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I hereby declare that the work in this thesis is my own except for quotations and
summaries which have been dully acknowledged.


: Haslilah Bt. selamat

Ic No: 790731-01-5708
Date: ____________________

At last, this academic paper is finally completed in spite of all the delay and obstacle faced.
I deeply want to express my warmest wishes and gratitude to my supervisor, Pn. for her
supervision and guidance and most appreciated encouragement.
To the headmistress of Sekolah Kebangsaan RKT SRI LEDANG JEMENTAH, a warm thank
you for allowing me to carry out the test instruments in your school. To the English teacher and
students (Year Six Ambitious) of the school, my deepest gratitude to them for their co-operation
and assistance in carrying out the test instruments.
I also would like to convey my sincere thanks to my parent Pn. Hjh. Salmah Binti Mohd Din for
her support and prays all over the time during my studies. She always pray for my success in my
study every time.
I wish to express my thanks also to my sisters Pn. Haslinah and Pn. Hanita, for their co-operation
and supportive advices that helped me a lot in finishing my academic paper.
Last but not least, my warmest love and thanks to my husband, En. Muhaidin Bin Hj. Ahmad and
my lovely son Adam Rizqin Bin Muhaidin, for their support and encouragement. It really helped
me a lot throughout the process in completing this academic paper.
May god bless you all for all your kindness and support. Thank you.

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti gaya belajar yang diamalkan oleh pelajar-pelajar
sekolah rendah khususnya pelajar-pelajar Tahun Enam dalam proses pembelajaran mereka di
sekolah. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menentukan sama ada pelajar-pelajar
tersebut mempunyai gaya belajar mereka yang tersendiri. Selain daripada itu, kajian ini juga
berfokus kepada gaya belajar yang diamalkan oleh pelajar Tahun Enam dalam mempertingkatkan
pembelajaran mereka. Pengetahuan tentang gaya belajar ini, sememangnya penting untuk
diketahui oleh para pelajar. Justeru itu, masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar dalam
memilih gaya belajar juga telah diambilkira dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini akan dijalankan di
sebuah sekolah rendah yang terletak di kawasan Gred A luar bandar, Zon Bukit Gambir dan
melibatkan seramai 17 orang murid Tahap Dua. Seramai enam orang pelajar yang terdiri
daripada tiga orang lelaki dan tiga orang perempuan dipilih oleh penyelidik untuk sesi temubual.
Bagi tujuan mengumpul data, soal selidik, pemerhatian serta temubual digunakan. Kesahan dan
kebolehpercayaan kajian ini ditentukan oleh proses triangulasi daripada tiga sumber tersebut.
Dalam hal yang demikian, pengkaji sendiri melibatkan diri dalam pengumpulan data supaya
kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan kajian ini terus kekal. Data yang diperoleh melalui soal selidik di
analisis menggunakan frekuensi dan peratus untuk menentukan sama ada pelajar sekolah rendah
mempunyai gaya belajar mereka tersendiri. Teknik pemerhatian dan temubual digunakan untuk
mengenalpasti gaya belajar pelajar di samping melihat sejauh mana pelajar-pelajar ini
menghadapi masalah-masalah dalam memilih gaya belajar yang sesuai dalam pembelajaran
mereka.Harap, melalui kajian ini para pendidik dapat membuat perancangan yang lebih effisen
dalam membuat perancangan pengajaran mereka di mana ianya perlulah seiring dan sejajar
dengan kesesuaian gaya belajar para pelajar.Melalui perancangan sebeginilah,kita sebagai
pendidik dapat melahirkan para pelajar yang berketrampilan dan yang terbaik sebagai pelapis
dalam menerajui tonggak pentadbiran Negara.

The purpose of this study is to identify the learning styles among the Year Six primary school
students to enhance their process of learning in the classroom. At the same time, the research also
meant to identify the specific learning style used by the Year Six primary school students.
Eventually, the problems faced by the Year Six primary school students to choose the appropriate
learning style also have been taken into consideration. This research will be carried out in Gred A
rural school involving 17 students of level two(Year Six ) of which six students; three boys and
three girls have been identified by the researcher for interviewing. For the purpose of collecting
data, a set of questionnaire, observation and interview will be carried out by the researcher. The
validity and reliability of the results were further enhanced through the process of triangulation.
Furthermore, the researcher herself will directly involve in the collection of data to further
establish the aspects of validity and reliability. The findings from the questionnaires will be very
useful as guidance to the teachers to explore and be alert towards identifying different learning
styles among their students. Meanwhile, observation and interview will be conducted by the
researcher to identify the different learning styles among the Year Six primary school students.
Subsequently, the techniques also will help the researcher to look through the problems that
faced by the Year Six students to choose the appropriate learning style for themselves. I hope
with these findings, will help the teachers to be well prepared in their teaching strategies to help
the students to be a good and innovative student. As the young generations are the leaders in the

The success in various aspects, especially in terms of economic, social, political, and
technology should always be as a guidelines to teachers. The society should always make
'environmental scanning' to identify the current needs of the various angles. Education to
continually identify basic indicators related to the education system for the purpose of
improvement or change (Abu Bakar Nordin and Ikhsan Othman, 2003). General education in this
country is prepared from time to time in thinking about the steps needed to face the full period of
progress and challenges. Accordingly, the concept and process of intellectual aspect of education
should include physical, spiritual and emotional, as outlined in the National Education Policy.
Atan Long (1984) asserts that education must be focused on developing the potential of children
to an optimum level to make them useful citizens to society and country. In this case, the
learning environment and facilities of the existing school infrastructure able to develop a child's
learning potential. In addition, appropriate emphasis should be on the level of capability and
readiness of students and learning styles of the child. This is real important because each
individual that are schooling is different.
When the question of education focused, then it will directly involve students and educators.
These students in particular, who come from diverse backgrounds, certainly has a different vision
and goals. Thus, today's generation of students should be given exposure and guidance,
particularly in terms of their own learning styles to enable them to update their knowledge in a
more systematic, organized, and in his own ability. This is so that they are competitive at the

level and thus


the wishes and aspirations

of the nation's


The question of learning style not only in this country but in many countries around the world.
This global phenomenon is a more significant educational issue and need to be addressed
(Othman Lebar, 2004). However, teachers should realize that in many cases, the techniques used
by teachers will also influence students to learn while at the same time students should focus on
learning styles in advance by the teacher. This is because the teacher is the agent of educational
effectiveness. How good or how the education system inefficiencies student learning styles, even

if agents are not effective bearer of it will not achieve the goal of human perfection. In a broader
sense, the success and effectiveness of education is associated with consciousness, awareness
and responsibility as educators and as a student.
Learning readiness of an individual with another individual is usually not equal. This is because
the level or the process of their growth and development is not the same and not in the same
direction (Haji Kamarudin. Husin, 1997). Some students prefer to study alone, and some like
learning in a group. Some students like to study while listening to music or radio, while others
are only able to focus on education in a dead calm, without any interference. Some students also
prefer to learn through reading and reference themselves, many students choose to learn through
discussion, observation and make their own discoveries. Most students can learn effectively in a
quiet and depressed, while some students will only learn in a desperate and depressed situation.
As such, it can be concluded that the criteria for the learning styles is very important in education
because most research on learning style is associated with a specific students outcomes (Diaz and
Learning style is way different learning and thinking which is practiced by children and adults
(Litzinger & Osif, 1992 in Othman Lebar, 2004:3). There is also an opinion that learning style is
the way to learn consistently. (Ellis, 1985 in Richards, 1994:138) has been of the opinion that
learning style is the more or less consistent way in a person perceives, conceptualizes, organizes
and recalls information. According to the opinion of the researchers above, it may be said that
learning style is very important in learning. It is able to enhance the achievement of students in
schools. In addition, the selection of appropriate learning styles can also motivate students to
learn according to their own ability. While teachers will be able to provide a strong learning

Environment and deliver effective learning. In

In line with the National Education Philosophy to produce a balanced and harmonious person,
then attention should be focused on the importance of understanding individual differences
among students to enhance teaching and learning potential. This difference is a feature that
distinguishes one individual with another individual. If we look at in terms of cognitive,
differences seen in terms of ability to do the perception, understanding, solve problems, make

decisions and respond to information received. Individual differences in cognitive potential

impact on the development of learning and learning styles among students in the Primary School.
In a teaching and learning, teachers must take into account the aspects of learning styles that are
owned by their students at that time. Aspects of learning styles must be understood and addressed
by the teacher so that any planning that will be planned and implemented to meet the tastes and
needs of students. In such case, the researchers want to conduct research on learning styles
among Year Six students which was composed of students who have different characteristics
between an individual with another individual (Litzinger & Osif, 1992 in Othman Lebar,
Problem Statement
At present, the question of disproportionate academic achievement among students is an
increasingly significant educational issue. This imbalance is likely to be influenced by different
learning styles among students which will affect subsequent academic achievement that will
affect education policy in the future. Given the knowledge of learning styles among students is
very important, today's generation of students will be exposed in various learning styles that are
effective in their learning. Exposure to these styles should start at an early stage. Naturally the
students to consider the factors that can help them choose suitable learning style that can assist in
control of their learning. Since there are not many local studies that deal with the learning styles,
then it is interesting to study. Therefore, these studies expose to us whether the students in Year
Six have specific learning styles that they applied during the process of learning in school
everyday. But to what extent the students have knowledge about the learning styles? We still
havent found the answer yet.
Research Objectives
The main focus of this study is to determine to what extent the Year Six students with appropriate
learning style during their learning process. Specifically, the objectives of this study are as

To determine whether the primary school children have their own unique learning


To identify the learning style that is applied by the students of Year Six.


To see to what extent Year Six primary school students have problems in choosing the
learning style.

Research Questions
Research questions are as follows:

Are the primary school students having their own learning style?
To what extend learning styles among the Year Six students helped in their learning


Are the primary school students having problems in the selection of appropriate
learning style?

Significance of Study
Sometimes, researchers defend the methods of teaching that impact student learning. With the
development of research in learning styles, there are also research studies focused on different
individual learning styles (Pettigrew & Zakrajsek, 1984 in Keri 2005:5). Therefore,
psychologists are more interested on the efficacy of a style, the research focus on the relationship
between individual differences in style efficacy (Picou,, 1998 in Keri, 2005:5). In general,
the entire study in relation to the learning style is associated with academic achievement as the
key to the perfect teaching (Keri, 2002). While (Keefe, 1979 in Richards 1994:59) also states that
"... .... learning styles as the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological
factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and
responds to the learning environment "... .... On the other hand (Jonassen and Grabowski, 1993)
argues "... ... Individual differ in general their skills, aptitudes, and preferences for processing











Given the individual differences in cognitive potential impact on the development of individual
learning styles, there is far less obvious disparities in academic achievement (Othman Lebar,
2004). Therefore, the importance of this study was to see to what extent the effectiveness of
learning styles among Year Six students in primary schools in enhancing the learning potential.
Therefore, teachers should be responsible to disclose to students the importance in shaping the
learning styles of learning activities. Because individuals who understand their learning styles,

will be able to control cognitive activities with good, because this will be more positive attitude









The study is also expected to be used by teachers in their teaching in schools to deliver their
knowledge effectively while taking into account the importance of aspects of different learning
styles in each student. In addition, this study also hopes to help teachers to think about teaching
methods and strategies appropriate in the learning style among students and that are from
different ability levels. This is because the use of strategies and methods that engage students
actively in the process of teaching and learning makes them feel good and appreciated. In
addition, it can help teachers to identify students learning styles in order to produce students







From these findings, too, hoped that school administrators will provide an infrastructure of
teaching and learning that emphasizes different learning styles on each student so that students
can acquire knowledge that is futuristic, while students learn to their learning styles respectively.
Therefore, the acceptance of knowledge will be maximized. The Ministry of Education is
expected to take appropriate steps in the preparation of courses, textbooks, teaching aids
materials and reference materials which is capable of generating minds of students toward
effective learning. The findings of this study is also expected to be an inspiration to parents and
guardians of the students in an effort to provide basic needs and in addition to their children in an
effort to gain knowledge in more competent way.
Definition of Terms
According to the psychologists, the various definitions can be defined in relation to the term and
concept of the learning styles. In this study researchers have specialized term learning style is
more generally the learning styles of students. Then the following definitions, which means that
more clearly related to the term of learning style.

Defined as how, attitudes and behaviors of a person. (House Dictionary, Third

Edition, 2002).
(II) Study
Defined as learning to acquire knowledge of a high (House Dictionary, Third Edition,
2002). Meanwhile, Haji Kamarudin, Husin (1997) says that learning is a process of

learning or acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes. It involves new ways to do

a job and act as an individual attempts to overcome resistance to adapt to new
situations. According to (Stalling, 1973 in the Haji Kamarudin Husin 1997:39) argues
that learning based on three important criteria. First, studies should reveal changes in
behavior. Second, learning should involve a thought. Thirdly, learning should result in
a change through experience or training. In this case (Crow and Crow, 1983 in the
Haji Kamarudin Husin 1997:39) stipulates that learning is the acquisition of habits,
knowledge and attitudes. Learning involves a new way to make something work. It
happened in the trial of individuals to overcome obstacles or to adapt to new

Learning Styles
Refers to an activity or a certain style that hard to acquire knowledge by means of
acting against the current environment of learning how to get process information
(Lee Shok Mee, 1997). In addition, (Litzinger & Osif, 1992 in Usman Wide, 2004:2)
also defines learning styles as a way of thinking and different learning which is
practiced by children and adults to understand the learning process. While
Lourdursamy (1994) also stated that learning style is a complex multidimensional
concept which results from action by environmental, emotional, social, physical and


Refers to primary school students who are in Year Six who are also respondents in
this study.From the definitions above, it becomes clear that the learning style of music
is a way which is applied by students to learn. It occurs either consciously or
unconsciously to accept the lessons taught by the teacher. It is also the way in which
students learn to solve learning problems in school, at home or prepare for exams.

Limitation of study
The study is in the form of learning style questionnaire involving 30 primary school students of
Level Two. Of the 30 students, six students from Year Six primary schools selected as
respondents for observation and interviews. As only 30 students selected in this study only

compared to the total of 180 students who study, the results obtained are valid for the samples
used alone.
It should also be described here that the overall results of this study can not be used to draw
conclusions about the overall of learning style among students that are studying in other schools.
This is because the school survey is a SK school located in the city and community environment
and not helps them in the learning process compared to other schools in the city.
As summary, this study focused on Year Six students learning styles, identify the problems faced
by these students in the selection of the learning styles and what makes this learning style is a
very important aspect of learning. With further study of this phenomenon, it is expected to
provide understanding and exposure of the importance of learning styles, especially in Year Six
primary school students. Uncertain nature of learning in schools and classrooms are very
symptomatic, although a variety of research on teachers' activities have been carried out yet, very
little related to the manner in which students, particularly primary school learning. At the most
basic level, if the strategy is not aligned with the style of the students learning, there will be
inconsistencies that result in lack of understanding in the students' understanding.
Capacity to learn is often a result of interpretive interaction between teachers and students. The
success of such interaction depends on how far the notion of shared ideas. Understanding of
learning styles may be a significant contribution to the optimization of effective learning
interactions. It can be interesting to see how students in the classroom, if given the opportunity,
will be naturally attracted to people who can work with them in harmony. Such a tendency can
be explained because of the learning styles. What is needed in this case, the various diagnostic
methods of learning that can help us identify the learning styles of the various stages of
development of students in schools (Christopher Bowring-Carr and John West-Burnham, 1999).



More than ever before, it has become increasingly evident that those of us responsible for
expanding the knowledge and instructional skills of pre and in-service teachers require a totally
revised system of staff development. What was done in the past barely worked then and is likely
to be even less effective in light of recently established new state standards for all students
regardless of their academic standing or ability. If students are to be examined in light of
demonstrable increases in achievement, teachers will need to know how to produce those
increases. To produce increased student achievement, teachers will need to appreciate the process
of achieving through their learning styles. To achieve through their learning styles, teachers will
need to experience the process themselves. In this chapter, we are going to look at some
researches that have been done by some local and foreign researchers based on the project
papers topic.


Learning Styles
Dunn and Dunn (1994) is the earliest researchers involved in studying how students
learn. In the initial stages Dunn and Dunn (1994) identify twelve significant variables
among students. Next, Dunn and Dunn (1994), brought together twenty-one elements to
satisfy the analytical tendencies or global in their Learning Styles Model (Refer to Figure
Table 2.1


motivation persistence
adult varied
hemisphericity impulsive
Source: Learning Styles Model Dunn and Dunn, 1994

Accordingly, (Andrews, 1990, the Dunn and Dunn 1994:3) found when students are taught
through their learning styles, proved there was an increase in performance. They also comply
with instructions given by teachers and more disciplined than teaching does not satisfy the
learning styles. Next Dunn & Dunn (1994) incorporated the twenty-one element in their learning
style models and found that student learning is influenced by environmental, emotional,

sociological, psychological and behavioral tendencies process. In this learning style model of
perception elements are divided into four types of learning styles of visual, auditory, tactual, and
kinesthetic (Refer to Table 2.2)
Learning Styles According to Dunn and Dunn Perception (1994)
Dunn & Dunn





Face to face

Refers books

Always accept opinions

Use list to organize thoughts

Rememberence of the

Verbally guided


Problem solving by

Usage of rhythm and sound

Actively involved

Long term difficulties

More movement





In addition, Lee Shok Mee (1997) has stated that the ability of an individual differences greatly
influence learning styles. Accordingly, (Litzinger & Osif, 1992 in Othman Lebar, 2004:2)
describes learning styles as..... The different ways in which children and adults think and learn.
They see that, each of us develops a preferred and consistent set of behaviors or approaches to
learning. In addition, (Lit zinger & Osif, 1992 in Othman Lebar, 2004:2) also has developed a
style of learning to learn, to understand some of the learning process in more detail. These
processes are as follows:

cognitive - how to acquire knowledge

the meaning of the concept - how information is processed and see the relevance and


the information that is relevant and the increase of new ideas.

affective - motivational, decision-making styles, values and emotional

affects a

person's learning style.

According Lourdursamy (1994) learning styles is a complex multidimensional concept, created

by the interaction between the environmental variables, emotional, social, physical and
Accordingly, (Ellis, 1985 in Richards 1994:138) explain that, a learning style as the more or less
consistent way in which a person perceives, conceptualizes, organizes and recalls information.
According to her ... ... student's learning styles will be influenced by genetic make-up their own
self, their previous learning experiences, their culture and the society they live in.
In the meantime, Keefe (1991) considers individuals who understand the learning styles will be
able to properly regulate the cognitive activities, will be more positive about learning while
showing better academic potential. Accordingly, Crozier (1997) found that a variety of learning
styles to be studied by psychologists are moving from the reaction behavior of a particular
situation that affects up to tret learning across a wide range of learning tasks. Ast (1998) also
suggested that teachers provide information about learning styles and skills to students through
the application of theory and cognitive styles. According to her, students should be given the
opportunity to determine the appropriate learning styles. This can be accomplished by reference
and effective delivery methods by the teachers until they were able to identify the method is

appropriate for themselves. Richards (1994) to suggest the form of questionnaires that can be
presented to the students to determine their learningstyle. He has suggested that elements of
group and individual learning styles are included as additional learning styles.


The types of learning styles.

There are a variety of learning styles. McCarthy (1979) describes four types of learning
styles, learning in innovative ways (students as innovative learners), the analytical study
(Analytic Learners), learn a courteous speech (common sence learners) and learning in a
dynamic (dynamic learners) (Refer to Table 2.3 ).
Table 2.3
Learning Styles, McCarthy (1979)

Innovative learning style

focus on learning assumption

learning value

social interaction

more coperative

create a comfortable world

Analytic learning style

increase of intellect

more on facts

patience and reflective

able to memorize important knowledge

find solution

Discussion learning style

appreciate useful aspects


more practical

make the things happen

Dynamic learning style

more on possibilities

evaluate things through response

able to do synthesis from different sources

James & Gardner (1995) have proposed two types of learning styles based on the
'Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales' (GRSLSS) the dependence field and field that
independence. Individuals who are categorized in the dependence field is usually observe a
situation or pattern as a whole. It reflects the difficulty sorting and targeting any one element or
aspect of the situation or pattern, to understand the details or analyse patterns into various parts.
While individuals who are categorized in the field of independence, are usually can observe the
parts that form a complete pattern. In fact it can analyse pattern according to its components
(Refer to Table 2.4)

Table 2.4
Learning Style Scale, Grasha-Riechmann (GRSLSS)
Differences between Dependence and Independence learning styles

Dependence field
fully observed

Independence field
Analytic observation

accept overall ideas

Identify specific concept

prefer on social interaction

Least importance in confidental


real learning sources

Learn real content

objectives are set by teachers

Sometimes objectives are set by the

students themselves

learning organization set by the


Able to handle own organisation

influenced by critism

Less influence by critism

gain concept through learning

Gain concept through tests

more motivated through

More motivated through giving

praise,orally,presents, appreciation

gred,activities and usage of the

by others

assignment on their own

Another learning style is the insistence (impulsive) compared with reflective style.. Students
who have typically focused on task behavior and making decisions quickly but sometimes make
many mistakes. Reflective students who are working very slowly, always consider carefully the
various options with the least error (Kolb, 1986).
Towards Self-learning is a learning style that is not regulated and monitored by others, as
opposed to learning lessons and regular classroom. In this self-learning, students learn the only

activity of interest and the teachers only give guidance, advice, provide information to make
referrence and provide equipment (Lee Shok Mee, 1997).
Another learning style is a style which emphasizes cooperative learning social interaction among
students so that students can interact with each other. In this learning process there is an attitude
of cooperation, tolerance of backgrounds and different abilities and using a group problemsolving skills (Diaz and Cartnal, 1999).










Teachers as educators should know the learning styles of students. Haji Kamarudin
Husin (1997) have suggested several reasons why teachers should know about learning
(i) students learn better and faster if the method is according to their learning style
(ii) improve the learning and self-confidence which provide effective learning











(iv) enhance the relationship between teachers and students to complete learning

Kolb Learning Style

Kolb Learning Style Model (1986) describes learning styles in a variety of ways that
teachers can identify students with a simple style.
Kolb Learning Style Model (1986) describes various ways to teach, as shown in Table
2.5. Based on these models must be in selecting appropriate teaching styles with learning
styles of students.
Characteristics of the Kolb Learning Style Model (1986) described in more detail as
shown in Table 2.5

Table 2.5
Kolb learning Style Model and Its Characteristics
Learning Styles

Like to do perception towards concrete information and
process it with reflective observation to create new ideas
without any practical.


Like to do perception towards information that is abstract

where as it needs to be analyze deeply but process the


information through reflective observation.

Like to do perception towards abstract information but


process it with doing active practiceses.

Like to do perception to the information that is only
concrete and process it with active practiceses.

Source: Claxton and Murell, (1987). Learning Styles: Implication for improving education
practice. Ashe-ERIC Higher Education Report, 4. Washington DC: Association for Study of
Higher Education. (modified)
While (DeBello, 1990 in Othman Lebar,, 2004:7) also describes eleven models in his paper. At
the same time (Michael Gurian, 2001 in Othman Lebar, 2004:8) explains there are ten different
aspects in terms of learning styles which successfully detected through the study of the brain.
These aspects are as follows:

Deductive and inductive

Male students are more likely to give reasons deductively in their judgement process that
begins with general principles and apply to individual cases. Female students tend to use
inductive thinking. They usually begin with concrete examples and then build a general

Abstract and Concrete

Male students prefer abstract issues or principles. Female students tend to concrete matters
related to the real world.

The language

During the learning process, female students like to use the word, while male students
usually work in silence.

Logic and evidence

The girls are usually good listeners than men, heard more than what has been said and more
receptive to the matters in detail when teaching or conversation.Male students didnt have
interest in listening and always asking about evedences to support the teachers comment.

Tendencies are bored

Male students more easily get bored. While female students are better in managing boredom
during lessons and other aspects of education. This is an important effect on all aspects of
learning. The boys of course requires a variety of stimuli to maintain their attention and

Use of space

Boys' greater use of more physical space, especially while studying at a young age compared
with girls. This could be related to spatial brain more to male students than female students.
But this may often be misconstrued by the teachers who see students as being well mannered
man, difficult to control
vii. Movement
Movement can help stimulate the brain of male students and manage behavior 'impulsive'
them. When moving, the boys brain stimulated and they feel comfortable. Compared with
girls, who usually do not have to move so much during learning period.
viii.Sensitivity and Dynamics Group
In cooperative learning, usually easy to control the girls as they better understand the code of
social interaction than male students. More male students tend to focus on tasks better and
less sensitivity to the emotions of others.
ix.The use of symbolism
Especially in the class, male students more prone to the symbolic text, diagrams and musical
instruments. They prefer to use the code but female students prefer the written text. Both
boys and girls like the picture, but male students more dependent on learning. This is because
the pictures to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain is more developed parts.

x.Use of Teamwork Lessons

Male and female students gain benefit if they study as a team. The boys team prefers to
provide a structured and female students form a small organizations. The boys take less time
managing the team process in comparison with girls, appoint leaders quickly and continue to
focus on goal orientation.
2.5 Related Researches on learning styles(Abroad)
There is a research about learning styles among primary students that was done by
Geeoghegen(1996).It is focussed about modality and learning styles among school students
in Westfield Public School.This research is about reading skill and learning styles that has
been chosed by the students in a way expert the skill.The result shows that primary school
students learn based on their own learning styles.But.kinesthetic and tactual style are most
dominant compared to auditory and visual style.It shows that primary school students need
the teachers guidance to choose their suitable and appropriate style.
Other than that,research about learning styles was done by Gadzella,Stephen and
Baloglu(2002)in a college.This research based on relation between student,s learning styles
and gred achievement and to identify how the students achieve the higher achievement.In this
research,the researcher has taken the ideas(Schmeck & Lockhart,1977 in Gadzela,Stephen
and Baloglu 2002:1)in determine differences that are significant between three categories in
different ages towardsMethodical StudyDemographic data and response towardsInventory
of Learning Procesess(ILP) and Post-hoc test score shows the oldest category in an age(3451) the score is significant and higher than group from age 19 to 23 and 24 to 33 years old.
The other research was done by Keri(2002)among students from community college.In
this research,about 693 university students from a community college has been choosed as a
research sample.The result shows about 50.5% of them are female and 45.5% are male.The
research instrument isCanfields Learning Styles whereas the questionaire is related with the
students own behaviour.The research procedure involved 25 classes and research about
different learning styles that we can find among male and female students in a college.The
results shows there are significant differences among male and female students.It explains the
male students are more attracted with practical learning style whereas female students more

to conceptual learning style.It really shows the learning styles among male and female
students are different.
Other than that,searches that are related with learning styles between students from
distance learning and college students also become famous among researchers. Diaz and
Cartnal(1999) did a research among community college students that are from long distance
students and campus students through procedures that has been invariable by the researcher.
The research has been carried out based on Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Styles
Scale(GRSLSS)whereas it has been categorized into six learning styles based on criteria that
has been suggested by James and Gardner(1995).
Coleracy analysis that has been done among long distance students shows a negative
relation between free learning style,colaborative and dependent style.Whereas the result










colaborative,competative and participent style.The results shows long distance students are
more independent and moving towards colaborative learning style.
The researcher is also alert towards learning style and achievement among peoples from
Africa-America and minority races(Allen,.et. al, 1994).This research shows an interest in
learning styles amomg Africa and America students especially the females.It has been done
on Learning Style Inventory(LSI)whereby it is guide the two groups of students and
Independent T-test is used to do the comparison.The result shows the males from AfricaAmerica have almost the same learning styles.

2.6 Local Researches

In Malaysia, there are least researches that has been carried out. Almost every research on
learning styles has been done among university students.There are only some research about
learning styles about secondary school students.
Research that are related with studentsachievement and assessment has been done by
Othman Lebar(2004).This research discussed about the possibilities among male and female
students that are suitable with item in certain test in any assessment.The result shows that

learning style among male and female students with item from certain format has effect
towards the students achievement.
Secondly,research that are related withLearning Styles and Item Format- Are They
Compatiblewas done by Othman Lebar(2004) shows that there is relation between learning
style amongsecondary school students with type of item that has been chosed.The results
shows that,male achievements is more better in graphic and illustration item,whereas the
female students are good in descriptive item.
The next research is related withperceptuallearning style and academic achievement
among University Pendidikan Sultan Idris(Julismah Jani,2004).This research discussed about
relationship and differentiate perceptual learning style among Social Science students with
students from Science Programme towards their academic achievement.The result shows that
every individual has different learning styles that they used to process,to organize and to
response towards stimuli from environment in achieving their learning process.(Julismah



This literature review covers the definition, types, models of learning styles and interests of
teachers know about learning styles of students. In addition, a study related to learning styles













Accordingly, various definitions have been submitted by educators figures in relation to learning

styles. If we focus on definitions made by members of the early educators (Dunn & Dunn, 1994)
found that there were twenty-one element that affects student learning styles which merged to










According to Andrews. (1990) found that the learning styles of students showed
improvement in performance. In the meantime, Kolb (1986) explain learning styles in various
ways through the model. Meanwhile, McCarthy (1979) also identified four types of learning
styles in which teachers learn and highly effective tools in the learning process.
Moreover, if we see on the relationship between learning styles to learning, it is evident that the
learning styles help the student to observe the learning process more effective and meaningful.
In this case, teachers also need to know about learning styles to help students learn better and
faster by using a method according to learning styles. In addition, teachers also have the
opportunity to enhance self-efficacy which would benefit students as well as strengthen the
relationship between them in the process of teaching and learning.




Research is one way to obtain information in order to understand in more detail about the
particular study. More precisely, Mertens (1998) have outlined that the research is a systematic
process of inquiry that has been designed to collect data, analyze, interpret, and then use these
data to understand, explain, predict, or control the educational or psychological phenomenon, or
to provide power to the individual in a context.
In this study, the researchers will identify the learning styles practiced by the students of Year
Six, whether the Year Six students have their own learning styles and see how far the Year Six
school students having problems in the selection of learning styles in learning their lesson.
Researchers also think that through the study of learning styles, students can develop knowledge
and improve the performance of their education knowledge.


Design of Study

Great part of this study using qualitative methods as appropriate to show the subjective reality of
the issue being studied, to determine whether Year Six students have their own learning styles
and see the extent to which Year Six students have problems in choosing the learning style in
their learning .. According Denzian and Lincoln (1994), qualitative research involves descriptive
approach and the actual conditions of the study. It also involves a variety of empirical methods
which explains the current problems and meaning in life. Qualitative researchers seek to explain
or interpret the meaning in real life.
Regarding the method chosen by the researchers this is the case study because ...
case-studies have been adopted as they best portray the form of inquiry conducted as
well as the type of practitioner - researcher relationship necessary to develop such rich
data. (Connelly dan Cladinin, 1990 dalam Loughran,1996: 120)

In this case (Bogdan & Biklen, 1982 in Wellington in 2000: 90) accounted for more precise
definitions of case studies as follows:

A case study is a detailed examination of one setting, or one single subject, or one single
depository of documents, or one particular event.

Next, (Stenhouse, 1985 in Wellington in 2000: 91) also defended the strength of the case
studies in which,

Case study reaches after the restoration of prudence, and also of perceptiveness, the
capacity to interpret situations rapidly and at depth and to revise interpretations in the
light of experience.

In addition, this method also provides an opportunity for researchers to assess individual
or a unit in detail. In addition, researchers may also find something different, which is
important in improving a particular subject (Ary 2002).

Refer to this study involving six students as a respondent, the case study method is well
suit for use in this study with the hope of the respondents to respond honestly on ... ... the
validity of information is contigent on the honesty of the Respondent (Mertens,

This study was largely qualitative nature. This qualitative research study will answer the
question in this study. The methods that are will be used are observation and interview
techniques to analyze whether the Year Six students have their own learning styles, and
whether the Year Six students having problems in the selection of appropriate learning
styles in their education field?According to Amir Hasan DAWI (1999) information on the
qualitative research results should be recorded during or immediately after the field work
carried out. This is mainly to prevent researchers such as 'forgot' to new information
obtained. Analysis can be helped by the use of charts, tables, graphs, diagrams,
transcripts and so forth.

3.3 Respondent

In selecting the sample, respondents consist of 39 primary school students in one of the
Pudu Zone SK school in, Kuala Lumpur .. Of the 39 students, six students of three boys
and three girls from Year Six students selected to be interviewed.

3.4 Data Collection Methods and Procedures

The study is qualitative and largely shaped the research instrument used consists of a
questionnaire method, observation and interviews (Refer to Table 3.1). In such case, the
researchers make five times the spontaneous observation of the student movement.
Observation form was also provided by the researchers to easily observe the class. In
addition, interviews were also have two meetings with students during this study to
gather information.

Table 3.1


Research Question
Research Instrument
Are the Year Six students having their own Questionnaire

learning styles?
How are the learning styles among Year Six Observation 1,2,3,4,5

Are the Year Six students facing problems in Observation 1,2,3,4,5

choosing their own suitable styles?

According to Table 3.1 above, the researchers will be using questionnaires to answer the first
research question..Meanwhile, to answer the second research question, the researchers uses
observation techniques 'natural' or spontaneous five times against the student movement. In the
meantime, researchers using observation and interview techniques twice to answer the third
research question.

By using the methods and procedures as the data collection (See Table 3.1), then the selected
respondents will provide the information required in this study. As stated by Brown & Dowling
(1998:68) that,

The researcher can ENHANCE response rate by more closely supervising the administration of
the questionnaire or becoming more personally involved in its distribution and completion.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

Research instrument chosen by the researchers then consists of a questionnaire.

According to Mohd. Majid Konting (1998), the questionnaire can be used in research
studies involving large populations because it is more practical and effective. The
ability to use a sample survey will start to improve the accuracy of estimates of
sample statistics to estimate population parameters, thereby reducing sampling error.
In this study researchers used a questionnaire that has been modified from Richards
(1994). Researchers have also made some modifications because the items in the

questionnaire have the same goal even if the original questionnaire in the form of
Likert scale questionnaire.

3.4.2 Observation

A total of five observations made by researchers in this study. These observations are will be
conducted in class or school resource centers during the respondents involved in teaching and
learning process. Through these observations, the researchers can determine whether students
have their own learning styles and see to what extent students have difficulty in selecting
learning styles.

In the meantime, researchers will use the Observation Guidelines for each student in making
observations. So, the researchers made the observation based on guidelines which have been
prepared in advance. Experience makes the observations of teaching sessions are usually
stimulate observers to gain experience for a particular teaching approach or even an episode
(Loughran, 1996:8).

According to (MacKinnon, 1989a in Loughran, 1996), the observation of teaching in a classroom

environment that is conducive to a relationship of value. Thus, the data obtained as a result of
this observation, a more systematic, review its own practices and stimulate a better view, or 'see
better'. As stated by (Eisner, 1988 in Hughes, 1991:98) ... .. By 'see,' I mean observing and
attempting to make sense of what is observed. It is to attempt to generate meaning by attending
actively to the primacy of experience. After the observation of teaching sessions, researchers can
obtain important information to answer the research question.

3.4.3 Interviews

Interview technique was chosen as one of the tools in this study because this technique is a
process used to increase the understanding of a person to interpret and give meaning to
experience in life (Bogdan & Biklen, 1982). According to (Patton, 1990 in Wellington 2000:79)
says that,
The fundamental principle of qualitative interviewing
is to provide a framework within Utara respondents
can express THEIR own understanding in THEIR own terms.

Research instrument chosen by the researchers consists of an interview. Interview technique will
be carry out twice, that is the first time before the lesson. The second interview, at the time after
the lesson. Both interviews are estimated to be about 20 minutes each session.

Interviews will be carried out according to the interview protocol which consists of the following

(i) Did you review the lessons taught by your teacher?

(ii) How do you review your lessons?
(iii) Do you have your own learning style?
(iv) Have you ever encounter problems or difficulties in solving a problem in your lesson?
(v) If yes, specify how you would solve the problem?

3.4.4 Analysis of Data

Data will be obtain from three sources : questionnaire, observation and interviews. Data obtains
from these three sources of quantitative and qualitative analyze, to identify the categories based
on the question of the study. While the process of data analysis is done inductively.

3.4.5 Validity and Reliability

Validity and reliability of this study is determined by the triangulation of three sources of
questionnaires, observations and interviews. Data will be revise with respondents to ensure that
there is validity and reliability. In addition, researchers themselves will be involving in data
collection, so that the validity and reliability study will remains.

3.5 Conclusion

Survey techniques, observation and interviews were the three most important techniques in the
study of meaningful and effective learning. All three of these approaches will determine whether
the Year Six students have their own learning styles. Next, the researchers will also get the
information to identify learning styles practiced by the Year Six students. In addition, researchers
also will identify the problems faced by Year Six students in the selection of learning styles in
their education field.



Learning style is an effort that is required by each student as this aspect is very important in
improving students academic excellence. In this chapter, researcher will summarize the findings
that have got throughout the questionnaire that are given to the students. With these findings, the
researcher can easily identifying the learning styles among his/her Year Six students. This study

also answers questions such as how and what are the most favorite learning styles of Year Six
students in primary school. To answer these questions, the researchers gather required data
through questionnaires which were distributed to 39 students in Year Six and observation
techniques with six students that are picked at randomly. They consist of the students that are
having problems in their studies. But as a final data that are going to summarized by the
researcher, she use the findings from the questionnaire to do the analysis.


This study is has been carried out in Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Midah 1,Cheras,Kuala
Lumpur.The chosen respondents are from Year Six students. They are 39 of them with different
gender, background and race.

Table 4.1: Sample of the respondents











Table 4.2: Background of the sample according to their race













Researchers have collected data through questionnaires to 39 students of Year Six. The
questionnaires contain of questions that have been mix up and students need to answer it
according to their logic. The questions in the questionnaire contain the criteria of the six chosen

learning styles. The questions also been numbered up in mix order and not according to the
specific criteria that are in specific learning style. The overall findings are shown below in
percentage that is concluded based on the students answer.

Learning Styles Among Year 6 Students

The findings from this survey show that most preferred learning style by Year Six primary school
students is learning in groups. It includes the highest frequency of 83% of them and only 17% do
not agree. In view of these, researchers showed that primary school Year Six students especially
in rural areas prefer learning in groups to enable them to share problems and can help and assist
each other in resolving the difficulties in the learning process. Problem solving in a group chosen
because the students were more familiar with each other for a long period of six years and they
are under the impression that their partners can solve their problem and not a teacher. The
findings also show that only 17% of respondents do not agree with the study group. This may be
due to students' learning styles, which tend to learn another style.
Researcher also found that 77% of primary school Year Six children chose the auditory learning
style in which this style emphasizes learning styles such as recall information, give guidance
verbally, dialogue, discussion, problem solving by means of discussion and use rhythm and

sound in the learning process. The findings also concluded that 23% of students do not agree
with this auditory form of learning styles. This difference clearly shows that the students also
choose a different learning style and adapt to their current teaching and learning process done.
Next, the researcher can conclude that 74% of students have chosen the two shaped kinesthetic
learning styles. Learning styles requires students to adopt particular ways of learning such as
engaging in active learning, face difficulties in the longer term and more on learning the
movements. Students found such a fun learning while moving limb and do physical
activities. The student is also very active in the classroom. They should be given due attention by
teachers to provide activities that challenge the mind and not boring. Researcher also found that
26% of students are not fond of these kinesthetic learning styles.
Although group learning style, auditory and kinesthetic is favored by many primary school Year
Six students, however, the findings also showed that 69% of the students have learning styles in
the form of 'visual'. The students in this group is a highly enthusiastic and fun to learn, like to see
and hear what the teacher tells, interact face to face, like to read book, always welcome feedback
and are more likely to use the checklist to organize their visual thinking. However, it is not a
learning style that is owned or favored by primary school Year Six students.
Learning style touch 'tactile', comprising 67% agree and 33% do not agree. This learning style
requires a student to use writing and drawing to remember things, they also like to make the
project and do experiments on something the findings also concluded that students in this group
would love the science and life skills. Both of these subjects require skill and attention to
complete a task. These students have learning styles accommodators. These people also prefer
to have the perception of concrete information only and the process by making an active trial and
Learning style the least popular and most students owned by the Year Six primary schools
students in rural areas is studied individually. It only covers 28% agree compared with 72%
disagrees. This finding clearly indicates the individual learning style is not liked by primary
school Year Six students in particular. Individual learning style requires a student considering the
facts without any interference, more importance on comfort and personal matters or we call it
We can conclude that many primary school students love the style of learning. Hence, a
systematic planning can be done by the school to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom
with students participation in a group or group learning. In addition, teachers also need to
diversify methods or approach that is commensurate with students' learning styles that students
in particular can gain benefits from their own learning style to the maximum level
and be proud of it.
Findings from the observation (in order to answer the research questions).
Researcher has selected a total of six Year Six primary school students. They consist of three
girls and three boys from year Six. Further research using observation form of five times had

done. A total of five observations were done by researcher on each respondent by using the
observations form in which researcher observe and record all the details on the spot.
Observations found that these six students from the S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6 have its own
learning style. The results also show that the three students, namely S1, S5 and S6 studying
auditory learning style where students are more interested in how to learn verbal skills which
involve listening and speaking. These students are more inclined to speak and talk to get the
information conveyed by the teacher.
As a result of further observations made by researcher, it was found that all three of these
students participate more actively in discussions and be more extroverts (Observation 1 to
5). This explains that all of the three students are practice auditory learning styles. We can
categorize these students as "Innovative Learner". Innovative students saw something
meaningful personally and during the learning process. This is clear where the three students
interested to interact with each other and work together, especially in group discussions. This
learning style is suitable for primary Year Six school students because it is consistent with the
objectives of the National Education Philosophy which emphasizes the development of
individual potential as a whole to produce individuals who balanced, harmonious, competent and
innovative. S5 is to lead the discussion and work hard in finding a solution. While S6 also raised
his voice during the discussion that the discussion became more heated in the noise. In the
second observation, S1 and S5 are creating a learning environment full of joy which forms the
positive social interaction (observation 2). Therefore, S6 is good in cooperation among team
members. In the meantime, students are also trying to create meaning in learning and want to
form a perfect world (Observation 1 - 5) meanwhile, another two students S2 and S4 more
emphasis on learning style in graphics, especially in computers, maps, graphs, charts, pictures,
cartoons, concept maps and so on. Attention and focus of these students is to use a computer and
are interested in graphics that can be generated in the computer. As a result of observation
techniques, the researcher found both these students learn and reflect in silence, but learn through
video and computer graphics to be shown by teachers in the classroom. This proves that both of
these students have a unique learning style that is visual learning style.
From the point of observation, the students from this group found its review exactly what they
are doing in class. They also focus on any information obtained from teachers from different
angles and understand the various views. This was evident in all the observations made by the
In addition, the findings from all the observations also reflect the research on learning styles
among S2 and S4 in detail. On the whole observation, S2 and S4 express their interest in
covering aspects of the pictures and the visual-visual attractive and also to focus on what the
teacher need to convey. The findings of the observations show that both these students learn and
make a record.
In addition, the S4 is not ignoring the facts in the passage, but focuses on the diagram and
labeled. In this research can be concluded that the S2 and S4 are practicing visual learning styles
which help students recall what they have learned to be considering in the findings.
In such event, the findings from the observation of S3, can conclude that this is a student who is
very active and always on the move physically. This becomes apparent that this S3 practice

kinesthetic learning style where students are more interested in the move from one table to
From observation 2, the researcher can conclude that the S3 is a 'Dynamic Learner' even though
at the beginning of the observation, a little confused by the style of research study because S3
does not show any learning style but moved around the classroom. Sometimes, these students
disrupt with other students. After that, the student S3 took a book and read it for a while and then
keeps it in the bag and remained silent. The observation of this student research revealed about
the various behaviors of primary school Year six students in the class. At this stage, researcher
seems confused and unable to make judgments related to learning style.
To identify the learning styles possessed by students in the final third, researchers have tried to
examine all the observations that have been made against him. In this case, the findings from two
observations have shown little insight into learning styles S3. S3 indicates an active involvement
in activities that involve physical movement, especially when conducting experiments and
demonstrations. In addition, the S3 is able to judge a person by reaction and make the synthesis
of a variety of sources.
In conclusion, all the students S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6 do have their own learning styles in
learning. The findings explain the S2 and S4 is a practicing of Visual Learning Styles while S1,
S5 and S6 have their own unique learning styles that is auditory Learning Styles. S3 is at an early
stage that a lack of understanding of learning styles also shows a learning style that involves
physical movement of Kinesthetic Learning Style. This is clearly evident that the S1, S2, S3, S4,
S5 and S6 do and have their own learning style. Different learning styles do not mean that the
students are difference in their ability. A learning style refers to the preferred strategies and
techniques used by individuals during the study. This involves the tendency of individuals to
observe and process information, rather than learning skills. Typically, people differ in the way
they like to learn, so they can use or modify the different learning styles. It is possible that
students who have the same level of intelligence but a different learning style will get the
achievement, which may differ even though in the same situation.
The findings make it clear that all these students have difficulty in selecting an effective learning
style. In addition, the researcher also identified several factors that influence the learning styles
of these students. Factors that influence students' learning styles are comprised of past learning
experiences, cultures and communities in the region.

CHAPTER 5gfdyhnbvn
5.1 Introduction

This chapter includes summary findings of the study and discussion of the findings, conclusions
and implications of the research study. At the end of the chapter will be given some suggestions
for further research that can be explored by researchers in the future.
5.2 Summary of Findings
This study was largely qualitative. The data were collected through a questionnaire to determine
whether primary Year Six school students have their own learning style, while the observation
technique was used to identify learning styles as practiced by the Year Six students of primary
schools. Interviews were also used by researchers to see how primary school students face
problems in selecting learning style.
This study was conducted in a primary school located in rural areas. A total of 39 Level Two
students involved in this study. The researcher also chose a total of six students from three males
and three females for interviews.
Learning styles is a set of personal characteristics that influence how a person receives, collects
and processes information. In addition, (Ellis, 1985 in Richards, 1994:138) has said that learning
style is a consistent way in which a person receives, create concepts, organize, manage and recall
"....... a learning style as the more or / less consistent way in Which a person perceives,
conceptualizes, organizes and recalls information ..... "
In the classroom, students have different learning styles. The difference in the learning style is
caused by differences in the each individual themselves which are related to cognitive styles and
learning styles (Gregory& Ward, 1977). In addition, the learning styles among the students were
also influenced by genetic factors which are inherited, and learning experiences, cultures and
communities in the region.
In the meantime, Dunn and Dunn (1994) has categorized four types of learning styles. There are
learning styles of auditory, visual, kinaesthetic and touch. McCarthy (1979) was categorized into
four types of learning styles. That is innovative, analytics, discussion and dynamic
discretion. Given the perception of Dunn &Dunn Learning Styles Model and the conceptual
framework of McCarthy did have a relationship with each other and only differ in the
terminology of both researchers in identifying appropriate learning styles among Year Six
primary school students.
In this research study, it will examine how the learning styles of Year Six students in primary
school, whether they have their own learning style and did the primary school Year Six
students are facing problems in the selection of learning styles to suit themselves. The findings
result from the techniques of observation and interview, explained that most of the students only
learn to understand style while the other half less exposure on learning styles. This research also
identifies the types of learning styles practiced by the students of this school. Researchers found
that primary school Year Six students have different learning styles which consists of Learning

Styles of Auditory, Visual, Kinaesthetic, and touch 'tactile' (Dunn and Dunn, 1994). In addition,
researchers also found that primary school Year Six students have learning style that is
innovative learning, analytics, discussion and dynamic discretion (McCarthy, 1979). Learning
styles among students is different from each other because people often differ in how they
learn. So, they use or modify the different learning styles.
5.2.1 Distinctive Learning Styles of Year Six Primary School Students
Own learning style among Year Six primary school students are identified through a
questionnaire that was adapted from Richards (1994). In addition, Perception Learning Style
Model Dunn and Dunn, (1994) were also used in identifying the learning styles of these
students. The results showed that these students tend to learn in a group which this study showed
that the highest frequency of 83%. While kinaesthetic learning styles among the Year Six
primary school students showed less than 74% of . The findings also pointed out that 77% of
primary school students choose the form of auditory learning style which emphasizes aspects
such as recall information, give verbal guidance, dialogue, discussion, problem solving and use
rhythm and sound in the learning process (Dunn and Dunn, 1994). Kinaesthetic learning style
was also practiced by the Year Six students of primary schools by 74% in which students actively
involved and demonstrate physical movement in learning (Dunn and Dunn, 1994).
In addition, visual learning style was also practiced by the students. The per cent of this style is
69%. The researchers found that students with visual learning style, showcases the spirit and fun
to learn. They also like to hear what the teacher tells during the teaching and learning process
(Dunn and Dunn, 1994). Learning styles that require students to use writing and drawing to
remember things and like to make a project and an experiment is a touch and tactile style and
frequency indicated by the study is 67%. In addition, primary school Year Six students that
practice their own learning style is only about 28% of which are suitable for students who like to
The finding shows clear that primary school Year Six students have their own learning style.
Students will also practice a variety of learning styles in teaching and learning activities. It can
be concluded that primary school students have different learning styles, but learn in the group is
the most famous style among the students.

5.2.2 The Learning Styles that are practised by Primary School Year Six Students
Learning style among primary school Year Six students are identified based on the conceptual
framework of McCarthy (1979) and Learning Style Model of Dunn and Dunn (1994). The
findings of three students from S1, S5 and S6 showed that they study according to auditory
learning style. They prefer to hear the discussion and teacher-directed (Dunn and Dunn, 1994).

Based on learning style in the Model of Dunn and Dunn (1994),shows that S1, S5 and S6 which
prefer learning in auditory style are classified as innovative. Students who have this learning
style to be someone who is innovative and serious while learning. These students prefer in
discussion activities. They are able to look more carefully, and act in innovative means.
While S2 and S4 also have a visual learning style which is more focused on the use of computers
and a slideshow. These students are more inclined to describe a piece of information through
graphics, charts and illustrations (Dunn and Dunn, 1994). To identify the learning style that is
owned by S3, researchers found that students' learning style is a bit vague to identify. But as the
movement of S3 in which the student is active and constantly moving physically while learning
and experimentation and demonstration, the researchers concluded that the S3 has a kinaesthetic
learning style as described by Dunn and Dunn (1994). Meanwhile, McCarthy (1979) also
categorize this student as a dynamic student.
The findings of the researcher explained that primary school Year Six students have different
learning styles. Even though they practice a variety of learning styles, but learn in the group is
the most favourite style compared with other learning styles, especially when solving the tasks
given by teachers in the classroom.
5.2.3 Problems Faced by Primary School Year Six Students in Learning Style Selection
The problems that are faced by primary school Year Six students in the selection of learning
styles is based on the past learning experiences, cultures and communities. In the meantime, the
findings clarify S1, S5 and S6 with auditory learning style, at first it difficult to determine a fixed
learning styles and effective. The trio was found to be learned according to the mood of each
moment where S1 sat and watched his book and moves to S5. Here S1 and S5 is in discussion
and completing several tasks. S6 is heading to the S1 and S5 as well join them. This illustrates
the three students facing problems in the selection of learning styles. In the meantime, the
findings also explains S3 with a kinaesthetic learning style, also face many obstacles in choosing
their own learning style.
With these, researchers concluded that primary school Year Six students are facing problems in
selecting appropriate learning styles themselves. However, after they were given an overview of
In conclusion, the element of learning style is a very important aspect in the learning
process. This aspect should be emphasized at the primary school. Individuals who understand
their learning styles will be able to control the cognitive activities well and be more positive
towards learning as well as better academic potential (Keefe, 1991).
5.3 Conclusion and Research Implications

Based on the description and the findings, it is clear that learning styles play an important role in
helping students to improve and enhance their learning. In addition, researcher also recognize
that students have different learning styles with each other. With this case, students cannot select
the learning style that suits them. They are also less familiar to accommodate the learning styles
of learning. Therefore, the main problem faced by the teachers and students at the school today
to enhance teaching and learning potential due to a lack of understanding about the importance
of learning styles in shaping the teaching and learning activities more effectively. The teachers
lesson plans based on annual and daily lesson plan is not likely to provide opportunities for
students to learn according to their own learning style. Although the emphasis of learning in
KBSR is emphasized on the use of teaching aids and learning in groups, but are not an overall
effect of the students in their learning process. This is likely due to the distribution of students
into groups according to their abilities and learning styles are not based on the students. For
example, a student who is placed with the weak students will show a difference if the students
can be guided by the approach or learning style that suits it. Instead, a smart student who may be
experiencing recession if the approach used by the teachers are different in style study.With indepth study of this phenomenon, it can provide an understanding of learning styles so that it can
improve and enhance the learning styles towards the enhancement of learning potential.
5.4 The proposals
The Ministry of Education Malaysia urged to formulate lesson plans that teachers are focusing
on in-depth knowledge of different learning styles of each student. This is important because
knowledge of learning styles will be able to motivate teachers to provide materials that are
effective, interesting teaching aids and teachers are able to adopt different teaching strategies in
attracting students to learn.
The school must also provide in-house courses as often as possible to expose the teacher about
the learning styles of pupils. In this way teachers can use teaching methods and strategies that are
appropriate. The school also can provide angles constructive learning in the school to allow
students access to the materials found in the centre. This will give space and opportunity for
students to learn with their own style. At the same time they also need to be supervised by a
teacher in their learning. Diversity of learning materials or media are also able to attract students
to use these learning corners more effectively.
Teachers should be constantly creative and innovative in his/her teaching. The teacher must
know his/her students' learning styles and always disclose to their learning effectiveness by
understanding their(the students) own learning style. For this, teachers need to be disclosed in
detail on all aspects of learning styles by providing in-service courses for specialization in
learning styles. This intimate knowledge will encourage the teachers to prepare lesson plans and
capable of systematic teaching and make thelearning process effectively.
5.5 Suggestions for Future Research

This study was conducted in a rural primary school located inZon Pudu.Number of samples used
are small. In the future, this kind of the study need to be carry out in the town or city schools so
that an understanding of learning styles among teachers and students can be maximized. The
study should also be made with a whole that consists of several primary schools with a larger
sample to obtain more accurate results. In this case, the contribution of ideas and views of the
subjects very much needed.
In addition, future research also suggested to cover several aspects of the model and other
learning styles for effective exposure to the selection of learning styles by students and teachers
to plan learning styles of different students and different styles among the students in the
5.6 Conclusion
Research clearly shows that students' learning styles among Year Six students in primary schools
is very important in helping students to enhance and improve their learning. With the information
transmitted from this research, it is hoped that teachers understand the learning styles of students
and provide appropriate teaching plan for them. Among the steps that can be done by the teacher,
a teacher must hold activities in group. The students are placed into several groups according to
the different learning style. Teachers will provide certain activities, exercises and so on according
to their learning style. Before students are placed into their group, an initiative was undertaken
In addition, teachers can have a variety of activities to provide opportunities for students to carry
out different activities. Teachers can conduct the class in groups and in turn, a group moved to
another group to carry out different activities.
In addition, teachers also need to provide the titles in the form of independent learning. The
teacher allows the students choose their own topics and activities related to them according to
their own learning style. In the process of preparing lesson plans, teachers are always moving
from easy to difficult, from the concrete to the abstract. In this way, students will have no
difficulty in choosing their learning style. In this case, teachers need to use many examples,
tools, teaching aids, orally or in the writing, repetition and drills, and others in cooperative
learning lessons. This indirectly will benefit students with their unique learning styles.

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Tick (/) the form while researcher does the observation




















Active and enjoyable

Face to face and refers to book
Able to receive opinions
Usage of lists to think


Memorize verbally
Dialogue, discussion
Solving problems in discussion way
Usage of sound and rhythm


Active participation
Facing long term difficulties
More movement
Usage of writing and drawing in memory
Project and demonstration


Dunn & Dunn Perceptual Learning Style Model 1994



Tick (/) the form while researcher does the observation


Observation 1

Observation 2

Observation 3

Observation 4









A -



Focus on meaning
Focus on value of learning
Accept social interaction
Live in comfortable world


More on facts
Reflective and patient person
Need to know important facts


Appreciate valuable aspects

Straight forward and more practical
Make things happened


Looking forward for possibilities

Evaluate things from response
Making synthesis from information
Caring and likes challenges

Framework of McCarthys (1980) Four Learning Styles



: 02 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Always do revision in Mathematics.

How do you do your revision?

-While watching television and listening to

the music.
-Do extra exercises.
-Memorize notes.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Individual study.
-Any suitable place.
-Can study in a noisy place.

Do you faced any problem in solving

difficulties in your lesson?

-Yes. In Mathematics, Science and English.

Do not understand the meanings.

How you solve these problems?

-Use logical thinking.

-Ask help from the subject teacher.



: 09 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes, sometimes.Do revision in Mathematics,
Science and English.
-Always do revision in Maths.
-Do revision after school and at night.

How you do your revision?

-While watching television and listening to the

-Do extra exercises and memorize the notes.
Do revision about one hour and alone.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Got. Individual study. Like to do exercises and

-For Science, like to read notes.

Do you face any problem in solving

your problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions, less

reading, uncomfortable place to study and
disturbance from my brother.

How you solve these problems?

-In a logic way.

-Ask father to buy more reading articles.
-Seek some helps from the teacher and friends.



: 03 MAY 2012




: 11.00-11.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Do revision in Mathematics, Science and

How you do your revision?

-Read notes, do exercises while listening to the


Do you have your own learning style?

-Always do outdoor reading.

Do you face any problem in solving

any problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Didnt understand the questions, meaning

of the words.

How you solve these problems?

-Consult with family members. Ask friends and

-Buy extra books.



: 10 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Always do revision at night. Feel more
comfortable especially in Mathematics,
Science, and English.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises in various books, do

revision in the room. Like to draw, listen to the
song. Likes to talk and do discussion.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. Like to study in open place. Use

dictionary while study English.
-Mathematics. Like to memorize multiplication
and do extra exercises.

Do you face any problem in solving

any problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions. Less

reading articles.
-Likes to study at night.

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to the notes. Ask help from sister and

friends. Sources from others.



: 04 MAY 2012




: 11.00-11.45 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Always do revision in English and

How you do your revision?

-Do revision while listening to the radio, do

calculation and write extra notes.

Do you have your own learning style?

-I like to study with friends.

Do you face any problem in solving

any problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the meanings,

multiplication, Science and difficult to do

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to the dictionary, do extra execises.Ask

help from family members, friends and teacher.



: 11 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Always do revision in English and
Mathematics because Im weak in those

How you do your revision?

-Do revision while listening to the radio, do

group discussion with friends. Take notes and
do extra exercises.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. I like to study in a quite place.

-Read and do extra exercises.

Do you face any problem in solving

any problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions. Good

learning environment. Faced problems in
Science because many facts and inferences.

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to the notes, family members and

-Enough of references and reading articles.



: 14 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Always do revision in Mathematics.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra execises, read note books and extra

reference book.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. I like to study in a quite place.

-Do extra notes while reading.

Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions.

-Cant answer the Maths and English

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to my brother and sister.

-Refer to the notes and ask my friends.
-Discuss with my teacher and friends.



: 16 MAY 2012




: 11.00-11.45 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Got do revision. But not everyday. Always do
revision in English and Maths because do not
understand the meaning and the works.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises, read note books and extra

reference book.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. I like to study in a quite place.

-Do extra notes while reading.

Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions.

-Cant answer the Maths and English

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to my family members and teachers.

-Refer to the notes and ask my friends.
-Discuss with my teacher and friends.



: 18 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes.Sometimes.Not everyday.
-Just do revision in Mathematics, Science and

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises, read note books and extra

reference book and try to answer the questions.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. I like to study alone without any


Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes and got. Difficult to understand Maths,

Science and English.

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to my family members and teachers.

-Refer to the notes and ask my friends.
-Discuss with my teacher and friends.



: 22 MAY 2012




: 11.00-11.45 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Always do revision important subjects
like English, Science,Maths and BM because it
is difficult to understand the questions.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises, read note books and extra

reference book. Less reading articles.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. I like to do notes while reading. Study in

a quite place. Less interruption while studying.

Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes and got. Difficult to understand Maths,

Science and English. Could not understand the
questions and the words.

How you solve these problems?

-Refer to my family members and teachers.

-Refer to the notes and ask my friends.
-Ask my parents to buy extra reference books.



: 25 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Always do revision in BM and English.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises, read note books and extra

reference book.
-Read the notes that given by the teacher.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. Sometimes I do individual study while

listening to the radio, watching television.
-Like to study in group.

Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes and always. Problems in Maths,English.

How you solve these problems?

-Ask help from my brother, friends and teacher.

- Buy extra books.



: 29 MAY 2012




: 10.00-10.30 AM





Do you revise the lesson that your
teacher taught?

-Yes. Always do revision in BM and English
for better understanding.

How you do your revision?

-Do extra exercises, read note books and extra

reference book.
-Read the notes that given by the teacher.
-Do short notes.

Do you have your own learning style?

-Yes. Study while listen to the radio.

-Peaceful environment.

Do you face any problem in solving

problems in your lesson?

-Yes. Do not understand the questions, facts

and the meaning.
-Less reference books and very hard to get it.

How you solve these problems?

-Ask help from my brother, friends and teacher.

- Ask my sister to buy extra reference books.


This questionnaire is to gather informations related to the learning styles among Year Six
RESEARCH PURPOSE ONLY. You are required to answer honestly.
Based on the scale given, please circle only one answer honestly.

I be able to complete many exercises while doing

with my friends together.


I can more concentrate while learning in a group.


I be able to do more exercises in the classroom

with my friends.

I feel comfortable if the teacher writes more on

the board.

I can easily understand if my friends help me in the


I can easily remember the lesson in the classroom

rather than read it alone.


I can easily remember if I read the instructions.


I can easily understand if I do short notes for certain


I can easily understand if the teacher explains the



I can easily understand if I study alone.


I easily understand if I do any project for my class.


I find it interesting if I do practical for any topics.




I easily understand with teachers instructions.

I feel comfortable learning and doing something
In the classroom.


I easily understand if I learn while doing drawing.


I easily understand if the teacher explains in the


I like to do practical if I learn something


I can easily understand if I participate in a role

play or any activities.


I can easily understand if I listen to a game or



I enjoy doing exercises in a small group with 2 or 3



I learn more if I invent something.


I like to learn with my other friends.


I learn easily if I listen to other people.


I like to do something for my class.


I learn easily if do activities in a classroom.


I find it easy if I learn alone in calm situation.


I like to learn in a group discussion.


I like to read text books rather than listen to the

teachers explanation.


I like to learn in a small room rather than in a open



I easily understand if I take simple notes.


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