Snatch Thief Essay

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As the saying goes Low crime doesnt mean no crime. The police
are always reminding citizens to be vigilant and observant of their
surroundings. Criminals spring up at the most unexpected times and
might take advantage of them. It is mostly the women who are likely to
fall prey to these criminals. Here is a story of a theft that had occurred to
a middle-aged lady.
A few more metres and I will reach the bus stop! convincing
herself as Mrs Gan took another stride. She had just finished her shopping
and was walking to the bus-stop to catch a bus back home. Mrs Gan
almond shaped eyes scanned her surroundings and inched her way
towards the bus-stop she was heading to.
At that juncture, a black motorcycle with two men whizzed out from
nowhere and sped towards a panic-stricken Mrs Gan. As audacious as the
day, the pillion rider lunged forward and grabbed forcefully Mrs Gans
Louis Vuitton handbag. He ripped it off her fiercely. Mrs Gan felt the tug
and held on tightly to it. Her reaction was to scream at the top of her
voice, Help me! A thief is stealing my handbag!
Mr Tan, who was Mrs Gans neighbor, was walking behind her. He
heard Mrs Gans cries for help and like a hero to its victim, rushed to her
aid. As brave as a lion, he swung his mops and brooms, which he just
purchased from NTUC Fairprice smack onto the hapless back of the pillion
rider. In that split second, the thief fell onto the road with a thunderous
thud. Mr Tan rushed over and pinned the snatch thief down. At the same
time, he whipped out his mobile phone and narrated to the police what he
had witnessed.
The police managed to arrive in the nick of time. The thief kicked
violently trying to break free as he was pushed into the police car. On
recovering her Louis Vuitton handbag, Mrs Gan was jubilant and thanked
Mr Tan for his kind help and the police officers for their quick response.
Moments later and Mrs Gan felt her whole body enter a state of calmness

and relaxation as she slumped herself limply onto a nearby bench by the
From their incident, Mrs Gan learnt that she needed to stay vigilant
at all times. Mrs Gan was also glad that she had such helpful neighbours
like Mr Tan, and hoped to befriend more of them. As for the thief, he had
learnt a lesson and that was crime does not pay.

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