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Autobiographical Comics


1 Lesson
Papillion La-Vista

South High School

Lesson Overview:
Clay is a fascinating medium that allows the artist to explore and
represent expression and movement by creating texture. Texture is one
of the fundamental elements of art. During this lesson, students will
produce a contemporary comic by developing a big idea, creating a
story, or generating a list. Students will then transfer their
autobiographical comics onto slabs while experimenting with surface

National Visual Arts Standards:

VA:Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of presentday life using a contemporary practice of art or design.
VA:Cr2.1.IIa: Through experimentation, practice, and persistence,
demonstrate acquisition of skills and knowledge in a chosen art form.
VA:Re:7.1.Ia: Hypothesize ways in which art influences perception
and understanding of human experiences. Analyze how ones understanding of the world is
affected by experiencing visual imagery.

Materials and Resources Needed:

Project Description Handout
Big Idea Handout
Comic Frame board template
Gel Pen
Various Clay Tools

Relief Sculptures, Low relief, High relief, Subtractive Decoration,
Additive Decoration, coils, slabs, sprigs, slip, Modeled Decoration, and
Stamped decoration.

Autobiographical Comics


1 Lesson
Papillion La-Vista

South High School

Plan/ Procedures:
Day 1- Introduction to the Project

- I will present the Autobiographical Comic Prezi, advising

students to take notes.
- I will demo the comic template, transfer process, as well as all
of surface design methods.
- Group 1 will then have the rest of the time to develop their big
idea, story, or list. For homework, students will be asked to
draw their finished comic design.
- Group 2 will be preparing their slabs. Each person needs at
least 6, 5 x 5 slabs. All slabs must be 5 tall and can be
smaller or larger than 5 wide. However, the three slabs
added together must equal 15 wide. This will be explained in
detail during the demo.

Day 2 Comic/Slab Preparation

- Group 1 will prepare slabs. Same requirements are needed.

- Group 2 will develop their big idea, story, or list.
- If either group finishes their task, they will finish making their
slabs or finish their big idea, story, or list.
- The sketched comic template will be due the following class
period for a completion grade.

Day 3 Transfer Drawings


I will check student comics and give them a signature when

assignment is completed.
Students will write down their surface design plan on each
Students will then begin transfer process while I check
student comics and give them a signature when they have a
clear design plan.

Day 4-7 Surface Design Process

- Students will be asked to refer to notes. Students will experiment
with various surface design techniques.

Autobiographical Comics


1 Lesson
Papillion La-Vista

South High School

- Students will put holes in the corner so that the comic frames
can be hung and displayed at the end.
- As slabs are finished, students will be told to set them in their
cupboards to become bone dry, then to place them on the kiln
rack for bisque fire.
- Day 7, is the last day for hand building.

Day 8-9 Project put in the cupboard to dry.


Students will glaze boxes and begin to glaze slabs that have
been fired.

Day 10 Glaze Final Slabs

- The final pieces will be glazed and ready to fire.
Day 11 Put Project together.
- Use twine to connect the comic frames so that it is able to hang

on display.
Fill out grading rubric and turn in with project.

Suggested Media and Supplies:

Computer, Prezi, comic strips, and project examples


Language Arts: Writing

Autobiographical Comics


1 Lesson
Papillion La-Vista

South High School

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