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Time: 1:40

Duration: 35 Minutes

Lesson Plan
Teacher: Marissa Weidner
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Stauffer
School: Tyson-Schoener Elementary School


The Underground Railroad: On The Plantation

State Standard
8.1.3.A: Identify fact, opinion, multiple points of view, and primary sources as related to historical events;
8.3.3.B: Identify and describe historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to United States history;
8.3.3.D: Identify and describe how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history and
development of the US
Lesson Objective(s)/Desired Result:

The students will be able to apply their knowledge and

understanding of the Underground Railroad through class
discussions and written work.

Assessment Evidence:
Formative: Collect the students timelines and check
for correctness.
Summative: No summative assessment for this

Getting Started:
____ Go over homework:
__x_ At board
__x_ Orally at seats
__x_ Collect
____ Teacher check at seats
__x_ Review concepts

Lesson Content

Review the KWL chart from the previous day with the students about the
Underground Railroad.
Ask students what they remember about it.
Then review the concepts of fact and opinion.
Introduce the simulation to students.
New Lesson:
Tell them that we are going to go through the entire experience of the
Underground Railroad.
Lesson Style:
____ Lecture / notes
We are going to start by learning more about what it was like to be on the
____ Demonstration
__x_ Class discussion
Go to the website and begin the simulation. Remind students that they should be
looking for facts about plantation life as a slave.
____ Individual seatwork
__x_ Group seatwork
Click on each icon and listen to each part being read.
____ Computer work
Ask students questions after each reading and have them explain in their own
words what happened.
____ Read aloud in class
____ Project
Have them whisper to a neighbor what they are learning as you continue to go
through each icon.
____ Share strategies or ideas
__x_ Review activity
After you have gone through the entire plantation simulation, ask students to
quietly think about what it would have been like if they were a slave on a
____ Quiz or test
____ Video/DVD
____ Other
Ask questions like: Would you have liked to get up at 4:00 in the morning to start
working? Would you have liked to live in a house, no bigger than this classroom?
Then have them share some facts that they have learned by going through the
simulation. Write their responses on the board.
Give them some time to draw/write in their journals about todays simulation.
After having a class discussion, hand them their homework and explain the
Tell them that tomorrow they are going to learn what it was like to escape!
Online Simulation
Whiteboard Marker
Weebly Site ( )

For student F, who doesnt speak English, I will have a classroom assistant translate my instruction if he doesnt understand
what I am asking him to do.

What could I have done differently to make the lesson more engaging and enriching?

Did the students understand the concept that I was teaching them?

The Plantation
Directions: Color the picture of the slaves working on the cotton
farm. Then write one sentence about what it was like working as a
slave. Remember, this should be a fact!

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