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Critical and Historical Studies

Task 1- Henri Matisse

Discuss how Matisse uses colour, shape and pattern is his artworks.
My answer: He used very bright, rich and eye catching colours in his artworks. He
also used very imaginative patterns and soft and elegant lines. I think that his
artworks are a great example of a great still life artworks because of the way he

Task 2- Paul Cezanne

How does Cezanne's artwork Still Life with Apples 1895-98 compare with
traditional realistic still life paintings?
My answer: Cezannes artwork with apples compares with realistic still life paintings
because apples are still, so they are a good example of still life. The painting has
some unrealistic features to it, as they were saying in the video. Some things are that
the apples look like theyre about to fall off the table or there are lots of white patches
showing through the paint.

Task 3- Vincent Van Gogh

How does the video deepen your understanding of Van Gogh's personal world
and life as an artist?
My answer: The video deepened my understanding about Van Gogh because I
learnt a lot of things I did not know about him. In his personal life I did not know that
he was pretty miserable. In his life as an artist, I did no that he became an artist at 27
years old, I thought he was more passionate about art and would of wanted to
become an artist sooner.

Task 4- Still Life-Christian Perspectives

Do you think this world places too much importance upon wealth and material
Yes I do. I think that it doesnt matter how much money someone has or what they
have, we should treat everyone the same.
Why would the focus upon earthly pleasures (or possessions) create an
obstacle in obtaining salvation?
I think it would create an obstacle because youre greedy and putting the centre of
your life on what you own. God wants the centre of your life to be on him so it would
create an obstacle.

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