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Before you begin you should have completed a range of exploratory research on your topic to truly understand where

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Read and take notes on RELIABLE articles/books/sites... for your issue record your

1. Article link/reference
Climate change & global warming (Article)
- Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing
- huge increase wasnt predicted
- world is warming quicker
- global warming is changing climate patterns
- WWF vision is for the world stop affecting climate change in a negative way

Summary ideas
Basically Global warming is changing the worlds climate patterns at a rate much quicker than we predicted. WWF vision is to do something about this.
They are working to achieve climate safe.

Climate safe includes:

Advocating a new international climate agreement one that is just and legally binding
Promoting energy efficiency the most rapid and cost-effective way to reduce CO 2 emissions
Promoting renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal power
Preventing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation currently responsible for 20% of all emissions
Developing and promoting climate change adaptation strategies to safeguard the most vulnerable people and the most exposed ecosystems.
So they want a climate agreement (something that will stop factories from releasing too much CO2 emission etc), Being more energy efficient ( most
effective way to reduce CO2 emissions), Using renewable energy sources (so it doesnt have a negative effect on the climate), Preventing greenhouse gas
emissions (because it aint good for the climate) and finally developing/promoting climate change strategies.

Origin - WWF and its written by someone in this organisation

Purpose - to make people aware of the situation and to tell them what they are doing about it
Value - it tells us about climate change. its a useful source because wwf is a well known organisation and its site ends with .org which usually means the
website is reliable.
Limitations - I dont think its bias.

2. Article link/reference
Climate communication (Article)

- increase of natural disasters is due to climate change

- New extreme weather is because of humans
- All weather patterns are influenced by climate change
- weather is now in different environments
- 60 years ago highest temperature recorded is now the lowest temperature
- highest temperature now is 2 times for than than the highest 60 years ago
Summary ideas
In this article they talk about how climate change is affecting weather patterns. They mention global warming and how its having an effect on climate
change and then how climate change is causing droughts, floods etc, which is all because of the climate change (actually all because of the humans, this is
happening because of them).
Origin - It was written by a group of people and then edited by another group (list on the website)
Purpose - To make people aware of a huge huge problem that most are oblivious too.
Value - This a good website, i can tell from url since it has .org. It also seems like the info is from a organisation.
Limitations - It might be bias or limited in the way of how its only what organisations says or something like that.

3. Article link/reference
Climate extremes overview (video)
- One of the guys in the videos mentions how we only noticed how climate change once its gotten really bad.
- Climate change has a big impact on us
- There is much more extreme weather now than before
- rapid change of climate is because we have more people on earth (causing the climate to change faster because of all the CO2 emissions etc)
- Droughts are occurring more often because of global warming
- the extra heat cause droughts to be longer lasting
- the extra heat can also cause heat waves
Summary ideas
Talks about how most people wont realise just how bad the climate is until it gets extreme (when it might be too late to change it). its a 3 min video that
explains what's happening with climate change and what factors are bringing it about.

Origin - Couple of scientists talking about the climate (names of each scientist are in the video)
Purpose - to bring understanding to our current climate change problem.
Value - Yes its a good source. the website is legit and the video has scientists in it (real scientists!)
Limitations - It might limited to what scientist says about the situation. there might be more he doesnt know about or maybe info thats confirmed yet.
4. Article link/reference
Climate change will make us ill (website)
- Talks about how climate change can spread diseases quicker
- Professor daniel brooks claims climate change is making us sick
- diseases such as ebola and west nile virus will spread quicker because of climate change

- We can expect new diseases with the change of climate

- the diseases caused by the climate change will pressure our medical resources

Summary ideas
Professor Daniel Brooks claims that climate change will increase the rate people get infected by diseases and it will also also new disease to be created
that will leave us defenseless.
Origin - The guardian written by ellie
Purpose - To tell people about a recent discovery by Professor Daniel Brooks
Value - Its a good website to get info from. its so its legit.
Limitations - it might be bias i'm not really sure. its something only professor daniel brooks claims, no other scientists have said they agree with him.

5. Article link/reference
Climate change & global warming
Scroll down the page for the video at bottom
- Too much greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere
- trapping more heat
- The climate change causes food and water shortages
Summary ideas
In the video they talk about how the types of energy sources we are using arent good for atmosphere which in turn causes the climate to change causing
natural disasters such as droughts, floods and even heat waves

Origin- WWF. the video is done by an individual that is in the organisation or works with them.
Purpose - To make people aware and to get them to change
Value - yes its a valuable source.
Limitations - its not really limited since its just telling us the situation we are in

6. Article link/reference


Summary ideas


7. Article link/reference


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8. Article link/reference


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