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Syllabus/Contract Physics 121: Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism Lecture: Tues 5:30-7:30pm Thur 5:30-8:30pm. Hunter North 1311 Lab: Lab Schedule set by Lab Instructor. Instructor: Kelle Cruz (you may call me “Prof. Cruz" or just “Professor” ) Emall: Office Hours: By appointment on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Course Content This course serves as an introduction ta electricity and magnetism. We will cover electric charge in matter, electric fields, current and resistance, resistors, capaciters, circuits, magnetic fields, and optics Required Materials 1} Online Materials: WileyPlus bitplledugen wileyplus. com/edugen/class/cls438991/ 2) Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics, Vol 2, Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, 10th ed. New, used, eText, traded, rented, etc, 3} Access to the FaceBook Group: ht tp: //t inyurl .com/phys121facebook Needed during cla: 4) Homework solutions 5) Pen/Pencil and paper far working out problems in class 6} Multicolor voting card We Hunter College Physics 121 Syllabus Spring 2015 Course Philosophy & Goals ‘The goal of this course is ta introduce you, at the conceptual and basic problem solving level, with the physics of electricity and magnetism, ‘The approach we will take is this to you leaming the material is this: (1) Read about it (textbook); (21 Untangle it (lectures and discussion); (3) Explore it in class probletns): (4) Challenge yourself (homework); (5) Get better (re-working problems); (6) Demonstrate learning (exams). The order of the above items is very important. Flipped Class | will teach this class "flipped" | will lecture a small amount, but we will use most of the class time to struggle with the problems in small groups. The first time you encounter the new material should be on your own, not in ¢lass. The method is called “Mipped" because you (the students) do the "lecture" bit outside of class and the "homework" bit in class. Active Engagement Students can only leam a limited amount ef information from lecture alone, no matter how clear or entertaining. Therefore, this course makes extensive use of “interactive learning" and “peer instruction” where students engage with their instructor and their classmates in order to work through a concept together. All students are expected to participate in peer instruction and group wark aetivities Grading 20% ‘Cumulative FINAL 40% 3 Exams(lowest dropped) 10% Labs 10% Attendance and Participation 10% | Homeworks (lowest 2 dropped) 10% | Prep Quizzes (lowest 3 dropped) + There is no NO EXTRA CREDIT in this class. + Homework scores are decreased by 50% if tumed in late, no matter haw late. Attendance will be taken approximately once a week at the beginning of class. Latecomers \will be marked as late on days when attendance is taken. + Near perfect attendance and promptness will be awarded with a NASA sticker. Participationis evaluated on effort made both in class and in the FB group. Exam grades will be posted on WileyPlus. If you find a mistake an your posted grades, please contact me as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to uncover and notify me of any errors. 28 Hunter College Physics 121 Syllabus Spring 2015 Exams THREE MIDTERM EXAMS: ‘Thur, Mar 5; Thur, Apr 2; Thur, Apr 30 During regular class time Combination of multiple choice and free response. 2nd exam will include material fram the 1st. FINAL EXAM ‘Tuesday, May 19, 5:20-7:20pm 2 hours Combination of multiple choice and free response. ‘Cumulative, same length as previous exams, shorter time, Testing Rules Closed-book and closed-note. No calculators. Homeworks & Quizzes Quizzes 15 Prep Quizzes, Lowest 3 dropped. Completed on the WileyPLUS website. + Questions on new material ta be cavered in class + Due before class. No late work accepted. Homeworks 10 Homeworks, Lowest 2 dropped. Completed on the WileyPLUS website, Numerical solutians due online before class on Tues. Handwritten analytic solutions due start of class on Tuesday. + Weekly Problem Sets + Online work graded for numerical correctness. + Written work graded based on clarity of presentation. + Late homeworks will be accepted + Grade will be decreased by 50% if completed late, regardless of haw late. + Technological excuses (internet dawn, computer stolen, ete) for late homework will not be accepted. Don't wait until the last minute. + Take advantage of partial credit for late work ‘Tries & Hints + You have 5 tries to get correct answer + No points are deducted for using Hints Lab No grade is given without completion of the lab. If'a student is repeating the course and has completed the lab in a preceding semester, it is not necessary to- repeat the lab: the lab average fram the preceding semester will be used in determining the course grade. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the past grade is communicated to the instructor. a4 Hunter College Physics 121 Syllabus Spring 2015 ‘Course Conduct (Be a conscientious adult.) + Be respectful and minimize use of handheld devices. Return text messages during breaks. Harassment and Disruptive Behavior - Any behaviar that attempts to interfere, or has the effect of interfering, with anyone’s learning, or academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment will not be tolerated. Anything even close to this type of behavior will result in being asked to leave ¢lass and point deductions severely impacting your final grade. ‘Communication Policy ‘The FaceBook group will be our primary means of communication. Farum for discussion amongst yourselves and with the instructor. httpy/tinyurleom/phys121facebook Ask each other first via the FaceBook Group + Post in the group before contacting the instructors. + Ifyou feel you know the answer to-a question posted on the forum, please help out by answering itto the best of your ability Proofread and EDIT all postings and emails before you hit Submit or Send. Include your FULL NAME in emails, Do not expect a prompt response. Emails will be replied to within twa working days. 4/5 Hunter College Physics 121 Syllabus Spring 2015 ‘Course Calendar : Details will be on the Google Calendar: http: // Dates of Midterm and Final are set. Plan your travel aecordingly. Lecture topics listed are tentative. Updated topics and reading assignments will be announced in lecture, on the Facebook group, and on the Google Calendar. Lecture Dates Required Reading ‘Assignment Deadlines [Chaps 21-28: Electric elds, Gauss’ Law, electric potential, capacitance. Homeworks 0-4 Weeks 1-5 Mar 5,Thur Exam #1 on Chaps 21-25 (Chaps 26-30: Currents, circuits, & fields, Week 6-9 induction. Homeworks 5-7 Apr2,Thur |Exam #2 on Chaps 26-30 (Chaps 32-33: Maxwell's Eqns, Week 19-13 EM Waves Homeworks 8-9 Apr 30, Thur |Exam #3 on Chaps 32-33 (Chaps 34-36: Interference, diffraction |Homework 10 [May 19, Tues |Comprehensive FINAL EXAM |5:20-8:20pm Credit/No Credit Option + Ifyou wish to take this course for Credit (for grades A-D) or No Credit (for grades D or F), communicate with the Instructors to be sure you have an accurate gauge of your expected grade. + CredityNo Credit request forms must be submitted on the last day of class or before, Submitting them of the day of the Final is discouraged. + You must take the Final Exam even if you choose ta take the course for Credit/No Credit. No Cheating, Obviously Hunter Callege regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g, plagiarism, cheating on examinations, ebtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious affenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures. 516 Hunter College Physics 121 Syllabus Spring 2015 Use the AccessABILITY Office Use the AccessABILITY Office Please complete Testing Arrangement Forms for all 4 exams (3 Midterms & Final) at the beginning of the semester. In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) and with Section 504 af the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. tis recommended that all students with documented disabilities (Emotional, Medical, Physical and/ or Learning) consult the Office of AccessABILITY lacated in Room £1124 to secure necessary academic aceamimodations. For further information and assistance please call (212: T72-ABSIVITY (212-650- 3230). This Syllabus is a Contract By choosing to stay enrolled in this class, you consent to the terms outlined here. In turn, the Instructors will adhere to these same terms. However, the terms are subject to change with advance notice via lecture and ahnauncements on the FaceBook grou. 66

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