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This fund has been established in order to assist the Director with
expenses not reimbursed through the NAWIC budget.

The outgoing Director will appoint three (3) Trustees, from three
separate Chapters, to administer the Fund for a two-year term,
coinciding with the next two NAWIC fiscal years. At least one Trustee
must be a past Director or National Officer, and no member of the
Directors Chapter may serve as a Trustee during that Directors term.
A Trustee may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Trustee will serve as Guardian, charged with accounting, maintenance,
and distribution of funds according to the Guidelines. The other
Trustees will serve as auditors and remain available to replace the
Guardian, if necessary. The Director is responsible for appointing a
replacement for any Trustee who is unable to complete her term.

The Trustees will review the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act policies and
statements and sign the appropriate documents at the beginning of
each fiscal year. The originals will be sent to the NAWIC Office and
copies retained in the Fund files.

Contributions will be collected from NAWIC Chapters within the
Midwest Region, in the amount of $2.00 per chapter member as of
November 1st of each year, and may be updated to coincide with new
memberships on a quarterly basis. Contributions to this fund will not
relieve chapters of extending courtesies to the Director when she is
visiting them, or eliminate the standard practice of providing lodging
at Forum and other events. (This is in addition to the $1 per member
contribution to the Midwest Region General Fund.)
The funds will be maintained in an account specifically designated as
Midwest Region Directors Fund. This account will be housed in an
insured banking institution at a location convenient to the Guardian
and, if possible, in an interest-bearing account.
The Guardian and Trustees will serve as signatories, with signatures of
two (2) required for withdrawals over $500.00. The balance of this
account will be ongoing.

Requests for reimbursement will be submitted to the Guardian on a
prescribed form, with supporting documents, within 30 days of the
expenditure. Expenses for social functions or events will not be
Mileage will be reimbursed using the current IRS
allowance. Items of benefit and interest to the Midwest Region may
be purchased with prior approval from the Trustees.
During the Directors first year, expenses (not to exceed $800.00) for
attendance at one out-of-region meeting will be reimbursed. It is
recommended that the director attend an event in a region of a
second year director. Reimbursable expenses include registration,
transportation, lodging and meals not included in the registration fee.
Complete accounting records will be maintained by the Guardian, and
must include chapter names, chapter membership numbers,
contributions received, and disbursements made (with supporting
documents). The Guardian will present a current report at each
regional meeting. Bookkeeping records will be closed on September
30th of each year, and the account balance will be forwarded to the
next year. The incoming Trustees will complete an audit of these
records. A report of this audit will be mailed to each chapter in the
Region. A copy of this audit will be retained in the files of the Midwest
The permanent address of the original Guardian will be used for
federal identification and mailing purposes. This address may be
changed at a later date, if the Region deems it to be necessary.
The Guardian will submit a financial statement at the close of the
fiscal year to the Director and the Region Treasurer. The Midwest
Region Treasurer will include the Fund report with its Form 990 to the
Amendments to these Guidelines may be made at the Annual Forum
by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and eligible to vote,
provided that the proposed amendment has been circulated to the
Chapters at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of that meeting.
In the event of the dissolution of this Fund, any monies remaining
after all outstanding expenses have been paid will be disbursed as
follows: 50% to the NAWIC Education Fund (NEF) and 50% to the

NAWIC Founders Scholarship Foundation (NFSF), as a donation from

the Midwest Region.

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