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My name is Valencia Sarasti Wijaya, I was born at Jakarta, 14

February 1995. I am the second of three siblings. I have one older

sister and one younger brother. I am currently studying at University
of Indonesia, majoring dentistry. I am very happy to go traveling and
hangout. My daily activities are in the internet world. Especially
when i look for something and learn the things I needed to support
my existence as a personal and social being. A lot of things I found,
many were later forgotten. Not infrequently I get a problem and get
instructions from the internet, but unfortunately all too often I forget
and have to re-search for a similar problem when it comes again. It
certainly is not only detrimental to myself, but also have wasted
opportunities to share with others.
My greatest strength is that I am a frank person. Im also
polite, honest. I work too hard, . I believe in myself. I do my work a
never give up and sometimes im a perfectionst. Patience, having
good interpersonal skill. Then I always read other peoples mind, I
like take my mind into others and take others minds into my mine. I
am able to drift deep in thought and start imagining things basically
anytime. This is strength as this is will be beneficial for me during
long boring lectures in class or when im bored or before sleep.
But when im working on a project, I dont want just to meet
deadline. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of
schedule. And sometimes I used to wait until the last minute to set
appointments for the coming week, but I realized that scheduling in
advance makes much more sense.
English is an important subject to all the entire world because
English being the common language of the world through which we
can communicate and express our own thoughts, ideas,needs and
co-operate with the rest of the world. And also in other words
English is the basic language of all the subject, why because
through the help of English language only we are enable or able to
read and study other subjects or books, without learning English it is

almost impossible to understand or read. So you can learn how to

write and speak properly. This is my expectation for this course .
My future plans to improve my English is I can used my
English language well and speaking English fluenty.

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