DARU Advocacy Sector Conversations Forum - Agenda

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Advocacy Sector Conversations

Forum Agenda
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Queen Victoria Womens Centre,
Victoria Room, Level 4,
210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

11:15 11:30

Welcome and introductions

11:30 12:40

Session 1: Safeguarding the rights of people with disability

Violence against people with a disability has recently become a high profile issue in Australia.
Likewise, awareness about violence against women is increasing. As advocates, how can we
respond to violence against women with disabilities?
Jen Hargrave from Women with Disabilities Victoria will chair a discussion on prevention and
response strategies for women with disabilities who have experienced family violence or
sexual assault. Speakers will discuss ways to uphold the rights of women with a disability. A
woman with a disability will talk about her experience of family violence services. We will also
hear from representatives from No To Violence/Mens Behavioural Change, the Womens Legal
Service, Berry Street Family Violence Service, and the Barwon Centre Against Sexual Assault.

12:40 1:40

Lunch and networking

1:40 2:40

Session 2: Developing disability advocacy

Disability advocacy plays a significant role in safeguarding the rights of people with a
disability. Whilst those of us working in the area understand the value and need for
independent disability advocacy, many members of the community are unaware of its vital
role. With the pending roll out of the NDIS and recent announcements about funding of
disability peaks and representative groups, its time for us to showcase the great work we do!
DARU has established a working group to develop a bank of key messages about the value
and role of disability advocacy. Representatives from the working group will take us through
the key messages and launch a media tool kit to be utilised by disability advocacy
organisations operating in Victoria.

2:40 2:50

Stretch break

2:50 3:30

Session 3: Q&A with Office for Disability

Michael Cromie, Manager Strategic Engagement, Office for Disability will provide an update on
changes within the office. This is also an opportunity for people to raise any issues of concern
with the Office for Disability.

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