was about lunchtime and we all sat at the table while Alyssa fixed us all hot dogs and
macaroni and cheese. One of my personal favorites and apparently Addis as well. She seemed to
play with her food quite a bit and eat sparingly. Mom and I ate our lunch, sat and talked while
Addi finished her meal. Afterwards, we did some coloring in the living room and I was surprised
how well she did when I asked her where the colors go on the paper. We talked about Mom and
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while we colored Frozen coloring pages. By 3 to 4 months infants
color perception seems similar to that of adults. (Adams and Courage, 1995; Franklin, Pilling,
and Daries, 2005) Then Addi and I walked around, played on the stairs, and she showed me her
tricycle skills. It promotes growth of muscles and bone, cardiovascular health, and cognitive

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processes (Best, 2010; Biddle and Asare, 2011; Hillman et al. ,2009) and can help to establish a
life long pattern of exercise (Perkins et al. , 2004).
As it was getting late it was time for go because it was almost bath time for little
Addison. She and I had a wonderful time together. I gave Addi a big hug and tickled her one last
time to hear her big boisterous laugh. She enthusiastically yelled goodbye to me as I was walking
out to my car. As I was pulling out of the parking space I could see her waving at me, and I
waved back.

Kail, R. (2015). Physical Fitness. In Children and their Development (7th ed.). Pearson

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