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Any policies established for the Region will exist for one year and then
be reviewed for renewal or elimination at Annual Forum. The revised
document will be distributed to each Chapter prior to the end of the
fiscal year. The retained policies will be renumbered consecutively,
commencing with #2.


The Director will be responsible for the NAWIC banner, flags representing
each state in the Region and any items purchased with Midwest Region
funds. These items will be transferred to the new director on or before
the beginning of the NAWIC fiscal year.


The Director will appoint three (3) Trustees to administer the Midwest
Directors Fund according to the


A gift from the Region will be presented to the outgoing Director at her
final Annual Forum.
Members of the Directors Chapter will be
responsible for soliciting donations from Chapters and purchasing the
gift. Any excess funds collected will be deposited into the Midwest
Region Directors Fund.


All funds of the Region will be handled through a Midwest Region

Treasurer appointed by the Director-Elect. The Director-Elect will also
appoint a Region Secretary. These appointments will be made within 60
days of her election to office. The terms of office will be no more than
two years.


The Region Treasurer will deposit the funds of the Region in an insured
banking institution, and if possible, in an interest-bearing account. This
account will be placed at a location convenient to the Region Treasurer.
This account will be designated as NAWIC Midwest Region and be
known as NAWIC Midwest Region General Fund. Signatory on this
account will be the NAWIC Director, Midwest Region Treasurer and
Midwest Region Secretary.
Two signatures will be required for all
withdrawals. All expenses of this account will be borne by this account.
The balance of this account will be ongoing. A Financial Statement, as of
September 30 each year, will be presented to the Midwest Region
Director by October 31 (or at Annual Planning Conference, if conducted),
and a written report will be provided each Chapter President.
The Federal Identification Number of NAWIC Region 6 will be assigned to
the new Region, and appropriate Change of Name forms will be

submitted by the Region Treasurer. A longstanding member of the

Region will be designated as the permanent addressee for government
mailing purposes; she will forward all correspondence to the current
Region Treasurer.

Region funds may be used as seed capital for regional events or to

provide for deficits from regional meetings.
Funds may be used for
region advertising (at the discretion of the director), an annual
Presidents Retreat and/or Leadership Retreat. It is recommended that
the Fund carry a reserve to allow for any deficits, and if the reserve
exceeds $5,000 it may be used to reduce registration for a regional


At each Annual Forum, the Director will announce the appointment of a

committee to investigate Forum sites (for two years hence) to be
presented at the following Annual Forum for voting. The committee will
consist of a chairman, and three members representing the western,
central and eastern areas of the Region. This committee will hold one
meeting at the Forum where appointed, and will report its choice of
locations to the Director and each Chapter at least thirty days before the
Annual Forum where voting will take place.


Chapters will have the opportunity, at the discretion of the Director, to

sponsor special events at regional meetings, such as the Friday Mixer,
luncheon, or banquet, and will be responsible for raising the necessary
funds. All centerpieces, decorations, and programs at all meals will be
eliminated, unless they are provided at no cost to the members. All
complimentary registrations and room accommodations will be offered
at the discretion of the Director.

10. Annual Forum registration forms will be distributed at least 45 days prior
to the meeting date to each member of the Region. All income and
expenses will flow through the Midwest Region General Fund.
11. An Annual Planning Conference (APC) may be held at the discretion of
the Director. It is recommended that the conference be held at location
within 250 miles of Des Moines, Iowa on a Saturday between the end of
AMEC and the third Saturday in October. The date and location will be
chosen by the Director. All related income and expenses will flow
through the Midwest Region General Fund.
12. A NAWIC member must pay the full registration fee established for any
regional conference (Annual Forum or Annual Planning Conference) in
order to attend business sessions, social functions, or participate in any
business of the conference.
If a chapter is unable to send a
representative to the conference, the chapter is requested to forward the

equivalent of one registration by the registration deadline, as a

sponsorship for the event.
13. Annual Forum and Annual Planning Conference are not intended to be
fundraisers. However, should there be excess monies after all expenses
are paid, these monies will remain in the Midwest Region General Fund.
14. The current Director will be the guardian of the Midwest Region NEF
Ladder Pin. She may wear the pin at NAWIC functions and will be
responsible to exchange it whenever new stones are earned and a new
pin is received from the NEF office. The Pin is transferred to each
incoming Director along with the gavel.
15. The Director has the authority to contract with a webmaster to design
and maintain the Midwest Region website. The Director will approve
content and be responsible for the timely maintenance of the website.
The design cost (not to exceed $400.00) and annual hosting subscription
(not to exceed $150.00) will be paid by the Midwest Region General
16. A line item will be established in the General Fund for prizes for
educational contests.
a. Chapters within the Midwest Region will contribute to this line item.
It is suggested that these contributions be based upon a minimum
of $1.00 per chapter member as of November 1st of each year.
(This is in addition to the $2 per member contribution to the
Midwest Region Directors Fund.) If these contributions do not cover
the cost of prizes, a fund-raiser may be held at a regional event. It
is recommended that this be held at Annual Planning Conference, if
b. Block Kids Contest winners are awarded cash prizes of $100 for 1st
place, $75 for 2nd place, and $50 for 3rd place. CAD/Design Drafting
prizes are $100 for the first place winner in each division.
17. The Midwest Region adopts the policies contained within the NAWIC
Operations Manual to assure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
Act. These include the Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Statement,
Record Retention and Document Destruction Policy, Whistleblower
Protection Policy, Expense Reimbursement Guidelines, and Joint Venture
Policy, where applicable. All chapters within the region are encouraged
to adopt the same policy documents. These changes will be effective
immediately and reviewed and renewed annually thereafter.

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